DEI KMfll R II, 101l. moon popxtt .oi;rai. pagb t . ALL THE )VEEK "WITH THE KKtUI.AR AMMISMOV I IMI.iMli; . !..; AnnIf 2.. TIIEHK PRICEH ARE FOR EVERY DAY IJf THE WEEK KXCK1T HPECIAL KKATl'lE HHOWH. havoc in tiii: woonmi ' 1IOI HKIIOU) Ael Invalid's Nurw Proven To He Former Houlirett Which was the more shocking? That three dlsiHtit relatives should wait wlh expectancy I ho death of nn aged Invalid whoso fortune they hop ed to In luTlt or Thnt tho old man's lifelong friend should hav Introduced Into his puri tanical household as a nurse a galty girl, a former "Follies' beauty a IiIkIi' kicker? At any rate the exported did not happen. Tho old fellow didn't din. Kor the nurse was no leu an attrnct lon than Olive Tlionma, fresh In nor youthful beauty, ua aha hounditd Intu tlm aristocratic homo and at tongues ! wng, tint u it wrry jiiv with' r'. 'gossip, I'.lo 1 1-'ooimIi ii to In r dmiiB wi'h Kynipaih' t'C undeiHti ini.:;m thin cr"- i'l bavin" tuning i ho iiHi lnw iti mli i) relatives. Willi I' IjiIOt i II m illnl I" iin-l 111 fiiilv hi' the i!:h ' nml hour" of old V.'iio(t'nrr ileclm i. u., n vli'lnd I In- opi.ik of lif ' ' liv h' l- k"i-ii venee ol humor iniill h.-r iplllii'llt WIIH Of, III'- lOhll 10 I n'r- V, Their turmoil p-iimo-iI mining the ', aaaonitilr. "I ' li y fe.ire.Ji llui' t!iU. ZlT.f'M Im-iiu'v hi"' in tentions So i!i. ic'lo-mi'iK rolnilns - not about lo i.hi iv on! :i pl-m v, ln-riby they mltthi r'd ibi-msi-lvi k of Hie ' "din. Till iflll" till lllilor ! Tho filmi? Well, thai I ' of lit 1 1 , - im , portnnrc. Huffl. S lit to hv that When III" IOIIKHIK M 111 - clor'i nl till'h' li cultiue who h HK'ill' d In it s i iinl' il fot f the Woodruff j; .iiin-, iIh v i,i t"illy had thifr ii mfi' inn fo il Ri'iniod. Kor they ; found I'M' ,'nirnM iiod Woodruff's nph. ; c tofi'tlmr in iif-i'liK". ' ' Mu, t ii i:? 'o( ii I. it Thwjr thought ' In. inli luiil n; I nl' il us they saw : t i r wIkmiim f ;i; flat. , 41 h' n run. nine fnvornd the dlnln- hi-rlti'd iii ylinv, and dwrved happl- to t wun tlw rowan! if the little girl i Him linn iiiov.m Iht rlclit to a place ; In iho lu iirt ,f Imr pHtlont. j Hi.. rliiiiiiiHiancpti? Well, they am rdat-il In "The Follloa Olrl." at 'Hi.' I) ilr txiiliiv and Hiiurday, Dec ! i ihIht 1 I I. "rt SI'KNHK" i l.i '"-'li-iii tiK " the moat thrilling ; iloii rtivi- i lot y evpr offered on any ( AM'' Ml !VK TIIOM l The Follies Girl o ' , I'nltv ArliiiLlo in 'I I' Kl.!: I'M I 1 .W OLIVE THO V-AS 'THE FOI)lE3 OLKX l ltlMAV AMI SATl I'.HAV i)i:(jj:Miirit i. 1 1 'ron which will be the greateet at trition of the aon in Prlnevlllo, mid which will he ahown at the Lyric next Bundny, aniart gowna of faah lonnlile womon are ery much in ev idence. Molllo Kin thn itilotw fa'.flnot. Ing little atar of "Suapenan," which waa adapted from the fa mom novel of INabe Wntrander wear aome won derful creatlona in thla iuper-pr nuc tlon. many of them being the lat;st 1919 Parfa modela. As the story itself duals w!tb 'he tiltra-fashlonahlea of Nw York, 'he whole supporting cast was raited up on by the director to supply their wardrobe with the moat magnificent gowns the famous Fifth Avenue mo distes could furnish, with the res ult that "Suspense" aside from being the most exciting story of mystery and romance ever conceived. Is a ver itable fashion show and undoubtedly will prove of tremendous interest to the leaders of society in I'rlneville, during i's snecial engagement at the Lyric theater CXJMINO "THE DIVORCEE" One of the most lavish and beauti ful aettlngs ever screened will he seen In tbe gaming room in "The Di vorcee," the Metro play starring Eth el Barrymore which will be the at traction at the Lyric theater on Wed nesday and Thursday. Tbe scene is supposed to to be that of a fashionable French gamb ling Casino and roulette Is the game at which the brilliant Lady Fredar- icfc, played by Miss Barrymore, loses , her fortune. The actual scenes were taken in the home and on tbe grounds ' of a New York multi-millionaire, and ' for rlchmws and beauty cannot bs duplicated. The gaming room, . lofty ball with pillars of white mar ble and lavishly draped in rich vel vets and tapestry was the ballroom !, of this multi-millionaire's home s and with bis permission turned for , the occasion into the brilliant plaos of assembly for the lovers of the fam ous game. Outside, tbe lawna, slop- -ing down to the bay, the illusion Is more complete, for the beholder cat , readily imagine himself roaming " I through tbe gardens at the famous ; Casino in Southern . France on the shores of the blue Mediterranean. IT'S Al l. !!K;ilT DEAR Wr'n- (iitl Tlieni! Ti l. i "ii iloir played her last i-,,i'l I' lihn" mill a cru"l death fin i 'i 1,. f- and then be came Ml 'S lliMllLlii 111, i With MOT MIC KINO l;. 1-iiItI Ontra'iIT I nvr: WsJ MtV AM) THIULIJ)!!: Ami A lil Moily Comedy: rorvr voir change" SI Mill', DECEMItER 14 f ir"r" -'' 'Tt'Tyjmrw ill' ; n V i f i 1 mi rf" i Jitnlun nil lutmur FRANK KEENAV In TODD OF THE TIMES and EPISODE NO, 15 OP THE "LIGHTNING RAIDER i Thla is the last episode so get in on the flnUh. MONDAY AND TUESDAY December 15-16 AMERICA'S FOREMOST ACTRESS ETHEL BARRYMORE t ' In Metro's "The Divorcee" A photoplay of her greatest Stage success "Lady Frederick" by W. Somerset Maugham. AND A COMEDY: - T "HER X1TRO KXIGHT" l A "BREEZY" COMEDY Wed. and Thurs., Dec. 17, 18 " ONE OK TIIKNK DAVK!" A farmer I know says that one of these days he's going to innke Ills fiirm home over, Into a modern home. "One of theno days" he Is going lo put Into uhii all Him modern equipment that will lie needed to miik" h s farm power niiii hinery, with his home til ted with niodorii lighting- and with nil the appointments that pt to malie for comfort and contentment In the home. "One of these days." Why not How? The farm homo nowadays enn obh ily bejniitlo ua-nindnrn us a city home, no difference where the farm .homo-Is. Modern healing Is ciihIIv accomplish ed, for thn hot air or hot water svs-ti-m offered today tiro available for any locality. Kor (lie other conven iences of lliilit. power and runn'ng water, elei-lrlclty offers the open hon ame to tin-He modern feitluri-s, ami electricity cun he hud anywhere to day, rcgunllesa of location. jTlils Is because today Ihn farmer can buy his own small plant and, what's more, ho can run It hlms"lf, without any expert knowledge or nHnlmaiice, T!y farm electric plant has flmilly been devel'ioeil to the point where it Is Just na dependable as any other piece of standard farm equipment. This doesn't moan that the farmer can pick up Jmit any cnmlilnnt'on of engine, generator and switchboard which some ent'-rprlHtng ng'-n or man. ufacturer may tell him is a lighting plant. But there are trustworthy and dependable farm elecirlc plants and there is no necesaily for the far mer's buying any other kind. When he tins secured Ihn kind thnt has b"en tried and that Is operating sucess fullv bv thn thousand, ho can be as sured of electric lights for his home, and barns, power for all tho smnll machines like wanhlng machines, churn, cream sepnruior, fanning mill, grindstone, vacuum sweeper, heat for tho electric Iron in short, complete electric service that his family should be enjoying now, instead of "ono of these days." See tho Inland Auto Company for this electric, service for thn f irm. Do it now. They ore agents for tho Doleo-Ught Plants nnd they can ex plain tho wholo Bystom. WOOL GROWERS COMBINE lire clip of both f'Mii.lii'M .w:ll be lu l l hy t'le imaoi-ial Ion The officers of the bmoi-I: Hon tir : A. J. Kadaliaugh, Norway, chairman ; Hoy H Cors oi, Cii'r. r-iin''. s"' ro tary: If II. Stetiti-r E. W. Kahy and Jay h. Smith, executive coinmltte . TO ISfPE "MARKET REPOttTFR- Beplrinlng sboitt .Inennrv 1. 12" "Th Market Mi-porter." n n"roilleI of general Interest devoted to mar keting Informntlon co'icem'nR Im portant airrlciiltnrnl producM will be imld'nlied reei'lv hv the Bureau of . MnrWet. . Tt w'll be sent frio to a'l ' those .Interested who mnl'e rennet I for tt to the Bureau of MnH""s Celt- j ed fltnti-s Dennrtment of Aerleultnr". Wn.Mneton' D. C . nrd who rlvn tho j following Informntlon: (nl N"mornd fn'l addrei: (hi bnslnenq tid neon-I pntlon: lei kind or kind'' of farm nrodiiets 'n which Interested, and 'd) the nnmes of nerlod'cnls or r-pofis (mlmenirrnphed or nrlntedl 'hut n-" i betnr. received or hnvo been received r-'imlnrlv from the Bureau of Markets or nny other branch of the IVpart ment of Agriculture. v WOOT, IMPORTS pOCBt ED Tmnorts of wool during the f've year prewar period, 191 1-1 91 4 aver aged 207.BSa.7-l 2 pounds nnnunlly, or something less tlian half thn pres ent tmnnrts, nccorilign to the Bureau I of Markets. IT, S. DepTirtment of Ait-I rlenltiire. As the population of tho Pulled Ftntes h aa been Increasing so hnvn tho Imnorts of wool. For Ihn ! fiscal year ending June Jn. this j country Imported 379.1 29.1)14 Pis. During the year 1919 the total Im portation amounted to 434 .4 1 4 .fi 4 4 ! pounds, or more than double the I prewar average. From January to August, Inclusive, of tho present year, (eight months) more wool was Im ported thnn during nny of the prewnr years mentioned, nnd If tho present nvorngo monthly Imports of Rfi.SSR. 9S2 pounds Is maintained throughout the remaining months of th's year, the United States will Import mor thnn 4n0,non.n00 pounds during the present calendar year. fv'CST FR Ad RANT CF FLOWERS Coos and Curry ranchers ranging Sheep have formed tho Coos and Cur ry Wool Growers' Association with tho idea In view of securing better marketing facilities. It Is tho plan of the association, which was organ ized at Bandon recently, to pool all the wool of tho members and mar ket It In one sale. Heretofore the wool of Curry county has been bought promptly, but this seaRon It wbb a drug on the market after the first offers of the Benson and large quan tities Still remain unsold. About 25 members polned nt tho Bandon meeting, but others express ed their intention of becoming mem bers and it Is quite prohahlo the en- THE CHEERFUL CHERUB Mil IHW ! I II ! II . 1 love tha mystery or lire.. AWd, years JiJ' Corrse moving a . .1 WWUU ins- o-l Yly Future VSlS in itore for ma.. I' iitimor A .ir.o rr Dwlarcs the Breath of tiie L ine S'le-li Unmatched for Sweetness. Wlii n in- I i 1; s - Airenihe. odors of Aniby I... ... iiilii tt ii I tixtrliigi-nl In Win n tin- nines lirellthe. their in!. no is brciith currU-s the frn-gniiu-i' of llii. distillation of a genera Hon of life and love Hint they have gathered to tln-iusi-lves. where tlicy have t.looiiii-il l.j- (lie garden uufl or against the porch pillar. The ' old hoine wonderful In the vividness- of H i memories ami aHoclalloni 1 cre ated hy the picturing of honutj nnd tenderness that the fragrance of the blossoming lilacs tiring to Hie mind. One sees the pnth through tbe cnrdcn winding down to the clump of lilacs. The fines of other days are fniiiied In the pictures thnt fancy creates tlironli the liuigic of the lllncs. The pimli-les of liliMiin n'-e In full flower nml the blooms will lie hulled with Jov by Hie initltlliiiles who have In thi'-lr fii-llngs the sentiments. ,ti whleli Mines npoi-iil. They are a medi tative nnd rellootlve kind of flower. They come so inilrily In t'e spring. They bloom forth so abundant ly and niiigiillici-utly. They slog their con cert to the nlrs of A rt I nnd cause the four winds of the heavens to become their Mirvlvors to the Joy of man kind. Tiie lllncs are the softest nnd most persuasive of nil tints, those of laven der nnd purple, with some of driven whiteness. How wonderful their beauty, the assembling of the blossoms and their disposition upon the branch! How full of art 1 Mow exquisitely Dresden Is the lilac as It swings In the bireze! And every lilac bush Is a product of years of growth, and thnt growth goes on perelinlally until one nnd another generation Is laid be neath .the sod, and the lilac has been Intrusted with the ctirlshed memories of youth and maturity nnd age passed out of life. Halllmorn Auierlem Police and meals for pris oners Park Lights and water streets and bridge im provements Rents .. Treasurer's salary Lumber Merchandise Recorder's Attorney's and Witness fees Incidentals . I Main street 1,200.00 1.100.00 I inter-State Fair Assn 300.00 150.00 I General Indebtedness 2.700.00 3,000.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 25.00 600.00 500.00 Warrants outstanding.. 15,172.21 Interest on same , 1,200.00 Notes 18,813.80 Interest on same 1,500.00 Total $44,761.01 Lees licenses and fines .... 400.00 Total J44.361.01 Interest on Bonded Indebt edness ... 17,100.0 Total $61,461.01 Respectfully submitted, E. B. EVANS, H. R. LAKIN, G. P. REAMS, Finance Committee Signed: PAUL C. GARRISON. City Recorder Dated at Prineville, Oregon, this 4th day of December, 1919. 4t2e TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY STOLEN or left hor band about Doc. 1. One yearling colt, mare, sorrel with white strip In face, left hind foot white halfway to hock, branded 9 with quarter circle un derneath, on left Bhoulder. Thor oughbred type. Notify C. M. Charlton, Powell Butte, Ore. 6t2c WANTED Milk cow, young, to be fresh in spring. Phone 2fiF13. Jos. McDnniel 6t3p r-WFHfTTi'BZI&TSSSWSaiJ Auto Repair Shop L. V. SEARS, Proprietor ( Auto Repairing of nil kinds... My Prices nro ns low as Is consistent . with first -class work. "ONCE A CUSTOMER ALWAYS A CUSTOMER" SHOP ON FIRST STREET, OPPOSITE THE PUBLIC SCHOOL PRINEVILLE, OREGON I LOST Doc. 8, 1 Weed tire chain,, 34x1. between depot and my store. Rowavd for return, W. F. King 6t2c I iS 5i I3L tlfS .Hi 3K IS SI ii M,- w St W m W m w t. t k. T E IK1 tJl M 1 ' 1 Ills: j it i i I J -r ... v" mi f .. . ofr mi i . i i i' ivy - j ti iLiai i jr? - rstsisa i is i ... n. ". . i iiii NOTICE 1 . Notice Is hereby given that a mass meeting will be hold at the Council Chamber in the City of Prineville, Oregon, on Tuesday evening, Decem ber 22, 1919, for the purpose of discussing the budget for the next year's tax levy. All voters in the city are request ed to be present at this meotin. Tho budget as submitted is as fol lows: 1 Financial Budget "To the mayor and City Council of the City of Prineville, Oregon: "Gentlemen: . "We, the Financial Committee, beg ts submit the following budget for the city for the year 1920: - a v i Cecil FI.Ktsmsuf DE RniiliE PROPUCED THESE: "FOR BETTER OR FOR WCltSE" "OLD WIVES FOR NEW" "DON'T CHANGE YOUR HUSBAND" "MALE AND FEMALE" Above are photographed three of the world's greatest directors, now producing photoplays. PARAMOUNT ARTCRAFT , You know them all, e-nd you rem- ' ember the productions listed be low: INCE PRODUCED THESE: Hart In "BRANDING BROADWAY" Ray in "CROOKED STRAIGHT" Hart in "WAGON TRACKS" Ray In "GREASED LIGHTNING" WD-WGRirrrmW GRIFFITH PRODUCED THESE: "BIRTH OF A NATION" "ROMANCE OF HAPPY VALLY" '"GREATEST THING IN LIFE" " SCARLET DAYS" Wlicn looking for tho best In Motion Pictures look for Paramount Artcraft and these trade marks: IK. V-lW JT?2t' V A Adolph Zukor. ftm. JM C Uky, Vie. Pn. Cecil B. DeMilte, Director General j J j J A V : s ILiU..JCV ,C .1111