PAGE 6 ROOK CUCNTt JOCKNAt DECEMBER II, 1 9 11). Wear 1 1 T7 V a 1 ; I .Ever Mils There is nothing more appro priate for Christmas than the " Weir-Ever Cooking Utensils. They do not rust, cannot crack or chip.' All "Wear-Ever" is stamped from thick, hard sheet aluminum and made without seom or solder. Replace all utensils that wear out with utensils that " Wear-Ever." I w V ft akin iniara ware "Where It Pays to Trade" Cam., are aoM v-rr- whnrmmactrntificmlh attd pckit 2 J ofa:'ffrr or in a jf ma?mr-funfr-ctv?rmj eartttm We tc) y ri-com-mrnti thi curtun tor fO. lorn, or o'ov auppy or whpn yu travel. R. J. RctynoUL tobacco Co. VVuiituo.uii, N. C. CAMELS nre in a clnss by themselves easily the most refreshing, the most likuble cigarette you ever smoked. You can prove that! Simply compare Cnmels pull-by -puff with any cigarette in the world nt any price ! Put quality, tt.ivor und cigarette satis . faction to the utmost test! M.ido to mf't your Mste, Cnmt'ls never lire it, no matter how lilvi.uiy you uniolic ihum ! The expfit blend of chox-e Turkish an.i choice Dn.ns.-suc tor.iccos; m Cnmels drliithiful t;u iitll t ,)Uu-u, yvi -jo 'l.tsciiia'iui'.ly smooth und me!ow-miU. Kwty ttiiiv you I: :ht one you t:-1 mw nJ keener t-ujoymi':u ! Froe.ioi.i from any utipl ' ci;;r.rrity ufter taste or nny un)i. ,i i c ...iiifity oJor .iu;.;s Camels us unuuuiil ts tluy ara t..y..:.K . In f..ct, C. irrls i p;v til io tin; mtvt la .ti.hous nmol'er In so many tiew .! ycu !. t-r will ntiv. :! .Is nil oi oupoiia. preiiuu:'vi o. ,;iti. Yvu II pn.. r t' i.iu.uUy 1; Guatemalan Salt fimitcmiilii's salt Industry, which be gnn anon after the Spanish crimpiest. now produces nenrly 1,000,(XX) pouml a year. msm The Crrv A. M. Logan was in Prinevllle on business Monday. Jas. Forrester was a business visit or in the city yesterday. Henry Turner was in Pr'neville from Powell Butte on Tuesday. Will McFarland has accepted a po sition with the Inland Auto Co. Mr. Turner of the Turner & Peas" company of Seattle, was in this part of the country yesterday, looking af ter his creamery interests. A. R. Bowman and family returned the first of the week from Seattle. Brent & Stroud this week sold a Dodge delivery car to G. M. Meyer. Rev. J. E. Williams will preach on Sunday at Post school house a'. 11:00 a. m. T)r. Iifrersoll recently returned to Prinevllle from a trip to Washington points. Mrs. R. C. Smith is in Seattle, whr-ri ?he vi!l Fr?nd the winter with her husband and son. Jns. Street is in Prinevllle from his ranch at Suntex, Oregon. He will spend the winter here. Luther Claypool is at his Paulina ranch looking after his cattle. Frank Hughes is now the iole own er of the blacksmithing business in which he has so long been a partner. B. H. McMickle of the Ochoco Warehouse company, has returned from a business trip through the mid dle west. J. W. Cabeen was called to Port land the first of the week to attend thu Allied World Inter Church Con ference. J. E. Willams will occupy the pulpit at the Baptist church in the evening next Sunday. Sunday school at the usual hour. Post NEWS NOTES Mr. MeFarlean Is quite ill with la grippe. S. J. Newsom and family spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Stover. Roy Gray, Homer York and O. B. I Gray were in Prineville on business the first of the week. ! Jack McMillan spent several days In Prinevllle the last of Iho week, getting some dental work done. j Joe LUtcr was up to Rabbit Valley I last week gathering horses for the ! horse buyers. Mrs. omer York nnd children re turned to her home at Rabbit Val- j ley Saturday after spending two : weeks with her parents in Prineville. I Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stover onler tained at dinner Sunday ,Mr. and Mrs. Norton mid Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Stover. Mr. J. A. Mays returned to the Bon. nyview ranch the last of the week. He hns told h' rnnch n Hlparln, Wash., and will move his family out here nbout tho first of the year. The Hlorm of tho past week has been tho most severe In years. The temperature was 24 below zero on Monday morning. One foot of snow had fallen at noon Tuesday. The storm has been n hard one on slock and hns compelled the owners to begin feeding a month earlier than j Is cuBtoniary. 'notice or fix a i, KCTTUv.;i:vr Notice Is hereby given, by I he un dersigned the administrator cf ". -tato of John Schmeer, decea. , to I'M persons Interested In said oxtaLu, Unit he has made and filed with the coun ty Clerk of Orimk County. Oregon, his final accounting of his administra tion of said eslate, nnd that the court has set Monday, the fitli dny.of Jan uary, 1 920, lit 10 o'clock In tho fore noon ut the County Court Room In Prineville, Oregon, as the time and plnco for hearing and settling si;d final accounting, at which time and place, any person Interested In the estate may appear und object to bind final accounting. Dated this 4th day of December, 19111. PAUL HELD. Admlula trntor of tho Kxtatn of 415a John Schmeer, decerned STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING The annual meeting of tho tiock hnldera of the Oregon Inter-Htata Fair will lie held on Monday, Janu ary 6, 1020. at 2:00 p. m. at the Com mercial Club. By order of the Board. 6t3o J. B. SHII'P. NOTICE! For prompt delivery all holiday work should bo sent In at o':r. Old clothes made like new. Prinevllle Cleaners, New location, 206 E Third street. t6oiteto"classify LOST A cnttle shepherd dg, dark brown, on Ochoco road Inst of No vember. Finder ploaae notify O. Shoeniaeher. T. II. LaMb-im r.iiich on Ochoco road and receive re wurd. Et4p Lost Five ton unto Jack on the Prinevllle l!er Creek Rutin road. Finder please leave at the sheriff's office. 6t4p 3 .... , -aauaj High Grade Pianos & Player Pianos c ar a i v wwa m u m -a i i JyAik "1 f 'I V" i rl - ' - ' --i v t M - mmol ffltif iv IS THE KING OF ALL CARE-CHASERS Will be Here for a Short Time Wiley in r. - Allen Co. J. FELLOWS, Traveling Representative BRUNSWICK and Other Phonographs The Long Winter Evenings Change to Short Ones With a Player Piano or Phonograph In the Home THE EDUCATIONAL ADVANTAGES CAN NOT HE OVERESTIMATED