NOVEMHEIl 2T, 1010. crook oonrrr joubjtal Pair Powell Butte NEWS notes (w2 CASH FOR FURS I pay the highest market prices for furs of all kinds. Send in your furs by mail or parcel post to RAY PUTNAM P. O. Box 312 Prineville, Ore. i - J. Horseshoeing, Blacksraithing Acetylene Welding DODT WORK ON ACTOMOBILM General Aalo Bepalrlnf. WM. LOFTHUS, PRINEVUXI OK Fourth Street, Oppoelte Poatafflea. A Classified Ad Brings Quick Results LET US TELL YOU ABOUT THESE TIRES THE MOTOR INN BRENT & STROUD, Props. A Full Carload of Apples 600 BOXES Have Arrived at Our Store They Consist of the Following Varieties: Winter Bananas Spitzenbergs . Ortleys Jonathans Kings Northern Spys Yellow Newtowns Wagners Baldwins Arkansas Blacks If you are in the market for Apples, it will pay you to see us. J. E. Stewart & Co. At special called meeting of the Bhepard school district, Nov. 22, Geo. Hock man was elected d I met or to fill tbe unexpired term of J. E. Warner, who li moving away, and George Whltsott to fill the term of J. A. El liott, who hai alio moved out of the district. The budget for the emuing year waa also adopted. Mra, A. W. Hayne waa quite 111 the first of the week. J. A. Klggs waa dltrlbsutlng the ballot boxes Haturday for the Board election held Tuesday. C. M. Charlton, Arthur Wurrwellor, Frank Foster, Frank McCaffrey, and eorrifl othen attended the water meet ing at Deschutes Thursday night. Ora Foster's children are bavin? chicken pox. They are getting along aa well aa could be expected. The debt that has been hanging ov er Community Hall alnce Ha erection waa cleared off laat week. Now the Powell Butte Association own their hall free of Incumbrance and they are Justly proud of It. Jaroee McDanlel la building a home up on Crooked river for John Cornett. Wm. Peterson haa aold hia fine brown Swim bull to Oeorge Klsiler. Mr. and Mra. C. M. Charlton and Mr. and Mra. 8. D. Mustard attended the football game at Redmond laat Friday. A. L. Guerin of Balem la visiting hla mother, "Grandma" Spray, at the C. M. Charlton ranch. Mr. and Mra. J. J. Flint, parenta of - I Mra. F. R. Agea, arrived laat week from Missouri to apend the winter on their ranch here, aa Mr. Flint's health If much better here In tbe win ter than In their eastern home. Mr. and Mra. 8. D. Mustard have purchased a new Ford aedan and are enjoying it very mucn. Married, Thursday, November 20, at the home of the brtde'a parenta,, at Powell Butte. Mlaa Ebba Ltndqufst, the only daughter of Mr. and Mra. Carl Mnriqulst, to Mr. Charles John son of Alfalfa. Following the cere mony, which was performed by Rev. Hazleton of Redmond, the wedding party and invited guesta partook of a bountiful wedding dinner after which the happy couple left for their new home at Alfalfa. S. I). Mustard, of Powell Butte, as sociated with Guy Dohson, and some I othera. have purchosed the section of I road land lying Just east of the Mus jtsrd homestead snd will put a force I of Indians at work clearing it Imme ! d iatelv, ready for the plow, as they propose planting It to potatoes as fast as they can got the land ready for it, perhaps about 200 acres next venr.. light Been I POWELL BUTTE tyB ees .l.-xSode I Mrs. Gladys Mllner. teacher of the Edwards school, gave a delightful party Tuesday, at the school house, i In honor of Lois Steel. A beautiful birthday cake, decorated with nine , eandlns. a delicious cup or cocoa ana other dainties were served. The chil- i dren played games and all enjoyed themselves as only a loving teacher ' and happy children can. when cele Ibrating these pleasant events. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Bussett were in I Prineville attending to business last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford L. Worrell and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Milner at tended the first number of the Ly ceum course at Prineville Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. E. Barnard attended the Warner sale and mingled with old friends and neighbors. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Warner left on Wednesday morning in their new Hodge car for their new home in Ida ho. We dislike to lose good neigh bors as they have been. PAID $200 FOR A QUART ! ! Charged with a violation of the j prohibition law, J. P. Jones, local j cigar Btore man, pleaded guilty In i police court to-day and paid a fine j of $200. He admitted selling a quart ; to a customer for (20. Bend corres- i pondent in Oregonlan. j LYCEUM NUMBER GOOD I The first number of the lyceum course which will be given here dur ing the winter was witnessed by a good audience st the club hall Mon day evening. The talent was good and appreciated by everyone, who will look forward with interest to coming numbers. LOCAL MEN NAMED Students who will represent the j U. of O. at the student volunteer conference in Des Moines, December ! 31 to January 4, are: Stanford An-1 derson, Don Newbury, Mabyl Weller ' and Louise Davis .Seniors; John' Houston, John Gamble and Ella Raw- lings, Juniors; Wayne Akers, Elean-I or Spall and Ruth Flegal, Sopho-1 mores; Hobart Belknap and Mildred! Weeks, Freshmen. The delegates were chosen from 30 nominees. Stan ford Anderson received the mo9t votes, 409, and Louise Davis was sec-! ond with 394. MEMTtERS OF PROMINENT I FAMILIES CONFESS CRIMES ! Junior Bell and Gale Haxhy both 14 years old and members of promi nent families of Eugene, were yester day committed by Judge H. L. Brown of the juvenile court to the state training school at Salem because of the several burglaries during the past few months to which they have con fessed. Appeals for a parole were made by Itev. W. M, Case, pastor of Central Presbyterian church and Rev. D. H. Leech, pastor of the Methodist church The boys were taken to Salem. Ore gonian. ; v CARD OF THANKS We wish to tlinnk the many friends for their kind offices during the ill ness and death of our husband and father, Wallace Post. MP.S. WALLACE POST and family. I 18 cents a package Cmmmlm mrm mold mrmrywhrnrm ht Km(iilcitr aaaM psckafra of 70 dimrmttmm; at tea pmckmtmm (200 uimrmtlmm, la a lUmntm-pmomf ormtmd carton. Wm mtnmtly n ammmnd thim amrtoa Jbr thm hornm or oAo. muppjj or whom jot trmroL New Rifle 8ight A patent has been granted for a And He'll Know, Toe. Train tip a child In the way he should go, and afterward he will tell yon wherein you made mistake.- Life. detachable rifle sight coated with a radiating pigment so It ran h at nlgbt Gold Came First. The authorities tell us that eold waa Alwaya Unpopular. Tax paying promisee to remain Jnst as unpopular as ever, be th rate low or high.- the first metal to be mentioned in history. How Would You Like to Own a New Modern Home ? Tftk)me6f:t ltr.S- A4kHI ' 1 It is an easy matter to do so with the same money you are throwing away for rent each month. I will loan you money to build a home with or I will build you a home to your own plans and specifica tions and sell it to you on terms you can handle. Call on Me at Once, for Every Dollar You Pay Out in Rent You Have Lost Many new homes are going to be built in Prineville this coming spring and if you plan to build see me at once. I also have money to loan on improved city property. R CfLipp 335 Main Street . Li. OV-X11LI1, phone Black 341 They Win You On Quality! Your enjoyment of Camels will be very great because their refreshing flavor and fragrance and mellowness is so enticingly different. You never tasted such a cigarette I Bite is elimi nated and there is a cheerful absence of any unpleasant cigaretty after-taste or any un pleasant cigaretty odor Camels are made of an expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos and are smooth and mild, but have that desirable full body and certainly hand out satisfaction in generous measure. You will prefer this Camel blend to either kind of tobacco smoked straight! Give Camels the stiffest try out, then compare them with any cigarette in the world at any price for quality, flavor, satisfaction. No matter how liberally you smoke Camels they will not tire your taste! It J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. WuutonnSalem, N. C Explained. "Wonder why woman la so per verse and contrary." "Yon must re member that she was made out of one of the crooked est parts of man." Boulevards in Havana. Favana nas one of the finest boule vard systems in the world. Including nearly 2uu miles of paved ,.f: : i reaavTage j . --a tut vl ii c .3?i