NOVEMBER 17, 1910. mOO. OOCJfTT JOURNAL PAQBS MARY PICKFORD IN "DADDY LONG LEGS DEATH OF PIONEER OCCURS TUESDAY GEORGE MILMCAN PAHSEH AFTER PROTRACTED ILLNESS 11 Brought .op oh AMD HAHisrtiPS f''X ONVlfLCCVAe; -EVKrl ra'C ?5f fir HCR ii LIFE r yf ,,r-pj I 4 , IffiK 7T Two ro )H fte. vitii, bvt waj 2 OOl AHI GfrjjT4 l KESCotl) ftrrcn iuc Srt'S -tHiCD Alb yX AND3Hin I fiV TKdseveSAMCfc 40 noTHEEi "The li - VIvV l i I I H I ilolsV "RiCes A MCiAl kau. OUT o L Vf ULNA A , I t ) t) A ViSiTijG rtftisTocRr n JS flTM. Vou.Vo(j Oo&y ASPlREiTo WRITE A L An A urA srtoT ) Novel ANfc Does ir. a tTuDV Hks o, an unknown "" c-6rX,6 Voo A - m '" I u 1 RST I G-ooa i,AVLirifl--oor To M(?irtAi.u "Tftfc op OXAD.Dl'- HELPED BLAZE M'KENZIE TRAIL .Mr. Mlllican M Identified With Ore- (Cn HiHtory Hinc 1WI2. Own ed Pint lU-Kixtcred Cattle George Mlllican was born In New York 85 year ago and in the year 1851 drove a band of cattle across tbe plains from MUsouri to Sacra mento Valley, California, thus earn ing his way for tbe trip to the west ern country. Until 1862 be was engaged in min ing in California and Idaho fields, and In the year last mentioned mad a trip from the Idaho gold fields to the mint in 8a n Francisco, on horse back, with quantity of gold. From 1882 until 186 Mr. Mllli can farmed near Eugene, on the Mo Kenzle, and the town of Walterville, In this community, was afterward named after his son, Walter Mlllican. He first came over the Cascade U pilot for Captain Crouch, which ill In 1863, and helped to construct th first trail over the Cascades, which was through the McKenzle pass, where the road crosses today. He was the owner of the first band of registered cattle in the state, an, these he brought to Central Orego ) in 1868, coming from the Wlllamett ralley Into the Crooked River countr where wild deer had up to this tim held undisputed possession of ttw ranges. Shortly after this time be move, his family Into this part of the stats and settled on the McKay, two and s half miles north of Prinevllle, which, place was known as the MUlicaa Springs ranch for many years. Continuing In the cattle business, he remained at the McKay ranch un til 1886, when be moved into what has since become famous as the Mll lican Valley country, southwest of r?? ' Y'i?r : '4 ':'"., ..... ' , . 1 ,; V-.- . v.. r )' - -'A . i i 'i ii 4 , - I A ' V- Ll.'A K.LJT. lit. "... &- Prinevllle, where Mlllican Postoffice is now situated, and he is the first man who settled in that vast bunch grass empire. In addition to the registered Here ford cattle, be raised Clyde and Shire horses and always possessed one or more well-trained stock dogs, which were valuable to anyone handling livestock on the ranges. y He was married to Ada Bradley at Eugene, Oregon, September 23. 18 81. One son, Walter Millican, a mer chant of near Eugene, survives him besides the widow. GREAT INTEREST IN COMING THANKSGIVING SMOKER The match between the two mat ar tists, Roy Anderson and James Thoreg which is booked for the club rooms in this city tonight, is creating much Interest among local fans. Anderson has won two bouts in this city recently and has shown that he has the goods and be has a num ber of ardent followers In the com ing bout Thores has proved himself a hard man to down and no doubt will give Anderson something more to do than he has so far experienced in the local bouu. His coming to Prineville is a lucky pick-up by Matchmaker John son, as it Is not often that men of his caliber are seen outside ot the larger cities. WILL MANAGE CLUB Roy Anderson, All Around Athlete, To Reside in Prinevllle Roy Anderson, wrestler and all round athlete will be in charge of the local club for the winter and will drill a fast team in basket ball In ad dition to wrestling and boxing exhi bitions. There will be something doing In local sports this winter, that la sure. The Amateur Speculator. Another pathetic little feature of everyday life Is the way every fool amateur speculator thinks for a tlm that he's a conservative investor Ohio State Journal LYRIC THEATER, NOVEMBER 28 AND 29 ',ti':.:":;s:::::W:S-:r: JAMES THORES of Portland, who will wrestle Anderson I -might for 200