Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 11, 1919, Page PAGE 5, Image 5

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    R KMIiKR II, llMO.
At III" ritRiilar tnrra of tlie county
court of Crook County, on Novumber
S. mill, tho following procemJInm
wore had:
In tho matter of tint application of
tlie I'llot liutta Toliilioiin Co. for a
franchise. It wag ordrl that tlia
company be Krunt.U a. franchise
eaanmont, and rlKht of way for th
cnnatru'tlon, opuratlou and mainte
nance of a ti'litpliono and tnd'Kraph
Una alonic and upon tha pulillo roadi
and blKhwaya of Crook county, Ore
gon. It lining exproasly uutlorstood
that auch Ilium Khali not ltitrfre
with, hinder or obstruct other tele
phone and tuli-Kraph linos, I'lmtrlo
power or transmission lines hereto
fore constructed. AIno, a fur aa la
poeallile aald Una aliall occupy but
one aide of th eroad, and whore It la
necessary for aald line to cross any
public highway or road, It ahull puss
llhur under aald road or be at loast
JO fuel above It. AIno that the Krant
es, nan Ik ns and ri-prosintatlvs ahull
hold and keep Crook county harm
loss aa against any dnmiiKn to pnr
aona or property that may result froitf
the construction, oporatlon or main
tenance. In the matter of establlshmont of
Ochoco Irrigation District Honda, It
was ordered that the proposed roads
Nos. 1. I-A. t, l-A. 2 II, 8, S-A, 8-11,
4. 5, 5-A, , fl-A, and B aa laid out,
ruin ll lulled and deslgnalnd as county
roads and public highways, be and
they ahull henceforth become county
roads and public highways, and tho
county surveyor Is hereby directed
and ordered finally to survey tho
enld roads snd file the limps and pro
file thereof, according to law, and
open annie to public travel, excepting
therefrom, that no damages shall he
paid to any person by tho reason
of the opening of the said roads, as
no damage claims have been present
ed to this court wlthlij the time pro
vided by law. All of tho above roads
laid out and established ss proposed,
except aa to certain chanega In Noa.
4 and 6. s
On November 6 tho Court met pur
suant to adjournment, and tho fol
lowing proceedings were had:
I p. the matter of opening A, or
Main street, It was ordered that the
clerk draw a warrant In favor of the
City of Prlnevllln In the sum of
12.000 to assist In defraying the
coat of auch Improvement. Inasmuch
aa part of tho aald Improvements
contracted to be done by tho City of
Prlnovllle Is outside the city limits
and on the county road. 8ald war
rant to be delivered to Warren
nrown. Trusteo of tha said city,
work to be completed to the aatlsfuc
tlon o fthe county court.
Int the matter of the annual audit
' 7.20
196 ftg
B. n. Rills watnrmnster 14( 60
Mrs. A. Agonn laundry 10.80
Martha M. OUIett. poll hooka 4 70
Home Hoanltnl. care of poor 220.00
of tha county books, It la ordered M. M. Miller, tndse. bridge
that Messrs. Crandall ft Roberta, be Alfred Munt. lantern
and they are hereby employed toJ. O. Malech, carpenter work
make a complete audit of the books Hay Putnam, repair
or the Treasurer, Clerk, and Sheriff J. R. fltewart ft Co. supllei
iur Hie yeur iiv, ana ail oilier work
and accounting aa the county court
may see fit.
In the matter of the claim fur the
care of Mra. Mary Jones, It was or
dered that the sum of 175 he allowed
and the clerk ordered to draw war
rant for the aame.
In the matter of appropriation for
Louisa lluby Home, It was ordered
that the clerk of Crook county draw
warrant on the general fund In tho
sum of one hundred dollars In favor ; O. J
of the said Louise Ilaby Home, to be
used In the maintenance of said Institution.
Ilea Chutes Power Co. I. ft
O. 8. Heeder, a'cst and ?
pens Prank Mitchell
O. V. Way, road work
Albert Way, road work
Kred Rlllott, 105 cords wood
General Fund
W. I. Dlshman, Juror ....
C, U. (lulnti Juror
J. A. Moffltt, Juror
C. W. Hiarr, Juror
! James H. Hoolt. Juror
W. M. Cluhuugh, Juror
w Win. Arnold. Juror
; J. L. McDanlcl, Juror i.
' Hoy E. Uray, Juror
K. M. Wood, Juror
7 20
24 00
A. n. Wnnderlv M'Kay bridge 17.25
Jap Ireland tranafer 6. 57
Rlhelln meela Juror.... 7.00
Hughe ft MeP-rlnnd repair 8J.00
Crook Co. .Iiii"-"! hnlots etc lib. 75
Ale 1 r I nton . Juror 13.60
N. K. McColn. Juror
C. O. Htovcr, Juror
A. M. Logan, Juror
A, (J. Ilrown, Juror
U. W. Grimes, Juror
Orval (Inborn, Juror
John Kemmling, Juror 14.20
George Tackman, Juror 22.00
Krunels K. Wright, Juror 12.00
James R. Fuller, Juror 16.20
0. N. Clifton. Juror 12.00
J. I). I.ufollette 12 00
('.. J. Johnson, Juror 12.00
II. J. Kdwards, Juror 13.R0
Jesse O. Hhobert. Juror 14.60
John P .Hopper, Juror 14.40
W. M. Harold, Juror 12.60
Victor Duller, Juror 14.00
Curey W. Foster, Juror 12.00
J. R. Myers, stamps, etc 48.92
A. It. Itowman, Justice fees.. 8.10
I.. A. W. Nixon, ervlces 1.20
John Combs, summon Jury.. 1.00
Floyd Howell, bailiff, J. c 60
Geo. H. Taylor, witness, J. c... 8.00
Henry Carlln. do 8.00
I. . M. Fobs, do ; 8.00
N. O. Wallace, do 1.00
W. P. Myors, do 1.00
C. A. King, Juror. J. c 1.00
It. W. riouglns. Juror, J. c 1.00
George W. Noble, do 1.00
II. L. Maker, do 1.00
J. II. Gray, do 1.00
8. K. Hodges, do 1.00
Wlllurd H. Wirt, telephone.. 7,60
H. A. Kelly, surveyor fees ... 1187.10
O. Ilryan, service 20.00
Clinton Houston, service .... 4.00
Inliiil Auto Co., git etc.'. 8.45
I). W. Grimes, extinguishing
forest fire 7.60
Glass & Prudhommn, mdse... 3.66
West Disinfecting Co., towel 16.60
J. ..Ilolcomb Co., brushe 18.71
Todd & Hamlin, lumber 44.60
C. Ij. Iteam, road work 15.00
Irwln-Hodaon, mdso 2.36
Cornett ft Cv mrt 16.25
PrlnevMIe Drnr Co mdse.... 30 S
8. R. Robert service .' 2.00
Archie Rimer road work 124 84
Rarrlo WllVe , 87.85
Rarl Cress ro"d work 266.59
Fred McCoy r'ad work 88.90
Hen Fox. mad work 4.38
Win. Harold, rond work . 26.67
W. C. Jacob, road work 19H.47
A. WIImoii, rM work 145 8.7
Henrv Webb, r"fd work 114 08
Ilert Btantnn. road work 261.98
Happy Savae
Vern Haber. rend work
Mrs. Vern flahT
Rd. Twcedt, road work ,
Alex Twendt
II A Wlltnlna -,,,l ......I,
!M!2 1 W. A- Morris, rond work
O M. Crnv, hn
Oehoeo WhS Co f-ed
Ah-x Twrw-d' nnnt tnr camo
n H. Ilnwle" tiMi..ri ramp
"orner Nerfo'. rMs"
Prlnevl'le M- Ct m-1s", ....
O B. Ornv. m ... ....
I'ce ll Prn'i ' i". s
Peullt n Sine 1 ',
.Tihn C'imtis
Tum-A I. um C l"tnt...r
.Ins. Taylor, r -1 -v
Warren I,fhlv A work
P M Fhnrf -rl:
W. Almnck. r ' rl:
C. A: fierm-r -a w"rV ...
C. A. Phermn" a
A. McKndve". ' ""'im'th'ng
Crook Co. I)e- ' nifitd
W. F. Knr. m "i-, - --in
N. O. Wallace "" msi
I'ngh I Ister f '.g
K. T. I.nthv .
SI 21
6 75
?9 07
PR 06
12" 29
f.17 75
17 56
'. 12
1 "0
" 54
4" 47
e- o
standard and call It '1 Bulphurlc,
acid weighs more than water so llitt
when It I added to water, at It I to
make the battery solution, the du-1
t'on will naturally weigh more than !
the original water. It la thla Increu.
ed welghMhat we measure.
"If the battery la properly charged ,
the solution should weigh ina and
28-100 time as much a water. I'hla
weight Is called specific cravlty j
When a battery 1 discharged, th
acid leaves the solution and enter
the plate, which make th solution i
lighter, or nearer the weight of wat
er. I
"When a battery Is charged, the
acid leaves the platea, enters the ao-j
lutlon and makes It heavier. There
fore when we weigh the solution tor
test the battery) and find that It
Weighs 1.90 llmoi mm vmmi. .
1 It shows that the battery is fully
1 charged. If, however, for Instance,
; It weighs 1.170 times a mnch a wat
er. It show that the acid I In the
rdatea and not In the solution: there
fore the battery I discharged.
"But remember that yon cannot
charge the battery bv adding acid
The original acid la f!ll tn a dis
charged battery. It Is In he rdat
S"d must be driven nack into the
solution bv charglnr from ai nNide
Bvrca. flo vou see if ou add acid to
vour battery, von will have more
then von should have In there, which
will cause damage.
"There are Juat two things which
a car owner can anfelv do to a bat
tery himself" w.nt on Mr. Mansveld.
"he can add distilled water to a nn'nt
nnlf an Inch above the plnfes. and he
enn wnlch the solution h'mself with
a hvdrometer Bvrlnire. We will be
rind to do this for h'm without any
charpe. but I would I'Ve t nwsrn ev.
err car owner In Prlnevlllo e'a'nst
trvlng to do anything else with hi
battery." '
One of the moat Important teat of
a car Is a bad hill.
That is why we elected to sell the
HIDSON car. In this car the power ;
la ail right there, beneath you, as
much aa you need, for any reasonable
Don't neglect to come here for a dem
onatratlon of the many other good
points of the Hudson Huper Six
AVIIKN YOl'R "'nrntv
?1 T'Rtvr, TK'
Have you e r '' i!"nl 'rst wl-at
tho botery nie d -g w'.i he t a'a
your haiterv" Yiu k-ew the teat
should be m-'l ' i't)Ufi,;M , hit- -lo
you know whv" When we .ik"d Mr.
ManavelJ nf 'h l -cnl W'lerd Ser
vice Stntlon at the I"aid r ng to
answer this ostlon for our 'e 'd'-rs.
he said " w'll try to tnlk 'n words
of one svllaMn ond keep a-.vnv from
technical terms
"Tho hydrometer tea' simply
weighs the bat'erv solution. We take
the weight of distilled water as a
Sunday, December 1 4. The theme
ft the services at 11 a. m and 7.30
" m. w'll he drawn from the I"ter-ehiir-h
World Movement and the New
F-a Movement of the Presbyterian
ihiirch for which we are holding
meetings In Portland this week. Bi
ee school at 10 a. m. An encourag
meeting was held Inst 3unday ev
ening In preparation for a snoclnl
course of Bible study for Hight
School students. The state course of
study will be followed, which leads
to credits for graduation. Thl de
partment of the school will meet at
6:30 p. m.
Amplifies Sound.
In a sound amplifier Invented by a
California scientist the fall of a feath
er makes a noise like a wrestler
thrown upon a mat
Aheo writing advertiser, plea
uentton The JoaroaL
Pure Bred I
Duroc Pigs
Weaners in fine condition.
A limited number only
PHONE 611 OR 554
Prineville, Oregon
y-TfgWCTgsrTggg "
We Invite You to Make Our Store Your
Tl o
ryas'M,iaf JMMllM
HeadoMarters I
I I l rn 1 1 . , I
BaaaaWAllBslB(k . """wS"ssssssssss"FSlw I
You Should Make It a Point to Shop Early, as by so doing you get the pick of the stock
before the different lines have been worked over.
Our assortment affords a wide selection in this line :
Bonnet Mirrors, Picture Frames, Hair Brushes, Trays,
Combs, Manicure Sets, Manicure Implements,
Puff Boxes, Perfume Bottles, Pin
Cushions, Jewel Boxes,
Also in DuBarry
iPirmolin Toys New and Inexpensive
Including the famous Eff anBee and Dolly Dumpling dolls
Character Dolls, Kewpie D lis
What's Christmas to a child without a Doll?
Gifts for the one who is hard to please:
Moore's Nonleakable Fountain Pens in
the self-filling type, gold mounted, and
various styles.
Everlasting Pen
cils; Leather Goods; Beautiful Stationery; Cut
Glass; Eveready Flashlights; ,
Rubber Goods; Jewel
ry; Bristle Goods
Manicure Sets;
Latest Copyrights, Reprints, Gift Books, Bibles and Tes
taments, Children's Books, Boys' and Girls'
Books, and Children's Stories
Christmas cards, Tags, Seals, and Cards
for addressing Gift packages
High Grade Preparations combined in various sets:
Perfumes, Toilet Water, Sachets, Face and Talcum
Powders, Fine Toilet Soaps
In various assortments and sizes.
Always Makes an
Especially at the