wwwwwwiwMWitii 1 1 1 1 1 it ntmr POULTK? mis- H WANTED VEAU HOGS. MITTON, BEEF, CHICKENS, TIKKKY8, PITHS, C.KKSK, RGG8. HIDKS, BUTTER, AM) JACKRABBITS... GIVB V A TRIAL. HIGHEST MARKET PRICK CCARAXTEE1. PROMPT RE TURNS GULICKSON & CO. Established 100 Front St. PorUwid, Ore. We Save You Money THKItK IS A UK AHOV We haul our own freight at oust and we pay nu rent. We pay no city tax. YOl'R xmx Is the lowest wholesale pi Ice plus on small per cent profit. Ws are here to aorve and we want yuur Nslncaa. EASIEST THING IN THE WORLD CALL BLACK 303 FOR LIGHT OR HR IVY TRUCK BKRTIOr Morse Transportation Comp'y PRINEVILLE, OREGON ti8t)Mn8wni jiii m mnmtmmmmtmmm IRELAND'S City Transfer & Express Auto Deliver? to all Parte of the City and Vicinity . Phone me for quick service at Hugh Lakin's Red 951! Prineville Machine Shop The Best Equipped Machine Shop in this part of the State. - We are prepared to handle anything in our line promptly. Quality of work is the very best ' " PRINEVILLE MACHINE SHOP E. G. Hodson, Proprietor Prineville, Oregon AT YOUR SERVICE! THE SQUARE DEAL SHOE SHIKING PARLOR ALL KINDS OP SHOES SHINED. FANCY SHOES A SPECIALTY. SHOES J5YED BLACK, BROWN, OR BRONZED. ALSO SUIT CASES AND HAND B AGS CLEANED AND POLISHED. SUIT CASES AND HAND BAGS DYED. SPECIAL SEATS FOR LADIES. Prineville, Allen J. Butler, Proprietor Oregon "Get this straight" says the Gocd Judgs The tobacco that gives you the most lasting chew is the kind that saves you money. You don't have to take so many fresh chews. The rich tobacco taste stays right with it. That's why you take a smalier chew. THE i ri fi 7 w y m j-k ? t u r i-ut up in tzo styks RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco ARE YOU GOING TO BUY A HARNESS WHY NOT HAVE ONE MADE TO ORDER EXACTLY LIKE YOU 1 WANT IT, OF A 1 LEATHER? BRING YOUR ORDER TO FARRAND'S REPAIR SHOP Prineville, Oregon iH THE HOME HOSPITAL UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT OUR RATES REASONABLE CONDITIONS THE VERT BEST MATERNITY CASES SPECIALTY BOMO J r Dnuivi sou liavuniiui j A Want Ad Gets Results SUCCESS OF POULTRY FLOCK Keep Them Qrowing and Prune and Cull Vigorously Qlve Careful Attention to Detail. (Prepared by the United States Depart- mont of Agriculture.) The poultry department of the farm establishment must not be forgotten. When pruning or cull lift time comes, spraying the orchard la do more Impor taut than spraying the henhouse or dusting or greasing the heni and chicks. Early hatching la one of the prime essentials for success; but early hatching Is only the beginning, If you want good, strong, vigorous, well-matured pullets to do the laying for yon next fall, you must see that the chicks hatch out at the proper time, and then keep them growing, and prune and cull vigorously. The success of the future depends on the work of today. Many people think; that because they paid attention to details and "got thing going" last year Uiey don't need to bother much this season. This la a blst mistake. The real results this yeeu ore caused by attention to do tails last year, and next year will de pend on this year which means that careful attention la necessary every year. Those baby chicks, too, must be looked ' after. Ask your couuty agent or home demonstration agent for a circular on "First Care of Baby Chlcka." ;' When' planning to rata standard bred chlcka, many people mistakenly think that different methods should be used. This la all wrong. ' To those who have made a success In raising mongrel or mixed poultry the com mon "barnyard flocks" It I necessary only to suggest that the same methods be employed with the standard-bred chicks that were used In raising the mixed or mongrel variety. To those who have not raised poultry, the best advice Is, "Give the chicks a good chance and they will do the rest." Do not hamper them with needless re strictions. Bnby chirks are easily trained and will nnturally seek places that are warm, but they have no power to regu- SI. Vt, ''V -- imitiiftffimt .. ... SWA. M1 ML Hatching Season Demands Poultry Raiser's Most Careful Attention. Inte the heat or ventilate the room or to supply fresh water. Keep charcoal, grit, etc., before them all the time, or when needed. They naturally love to scratch, and If given a chance will make the litter fly In digging after tiny morsels. Keep them scratching. This can best be done by not overfeeding. Have 'an outside room that Is a little cojder than where the brooder Is kept, or put the brooder In one side of the building or room. This will leave the other side cooler. Remember that sweating or damp brooders or houses are more dangerous to chicks than cold; but chirks must have a suffi ciently warm place to hover whenever they wish. To those poultry raisers who brood by the hen all there Is to say is to let the hen do the brooding. Keep the hen free from lice and also keep her dry and keep the coop clean. It is no difficult task; all that Is needed Is thoughtfulness and careful attention. Baby chicks will get under the old hen whenever they feel the need of a little warmth. It Is, therefore, very Impor tant that the hen should be kept dry. Do not allow the hen her liberty with her brood for at lenst four weeks. This will give the chicks plenty of oppor tunity to become strong. Unless the grass Is short and conditions favorable, It Is better not to turn her out as early as four weeks. The first two weeks, however, are the most Important In the life of the chick, and the most Impor tant factor is brooding during that period. The hen will do that properly If given the proper place and let alone. To those operating brooders the best advice that can be given Is, "Watch and follow Instructions." Don't be too big hearted and overfeed the baby chicks the first week, as It la a well-known fact that more chicks die as a i tsult of overfeeding the first week or two than from any other cause. ypyyyyyyyfyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? POULTRY NOTES vyyy?yyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?yyyA Beef scraps or hour milk help to fill the egg basket. Anything that frightens a flock of fowls upsets It to the extent that it reduces egg production. ' e e Chicks should be fed little and often, thus keeping them hungry and busy. A busy jbick will keep healthy. ORPHANED LAMBS AND PIGS Patlenoe, Car and Good Nursing Have Brought to Maturity Many Un fortunate Animals. (Prepared by the United ntatea Depart ment of Asrtoulture.) ' Many weak "orphan" lambs and pigs, requiring too much care for the average farmer or ranrhman to bother with, are salvaged by the boys and girls belonging to the clubs organised by the United States department of ag riculture and the atate colleges. Pa Hence, care and good nursing by HOMER NORTON Post, - - - - Oregon rm-.xVv, sJsrr.l n-v i A Club Boy and Hla Three Orphans. youngster have brought to maturity animals which otherwise would not have sirvlved Infancy. As a result, the meat supply Is Increased and the boy or girl Is enabled to earn money. The father of a little girl In Anson county, N. C, who was very anxious to Join a pig club, repeatedly refused to give her a pig. One of his pigs did not do well last year and he tried to sell the "runt" for $1, hut could not find a buyer. Ills wife persuaded him to give the friendless pig to the little girl. Care and careful feeding brought It to maturity. After a while the club member's herd was Increased to six. The little girl traded the best two of the litter to her father for sole posses sion of the mother hog, and sold the other three for $15. Having now ac quired a membership In the pig club, she plans to continue In the work. Vhen the Bridegroom Is Not a Cipher. There Is nu exception to the rule ;hnt the bridegroom la a cipher In the society announcement. That is when the youth's mother turn la the Item. THE OGHOCO' market: Is now ready to supply your needs ALL KINDS OF FRESH AND CURED MEATS Fruits; Vegetables and Produce Bos t wick & Cox PRINEVILLE, OREGON The journal does Modern Printing on Short Notice ANNUNCEMENT We desire that every houseowner,- every school director and deacon in the Northwest shall know that the' Western Pipeless Furnace heats any house or church IniDO JL rtant: p. At less cost than any other Heater or Stove. T I IWfiv-fcjYAv has keen appointed dis- J. lViinger tributor to handle and in stall the Western Pipeless Furnace and he as well as we, guarantee that every "Western" gives satisfaction. Our Guarantee is Unconditional Satisfaction or Money Back The Western Foundry & Furnace Go. Of Tacoma, Washington MWMMWm