Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, December 11, 1919, Page Page 11, Image 11

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    TK KMHKR 11, 1010.
Every Purchaser of Candy
Will be interested in our gift baskets of
Candy. Come in and let us explain to you
Fancy Japanese Handwork Basket
filled with chocolates, value $10.00
Ditto value - - 7.50
Ditto value - - - 3.00
Ditto value - - 1.50
These Baskets Given Away on
New Y
ear s uay
Come in and see these
jtvjt via we m m m iwi iwi ivi
fulfilled, and notice jf withdrawal by
the United State may be firm by a
concurrent resolution of tb congress
of the United Slates."
Many Death Occur In Hongkong,
Shanghai and Manila.
Seattle, Wash. Cholera la causing
many deaths In Hongkong, Shanghai
and Manila, according to news brought
by tbe stesmkhlp Chicago Maru. There
were 275 cases of the dlseaae in Manila
and 169 deaths in a week.
Many deatba hare alao occurred in
Hongkong and Shanghai. No whitea
or Japaneaa have died, however, la
either China or the Philippine., and
the autborltlea were hopeful of hav
ing the dlseaae in check when the
Chicago .teamed for thli count
Lightning Explodes Oil Tank,
j Iowa Park, Tex. Burning oil from
88 MOO-barrel tanka, ahattered by a
j aerie of exploalona, when aet afire by
I lightning, awept in devastating atream
' through a large part of Waggoner City,
an oil town near here, according to
j information received here. One man la
known to have been killed, a number
Incurred erlou burn and a loaa
which will exceed 11,000,000 resulted
from the oil fir.
The Biggest Bargain in Prinevilk
Ford owner will have a chance to
get second band SOxS aad MaSH
tire at price before) atabauem.
Com la early and get yea wheat.
We also have oa hand tbe f - if
Tire and Tube
447 MAIN SHEET - -
The annual convention of the Amer
ican Legion opened in Minneapolis
Monday for a three-day seaalon.
General Perahlng expect to reach
the Pacific coast shortly after Christ
mas and will Inspect Camp Lewis, Fort
George Wright at Spokane and Van
couver barrack.
The railroad administration has re
leased for immediate delivery all Utah
coal shipments en route to the Pacific
coast, thus averting a coal shortage In
the western states.
Present day styles of clothes worn
by church women were censured at
the national training conference of the
Intor-Church World Movement of
: North America, at Atlantic City,
i The first three months of prohibl
; tlon In San Francisco shows a 60 per
I cent decrease in murders and a 20 per
: cent decrease in deaths caused by ae
j cldents. Suicides have not fallen off.
! Wine and table grape growers of
California have formed a oo-operative
j marketing association, which is ex
pected to save the wine men from losa
j resulting from the prohibition amend
i coat.
Transfer of Camp Lewis sit of 62.
004 acres to the goverment from Pierce
eonnty, Washington, waa finally ac
eompllahed when Secretary Baker for
mally accepted the deed of the dona
tion. Demands for an Increase of $1 a day
for men worker of the Pacific Tele
phone and Telegraph company In Ore
gon, Washington, California and Nev
ada were rejected by the company in
Ban Francisco.
Montana University Haa Union.
Missoula, Mont More than a hun
dred member of the faculty of the
nnlveralty of Montana here have be
come member of the new faculty
union No. 120, affiliated with the
American Federation of Labor, and a
salary scale is being prepared, accord
ing to faculty members.
Southern Pacific Loses Oil Lsnd.
Washington. The government by an
opinion in the supreme court won Its
fight to have canceled patents for S00
acres of California oil land valued at
810,000,000 alleged to have been ob
tained through fraud by the Southern
Pacific company.
Bolshevik Loss of Petrograd Likely.
Washington. The fall of Petrograd
to the anti-bolshevik forces is reported
in Swedish circles to be Inevitable.
Washington. Characterising all
strikes as "industrial barbarism," and
declaring that "there Is no place la
this country either for industrial des
potism or labor despotism," the sen
ate committee which investigated the
steel strike presented It report.
A a permanent preventive ef
strikes, which the committee con
cedes "are apparently the only way
for labor to secure even its Just de
mands if employers refuse to grant
them," it Is recommended that con
gress authorize the establishment of
some such mediation agency with well
defined powers as the recently dis
solved war labor board.
"This board would have the power
of compulsory investigation," the re
port adds, "but not to the extent of
compulsory arbitration." The report
was signed by Senator Kenyon of
Iowa, chairman, and Senators Sterling,
South Dakota; Fhipps, Colorado, re
publicans, and McKellar, Tennessee,
and Walsh, Massachusetts, democrats.
SCRATCH rAXna Different
and quality of paper, , Jut the
thing for roar desk or pocket,
- for sal at The Journal office.
H. E, Johnaon of the Anti-Saloon
League of Ohio, who Is directing the
prohibition fight In England.
Documents Seized Disclose
Pht to Destroy All f
u.i.Kton. In a general wanare
on radical aliens advocating forcible
overthrow of the government, agents
of the department of Justice, anointed
by the immigration bureau, rounded
up nearly 500 men and women in raids
In more than a score of cities, includ
ing the capital.
More than 200 of those arrested will
be held for deportation and it was
announced at the department of Jus
tice that it was the intention to re
quest the department of lubor to de
port all aliens found to be engaged
in radical activities.
Primarily the raids, which occurred
In practically every industrial center
In the east and middle west, were aim
ed at the Union of Russian Workers.
Attorney-General Palmer described
the Russian union as "even more rad
ical than the bolshevlkl," and declared
Its purpose was to amalgamate all of
th Russian groups in the United
States Into one organization. Mass
A Free Dance!
The dobt on the Community Hall
since its construction has now been
paid in full and the directors feel
very, kindly towards the patrons of
the dances given at this place and are
taking this method of showing their
appreciation of the good will ot their
At Powell Butte Hall
action, Including armed action In time
of "great national strife" is the prin
cipal function, he said.
Plan of the Union of Russian Work
er to bring about an overthrow of the
government through a general strike
was revealed in documents seized in
the nation -wide raids.
With the government overthrown
and everything "wiped from the earth
that Is a reminder of the right to pri
vate ownership of property," the Rus
sian workers, according to their mani
festo, looked forward "to the magnif
icent, beautiful form of man without a
God, without a master and free of
Tbe documents and publications ob
tained in the raids, officials said, were
of the most Inflammatory nature and
made no effort to conceal the union's
programme ot destruction and death
to achieve Us ends.
Washington. A reservation propos
ing to safeguard the nation's right to
withdraw from membership in the
league ot nations was adopted by the
senate with every republican senator
and six democrats voting for it or
paired in its support
Holding the whip hand by a safe
majority, the republican leaders swept
aside every suggested modification and
carried the reservation through ex
actly as approved by the foreign rela
tions committee.
The final count was 50 to 35, and
pairs announced for the absentees
showed the entire senate membership
to be divided, 55 to 41. Five demo
cratsSenators Reed (Missouri), Gore
(Oklahoma), Smith (Georgia), Walsh
(Massachusetts) and Chamberlain
(Oregon) voted in the affirmative,
while Senator Shields, democrat (Ten
nessee) was paired In favor of the
The reservation, first of 14 proposed
by the committee to carry out a pro
gramme which Its sponsors say has
been pledged to a safe majority
throughout the reservations, provides:
"The United States so understands
and construes article 1 that in case of
notice of withdrawal from the league
of nations, as provided In said article,
th if United States shall be tho sole
judge as to whether all Its Internation
al obligations and all Its obligations
under the said covenant have been
Buy Useful Gifts
UL Nrfcf ? Nothing is so much appreciated
VV Iiy 1NUI. as gifts tnat are useful. . . ... .
We have the most complete line of men's
apparel ever displayed in this community
Select his gift from this list
Bath Robes, Mackinaws, Sweaters, Fancy
Neckwear, Gift Handkerchiefs,
Gloves, all styles, Men's
Slippers, Hats
and Caps
Buy Early Before The Lines Are Broken.
We have just received a large line of new Hart, Schaf
ner and Marx suits. Also, fancy, warm, wool shirts
and plain wool shirts.