NOVKMIIKIt 27. 1019. CROOK OOCNTT JOtRXAL Page IMMMMtllHMiM RED GROSS GIVES FULL ACCOUNTING LAKIN HARDWARE IS THE EASTMAN AGENT irslt War Council Tells How Millions Contributed by Public Were Used For Belief. BIG TASK IS DESCRIBED SE i I tj ONE TIME A MERCHANT ADVER TISED IN AN EVENINQ PAPER FOR A LAD TO FILL A CERTAIN POSiTION. AND FOUND. ON ARRI VAL AT HIS OFFICE THE NEXT MORNINO, ONE HUNDRED OR Mollic w aItinq in lYnb, before HE COULD PROCEED TO EXAMINE ANT OFTHEM, HI8 8TENOQRA. PHER HANDED HIM A CARD ON WHICH WA8 WRITTEN: "1 AM THE LAflT KID IN THE LINE. DON'T J0 ANTTH1NO UNTIL YOU FIRHT BEE MB." HO DON'T 1H ANYTHING WHEN YOi' PLAN TO BUILDJTHAT HOME OF YOUR DREAMH PNT1L YOP FIRST 8 Kit VH. EVERYTHING IX TIIK BULIINQIJNB. YOt'KH KOR HER VICE, TUM-A-LUM LUM ER rUtH COMPANY' MADRAS, GATEWAY Successor to 8 HIPP PERRY Try a little old Classified Ad in the Journal How Many of These Men Do You Know? They Are All Satisfied Users of DELCO LIGHT Electric Farm Lighting Plants. G. C. PRICE Powell Butte BALDWIN SHEEP CO Hay Creek THOMAS HOUSTON ....Powell Butte T. H. BRENNAN Paulina E. L. IVERSON .1 :.. Powell Butte JOHN KEMMLING Prineville JOHN PRIDAY Gateway H. L. PRIDAY Gateway R. E. SCOTT :...Mitchell R. H. CRAM, Gateway S. D. MUSTARD Powell Butte Wm. PETERSON, ...Powell Butte I. B.MYERS,; Post W. P. TREICHELL, Paulina F. A. POWELL, Paulina HOMER NORTON, Post G. C. PRICE, i Prineville . THOMAS FITZGERALD Mitchell S. J. CONNELLY, Mitchell JOHN O'CALLAGHAN Mitchell . , , E. R. LAUGHLIN, Mitchell ' v E. R. SHOWN, Richmond WHEELER CO. TRAD. CO ....Mitchell ' SAM WOODS .....Redmond J. H. SCHWARTZER, Paulina The Plant That is Air-Cooled and Has the Big 160-Ampere Hour Batteries. In Twenty Months $154,000,000 Wm pent' Overseas and 1119,000,000 In the OnlUd States. Wsshtngtonl 8perlaL) Through a complete report of the work of the American Hed Cram In the war Of Chairman Henry P. Davison, on be half of (be war council, the organiza tion on (he ere of IU annual enroll ment of members during the Third Red Cross Rail Call, Nor ember 2 to 11, has rendered an accounting of the nun minions given It by the Ameri can people to help our fighting men nd our allies. The statement la, in part, as follows: "The war council of the American Red Cross Is now prepared to make a complete amounting to the American: people of money contributed and ex pended, as well as the work done by the American Red Cross during the period la which the war council was In control of Its affairs. The war council was appointed May 19, 1919, and went out of existence February 28, 1919. - it was the practice of the w council to gle complete publicity to Its policies and finances, but It la only now" that a picture of the war period aa a whole can be presented. It la the feeling of the war council that a report In this summarized form should be made directly to the public which provided the money and gave the ef fort which made the American Red Cross a success. "A statement of the American Red Cross effort and finances since the war council relinquished Its control will be made to the public through the executive committee, and It Is Im portant, therefore, that the fact thai this report covers the period only until March 1, should be carefully noted." following are certain round figures covering American Hed Cross purticl patlon in the war, as revealed by the war council's report: ' 6ome Outstanding Figures. Contributions received (material mid money). $400,000,000 lted Croats uieuiliers: Adults, 2O,0UO,UUU: Children, 11,UU0,(W0 ... 81,000,000 Itcd Cross workers 8,100,000 Kellef articles produced ny volunteer worKcrs.. Bfl,or,uuu Families of soldiers aided '' liv Home Service in U.S. 600,000 Refreshments served by canteen workers ill U.S. 40,000,000 Nurses enrolled for serv ice with army, navy or lied Cross 23,822 Kinds of comfort articles distributed to soldiers and sailors in U. S.... 2.700 Knitted articles given to soldiers and sailors In U. S. 10,000,000 Tons of relief supplies shipped overseas 101,000 Foreign countries In which Red Cross oper ated 29 Patient days In Red Cross hospital In France 1,155,000 French hospitals given material aid 8,780 Splints supplied for Amer- lcnn soldiers 294,000 Gallons of nitrous oxide and oxygen furnished French hospitals ..... 4,340,000 Men served by Red Cross canteens In France..,. 15,378,000 Refugees aided In France 1,726,000 American convalescent soldiers attending Red CroBS movies In France 1,110,000 Soldiers carried hy Red Cross ambulances In Italy 148,000 Children cared for by Red Cross In Italy 155,000 Of the $400,000,000 In money and supplies, contributed to the American Red Cross during the fwenty months the war council was In existence, S263.000.000 was alloted to national headquarters, while $137,000,000 went to the chapters to finance their ac tivities. Expenditures In the twenty months totalled $273,000,000, divided as follows: By national headquarter! In France, $57,000.000 ; elsewhere orer seas. $64,000,000; In the United Siatee, $48,000,000 : hy chapters In the Cnlted States, $43,000,000; cost of chapter produced articles distributed In France, $25,000,000, elsewhere over seas, $8,000,000; In the Cnlted Statea. $28.0P,000, making total expenditures In fcfti;' 82,000,000, elsewhere over seas, $72,000,000; In the United States, $119,000,000. SEE HIM FOB Kodaks and Supplies 4 INLANDAOTO CO DEALERS Prineville, Oregon , MODERN APPLIANCE CO. DISTRIBUTORS Seattle, Washington HOW: ThbAmericat Red Cross All you need is a 3-t3 -ana a It IT Is Your Money Supporting the Government? i - At this critical period In our history oar manufacture are -offering their mills and our young men are offering their itervlcee ' to the United Statea government. Would you Ilka to lo your hare and help, by putting your money where it wlli support the ' new Federal Reserve Banking System, which the government has established to stand back of our commerce. Industry and ( agriculture T Tou can do this by opening an account with as as part of every dollar so deposited goes directly Into the new system, where it will always be ready for you when wanted. Member Federal Reserve System FIRST NATIONAL" BANK' L THE OAKS CAFE KATE E. WARNER, Prop. c LA8SIEST OZIKST and LEANEST AFE in PRINEVILLE OREGON REGULAR 50c DINNER 6 A. M. to 1 A. M. ON MAIN STREET FIRST DOOR NORTH OF JOURNAL OFFICE At Your Service ; The officers and resources of this bank are available at all ; times in assisting you to solve i your financial problems. We do both a Savings and Commercial Business Capital and Surplus $50,000.00 CROOK COUNTY BANK PRINEVILLE, OREGON v will ennfr n rlnukli favor if vou will mention The Crook County Journal when writing to advertisers.