Tag CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL DECEMBER II, Itfltf. I J WANTED vkal, hogs, mutton, bkkf, chickens, turkeys, duckm, gk.esk, eggs, hides, bitter, ami jackrahr1ts... give 1'8 a trial. highest market prick guaranteed, prompt rk- TCKX8 GULICKSON & CO. Established 1013 100 Front St. Portland, Ore. EASIEST THING IN THE WORLD CALL BLACK 303 FOR LIGHT OR HK IVI TRUCK SEBVIOK Morse Transportation Comp'y PRINEVILLE, OREGON IRELAND'S City Transfer & Express Auto Delivery to all Parts of the City and Vicinity Phone me for quick service at Hugh Lakin's Red 951 I MRS. WHITLOCK . ,,. -J, N Prineville Machine Shop The Best Equipped Machine Shop in this part of the State. We are prepared to handle anything in our . line promptly. Quality of work is the very best. ) PRINEVILLE MACHINE SHOP E. G. Hodson, Proprietor Prineville, - - - - ) Oregon Mr. Brand Whltlock, whole hue band wai recently confirmed ambas sador to Belgium by the senate. AT YOUR SERVICE ! THE SQUARE DEAL SHOE SHINING PARLOR ALL KINDS OP SHOES SHINED. FANCY SHOES A SPECIALTY. SHOES DYED BLACK, BROWN, OR BRONZED. ALSO SUIT CASES AND HAND B AGS CLEANED AND POLISHED. SUIT CASES AND HAND BAGS DYED. SPECIAL SEATS FOR LADIES. Prineville, Allen J. Butler, Proprietor Oregon GRANGE DECLINES LABOR'S INVITATION Grand Rapids, Mich. Through their representatives 600,000 American farm ers and their wives declined to form an alliance with union labor. By an overwhelming vote the national grange in convention here, adopted, in reply to an Invitation extended by Samuel Gompers for a conference, the follow ing resolution: "The national grange declines yonr invitation for a conference in Wash ington December 13." The Gompers letter had been refer red to a committee and after three days' discussion that body reported. Members declared that attendance at any such conference was fraught with peril to the grange. Few voices were heard in support of the invitation and these were from western members. It was brought out by opponents that there was nothing in common between the agricultural interests and organ ised labor. To attend the Washington meeting, it was declared, would be a tacit admission that there were mutual interests. "Nowls theTime to Do It" says the Good Judge Go to real tobacco the small chew with the rich tobacco taste that lasts a long time. It will cost you less to chew than ordinary tobacco. Any man who uses the Real Tobacco Chew will tell you that Put Up In Two Styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco ARE YOU GOING TO BUT A NESS WHY NOT HAVE ONE MADE TO ORDER EXACTLY LIKE YOU WANT IT, OF A 1 LEATHER? BRING YOUR ORDER TO FARRAND'S REPAIR SHOP Prineville, Oregon THE HOME HOSPITAL UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT OUR RATE REASONABLE -CONDITIONS THE VERY BEST MiTthMty CASES SPECIALTY MRS J. F. SHORT and DAUGHTER A Want Ad Gets Results Victory medal approved Secretary- Baker Accepts New York Sculptor's Design. Washington. The design for the "Victory Medal," to be given to every AmeVIean who took part in the world war, was approved by Socretary Baker. James E. Frazier, a New York sculp tor, designed the medal, which will be of bronze, about the size of a silver dollar. On the one side will be a figure of Victory with the inscription "The Great War for Civilization," and on the reverse side the names of the allied and associated powers. Posse Closes In Upon Fugitive I. W. W. Centralia, Wash. Woodsmen and former servjce men left Centralia Sunday heavily armed to capture or exterminate Industrial Workers of the World, reported as holding out in a cabin in the timber country at the head of Hannaford valley, about twen ty miles from this city. The body of John Haney of Tenino, and farmer and posseman, who fell last Saturday in a fight with the outlaws, lay Sunday within 100 yards of the cabin in which the bandits are reported to be sheltered. THE MARKETS Portland Oats No. 3 white feed, $54 per ton. Barley Standard feed, $G6 per ton. Corn Whole, $72; cracked, $74. Hay Willamette valley timothy, $26027 per ton; alfalfa, $30. Butter Creamery, 60c per pound. Eggs Ranch, 75c per dozen. Poultry Hens 2330c; broilers, 23c. Cattle Market steady; steers, best, $9.5010.50; good to choice, $9 $9.50; medium to good, $78. Hogs Prime mixed, $1616.50; medium mixed, $15 16 ; pigs, $14.60 15.50. Sheep Eastern lambs, $1112; val ley lambs, $10.5011.25; ewes, $57. Seattle Hay Eastern Washington timothy, $36(337 per ton; alfalfa, $3031. Butter Creamery, 6C67c pound. Eggs Ranch, 60g;75c, Poultry Hens, heavy dressed, 38c; light, 28c. Hogs Prime, $16.25'9)16.75 'medium to cM'ce, $1516; pigs, $1415.50. 15. Cattle Best steers, $3.5010.f0; heifers, $7.508.75; calves, $7 11. To Reopen Pharaoh's Mines, Pharaoh's oilnea were discovered In 1813 by a French explorer named Call llaud. He found that the mines had been abandoned before they had been completely exhuusted. A lode of emerald-bearing rock was mined and the emeralds wre found to be very large, hut poor In quality. The nilue was again abandoned. New plam. to op erate them on a tentative scale, at least, are now under way. Observation of Oft Belt Philosopher A ni'leiitlst has Just discovered Dm fish are intelligent. We bud observe! also that they don't bite on vverythliu that cornea along. lluxter CIMtea. 'TWi o Bruniwick Tirt for Eomry Car" We Save You Money TIIKRB 18 A REASON Wo haul our own freight at oost and wo pay no rent. We pay no olty tax. YOUR COST Is the lowest wholesale pi Ice plus ono mall per cent profit. We aie hero to sorve and wt want your I usluiss HOMER NORTON Post, Oregon PUT oneBruns- 5; wick on record 5 i - s again sr. any ure 01 ; whatever name or fame. You will soon welcome the opportunity to use a full set. TIRES V; CORD FABRIC t t if" Brunswick Tires are s made for thoughtful 5 drivers seeking greater V all-round service and economy. They fill a definite need. One trial will convince you. THE MOTOR INN PRINEVILLE. OREGON THE OCHOCO MARKET Is now ready to supply your needs all kinds of fresh and cured meats Fruits, Vegetables and Produce Bostwick & Cox PRINEVILLE, OREGON The Journal does Modern Printing on Short Notice ANNOUNCEMENT ijjflo We desire that every h6useowner, every school director and deacon in the Northwest shall know that the Western Pipeless Furnace heats ' any house or church . At less cost than any-other Heater or Stove. TT lyiinrrov has been appointed dis . J. lViingertributor to handle and in stall the Western Pipeless Furnace and he as well as we, guarantee that every "Western" gives satisfaction. Our Guarantee is Unconditional Satisfaction or Money Back 3' ; The Western Foundry & Furnace Co. Of Tacoma, Washington