CROOK OOtrVTT JOfRKAL DKCEMBEn 11, 1910. n MS SALES OF U. S. SECURITIES CASH FOR FURS WW. BE HEAVY PAGE 4 I pay the highest market prices for furs of all kinds. Send in your1 furs by mail or parcel post to RAY PUTNAM P. O. Box 312 Prineville, Ore. Horseshoeing, Blacksmithing Acetylene Welding BODY WORK OJf AUTOMOBILES ' 3nerl As to Repairing. WML LOFTHTJS, PBINEVIIXJI OR . Fourth Street, Opposite Poatottta. APPLES! 11 ty(fl(f 0XeS a va" JL &J)j) rieties, grades Order early while the Assortment is Large Phone Black 671 Ochoco Whs. Co. A Full Carload of Apples Winter Bananas Spitzenbergs Ortleys Jonathans Kings Northern Spys Yellow Newtowns Wagners Baldwins Arkansas Blacks If you are in the market for Apples, it will pay you to see us. J. E. Stewart & Co. 600 BOXES Have Arrived at Our Store They Consist of the Following Varieties: Government Aska Everyone to Give War Savinga Stamp as Gifts Sale of War Sarin Stamps and Treasury Savings Certificates to th. banka of tba Twelfth federal Reserve Dlstrlc. In anticipation of a hear? hoi iday demand of- these aecurltlea for Christmas presents, are greater than for any period during 1919. according to reports of the San Francisco Federal Reserre Bunk. As early aa November 28 the bank reported shipment on (hat date of ftiu.iOO worth of Treasury Savings Certificates, to eighteen banks of the district. Tbla was the largest amount of these securities shipped on any one day up to that date since the close of the war. Conservative estimates predict that the demands of banks alons throughout the district will reach the quarter of a million dollar mark for the holiday trade in War Savings Stamp and Treasury Savings Certificate, This la not taking Into considerat'on tremen dous demands looked for from th post office. The Government la making aa in tensive appeal to th people of th Twslfth Federal Reserve District to giv War Savings Stamp and Treas ury Savings Certificates for Christmas present, not only because America needs every cent ah can get to finance h.r war debt of twenty-six billions of dollars, but also to stabilise price as much aa possible by cutting down th demand for luxuries. Host Christmas I presents fall under th head of lui ! uries. I In a letter to the banks of th Twelfth Federal Reaerve District on th subject. Governor John U. Calkins of the San Francisco Federal Reserve Bank said: "The Christmas holidays are almost , upon us. Everything points to a tre- i mendous outlay of money In the pur chase of holiday gifts, the greater por- ! tion of which I think I am safe In saying will be luxuries. The present situation demands not that more money be spent in the purchase of lux- , uries, but that we curtail as much aa possible, with the consequent benefi cial contraction of credit "Therefore, I appeal to you as a fel low banker to do everything within your power to stimulate the purchase and giving of War Savings Stamps and Treasury Savings Certificates as Christ mas presents in place of the usual needless end expensive gifts. It seems to me that the responsibility of lead ing men's minds along the ways of thrift and simple living rests to a great extent upon the bankers of the country and in asking you to push the sales of Treasury securities during the Christmas holidays, I am asking you only to take advantage of an oppor tunity to meet this responsibility." In addition, Christmas posters car rying an appeal to give War Savings Stamps and Treasury Savings Certifi cates fnr Christmas nrespnta will h ! distributed throughout the Twelfth Reserve District, and all banks have been asked to Include a similar appeal in their advertising. 'f j ' y 18 cents Cam.e mro tnd every w horo in act en fi ficslly .rf poctrnf of 30 ofarerr.. or tonpacktf300cifrtf) in a et'"e-papr.colrrd carton. W. ..'roftjf'y rtcom mend thit e.rron for th homo or office nupply or whon you frare. R. J. Reynold. Tobacco Ww.toa-Sel. Tobacco Ga J.oa, N.C CAMELS ! -o in i class by themselves easily the most itii...iiiny, the must ltkuble cigarette you ever smokeJ. You run prove that! Simply compare Camels pufl-by -pulT with any cigarette in the world at any price! Put quality, flavor and cigarette satis faction to the t'tm-.-st ter:( ! M.ide to mwt your t , C amels never tir it, no matter how libcr.illy you smoke them ! The expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tol a cos Camels delightful o full bodied, yet so fascinatingly smooth and mellow-mild. Every time you light one you get new and keener enjoyment ! Freedom from any unpleasant cigaretty after tuate or any unpleasant cigaretty odor makes Camels as unusual as they ar e:joyable. In fact, Camels appeal to the most fastidious smoker in so many new ways you never will miss the 'absence of coupons, premiums or gifts. You 'II prefer Camel Quality I How Eagles Secure Prey. Eagles usually hunt in palm, one bird frightening the prey from it maing place and the other pouncing on It as It tries to esciipe. , ouildiiii oi. Peter'. I St. Ivti-rX Itiimc. wnk three and a j centuries in miction, and dtir- 1 ng this time 4.'i popes reigned. Correct. "All flesh Is grass." observed the nge. "That's right." agreed the Fool. 'There are a lot of hayseeds In the Mrortd." I Tricks of the Trade. j Lawyer (to fair client, a rlefend i ant) "When a young Juror looks at I you, weep ; when an -old on look at 1 you, flirt." aome Boards Need It Vciomm cleuner tins been lgned peelnliy fur cleaning school nlucav i Minis. Duty Always Imperative. If you have no friend to share or re joice In your success In life. It la no less Incumbent 0n you to move stead ily In the path of duty. Walt-' Scott. How Would You Like to Own a New Modern Home ? JUDGES INVOKE U. S. PLAN TO HELP ACCUSED 4 nil Guilty WU1 Have Chance to Invest Money Instead of Paying Fines Superior Court and Police Judges of San Francisco have adopted tha United States Government Thrift and War Savings Stamps as an aid in promoting a better citizenship among those per sons coming before them daily accused of misdemeanor transgressions of the law. "Upon the thesis that a thrifty man la a better citizen and that many of our economic ills and much of our present day social unrest are due di rectly to thriftlejisnesa," Judge T. I. Fltzpatrlck, presiding Judge of the Police Court, wrote, "I shall be glad to assist In a movement in this direction, keeping in mind, however, at all times, the provisions of the charter of the city and county." Instead of fining persons guilty of minor infractions of the law and where a Judge has it In his discretion to fine or free the defendant, the Jurists pro pose to give the accused a chance to help himself and his government and cultivate the habit of saving by pur chasing the War Savings Stamps. In cases of marital infelicity, too, where It is now the practice to flue or lecture the persons before the court, the de fendants will will be given an alter native of Investment In Government securities. One condition will always be attached that the defendant keep the securities until maturity. In this way the San Francisco bench hopes to lead the thriftless Into the ways of thrift and sound living with the resultant better Americanism and better citizenship. It is an easy matter to do so with the same money you are throwing away for rent each month. I will loan you money to build a home with or I will build you a home to your own plans and specifica tions and sell it to you on terms you can handle. I: BUY W. 8. a I Any bank or postoffice will sell yon a 15 Christmas present for M.23 United States War Savings Stamp. Call on Me at Once, for Every Dollar You Pay Out in Rent You Have Lost Many new homes are going to be built in Prineville this coming spring and if you plan to build see me at once. I also have money to loan on improved city property. 1 O CnOCf? 335 Ma n Street IX. Lj. JtOLL Phone Black 341