KOVEMBKB 18, 1019 (ROOK COUNTY JOURNAL PACK J Smoltart rai f Aal I Ac vau in V I f A cigarmtla ana4 tfo nor 9Mp0ct prmmiums M or coupon f Cmt arm mW rjrirrWr n csmr,rt. iMittf Mcft f a JO riftrHtmm; or f pr Jt0 ei.rfr m 4 uimh ffwT c mm r ro. IVa mtrtmitv rwommmnd thia carton tor tha hama or oiTtca amp ply mr whan you trarL CIGARETTES If you want to know what rare and unusual enjoyment Camels provide smoke them in comparison with any cigarette in the world at any price! CAMELS are a cigarette revelation any way you consider them I Take qual ity, or refreshing flavor and fragrance; or, that wonderful mellow-mild -smoothness you never before got in a cigarette smoke! Yet Camels are so full-bodied and so full-of-satisfaction you marvel that so much de light could be put into a cigarette! Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos makes them so irresistibly appetizing! And, the blend explains why it is possible for you to smoke Camels liberally without tiring your taste! You will prefer Camels to either kind , of tobacco smoked straight! You'll realize pretty quick, too, that among the many reasons you smoke Camels is their freedom from any unpleasant ciga retty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odor! Once you know Camels you won't take much stock in premiums, coupons or gifts! You'll prefer Camel quality! R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Win.lon-S.lero, N. C llluttratlon of Old and New Method. A common nail la en excellent Illus tration of she difference between old nd new method. Formerly the metal was rut Into atrip and then forged Into shnpe with hammtrs. Today they are made of ateel and are lighter and stronger. Strip axe cut with ateam shears and fed Into automatic nail machines. CASH FOR FURS I pay the highest market prices for furs of all kinds. Send in your furs by mail or parcel post to RAY PUTNAM P. 0. Box 312 Prineville, Ore. E - - - - -- - INTRODUCES DRUG IN LUNGS Tragle Pena. At the prison of St Paul, at Lyons, France, there Is a curious collection of pens. They are the pens with which the executioners aliened the reg ulation receipts for the prisoners banded over to thetn to be guillotined. At each execution fresh pen la used for the purpose, and the Ink Is left to dry upon It ' Probably Both. "That woman on the corner, waiting for a trolley car, refused your offer of lift rather superciliously." "So aha did replied the obliging man. "And now I'll never know If she turned np her nose at my company or my fllwer." Birmingham Age-Herald. SALESMAN WANTED We want an active. Intelli gent man with car, who can give references as to bla relia bility, to handle farm lighting and power plants In his home district Experience not neces sary. Exclusive territory and big; pay to the right man. Write or wire if you can qualify, Stark Davis Co., Ill Third St., Port land, Oregon. tltfe 1 J ' LONGER LIFE FOR YOUR CAR The correct grade of Zerolene will add years to the life of your car. Gives bet ter lubrication with least carbon. Get a Correct Lubrication Chart for your car. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) O.B.MABTM Special Agent, REDMOND, OU CHA8. S. EDWARDS Physician and Surgeon Office S17 Main St First door south Prineville Drug Company Office phone Blk 201. Res 10 maaoMsaa 8 Horseshoeing, Blacksmithing Acetylene Welding BODY WORK ON AUTOMOBILES General Auto Repairing, mi. LOFTHU8, PRINEVILLE OR Fourth Street, Opposite Poetofflce. OVER 2,000,000 CALVES Immunized against Blackleg through the use of BLACKLEG AGGRESSIN One treatment Immunizes for life. Haves rcvacclnatlon. Price SSo per dose. Why pay more? BOX 1788 Writ for our free Booklet to PURITY SERUM COMPANY SPOKANE, WASH. French Physician's Method of Admin istering Chloroform 8ald to Be Pronounced 8ucces. A new method of administering chloroform, brought out In France by Dr. Guises, is described in the Scien tific American. The doctor no longer applies the drug by the usual com press or musk plnced over the mouth, but Introduces the chloroform vapor directly Into the lungs throujrh a tune running Into the windpipe. The tuhe method has already been employed In several hundred cases, snd with great success. Besides being very useful for oiieratlons to be performed on the head and neck, It la of great Interest because It never produces nausea. The effects of the new method will serve to explnln the reasons why chlo roform operations always produced nausea when operating by the former method, for It appears evident that the nsnsea was caused by a part of the chloroform vapors being absorbed by the oesophagus and the stomach. CANCER XO KM IE AND LObS OP BLOOD No I'btkturs and Cains For Hours or Pays TUMORS, PII.K.,, FISTULA GOI'l T.K DISEASES Ol WOMEN SKIX, bTOMACU, BOWELS Four 1 ears' Study In Europe Over Thirty Years' Experience Port land I'll) steal riierap) Laboratory 412-117 Journal Bldg. Portland, Or. 62 tfc The Biggest Bargain in Prineville Ford owners will have a chance to get second hand 80x3 and OxSV4 Urea at prieea before akaowaw Come In early and get jroes? flak. We also have on band tbe I PENNSYLVANIA VACUUM CUP Tires and Tnbea PRINEVILLE Vulcanizing WORKS 447 MAIN SREET You will confer a double favor if you will mention The Crook County Journal when writing to advertiser. Average Intelligence. There have been a number of re ports about the reanlta of the psy chologic testa In the army which are not particularly encouraging. Of course It la all very well to find that more than half of those taken In the draft were of an average or of a higher Intelligence and that four out of every 100 were of a "very auperlor" Intelligence and eight to ten out of every 100 of "superior" Intelligence. This will probably average up higher than what would be secured In any European country, but the fly in the ointment is the high relative percent age of those who are "below average" Intelligence, or of an "inferior" intelli gence or are "very inferior," with several grades and degrees even below the "very inferior." In Death Valley. Death vnllcy Is n narrow nrea be tween the Punnnilnt and Funeral mountains In California. It Is tin versed by the Amnrgora river, which Is usually a dry channel, though prob ably it was formerly full of water. The level of the valley is covered with salt, supposed to have been brought by the torrents from the surrounding desert mid left on the evaporation ol the wnter. Death vnlley Is suld to be the hottest and driest place In the United States. Costliest of Books. It Is said that the highest price ever realized for n hook, was paid at an auction sale In London recently, for a bonk of private devotion, a "XIV Century Hook of Hours," for merly the property of Jeanne II, Queen of Navarre, which brought $."ii,000. When News Is Not News. The supreme court tins held that news is property. Some of It Is, and then some is "improvements thereon." Generally Does. The trouble with the fellow wio Is so dlsngrecaiile that he "says It to your face" Is that he Is likely to boast about it afterward. Sacrifice. Love means sacrifice and apprecia tion. And the man who thinks he loves and has not the spirit of sacrifice only is administering to his self-gratification. All of the big emotions have coupled with their expression nn under lying element of capacity for repres sion. It is the ability to give or with hold that makes their true value, and since love is the greatest of all these then the greater should be the power nf sacrifice. Aldon. Nelson's Victory Cups. Recognition of the English "silent navy" which did so much to win the war has come tn the presentation of two communion cups to the Royal Na nl Barracks church of Portsmouth, Enirlnnd. These cups were used on Nelson's fhigshlp Victory in the battle of Trafalgar. Thus the glory that was England's in the earlier days Joins hands with the glory of the present, and the spirit of Nelson is linked with the spirits of the brave men who stood by In all the long months nf the North ea vigil. Nine years r;;. these cups were given to a church In Glasgow. The widow of the rector of this par ish now gives them to the navy as the most fitting holder of the goblets, which were made about 1800. Misunderstanding. The Germans are always being mis understood, and this misunderstanding Is always to the poor fellows' disad vantage." The speaker was Adolph Junck, the millionaire dye Importer of Diiluth. "I know a German motorist," ho went on, "who nrrred one June eve ning at a crowded country road house. When the clerk told liliu the house was full, he said desperately: " 'Can't you at least give nie a bun dle of hay somewhere?" "There ain't a thing left, mister,' said the clerk, 'but a bit of cold mutton tew."' v , JT. chevrolet7 1- I Chevrolet "Four-Ninety" Touring Car equipped with electric lights and star ter highest type two-unit system, sin gle wiring used. Complete lampx equipment, mohair tailored one-man top, top cover and aide curtains; tilt ed windshield; speedometer; electric horn; extra rim nad carrier on rear; complete tool equipment, including pump and Jack. Foot rest, robe rail, pockets in each door. The Chevrolet "Four-Ninety" Tour ing car is a very carefully built car. Only the best inmateriala, methods and men have a part in its construct ion. For Chevrolet manufacturing ideals are high. And Chevrolet re sources are bo great as to enable them to build up to an unusual high stan dard rather than down to a price. P P NEWELL MOTOR SALES CO. PRIVEVILLE OREGON Sx . 'Ml, 'I .JheTrolet "Four-Ninety" Touring Car 1735, t o. b. Flint, Klchlgaa