in I it-s its Ml I Whit Ooze c f k V SERVICE Now Union to wtmt we are aaylng: No mailer If lumber U hluli, TIs I'hnnpxr than rout you are paying Or anything else thut you buy. If cheaper than rntit, and you know It, TIs a posor that sticks In my dome, If th ptplo o'er the (una did not allow It, And vuch for himself build a homo. 'Build Now," 'Own your own Homo," ore good sloimns. Own your own home If only a shack Ccaso wearing out jour ton dollar brotcans, IIuiiIIiik for something you always will luck, For whether In city or country you roam. It matters not your position or polf, The wlfo and tho Jrlddlos have no place tailed homo. Unless you are wine and own It yourm-lf. your house-building lumberman friend, no fio come with problem To your doubt We ran aHlat you to iolve thorn, And hlp you to figure It out. All advice we will give you quite free 1.v. An evnn the lumber, ai well, For to come right down to It, really, it is only the service we sell. Yours for butter service, W. P. H. TUM-A-LUM LUMBER jzu PtAMS C OAII'AXY MADRAS, GATEWAY Hpcwssor to BlfU'P & PERKY Try a little old Classified Ad in the Journal FEE BILL ' Of the Central Oregon Medical Society Adopted Nov. 4,1919 MEDICINE Day visit In town . .... , . In town between 9 . m. and "iTnZ 6 00 " 1000 Visit In country, per mile, (vlalt extra at option of physician) , nn Detention In country, per day . oK nn eJnn yuit as conauittng physician5..:::::;::::::;:: lm .. Visit to cases of smallpox, Asiatic cholera and yellow fever B 00 ,. .... Ordinary examination and office proscription J 00 loon vaccination , nn J" ? iumu)8'8 2 Eo in no Writing certificate of disability ... . 2B0 " innn Telephone consultation i oo g nn Administering anesthetic s'oo n'nn Post mortem B060g Treatment of narcotic or corrosive polslning 6.00 25 00 SiilvarBan, or Noo-Sulvarsan Injection 25 00 " Bo'oo Old Line Insurance examination 5 Oo Fraternal Insurance examination k 7. 2 BO OBSTETRICS Ordinary confinement natural labor, In town 85.00 " B0 00 Ordinary Confinement, twins, in town 60 00 " 75 00 Caesarian Section, in town 150 qq enn'oo For conducting any of these cases In the country full town rates and mileage will be charged up to ten miles. If the distance be greater, the charge will be for mileage and extra for visit at the option of the physician. GYNECOLOGY Perineorrhaphy . 50.OO " 100 00 Trachelorrhaphy 50.OO " 100;00 Amputation of cervix 60.00 " 100 00 Rectocele 50.00 " 25oloo Cystocela 60.00 ' 260.00 Currettage 85.00 " 60.00 Ventro-suspension , 160.00 " 260 00 Laparotomy 150.00 " 600.00 Assisting at operations , 10.00 " 76.00 GENERAL SURGERY OPERATIONS Major operations 160.00 " 1000.00 Minor operation 6.00 " 50.00 Removing tonsils and adenoids 85.00 " 160.00 Assisting at operations 10.00 " 100.00 DISLOCATIONS Of hip, knee, ankle shoulder, elbow, wrist, r Jnw 25.00 " 250.00 Other dislocations 6.00 " 25.00 FRACTURES Of femur 100.00 " 260.00 Of leg, arm, on. forearm 85.00 " 100 00 Of small boneB 10.00 " 60.00 Subsequent visits or treatments will be - charged for extra at the option of the a- tending physician. Compound or comminuted fractures, or complicated cases will be charged for according to the severity of the case and the attention required. UNAWARE By ACNES a. BROOAN, linrrln uit (wfore 8 mnfmrtng litter ft papers, nnd pnxwd his hnnd In trou bled fimhloti over his fnn-hend. Allan l!nrrl was s play-wrltrr, an welt miimiirer of rnrlou depnit mciiid connected with that work. f!l nmMHon v.n to present a new and truly. ireiit netrei tn one of hi orlit Imil play. That denlre nve no protn Ixe of fulfillment. M,ittter-of fn1 af fair continually claimed his time. Here, among the litter, were pitiful letter, begging work of almoHt every kind those of confident would-be tnr" he found It necewinry to ig nore. The city seemed to be filled with Inexperienced girls certain of their own lilmrionlr ability. Here was one, from a young wom an who hud at first written In the en thulflHm of Kure snceen. asking for a certuln pnrt In one of his prominent plays. Though she was unfamiliar with theatrical work," she frunkJy corifeiwed, "he knew thut she could portray his character of 'Normand' faithfully." Her reqneot for a per sonal Interview and trlul had been Ig nored. The second letter which came from the aspirant was decidedly humble; she would be giud of "a few peakiug Hues." The next appeal was for an Inter view only, and the Inxt. which claimed Allun Harris' aniiined attention, whs for office work of any kind which he could give her. She had suffered "strange misfortune," she wrflte, and her need was great." The appeal touched him, not so much by Its pathos as hy Its cheerful persistence. He wrote the girl, ask ing her to cull upon the following day, and he hrtd almost forgotten his indul gence when she was announced. In his mind, Harris pictured his fiank applicant as a glowing creature garbed In popularly approved fashion. Instead, It was a small gray-clad fie ure which awaited diffidently his Invi tation from the doorway. The pray : dress was softly clinging, with a quaint Kerchief iitiuiit her shoulders, and It v.-ns the girl's shy. glancing purple eyes which first Impressed him. She had spoken advisedly, she was "unusually good looking" "unusual" was the word. "Can you do stenography and type writing?" he asked. The girl sadly shook her head. "If you could give me other things at first. I would learn that later," she spoke In n sort of soft eagerness. "Heretofore, I had no opportunity of learning. My life was all ease." She caught her breath tremulously and threw out ' her hands In a hopeless gesture. The wistful eyes were misty with tears. "Kverythlng changed for me tn one moment. That was the strange, hard part of It." Quickly she brushed the tears from her eyes and leaned toward Harris. "Can you believe me." she asked "that I have now between me and starvation Just twenty-five cents?" At his astonished stare, she smiled suddenly, very bravely, Barrls thought. "If you will give me some work to dc at once that pnrt of the trouble will soon be disposed of," she told him. The busy man, whose sympathy and auxiety were usually bound up In his own Intricate work, found himself moved now as he had never been moved to pity and admiration. The girl's sincerity could not be doubted; her plucky willingness to work herself out of a discouraging situation won his immediate championship. "You might begin," he suggested, "by answering that Irritating telephone; use your judgment as to whether re sponse upon my part Is Imperative, or may be postponed. I'm maddeningly busy." The girl, her hat swiftly removed, was already at the telephone. Barrls noted approvingly the soft ar rangement of her hair. In keeping some way witn the trim gray frock and se- j rlous eyes.' For a time he was not j disturbed by the telephone, continuing nis cuetntion to an observant young woman typist. Subconsciously, at last, he sensed the stranger's troubled gaze in his direction. Mutely, she seemed to be signaling his help. Barrls abruptly dismissed his stenog rapher and turned to answer the girl's silent appeal. Her eyes, as he looked down upon her, were darkly tragic. "I must go," she said, breathlessly. "I must leave you; and, oh, I did so want to stay my first chance and the crying need for money " Her voice broke In Its despair? Again Barrls was moved, deeply; the secret, the mystery of her unwill ingly gripped him. "Explain yourself," he said tersely. "Are you, after all. an lmtiostor. nr an Innocent mistakenly enduring some trouDie7" He was surprised at his own emo. ttons. "I ask, because I honestly wish to help you," he added gently. The little srav figure enme etnw The girl held out Imploring hands. Into the purple eyes came a laughing gleam of triumph. 'Thanks," she said. "Tour own h. lief In my acting Is the surest proof of Its success. I told you that I could do It. For the past hour I have hen your 'Normand,' and you have forgot ten her In me." . And so It hnnnened that Allen Ran. rls realized his dream, presenting a new unu truiy great actress In one of his original plays. tCuDj'rlfht, 1519, Western Nwipap.r Untea) The New Standard Oversize Extra Heavy Non-Skid FIRESTON Fabric Tire Guarantee 6,000 MILES Cord Tire Guarantee 8,000 MILES We have a stock of over One Hundred Tires on hand. After having tried out eight of the differ ent makes, we have found the New Stand ard Oversize Firestone I gives the "Most Miles Per Dollar." Lakin Hardware "WHERE IT PATS TO TRADK Is Your Money Supporting the S Government? Ai ihU "1,t,c1 Period In our history our manufacturors are tvUgrl '.."J!1. and our ,oun men " offering their nerrlcea to the United State government. Would you like to io your share and help by putting your money where it wiU support the new Federal Reserve Banktag System, which the government has established to stand back of our commerce. Industry and v agriculture? Tou can do this by opening an account with us as part of every dollar so deposited goes directly into the new system, where U will always be ready for you when wanted. Member Federal Reserve System FIRST NATIONAL BANK THE OAKS CAFE KATE E. WARXER, Prop. c LASSIKST OZIEST and LEANEST AFE In PRINEVILLE OREGON REGULAR 60c DINNER t 6 A. M. to 1 A. M. ON MAIN STREET FIRST DOOR NORTH OP JOURNAL OFFICE j 1 At Your Service The officers and resources of this bank are available at all times in assisting you to solve your financial problems. We do both a Savings and Commercial Business Capital and Surplus $50,000.00 CROOK COUNTY BANK PRINEVILLE, OREGON WWKV,y,WWK,',jjiit A Classified Ad Bring? Quick Results