NOVEMBER 87, 1010. I - 1 . CLASSIFIED ADS FOR HALE FOR BALK Past a re and rye hay. see Lon Negus. Lamonta, Or. G2t3p FOR SALE 640 acre ranch on the Ochoco. Thla la a snap. Inquire at tbla of rice. 47tfo FOR SALE A good stock ranch In northern California. Plenty of range adjoining ranch. Adapted to cattle or aheep. Will tell cheap. Write or aee Raymond Calavan, Prlueville, Oregon. 48tfc FOR SALE Ford Touring car In Al hap, Just overhauled. Thla la a good buy. Inquire thla office 48tfc FOR SALE Choice White Wyan dotte cockerels. Place ordnra now ai none will be kept over winter. Ray V. Constable. 40tfo FOR SALE The old Kinder place. 160 acres. See R. W. Rea. 48tfc PARTY LEAVING CITY Left a Liberty Six for sale. Will accept a amallor car In part pnyment. The Motor Inn. Sltlo FOUND FOUND Fair week, child's fur neck piece. Owner call and identify property at tblsofflce, Sltfc WASTED WANTED A good matched team. MtiBt be close, blocky built, gentle to handle. Weight from 12 to IS hundred pounds, from 8 to 6 ycara old, preferred broken ready to work. W J. KlngBley, Prlneviile lp WANTED Position doing chores and light work by man of experience. Address B. A. Willams, Prlnevllle, Oregon. It2p WANTED Chickens and turkeys. 1 am again In the markt for all kind of poultry. Phone B 171. C. M. Stroud. - 48tfo WANTED 400 medium to large Juniper trees pulled. Call at this office for particulars. 40tfp WANTED A young lady for candy tore position. Steady employment for the winter. Johnson's Sweet Shop. 46tfc WANTED Farm hand to do chores and milk cows. Sundays off. J70 per month and board for the right man. J. J. Ellinger, Redmond, Oregon. Phone 405 Redmond exchange. 61t8p SUHCKLLANEOU8 - ALFALFA HAY For sale at a bar gain. About 200 tons, 80 acres of pasture, plenty of good water for stock. See R. R. Roberts on the Hall place, Powell Butte. ltle BEFORE YOU SIGN a life lnsur ance contract In any other com' pany examine the superior con tract and low premium rates ol Oregon Life. 3ee. T. L. Qulnn the local acent. ft Attn Prmeville Mills STANDARD FLOUR i 1 " ' i "EAT MORE BREAD" fljll gjMl ill DENTISTS OR. H. 0. DAVIS tDenl 1st. Ne. - modern shop, In Kanutra Build Ing. DR. FREDERICK McK. INGERSOLL Dentist, Crook County Back Bldg Prlnevllle, Oregon. 43tfo ATTORNEY8 VII T Ann IT t. t. nrrw r. . . . . n luunnu n, n IL I U IMITTICT. Al j lurmiy. uiuce uroov uoumy Batik Building, Prlnevllle, Oregon ti M. R. ELLIOTT Attorney at Law Court House St.. Prlnevllle, Ore OPHTHALMOLOGIST DR F. H. DAY Phvalclan. unlh.- mologlst, neuraloglst. Specialty, of eyes and net-van. (IIiuim fit ton Hours 10 to II a. m.; 2 to g p. m. EvenlnRs by apointment. 610 Main St. Prlnevllle, Oregon. 87tfc NOTICE! Dr. L. V. Bulknap of Portland hat opened offices with his father, Dr. H. i P. Belknnp, for permanent practice uore uaus answered day or night NOTICE TO OLD CUSTOMERS I am now able to do your Diana tuning, repairing, voicing and re-! stringing. B. H. BRENT. ' WADE HUSTON SURVEYOR Prlnevllle - Oregon CHICHESTER S PIL i nr. piuvm duui yiclknmuBeJt,SsleAAarllUAra SOLO BY DRUGGISTS EVERVWttltl H. P. Belknan L. V. Belknap BELKNAP & BELKNAP Physicians and Surgeons Offico 122 East Third Slreet Prlnevllle, Oregon Office phone 61 Residence 68 FRANCIS W1LLIAMS-DURAND Teacher of PIANO, VOICE, and VIOLIN East First Street When writing advertisers, pleas' mention The Journal. T I I The History of the World War com plete In five Tolumea. 811k jlndiat $11.60. Two dollara down, balanw when booka are delivered. i-tt orders for E. H. Brent, care of Joai nal office Prlnevllle, Oregon I7Ue OREGON DAILY JOURNAL DAILY OOc DAILY AND SUNDAY flSc If yaa don't get your paper r-' ulaxly, phone Rod 4S1 and we will send one np by special me aenger. rRI NEVILLE DRUG CO. Local Ageat SMS WE HAVE SOME -BARGAINS In . AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS FARM WAGON8 WIRE FENCE ETC. ..- FOR CASH COLLINS W. ELKINS LAKE M. BECIITELL . U. S. Commissioner Att orney -At-Law ' Crook County Bank Building FRINEVILLE . . OREGON SERVICES At Masonic Temple every Sun- day at 11:00 a,m. All welcome Sunday school for all under 10 yean of age ot 10:00 a. m. NOTICE! DRY HIDES ... .80c GREEN jiALTED 85o GREEN HIDES .... .....800 SHEEP PELTS ............20c to 85o FRANK WINER SCALE BOOKS Neatly printed and fcoud. Send $1,00 to tht Journal and one will be mailed yon, postage paid. , ttu - . . ' notice or SHKRirra sale By virtu of aa exacutloa hi forealoeur dory Issued by th clerk of tlx Circuit Court of lh County of Crook, Stat of Oregoa, dated thla rath day of October, la a errtarn action in tho Circuit Court for th Mid County and BUU, wherein Oregon and W-trn Colo nisation Co., a corporation, la Plaintiff, re covering judrmrnt aaala.t John W. Hortgaa and Viola Horlgan, Defrndanta, for tha aura of Thru Thouund On Hundred Fifty and ao-loe Dollara with interest at th rata at 7 par eent per annum from tha first day af March, lain, together with Two Hundred Sev. ratr-Two and ao-loo Dollar attorn' fraa and th further turn of Heventeen and 401 09 Dollar eoela and accruing rvNt. NOT1CK 15 HBKKHV OIVP.N that I will. " Saturday, th SVth day of November, 1919, at tha North front door of tha ermrtnoaM ta Prlnevllle, In Mid County, at III o'clock In th forenoon of raid nay. Mil at public auction, to tha highest bidder for caah, all right and till that th above narmd defendant or eltb r of them have or had at data of aald Judg nl la th following described property to ut t : Tha Houth half of Section Thlrty-Ffva lit) in Town.hlp rourtmi (Ml South of Ranaa KlftMn (It) Eaat of th Wlllamatta Maridiaa 1b Crook Coonty, Oraaron. JOHN r.cmm, 8h.rtff of Crook Conty, Datd at Prinarllla, Oncon, thai tvtb day of October, IDII. JOHN COMBS, Hherlff of Crook County, (HE By FLOYD A. ROWtLU Deputy ItlM NOTICE FOR PI.'BLICATTON Department of th Interior, U. 8. Land Of fice at Tha Dallea, Oregcli, October !!, 11. NOTICE hereby glrn that REVER1N B. ANDERSON .rf P -In evil la. Ort-gon, who, on Juna I. 1M4. mad llomeatind entry No. OI33i for W'i NWi4. KEK NW'4, 8V4 SWH. NE4 8W. w'rj SF'A. Section 10. Townahrp U Boutk. Rang 17 Eaat Willamette Meridian, he filed notice of Intention to make Final Throe Vru Proof to aetabllnh elalm to tha land above dea. cribed bet re Lake M. Be bu-ll, (J. g. Com. miMi,ner at Prinevilla, Oregon, on tha btb day of Detemher, 191. ' Claimant rmea u witneaeea: Jamea R. Fuller, John A. ttoatwk-k, John P. Hnvn.-e, William SUnton, all of 1'rincvillc, Orvgon. H. FRANK WOOMOCK 6116c Rcguter , i3ia ,t NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Of fice at Tha Dalle, Oregon, October 16, 1919. NOT1CK in hereby givi-n that . EDWARD G. GUTFLEISCH , of Brothan), 0 eron, who, on July 26, 1916, made llomcetcad Entry No. 01631. for Lou 2. I, 4, 5, 6, Sectkn SI, Townihip 20 South, Ranga la r.aat Willamette Meridian, haa Tiled notice of Intention to make Final Three Year proof to eatahiiah cairn to the land above described before H. C. Ellis, U. S. Commiuioner at Bend, Owl, on tha ?8lh day of November. 1919. Claimant names M witneasea: Samuel E. Lochery, Patrick H. Coffey. Vin cent H. Sake. John J. Helfrich, all ot Broth ers, O'enon, and Rosco N. Paimcrton. of Bend. Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK it-jp t Register 15148 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. U. & Land Of fice at Th Dalles, Oregon, October 16, 1919. NOTICE is hereby given that SARAH E. GUTFLK1SCH, one of th heirs and for the heirs of Charles 1. Gulfti-isch, deceased, of Brothers, Oregon, who, on June 21, 191 R, made Homtctead Entry No. OUiUg for EVj SWVi and 8E',4 Sec. lit. 1 in, S K 17 E Lots !, 4, Sec. 30. Lot 1 See. II. Town.hlp 20 South, Range 18 East Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to maju final Three Year Proof to eatablsih claim to the and shove described before H. C. Ellis. U. S. Commisiiioner at Bend, Oreon. on tha 28tk day of November, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Samuel E. Lochery, Patrick H. Coffey, Via, cent II. Baker, John J. Helfrich. all of Broth ers. Oreon, and Roscoe U. Palmerton, of Bend, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK 60tSp Register cheyrolet7 NOT1CS OF bC-ARUN'a SALE OF KCAL K8TATB. In ha County Court of th lUta of Omroa, for Crook County. In tha matu-r of th Ouarrliannhlp af ttar. mond J Wrlrht and Clifford Wriaht. minor NOTICE ta hereby aleen by th anoara.anea. auardlan of tha peraom and eaUtaa of Kay. mond J. Wrlvhi and Clifford Wrlrht. minor that by airto. of an order and Iteenae hr. tofor arantad by Hon. N. O. Walhece. Judm of tha alenra entitled court on tha loth day of November, that I will mII for eaak al pHvete Ml upon and after th 13th day ol December. th mtereet af tha Mid minora In aad to tha followlnr deacribed real anata, to-Wit! South half of tha Root heart quarter of nee lion R. th aoutriwMt qnrtF tit houthweat qua-trr of Hertlon . and th North ouar ter of Northaart ouartor of Sartlo 17. Town. hip II Bouth. Renae 19 Kut Wilemett Mer idian, In Crook County. State of O rearm. All bid to be received at tha office of L. M. Bechtell, In Prlncrille, Oreaxm. attorney for Mid auardiaa. Dated at Prlnaefll and publbhed th flrat time tha 13th day of November, 1619. RUTH FITZGERALD. Guardian of th peruana and aetata of Ray. ' mond J. Wright, and CV'fori WrlitM ItSc Minor. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNTING NOTICE la hereby given by th nnderalgned, tha adralniatrator of the Eatat of William H. Poet, Dacaaaed. that he hu mad and filed with th Clerk of tha County Court of Crook County, State of Oregon, th final acrountia; of hia admlnlxtraUon of th affair of th Mid Eetat, and that tha Honorable County Court aforeMid haa fixed Monday, tha ftth day of January. 1920, in tha forenoon of Mid day at 10 o'clock In the County Court room of the CourthouM at Prlnevllle, Crook County, Ore gon, mm tha time and place for hearing and settling tha aaid accounting. , Dated thla 13th day of November, A. D.. ,- Pohllnhed laat time December II. 191. Signed JOSEPH R. POST, Admrnb- trator of the Entat of Wiliam B Poat, Dacaaaed. wn.LARD H. WIRT, .. , Attorney for Eetate " . , It Haa No Equal No Rival No Sabntltut IT IS THE BEST ! E.STEWART&CO The Journal doos modern pnntlni m short notice. ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed ad ministrator ot the Estate of Annie L. Wright, deceased, by the County Court of Crook County, State of Ore gon, and all creditor's of said deceas ed, and all persons having claims against the said Estate, must present the same with proper vouchers to the undersigned at the office of L. M. Bechtell. Crook County Bank Build ing, in Prlnevllle, Oregon .within six Chevrolet "Four-Ninety" Touring Car equipped with electric lights and star ter highest type two-unit system, sin gle wiring used. Complete lamp equipment, mohair tailored one-man top, top cover and side curtains; tilt ed windahield; speedometer; electric horn ; extra rim nad carrier on rear; complete tool equipment, Including pump and Jack. Foot rest, robe rail, pockets In each door. The Chevrolet "Four-Ninety" Tour ing car Is a very carefully built car. Only the best Inmateriala, methods and men have a part In its construct ion. For Chevrolet manufacturing Ideals are high. And Chevrolet re sources are so great as to enable them to build np to an unusual high stan dard rather than down to a price. llH-a , Mfazd 'AlwfFEE NEWELL MOTOR SALES CO PRIVEVILLE - - - - - OREGON . ft W I - X& ft4 V & r? -? v vs --rr iPs; Chevrolet "rour-NInety" Touring Car 7 5, t o. b. months from the date of the first publication of this notice. Dated and published first time the 20th dar of November. 1 Biff. W. J. WRIOHT. Administrator of the Es tate of Annie L. Wright, dpceascd. JLAKFM BECHTELL, Attorney j for Administrator. ItSa C A N C E R NO KN'II E AND UfcS OK BLOOD No I'lJktur and I'aina For Hoar or l)a TUMORS, PIl.K,. FISTULA GOI1RE PISEAHFJi Ol VTOMEX U KIN, liTOMAi;, BOWELS " Four a ears HtuOy in Europe Over Thirty Tear EpnrlprcJ PcKland bjaical riiirap-Laboratory 412-1)7 Journal Bldg PortUiML Or. 61 tf SALESMAN WANTED We want an active, Intelll . gent man with car, who can give references as to hia rellav bllity, to handle farm lighting and power planu in his home district. Experience not necea- ' aary. . - - - Eiclusive territory and big - pajr to the right man. Write or wire if you can qualify, Stark Davis Co., 212 Third St., Port ,land, Oregon., - . , 61tfc Q H A ft. 8. EDWARDS '' "' Physician and Hurgeon ' Office 217 Main St." " ' Flrat door sonth Piinerllle Drug Company Office phone Blk 201. ' Rea 106 WANTED Clean cotton rags at the Journal Office tf DELCO-LIGHT The- complete Electric Light and Power Plant Lightens the burdens of the house wife. No more household drudgery INLAND AUTO CO. When writing advertiser, pie, mention Tha Journal , Flint, Miehlgaa