NOVEMBER IA, 1I)1I CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL PAGE S - I l i fi I WW UesealanBBBBa TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR HALE KOIt SALE Pasture and ryo hny. ce Im Nt'KUS, Laniuiiln, Or. C2t:fp KOIt HAI.K A llmltid number of Feb. and Mur. 8. C. It. I. lied pul let.), price $2. GO turn. AIho three cockerels Bitmo ana nt $5.00 rnrh. Mrs. J. IS. Ailiiini.i.ii. I2l2p OC1IOCO LAND KOIt SALE Two tracts of irrigated land undur tha Ochooo Project, practically all 1b cleared and one truct In crop. See K. W. Ilea, Adamsun Bldg. 43tfc FOR SALIC One good Hampshire buck. D. P. AduniHon. 43ttc FOR SALE 640 acre ranch on the Ochoco. This Is a snap. Inquire at this office. ' 47tfc FOR BALE A good stock ranch In northern California. Plonty of range adjoining ranch. Adapted to cattle or sheep. Will soil cheap. Write or see Raymond Catavnn, Prineville, Oregon. 4Stfe FOH SALE Ford Touring car In Al shape, J ut overhauled. This la good buy. Inquire this office 4Stfe FOR SALE Choice Whlto Wyan (lotto cockerels. Pluce orders now br none will be kept over winter. Hay V. Constable. 49tfc TOR SALE The old Klndor place, 160 acres. See R. W. Rea. 4Stfc PARTY LEAVING CITY Left a Liberty Six for sain. Will accept a smallor car In part puyment. The Motor Inn. 6Hlo . TO LEASK My stock ranch at Paul ina. About 1700 acrs. John Davln Paulina, Oregon FOUND FOUND Fair week, child's fur neck pioco. Owner cull and Identify property at this office, 61tfo WANTED WANTED Chickens and turkeys. I am again in the markt tor all kinds of poultry. Phone B 171. C. M. Stroud. 48tfo WANTED 400 medium to large Juniper trees pulled. Call at this office for particulars. 40ttp WANTED A young lady for candy store position. Steady employment for the wintor. Johnson'B Sweet Shop. 46tfc WANTED Farm hand to do chores and milk cows. Sundays off. $70 per month and board for the right man. J. J. Elllngnr, Redmond, Oregon, Phone 405 Redmond exchange. 61t3p MISCELLANEOUS BEFORE YOU SIGN a life insun nee contract In any other com pany examine the superior con tract and low premium rates of Oregon Life. See. T. L. Qtiinn. the local agent. 24tfc Prineville Flow Mills STANDARD FLOUR cr : r- 1 "EAT MORE BREAD" DENTISTS DR. H. 0. DA VIS Dent 1st. Nun modern shop, la Kamttra Build Ing. DR. FRKDKKICK McK. INOERSOLL Dijtitlst, Crook County Back Blrtg Prlnuvilla, Oregon. 43tfo ATTORNEYS i WILLARD H. WIRTZ District A torney. Office Crook County Bank Building, Prlnovillo, Oregon tl M. R. ELLIOTT Attornoy at Law Court House 8t., Prineville, Ore Ol'IITliALMOlXKJIHT DR F. H. DAY Physician, optha mologlst, nouraloglat. Specialty of eyes and norves. 0 lasses fitted. Hours 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 6 p. m. Evenings by apolntment. 610 Main St. Prineville, Oregon. S7tfc NOTICE! Dr. L. V. Belknap of Portland has opened offices with his father. Dr. H. ! I P. Belknap, for permanent practice ' here Culls auuwered day or night. ! NOTICE TO OLD CUSTOMERS I am now able to do your piano tuning, repairing, voicing and re stringing. E. H. BRENT. WADE HUSTON SURVEYOR rrinevillo - Oregon TIIK IIIAHUNI. HBiWI .'hl..aaaaa.taxs . IklAaaaenaXTta IliU la Ut4 tad itoltt ntittUtoV 1 -rmnm mm UptJMfai. Al DIAMOND 11 RAN Mitt knem u BiMtSsfkAtwtMM SOLD BY DfflJQGLSTS EVtRYHrtM H. P. Belknap L. V. Belknap BELKNAP & BELKNAP Physinlnnp and Surgeons Office 122 Enst Third Street Prlnovillo, Oregon Office phone 61 Residence 63 FRANCIS WILLI AMS-DURAND Teacher of PIANO, VOICE, and VIOLIN East First Street When writing advertisers, pleas mention The JonrnaL - II The History of the World War earn plete In five volumes, Silk jlndmi 112.50. Two dollars down, balane when books are delivered. ue orders for E. II: Brent, care of Joar nal office Prineville, Oregon 1 7 tie SW5 OraN DAILY JOURNAL DAIXY SOe. DAILY AND SUNDAY 05e If an don't iret your paper ivr nlarljr, phone Red 481 and we will sdnd one up by special mes senger. PRIVKVTLLE DRUG CO. Loral Agent WE HAVE SOME BARGAINS In AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS FARM WAGONS WIRE FENCE ETC. FOR CASH COLLINS W. ELKIN'S LAKE M. BECHTELL U. S. Commissioner Attnrney.At-Law Crook County Bank Building PRINEVILLE . . OREGON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES At Masonic Temple every Sun- day at 11:00 a. m. All welcome Sunday school for all under tO years of age ot 10:00 a. m. NOTICE ! DRY HIDES SOe GREEN SALTED 25c GREEN HIDES 20c SHEEP PELTS 20c to 25o FRANK WINER SCALE BOOKS Neatly printed and bound. Send $1.00 to the Journal and one will be mailot you, postage paid. lt notici or HHKRirr KALI By virtue of an exsrvtbin Hi fnrerloenre only ls.ul by the dark of th Cirrnll Court of lh Countir of Crook. BUI of Owl, da lad thle emh dar of Ortnber. 91, I eartaia ertlon In th Clrruit (mrt for lh M County and Hut, wharrln Omt'D end Wretam Colo nisation Co., a corporation, la Plaintiff, rs- (..jve-ing Jwlgmant against Jobs W. Horlgaa and Viola Horiican, IWrndants, for tha aum of TVira Thooaand Ona Handr Fifty and no-ivu uoiian witn interest at tha rata of 7 par eant par annum from tha first day of March, 11. (ngrthar wrk Two Hundred Rot. anty-Two and no. 100 Dollars attorney's faaa and tha furthar aum of Heventara ana i 0-100 Ijnllar roata and arrrulng eoati. NOTICK 18 HKKKhY CIVKX that ! will. an Haturrfay, tha 20th day of Nerrmhar, ll, at tlia North fn.nt door of tha courthooa In Prlnavllla, in laid County, at 10 o'clock In tha foranoorv of day, aall at public auction, to tha blirhaat bidder for eaah. all right and tltl that tha above named defeniants or elth ar of them hava or had at data of aald Judg ment In tha following described property to wlt: Tha Booth half of Section Thirty-Five 186) In Townvhip Fourteen (14) Aoulh of Range Fifteen fifty Beat of tha Willamtta Meridian In Crfiok County, Oregon, f JOHN COMHM. Sheriff of Crank Conty, Dated at I'rlnavilla, Oregon, wis 2Ktb day of Ortolr, 1W. JOHN COMBS, Sheriff of mok County, title By FLOYD A. KOWKLL. Deputy I13M ) NOTICB FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, V- 8. Land Of fice at The Dallas, Oregr.n. Oiober 24, lyl. NOTICK h hereby given that MKVF.KIN U. ANUHlHON of Prineville, Oregon, who, ot June I. 1014, marie Homestead entry No. 4J8.'I tor W'4 NW(4. RK'4 SWU, S't, RWij, NEVi SW4. W'4 SEVi. fieri Inn 10. Townjhlp 14 South. Ranee 17 East Willamette M j'lian, hai filed notire of Intention to make rial Three Year Proof to eatablith claim to the land above des cribed before I,aka M. BechtcJ, U. B. Com missioner at Prineville, OrcKfi, on tha 8th day of December, 101. Claimant names aa wltm-asei : James F. Fuller, John A. Bewick, John F. llaynrs, William Stanton, all of Prineville, Oregon. H. FRAN WOODCOCK tltfie Rmiater mat 1 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, i. S. Land Of. flie at Tha Dalles, Oreiton. Beit 87, lain. NOTICE Is he eby given thi SARAH A. BNObKl.T of Prineville, Oreiron, who onluly 10, 101S. made Homeat-ad Kntry No. 0,289 for Lott 1-2. See. T 14 8 R IS E. EM8L'4 Bee. SI T II 8 R 1 E W M. haa filed ktice of intcs tion to make Final Three Yea! Proof to ea tabliah claim to the land abovejdescribed, ba fore Lake M. Berhtell, U. 8. Ojminaioner, at Prineville, Oreiton, on tha 13tb tay of Novejn bar, 1910. I Claimant names as witnesses : Patrick Donahue, Wesley Gray, Henry Mc Coy, and Richard 11. Powell, albf Prineville Oregon. i H. FRANK WOODCOCK 47t& j Register NOTICE OF ELECTIX NOTICE Is hereby irlven thalpumnntit to an order this day mndc by the lounty Court of the County of Crook and Sn(i of Orevon an election will be held on Nov .;r 22. lf'lit, by the electors of the protjosed Le Pine Irri gatirjn District. The name of it District, if orvnnized, shall be the Lone I't lrrli.'Htion District, and Its boundaries shall as fo'ian: Bevinning at the Northeast eortr of Section four 4t, Township fourteen f 14 i ulh. Rsnge fourteen (14i East of the Willhette Merid lan and running thenca South ontmila to the Southeast co:ner of said Sectici four 14); thence West one quarter of a milel the South west comer of the Southeast qu;ter of the Southeast quarter of said Secticf four (4 1 ; thence South one quarter of a pile to the Southeast corner of the Northwedquarter of the Northenst quarter of Seetio) nine (Oi, said Township and range: the nd West one quarter of a mile to the Southwel corner of said Northwest quarter of the Noiieast quar ter of Section nine (0) ; thenca Norl one quar ter of a mile to the Northwest crier of the aid Northwest quarter of the Nnri-ast quar ter of Section nine 4 9) ; thence Wt one half mile to the Northeast comer of Stion eight (8), said Township and Range; tlhrri South one mile to the Southeast comer of Id Section eight (8) ; thence West one mile tohe South west comer of said Section eivht ; thence North one half mile to the Southt comer of the Southeast quarter of the Norftast quar ter of Section Seven (7), aaid Tohip and Range; thence Weat one quarter oi mile to the Southwest comer of aaid Southet quarter of the Northeast quarter of aaid Sc4n seven 11 1 i f 1 irsx 1 uiii iac v a gp The Juick Built Wheel Is anothe mit around which is built the high standards of the Buick lve-in-Head Motor Car's efficiency and durability Each spoke tnd felloe hewed from the proud giants of nature's forts withstand -every twist, shock or strain. Their strenh, endurance and quality, wedged and an chored seci ily into the Buick built hub, evenly absorbs and distribu s with care and safety the tremendous thrusts of unusual ress which it encounters in daily use. Upon eachrheel is the Buick hub cap a name which gives to all urchasers the assurance of protection and a guarantee satisfaction and service. When Bette Automobiles Are Built, BUICK Will Build Them INUNDI T) ; thenca North one qoartar of mile to the I j comer 01 salt Boatheaat quarter f lb Northeast quarter of Sect via erven fit ; thenee East ona qaarter of a mil to tha North, eaat comer of aaid SowtheaaC quarter of the Northeaat aaarter of Bectioa seven (7) 1 thence North one quarter of a mils to tha Northwest corner of Section eight (Si, aaid Township and Range: theae East ona quartar of a mile to tha booth west corner of tha goatheaat quarter "f,ihl Bo"'""' uartar af flection five t aaM Townahlp and Kangej tfcwaea North eaw half mil. to the Northwest eonvag of tha North eaat quarter of the Houtbwsat quarter of laid "action five (6) : thenca East an quarter ef a mile to the canter of aald Section fire (tl : thenee North to the Northwest corner of the Northeast quarter of said Section five Hi ; thence East one and on half milea on the Townahlp Una to the place of beginning. Also beginning at the Northwest corner of aeewoa sixteen liai, Township fourteen 114) Mouth. Range fourteen (141 East of the WM la matte Meridian and running thenoe East one quarter of a mil to the Northeaat coma- of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quar ter of said Beetloa aiiteee) ll : thenca South three quarters of a mile to the Southeast comer of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest qna-ter of aald Section sixteen (16 1 ; thence West one quarter of a mile to the Honthwat comer of said Northwest quarter of the South west quarter of Section sixteen (111 ; thenct North thre quartan of a gaila to tha place of beginning. Also beginning at tha Northeaat corner of Section eighteen (IS) : Township fourteen (14) ; South, Range fourteen (141 Eaat of the Wll-lame-tte Meridian and running thenca South one quarter of a mile to the Southeast comer of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of said Section eighteen (18) ; thenca West one mile, more or leas, to the Southwest comer of Lot number on (1), aaid Section eighteen (18); thenc North one quarter of a mile to the Northwest corner of aaid Section eighteen ( 18) : thenca East one mile, more or less, to tha plac of beginning. Also beginning at the Northeast comer of the Northweet quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section twenty (20), Township fourteen (14) Sooth, Range fourteen (14; East of the Wil lamette Meridian and running thenca South on half of a mil to the Southeast corner of the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of said Section twenty (20) thenee weat one half mile to the Southwest comer of the Southeast quarter of the Northweet qaarter of aaid Sec tion Twenty (20) ; thence North an half mile to the Northwest comer of the Northeast qusr ter of the Northwest quarter of said Section Twenty 120) : thenc east on half mil to the place of beginning. The polling place for said election shall be at th school house located within the boun daries of the said proposed District and the polls shall be open on said day from the hour of 8 o'clork in th forenoon until a o'clock in the afternoon. Said election shall be held for the purpose of determining whether or not aaid Lone-Pine Irrigation District aa described herein shall be organized under the provisions of Chapter 857 General Laws of Oregon for 1917, and all acts supplemental thereto and amendatory thereof; which question will be submitted in the fol lowing1 manner: 12 IRRIGATION DISTRICT YE3 IS IRRIGATION DISTRIT NO Three I3 Directors for the District ahall be elected from the District at large, at the said election. Dated at Prineville, Crook County, Oregon this latta day of October, 1919. ASA W. BATTLES, County Clerk for Crook County, Ore. Date of first publication, October 23, 1819. Date of last publication, November 20, 1919 SOt 5c 16.112 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Of- fice at The Dalles, Oreiton, October 16, 1919. I NOTICE is hereby given that EDWARD G. GUTFLEISCH of Brothers, 0 tiiron, who, on July 28, 1916, : made Homcstend Entry No. 011312, for Lots 2, 3. I 5. 8, Secti .n SI, Township i'O South, Range 18 4ast Willamette Meridian, haa filed notice j of intention to make Final Three Year proof ; to establish cairn to the land above described ' before H. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner at Bend, Oreiton, on the 28th day of November, 1919. Claimant names aa witnesses : Samuel E. Lochery, Patrick H. Coffey, Vin- I cent H. Sakey, John J. Helfrieh, all of Broth- j ers. Oregon, and Roscoc N. . Palmertoa, of ! Bend, Oregon. j H. FRANK WOODCOCK EOtip Register ' 015148 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ) Department of the Interior. U. S. Land Of- j fice at The Dalles, Oregon, October lti, 1919. ; NOTICE is hereby given that SARAH E. GUTFLEISCH. one of the heirs and for the heirs of Charles I I. Gutflcisch, deceased, of Brothers, Oregon, who, on June 21, 191f, made Homestead Entry f No. 015148 for Ei SWV4 and SEVi Sec 2S. T j ' VALVE-IN -HEAD ffo) AUTO CO, t' 8 ?,,'.?.LV- Be SO. Lot I Sec IJ. Township 10 South. Rang 18 Eaat Willamette Meridian, haa filed notice of intention to aiak final Three Year Proof to eatablaih claim t the and abov describe before H. C EDM. V. ... Commissions at Bend, Oraon, on tha 28th day of November, 1910. Claimant names aa witnesses : Samuel t Lorhery, Patrick H. Coffey, Vm cent H. Sakey. John 1. Helfrieh, all of Broth ers, Orson, and Roaco U. Palmertoa, of Band. Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK OMp Register I41M NOTICt FOB PUBLICATION Department of th Interior. D. a. Lasul Of. fie at Th Da Ilea, Oregon, September M, lMt noTJLX is hereby gtven that LEON F. SHAW of B rot be -a, Oergon, who on Dee. 7, 1814, asaa Homestead Entry No. 014209 for M (a 20T 20 8R1IKWM. haa filed aotle ef aa tcntlon to make Final Three Tear Proof fc establish claim to th land abov aeeerieag, before R. C Ella. U. S. Commlaa loner at Bend, Oregon, an toe 8th day of Noveai, taia. Claimant names aa witnaaaeai Roaco N. Pelmerton. Charles R of Bend. Oregon: Samuel E. Loehria, : u. I OS rig, at Brothers. Oresma. i R n s at tr amcteieicw Register. 18821 NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION Department of th Interior, U. 8. Land Of fice. Th Dalles, Oregon, October , ltlft, NOTICE la hereby given that CHARLEY C. BIRDSONO of Barnes, Oregon, who. on August 81, 1914, made Homestead Entry No. 013821 for 8WK. H EVi Section It. Townahlp IS Sooth, Rang 20 Eaat Willamette Meridian, ha filed notice of Intention to make Final Thre Year Proof to establish claim to the land above described before Charles A. Sherman, U. 8. Land Com missioner at Fife. Oregon, on th 22nd day of November. 1911. Claimant name a witnesses : Bert G. Demorea, Maggie Demo res. of Barnaa Oregon ; George Taekman, R. A. Ammona, of Roberta, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. 9W Register NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Crook County. In the Matter of Neal A. TVmaa. Deceased. NOTICE ie hereby given by the underaigned, administrator of the Estate of Neal A. Taoae aa, deceased, to all creditors of aald Psriinia( and to all parson having claim aejainet eat Estate, to present the same with proper meal era as required by law, to the ondmliusc a the office of M. R. Elliott, in th city ef Prtar ville, Oregon, within six montna from th fit publication of this Notice. Dated this 27th day of September, 11. J. A. WILCOX. Administrator the EesUte of Meal A. 47t5c Deaaesed. The Joarnal does modern printing w short notice. CCFFEE Has No Equal No Rival No Substitutes IT 19 THE BEST J E. STEWART&CO I