DECEMBER II, 1010. I1. CROOK OOCHTT JOURNAL Part) I Ml I Wm llll I ill II I III II I in CLASSIFIED- ADS rXJB HAI-K I'OH SALE Hunch gran piisture. Inquire of Lon IsVgus, Lamontu. Oregon. 4t3p FOR 8AI.K ClirlnimBs trot'Ti, nil 8oo Hoy McKlnnon or phone I31. 6t3p KOR 8AI-K One 1016 Kord touring cr, $360. Inquire this office 3tfc FOIt 8AI.K 75 dry cows. John II. Ilarrleon, Fort Itock, Oro. 2tfo FOR 8 A LIS Kord car, tint class con dltlon, nowly painted, now tires, speedometer, eloctrlc lights, shock ahsnrhnrs, ono man top, Cnll W. J. Hughes. 3t3p FOR 8ALK Two 1919 Dodge carsi driven less than 3,000 mlltis, at a bargain price. Call at Motor Inn tor demonstration. 8tfo FOR SALE A good stock ranch In northern California. Plenty of range adjoining ranch. Adapted to cattle or sheep. Will sell cheap. Write or see Raymond Calavan, Prinevllle, Oregon. 48tfo 'FOR 8ALE Ford Touring car In Al hape, Just overhauled. This is a good buy. Inquire this office 48tfe FOR SALE Choice White Wyan dotte cockerels. Plnce orders now aa none will be kept over winter. Ray V. Constable. 49tfc FOUND FOUND Pair of eyeglasses in ense, Saturday on Main street. Owner can have Bnmo by paying for this Rdv, 2tfo FOUND A Duroc Boar, wt. about 200 lbs. Came to my place on the McKny last week. Owner can have same by paying for feed and this advertisement. Sam Reynolds, Prinevllle. 4t2o WANTED MISCELLANEOUS LOST Three head of steers, two years old past. 1 solid black, 1 black and white, 1 red with gome white. First two undercrop each ear, other crop and slit in right, half undercut in left, all branded 17 with quarter circle beneath on left rib. Liberal reward for any or all of these. F. F. Cox, City. 2t7c. LOST From the Ochoco Stage on the Prlnevlllo-Ochoco road one day last week, a pair of black chaps. Finder please leave at Maker & Cornett's and receive reward. 4t2c BEFORE YOU SIGN a life Insur ance contract in any other com pany examine the superior con tract and, low premium rates ol Oregon Life. See. T. L. Qulnn the local agent. 24tfc NOTICE I " Dr. L. V. Belknap of Portland has opened offices with his father, Dr. H. P. Belknap, for permanent practice here Calls answered day or night. I . i - Mills STANDARD. FI.OIIR , glJJJM ( j ' "EAT MORE BREAD" 1 1 II Ml I IK . I.I .III.. III .1 ill DUN TINTS UK. H. O. DAVIS Dentist. Ne modern shop, In Kamttra Build log. DR. FREDERICK McK. INGERSOLL Doiitlst, Crook County Bank Rldg rrlnevlllo, Oregon. 43tfc ATTOKNKYS WILLARD H. WIRTZ DUtrlct At ! torney. Office Crook County bank Building, Prinevllle, Oregon tt M. H. ELLIOTT Attorney at Law Court House St.. Prinevllle, Ore 1 OPHTHALMOLOGIST DR F. H. DAT Physician, optha mologlst, neuraloglst. Specialty of eyes and nerves. Glasses fitted. Hours 10 to 12 a. m.; 1 to B p. m. Evenings by apolntment. 610 Main I St. Prinevllle, Oregon. 37tfc I WADE HUSTON SURVEYOR Prinevllle Oregon : frAeee-er-e'e.e rrr.j. . CHICHESTER S PILLS TIIR IIIAHOND BBANDl veo known M Bret. Silt. ItrttK. SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYMttB! H. P. Belknap L. V. Belknap BELKNAP BELKNAP Physicians and Surgeons Office 123 East Third Street Prinevllle, Oregon Office phone 61 Residence 68 FRANCIS WILLI AMS-DURAND Teacher of PIANO, VOICE, and VIOLIN East First Street Get the Top Market Price for YOUR RAW FURS Send Them To Write' for Price List And Tags THE GOLDEN RULE FUR tXI. 603 First Ave., Seattle, Wf.h. abMltMl1 Am rnr Vranifi br AA Chl.4tJMM.t4M- UImmrXr rudA, FUU laMlnd Hold nZtn&SSJ Tha History of the World War eot plete In five Tolumes. 811k jlodiBf 111.60. Two dollars down, balance whon books are delivered. ir orders for E. H. Brent, care of Jo nal office Prinevllle. Oregon I7tfe ree&rfVIrereeirr OREGON DAILY JOURNAL DAILY BOc DAILY AND SUNDAY 03c If m doat rt4 yonp paper rm nUrly, pboce Itel 431 ant we will aend one np by special mee engw. PIU NEVILLE DRUG CO. 1 Local Agent WE HAVE SOME BARGAINS In AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS FARM WAGONS WIRE FENCE ETC. FOR CASH COLLINS W. ELKIN9 LAKE M. BECHTELL V. S. Commissioner Attorney-At-Law Crook County Bank Building PRI NEVILLE . . OREGON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES At Masonic Temple every Sun day at 11:00 a. m. All welcome Sunday school for all under 10 yeara of age ot 10:00 a. m. NOTICE ! DRY HIDES .80e GREEN SALTED J3o GREEN HIDES J80o SHEEP TELTS jZOc to 25c FRANK WINER SCALE BOOKS Neatly prlntee and bound. .' Send 1.00 to the Journal and one will be mailes you, postage paid. lUt NO. Sltltt HOTint FOR PUBLICATION Denarlnient of the IntrlA. If r -.4 T Df Ilea. Ontm, Nntmbn 1. m. "u" v iwrrify KiTn tnai UAVIIl li AnHKW of Benil. Orern, who, on January Id, tH. " nwrneeieau r.niry wo. a for South Half of Ho-tiua to, Tian.hin u. Hnuik h.n.. 211 Keel Willamette Meridian, baa Med of Intention u maka final Thie Year Proof to aalabiUh rlaim to th land above deac-lbed. VT I " v- u . ;on,mieeloDer at Hend, Omron, on tha Uth day of bexeraber. 11. Claimant uavaa aa vttnaaaeei ' II. Hnrmryn. Il.mi,t..n, Ckail. MrUm- of Alfalfa. Ornton ; Thnmaa Langfora J. B Murpbr. iith of Bii. Oimt H. FRANK WOODrOCK. NO. mm NOTICE FOB rLULICATION Department of tha Inferior, n a r ...a rv fke at Tha Dallaa. Omtoo. November a, 1(1 f ui it. Ei nerenr riven that CORA BIIRKHOI.DPB of Pmt, Oregon, who, on Janaarf It, 114 made HomreUad Entry No. lU2t for NKW See 18, NWV, NF.J4 NV, NWV, RW NW. rm-iwn s. jownanip 1 1 Boom Kanite II KM Will. matt, Meridian, haa fllad notlfe of b tontlon to OMka Pinal Thraa Tm, Pm - aaubliah claim to tha land above dwrlhMf'W fra Lake M rWhteil, I). 8. Commbulnner ' Prinevllle, Oregon, on tha lath dar of Hanoi aar. tail. Claimant name m wftneapeei Homer Norton. Daniel W. Knox. fTlvaaae C Allan. John W. Knoi. all nf Pout. Orraoa. 11. FRANK WOODCOTK. NOTICB Or ELECTION LOVE PINE IRRI GATION DISTRICT, CROOK COL NTT OREGON NOTICE K fetrvhy riven that an dottion will tw ftfld In anil for Lon Plna Irrigation Iitrict, Crook County, Oregon, on December 27 1 h, l(t 19, for to following tmitoaei To detrmfnt whether th district will auth orize the baftuanc of lU thirty year aerial coupon bonds, brarln Intercut at the raU of , 6 per eent per annum, payable aem. -annually on tha firat day of July and January of each ! yrfir and tha prinHpal, payabla aerially, j In approximately afrual amount, principal and interest aach year. after five yean., for tha next twenty-fire yean j thereafter. In a total amount of on hundred j and fifty thousand dollars (f l&u.OOO), In or der to provide so much money as may ba nee- eury to eover coots of construction, cost of wnfr rlirbta. engineering and legal expense. Interest on bonds baaed and coat of administra tion. The election will be held at tha Lona Pine School House within tha confines of said Irri gation District, which aaid school houaa will be used as tha polling place during said elect ion. The polls will ba open during aaid el ection from 8 :00 o'clock a. m. of said day tin til 5 :00 o'clocn p. m. of said day. By order of tha Board of Directors of Lone Pine Irrigation District, Crook County, Ore gon. Stfc DENTON G. BRDICK, Secretary. NOTICE OP PINAL SETTLEMENT NOTICE Is hereby given by the undersigned, the Kx ecu tor of the Katate of J. M. -fauirht, dwiute-d, that ha has made and filed with the rhrk of the County Court of Crook County, Oregon, his final accounting of his execution of tid Etate. and tha Honorable County Court for Crook County, Oregon, has set Kri (iny. December 26, 1019, at the hour of 10 o'Clork In tha fnrenoon at the County Court Room tn Prinevilla, Oregon, aa the time and place for hearing and settling said final ac count inn ; at which aaid time and place any pfrona interested In said Estate may appear and object to snld final accounting. E. J. WILSON, Executor of tha Ea St5e tate of J. at. Faught, Dacaascd m wt i-i btt ir.t an ma gl .rav Tt.1rl1ellWirrtlT .M. m rrariitii ctevrolet V v . . r 2 NOTICE OP CUARIAVH SALE OP REAL ESTATE In tha Count Conn of tha State of Oranon, for Crook Coantr. In tha matter of tha flaardtanehlp of Ray. oiond J. Wright and Clifford Wright, minora NOTICE a hereby gtren bj tha undenlgiMd, raardtaa of tha pmafu and eUtee of Ray. m.i d J. Wright and Clifford Wright, minora, that by virtue of an order and Hrenae here, tofora mntd by Hon. N. 0. Wallace. Judge of tha above entitled court, on tha 10th day of November, ll, that I will aell for eaak at private aale upon and after tha Uth day el Itorember, 11. the in terra t of tha aaid minora In and to tha following deeeribed real aetata, to-wit: Mouth half of the floatl eaet quarter of See tion , the Soothweat onarter of rVmthweat qua-ter of Sertloa , and the Northeaet quar ter of Nnrtheaat quarter of Sertion 17, Town, hip 14 Booth. Ranite 1 Kaat Wllametto Mer idian. In Crook County. Bute of Oregon. All bide to be received at the offlre of L. M. rWhtell. In Prlnevtlle, Oreson, attorney for aaid fuardlan. Dated at Prlnerllle and pnblbhed the flrat time tha lith day of November. 11. RUTH PITZOKRALD, Gnardiaa of the peraona and extateo of Ray. wnd I. W.-iht, and aifford Wriifht Hie Minora. NOTICB OP PINAL ACCOUNTING NOTICE Is hrrebr given ny tha undersigned, (he administrator of the Estate of William H. Post, Deceased, that he haa made and filed with the Clerk of the County Court of Crook County, State of Oregon, the final aceotintina of his administration of tha affairs of tha aaid EAtate, and that the Honorable County Court aforesaid has fixed Monday, tha 61 h day of January, 1020, In the forenoon of said day al 10 o'clock In the County Court room of the Courthouse at Prinevllle, Crook County, Ore gon, aa the time and place for bearing and settling the said accounting. Dated this 13th day of November. A D., 1919. Published last time TWTnbT IT, 191 1. Signed JOSEPH R. POST, Adminis trator of the Estate of Wiliam H Poat, Deceased. WILLARD H WIRT, Attorney for Estate ltRe jtaadica fil!l55rci CCfRE Has No Equal No Rival. No Sntwtitnle IT IS THE BEST I J .E. STEWART ACQ The Journal does modern prlntln a abort notice. NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed ad ministrator of the Estate of Annie L. Wright, deceased, by the Connty Court of Crook County, State of Ore gon, and all creditor's of said deceas ed, and all persons having claims against the said EBtate, must present the same with proper vouchers to the undersigned at the office of L. M. Becbtell, Crqok County Bank Build ing, In Prinevllle, Oregon .within six am m 9 m tn aAt ba..jai Chevrolet 'Four-Ninety" Touring Car equipped with electric lights and star ter highest type two-unit system, sin gle wiring used. Complete lamp equipment, mohair tailored one-man top, top cover and side curtains; tilt ed windshield; speedometer; electrio horn; extra rim nad carrier on rear; complete tool equipment. Including pump and Jack. Foot rest, robe rail, pockets in each door. The Chevrolet "Four-Ninety" Tour ing car is a very carefully built car. Only the best inmaterials. methods and men have a part in its construct ion. For Chevrolet manufacturing ideals are high. And Chevrolet re sources are so great as to enable them to build up to an unusual high stan dard rather than down to a price. NEWELL MOTOR SALES CO. PRIVEVILLE OREGON rv LrTr.4 . . - - . . , .. M Chevrolet 'Tour-Ninety" Touring Car $718, f . o. b. i monthi from tha date of tha flrtt publication of thii notice. Dated Rn. pabluhed first time th iOti dy ir Korember, 119. W. J. WRIOHT. Admlniitrator of tha E . Mite of Annie U Wright, rU'Cpnaprl. LAKR W TirA HTELL, Attorney lor Aarainittrator. 1U ljttn N CANC E R NO KXIITE AaD LOt-.S OP BLOOD No PlasU-n nod I'alna For Hoar ! TUMORS, l. K.i, FISTULA COll KE DIM" ASKS Ol WOMKW 8KIN, L-TOMA", BOWELS Four liar1 Study In Europe Over Thirtj' Years' Experience . Portland Vhj.lml rjicmpj LaboratOfT 412-117 Journal BMg PortUnd, Or. . 62 tie S-iLESMAX WANTED We wat 'an actiTe, lntelU-, gnut man with ear, who can fiTe references as to his relia bility, to handle (arm lighting and power plants In his home d. strict. Experience not neces ary. . f- Excluslv, territory and big pay to thrl right man. Write or wire if yu ran qualify. Stark raii Coi, tit Third St., Port viand, Oregon, 61tfe CHAfl. S. EDWARDS Ph siciaa and Surgeon ' - - Offlre 17 Main St. First doot south Prinevllle Drag t Company Office phone Blk 201. Rea 10 WANTED Clean cotton rags at tha Journal Office a DELCO-LIGHT The complete- Electric Light and Power Plant Turns the grindstone, runs the fan ning mill and other machinery INLAND AUTO CO. When writing; advertisers, pleas mention The Journal. riint, WelUgaa