NOVKMIIKIt 19, 1010. PAGE 4 GREAT LAW M'JST BE OEEYED CROOK COCNTT JOTONAL rr ; WANTED VFAI., HOGS, 1MVTTON, BKKK, CHICKENS, TCRKKYS, IH'CKS, (iKK.SK, KGOS, HIOKS, 1UTTKR, AM) JACKRAKIUra- GIVE V8 A TRIAU H1GHKST MARKKT PRICK GIAKANTKEH. PROMPT RK TVRX9 GULICKSON & CO. . Established 101S 100 Kront 8U Portland, Ore. EASIEST THING IN THE WORLD CALL BLACK 303 FOR LIGHT OR HK IVT TRUCK SERVICE Morse Transportation Comp'y PRINEVILLE, OREGON IRELAND'S City Transfer & Express Auto Delirery to all Part of the City and Vicinity Phone me for quick service at Hugh Lakin's Red 951 Prineville Machine Shop The Best Equipped Machine Shop in this part of the State. We are prepared to handle anything in our line promptly. Quality of work is the very hesL PRINEVILLE MACHINE SHOP E. G. Hodson, Proprietor Prineville, - - - - Oregon Had Your Shoes Shined This Year? All kinds of Shoes Shined, Oiled and Dyed. Black, Brown or Bronzed Shoes Oiled With Waterproof Oil. Special seats for the ladies. SQUARE DEAL SHINING PARLOR Allen J. Butler, Proprietor Prineville, ..... Oregon Mankind Helpless Brfore the Irre sistible March of Progress Known as Evolution. The old railing packet crawled along, larking niul trimming. Hull Its .varus of unfurled canvas mlKlit catch the freshening winds. The skipper, his lout horn far warned with the hoavy linos put there by years of huf feting struggle wlih wind and wave, watched tho great engine-driven liner race pnst him. A dark bitterness welled up In the old sailing slipper's heart. Kor that engine-driven llnor represented a re lentless progress that would not be stayed or denied. It had driven most of his kind (mm the face of the wa ters; It had made cargoes for the few of his kind temainlng dlfllcult to ob tain and obtainable only at rates that meant at best only a pittance. On the brHge of the steam-driven liner the captiln, as he gazed at the crawling old sailing packet, caught the bum of a nighty motor overhead. His glance turied from the miserable old packet to tie swiftly approaching outlines of a gant aircraft. It came from behind atd It passed the racing liner even a' tie liner hud passed the packet. And Inthe heart of the llner'a enptaln welled i dark bitterness. For he understood. The workings of the Great Law wop written clearly In the air and sea be"ore him. Even as the day of the sklpier of the sailing packet had ended so hs own day was nearlng Its end. A pngress that would not be stayed or lenled was overtaking him and his khd. There la a adness like unto no other for the) who watch and give way before thchnnglng eras, for they represent llfe'i helpless discard. PUZZLE FIR LEARNED MEN "Take it from Me" says the Good Judge Wise tobacco chewers long since got over the big-chew idea. A little chew of this real quality tobacco gives them better satisfaction and they find their chew ing costs even less. With this class of tobacco, you don't need a fresh chew so often and you find you're saving part of your tobacco money. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW. i,ut up in too styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B GUT is n long fine-cut tobacco Announcement ! We have purchased the Harness and Saddle Business formerly con ducted by W. J. Hughes and we are prepared to care for all his old customers and new ones as well. We specialize In repair of Har ness, Saddles, Auto Tops, Boots and Shoes. FARRAXD'S REPAIR SHOP Prineville, Oregon lmiiit rr rTTiTTTTfg THE HOME HOSPITAL UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT OCR RATES REASONABLE CONDITIONS THE VERY BEST MATERNITY CASES SPECIALTY MRS J. P. SHORT and DAUGHTER A Want Ad Gets Results Figures of Wlte Horses, Cut In Eng. Ilih Cliffi Have Never Been Satisfatorlly Explained. Every now and then, naturally enough, a lite wave of popular In terest eddies imiind the mysterious white horsescut In the hillsides In various part! of southern England. Sometimes, rrlng to the encroaching habits of thebrush. the clinlk which constitutes t! lines of the animals fades from lew and almost from memory. Tin process had well-nigh happened ff the Westbtiry White Horse at nittan. Wiltshire, when the clearing f the hushes laid It bare, and revived inulrles as to Its origin, nnd solMtiK1 for Its preservation, as well as for ie upkeep of Its various counterpart (elsewhere. Well-know authorities have It that the horse wi cut out to commemorate tti? vletnrv.f Klne Alfred over the Dimes at Ktmrtune. the site of which Is not far dlant. I fllngton, however, has a bette-speclmen as white horses go, thougl abnormally lean and seraeev In roportlons. In size It Is nearly 350 rt In length and the same In breadth It Is mentioned In the records of'."i71 and was long the scene of giual festivities known as the "RcourU" festival. The existence of these si the other white horses with whtclnny be Included the Cerne Ahhas Gift and the Long Man at Wllmlngto have been the object of much leapd and largely unfruitful discussion Prot That Seeds Breathe. It Is eaito demonstrate that germi nating ses take In oxygen and give out carht dioxide, according to the followlngxperlment described In the Scler.tlflc.merican: A seoror so of peas are placed In a close-flfig Jar with a small amount of molste. After a while the peas start to gmlnate, but soon they cease all develnient, because the oxygen In the Jar (exhausted. A single pea In a Jar ofie same size, however, will develop il grow up Into a little plant. There Isvidently oxygen enough for the needf the single specimen. To pre conclusively that there Is no oxygeleft In the Jar In which the number iseeds germinated It Is only needful (plunge In a burning match. This Insttly goes out. The presence of earbolloxlde in this Jar Is clearly shown bpouring Into It lime water, and theshnklng. The lime water becomes dlky in appearance. This would n happen In a Jar In which there habeen no germinating seeds. Sott to End Civil War. On fhi8th of July, In 1804, Hor !H'. five-, one of the most famous of the Alltlonlsts, received a letter from (lore Saunders of Kentucky, suggestlrthat Clay of Alabama and Holcombof Virginia, would, with himself. ?et Greeley and negotiate peace tes for the ending of the Civil watGreeley was commissioned by Llncoio take the matter up, but the nego'.lons came to nothing, as the Con:erate delegates did not have the 1 backing of their govern ment, ancie war lasted nine months longer, reeley was a rabid anti slavery lr, but he was not In ac cord wlthncoln. He was always of the oplnlithat the slaves could he liberated j reimbursing the south ern statesr their value. ie Main Thing. "My pooan," said the sympathetic prison vls. "Do let me send yon some caket "Thank , mum. Dut would suit me fine." . "What fc would yon preferr Any kinnura," said the prisoner, lowering hlolce to whisper, "Just so it's trotnie In It." Birmingham Age-IIerald MAMMOTH CAVE LONG FAMOUS Has Been Acknowledged One of the World's Wonders, Practically Sine the Year 1809. The most famous cavern In America Is Mammoth cave, In Kentucky, writes Nlksah" In the Chicago Dally News, ilniniiiotli cave was an old Indlau ref uge,' and the story of redskin adven tures Is written plain In the skeletons, tomahawks and reed torches that have been found in the cavern depths. Then, In 1S09, a white tunn, a pioneer hunter, followed a wounded bear Into the mouth of the great cave, and from that time on Mammoth cave became In American estimation the eighth wonder of the world. ; Almost as soon as the white man discovered the cavern he began to make practical use of It Long before the era of Indian possession hats had Inhabited the cavern halls and In the Course of time their skeletons had ac cumulated on the floor, especially near the entrance. These skeletons, containing nitrate, played an Impor tant part In the war of 1812, for nitrate, so needed for making explo sives, was scarce In the colonies and the Mammoth cave became the main source of supply. When the country settled down to a period of comfortable prosperity, Mammoth cave became, even more than It Is today, a great show place of America. The cave's history Is told In the names of the various rooms snd galleries. Jenny I.lnd and other artists visited the cave and sang or played the airs that had made them famous In "Ole llull's Concert Hall" or other cavern corridors. In a room since named "Booth's Amphitheater," Kdwln Booth was Inspired to declaim some of the lines of Hamlet before a small and select audience. OVERSHOES, LEATHER HI-TOPS and WOOL SOX VK IIWK A NEW S'HM'K OK I'lVIl, WARM EOOTWE.Ut, AM M'K IKU tillT TIIK.M UK. IIT. WHCAN KILL VOI R NK.KKS 1 THINK All TICI.EN AT LK.8H TIUM OTIIKIl 8TOUES. TIIK QCALITY IN THK IIKNT AND AT MUCIN THAT YOU CAN Al TOKH. LOOK I'll KM OVh'lt. HOMER NORTON Post, Oregon IMPROVE ROADS FOR TRUCKS Bureau of Markets Arrives at Conclu sion Motor Vehicles Have Paeted v Experimental Stage. Inadequate highways are one of the penalties with which the user of high way transportation must contend, says Bulletin No. 770, recently Issued by the bureau of markets. The depart ment arrives at the conclusion that the motortruck has passed the experi mental stage, but says that before It can attain Its fullest usefulness the highways must be Improved. Good Drainage Necessary. The most necessary requirement of a good r i mil Is a solid, bone-dry foun dation. This means good drainage first, last and nil the time. THE OCHOCO MARKET Is now ready to supply your needs ALL KINDS OF FRESH AND CURED MEATS Fruits, Vegetables and Produce lostwick & Cox! PRINEVILLE, OREGON Trees Along Highways. Trees at a distance of 50 or 00 feet apart along the highway add to its comfort and pleasing appearance. Makes Hauling Easy. Easy to town, and ousy rx ride. Make a farmer's hauling and loads fairly glide. Now turn to the Classified Ads The Journal doe$ Modern Printing on Short Notice ANNUNCEMENT We desire that every houseowner, every school director and deacon in the Northwest shall know that the Western Pipeless Furnace heats any house or church Important: At less cost than any other Heater or Stove. TI sMisnrriiir nas Deen appointed dis . J. lVlingertributor to handle and in stall the Western Pipeless Furnace and he as well ' as we, guarantee that every "Western" gives satisfaction. Our Guarantee is Unconditional Satisfaction or Money Back The Western Foundry & Furnace Co. Of Tacoma, Washington