NOVKMltlCR 13. HMD crook county journal PAGE II WITH THE NOW COMES M.O The Romance of Tarzan TIIK CHADICK ( HARM Married, by fraud, to a man she hill 0(1 persecuted by unwelcome at tention Wllma Wharton turn for lil to "do Ont 'Km Uarrlnger." That ho done not appeal In vain It the making of a fine Western molo-drama by John H. Clyinor, a 1'alhn Program feature, wblrh will be shown at the Lyric theater on Nor. 17-18. The principal par In are played by Melon Chadwlck, who recently became I'nuglas Fairbanks' leading lady, and Frauklyn Karnuni. who la popular both hnre and abroad aa a dunning screen hero. ll waa "Knay" She waa "Wlae" -Which Won? 8F.K Hale Hamilton That's Good 'A Metro Comedy Gum WKI). A Tlll'IW., NOV. 10-80 SHOULD A WOMAN T HIIOI ,l A MAN ? Don't Miss EVELYN NKHIIIT and Ikt son 111 HHK1.L TIIAtV ,IN Her Mistake A powerful drama of aacrlfice that aniwors many queatlona. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10 WIIOOP-K.E!! Mild Mil Woolly Wwlirn Stuff to Heat the Band! " GO-GET-'EM GARRINGER" A FIVE ACT THRILLER Co-Htrring IIKI.KN (HAl)WKK anil FRANKLY FARMM It'a a alory of law lent border bandits of a sweet girl enmeshed In their Infamous web of a two-dated, quick-shooting, he-man, who revelled In the aport of hunting gangsters! "LET'S 00!" LYRIC THEATER Monday and Tuesday, November 17-18 Ing. If you like Westerns, here is on rich In incident and action with the element of charm from one of the moat attractive and appealing young actressoa on the screen. It la no discouragement to any that this Is a "wild anil woolly Western melodrama," keyed up to high speed and ahumlunt in thrills and suspense; but, In the hands of such a capable coal, especially aclected for tills pur pose, thn story with all of its primi tive realism, becomes a perfect offor- i FROM HIMI'LK LIFE TO WEALTH I There is no woman whoso actlvl- tlea on screen and stage have earn j her morn sincere prslae or given her 1 a greater popularity than Evelyn Nes ' bit. Aa a result the announcement i of the presentation at tlin Lyric the- I .Id, , W,.- Ml.lfllia her latest and no doubt her greateat success, should be warmly welcomed by all local film patrons. Miss Nes blt's commanding beauty and her unusual acting ability, both are dis played to their greateat possible ad vantage In this new picture. And the extraordinary Interest which Its coming might be expected to arouse will bo oven more greatly enhanced by the knowledge that Russell Thaw, the star's gifted young son, who ap- peared with her to such great advan tage In "Redemption," is alsoprom Inently cast In this new production. 1 Lola Meredith, Charlei Wellaley and Eugene Strong are a few of the many other eminent players Included In the supporting company. "Her Mistake" waa created espec ially for portrayal by Miss Nesblt. It 1 It an unusual atory which not only ' glvea her great opportunity for the display of her histrionic versatility and emotional acting power, but pro vides a legitimate reason for the dis closure of a wardrobe of wonderful gowna. Early In the play she Is seen aa a simple unsophisticated country maiden whose familiar costume la a gingham apron. Later, aa the wife of a wealthy young city man, ahe wears some mssvelous modiste's creations. teralile plana for hla future. "Her Mlatake" will be shown at the Lyric Sunday. Rl'HNKLL THAW SHOWS TALENT Little Russell Thaw, who a pears with his mother, Evelyn Nesblt, In her latent and greatest photodrama tic success, "Her Mlsake," gives ev ery promise of soon becoming a film star In his own right. Directors who have watched him act declare that not In several years has a Juvenile actor with more real talent been seen on the screen and that It will be al most Impossible to prevent his becom ing an Individually featured player always assuming, of course, that his mother has not made other unal- H A HOLD LIXJYD COMEDY Heap Big Chief "HEAP BIO CHIEF" SUNDAY NOV. 10 FAMOUS ROOF GARDEN SHOWN An exact reproduction of one of New York's most famous roof gar dons which attracts both the tired business wan and the hundreds of out of town visitors to its nightly revels will be seen In "That's Good" - Jwit I hi - v (AT With RUSHING. CRASHING SMASHING SCENES OF STRIFE BE TWEEN CIVILIZED MEN. ANIMALS AND SAVAGES. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY', NOVEMBER 14 and 15 at the LYRIC the latest Metro comedy-drama star ring Hale Hamilton. This play, which will be featured at the Lyric theater on Wednesday and Thursday, shows the cabaret In full swing there are dancing girls, singing girls, girls on bicycles and In fact, all the varied and unusual enter tainments seen on this noted roof. The performers mingle with the di ners In the usual way and with them are the vari-colored toy ballons, which are blown about by the merry makers. A large Jazi band adds an air of realty to the Joyous scene. At the Lyric Nov. 19-20. Values of Precious Stones. Emcrulds r 1 1 1 1 1: I with rubles nun sapphires im the iimst costly gems ol 1lie niii'leiil world. Then diamonds were worn In ii routti mi u I The art of cut ting the previous while stone was nol discovered until I he llfluililli century, when l he Nimhlng brllllimce of Hie din rtioiiO wan brought to liitlit. Emeralds nre nIIII fashionable. They are rare, mid good oiks nre becoming rarer. Cnnil for carat I hey nre as valuable an dlamond)i. Soldlerr Hat Cords. The colors ol the corns on I lie In:, of soldiers stand for dlsllndU branches of the army. Illue im for in fantry; yellow, for cavalry ; red. fi artillery ; red mid white, for englnee: corps; Hiilmon nnd while, signal corps, maroon, inedlcnl enrps; black nnd red ordnance corps; hull, qiiurtermnstei corps; gold nnd liluck, cominrsslonci olllccr. Trolley Olrlglbl. Trolley dirigible system, electric mo tor driven, Is proposed for the currying of malls, particularly for over spnrse ly settled territory. The pipe from enr to gas bag carries electrically heated air for regulating the buoyancy. The trolley cable Is wound on a drum, al lowing adjustment of altitude. Popu lar Mechiinlea Magazine. Yea, If It'a Mint Covered. Goldllsh probably make their home near the bunks of the river. Cartoons Magazine. Work Makes Them Immune. Mi ll who toll In lampblack works nre iwlrg, It Ih wild, to the large amount of carbon they Inhale Im mune trout lite white pliiKUe. nnd many sufferers in the early stagea of phthisis make coiixldcruhle sacrifices to oli I al ii employment of this kind. These grimy workers further resem ble colliers In that they are remark ably free from diseases of the nervous system, observes a writer la London Tll-ltlts. now Much vou Should Weigh A simple way to ascertain on ideal weight was told recently by i. tlnrvcy (I. Heck of (he University i Maryland, in an address before tli Iwis Angeles County Medical nssm l atlon at Loh Angeles, Cal. First, pn down lit). Then multiply by Ai il number of Inches by which one height exceeds live feet. Add the re suit ol Hie multiplication to the orig liinl 111) and the sum Is one's "Iden weight. " 1'opular Science Monthly. The Thoughtless Sen. The olil-fiishloned genluil who used to have to gel up at nights nnd Jot down bis brilliant thoughts now has a sun who can sleep ten hours straight without any difficulty. Willing to Fall. Freddy (who has eaten his apple) "Let's play at Adam ond Eve." Mil lie "How do we do that?" Freddy "You tempt me to eat your apple and 1 give way." h'.Ai ft t Battling Ad. Wolgast, who will mee t Martin Hoover at the Smoker at Commercial Club Hall Saturday eve nlng. Powell Butte Sygg NEWS NOTES isss9tssessss& The Harvest Ball given by tho Powell Ilutto Cooperative Associat'on on November 7 was a grand eucccs. A large crowd attended, the music was good and the "feed" was great. The management reports thnt they cleared nearly JlfiO after a'.l tills were paid. The directors dcBire to thank the people who contributed to make this such a Btircess. To the dancers from Bend. Redmond. Prlne ville .and surrounding country, end all others, we thank you. Coino at?:iln. Miss Josephine Manceau arr'ved Saturday evening from Tacoma for a visit with her parents and sister, Cel la, at their home here. Born st Powell Butte, Nov. 7. 1911, to Mr. and Mrs. Will Kentner, a 7 1-2 pound boy. All doing "U hut Kent ner. He says "when my three boys are grown, I can retire." Arthur and Max Wurzweiler left for Portland Saturday night vith a carload of fine beef cattle. Walter Milllcan from near Eugene came out from Prineville, -whore he has been visiting his aged father, Geo. Milllcan. who la quite ill. to vis It with J. A. Elliott. He left the fnst of the week for his home. Mr. Milll can was raised In this country and has rode for cattle and hunted' deer right where the fertile fields of Pow ell Butte now are. Mrs. C. C. Brix who has been vis iting in Tacoma for some time, has returned to Powell Butte. D. A. Yates has bought 26 tine ewes from Reaves Wilcoxen and will keep them on his place here. Mr. and Mra. E. H. Stewart have returned from a two-weeks' visit at Hood River, Portland, and other points. They were glad to get home from the rainy cities. Mrs, Roy Roberts returned Thurs day from a visit with relatives and friends at Gresham, Oregon. Wilson school has 37 pupils enroll ed Instead of 27 as the typist mado me say soma time ago. Mrs. Geo. Hobbs Is tho teacher. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Charlton were business visitors In Prineville Satur day. Goorge Wells was attending to bus iness at the county seat Saturday. Miss Crystal Sturdevant visited the E. A. Bussett home over the weak-end. Blrdsong, whi goes to Suplee to at tend school, as there Is no school at Harnes this year, owing to the ahort ae of teachers. Thomas Watson of the G. I. ranch near Fife, passed through Barnes with a bunch of horses he had pur chased from Chas. Houston near Rob ert. ' H. C. Nelson had the misfortune to break both of his stage trucks last week, on the bad roads, caused from the heavy rains Monday and Tuesday. Harry Hackleman is now employed at the J. J. Romberg ranch, and ac companied by Claude Seeds, went to Summit Prairie after a bunch of cat tle. Walter Bennett and Earnest Smith left for Spray last week. Andrew Evenson has Just complet ed putting in a crop of rye for Chas. T Rausch, who Is employed at Seattle for the fall and does not expect to return until next Christmas. Fisher Logan, Lew Bennett and Sid Rogers are near Fife gathering cattle. Chas. Parrish Is at hia home near here, looking after the Interests ot his cattle and ranches. C. B. Todd of Todd and Hamlin Baw mill was a business visitor to Prineville from here Monday. Barnes NEWS NOTES Storms and wind" have been the; chief visitors at Barnes for the past week. I Farmers who were late about seed-' ing are afraid it will freeij up before ' they are through. I George Tackman and R. I. Eng- i Btrom are riding for ottle as the : range is very Bhort this year : I Ira Cox and T. T. Armstrong vaxin ated calves last week. ' i Chas. Sherman of Fife waa at Barnes last week looking after the interests of the road. Mr. Sherman ! intends to put in several culverts near Bornes and the people of the vie- , lnity will be pleased when the work Is done. . Ed. Birdsong left Barnes tor his home at Suplee. Mr. Birdsong was accompaniod by bis nephew, Verlln THE LITTLE MOUNTAIN TRADEMARK t Do You Know What It Means? It Is ihe Insignia of quality In Motion Pictures It Is the dominating factor In one ot the world's greatest Industries Paramount Artcraft Pictures features the same great stars in the same great plays that are shown reg ularly in the finest picture palaces of the land they are the pictures you soe at the Coliseum, Liberty, and Strand Theaters at Seattle the Lib erty, Columbia, and Peoples and Majestic in Portland always you will find them in America's leading playhouses. There is hardly a city, town or hamlet In the United States where Para-mount-Artcraft is not shown regularly Paramoant-Artcraft pictures are getting the support they deserve. The power and appeal ot Paramount-Artcraft pictures has been far reaching and effective the amusement lovers ot America know what the little mountain trademark means! . "FOREMOST STARS, SUPERBLY DIRECTED, IN CLEAN PICTURES" in hi ji i - "" fzmmim r- ni i 1 r . . i u itu-ij &jmt4n ramous navers L,asKv orporanon .rv jfi Adolph Zukor, Pres. Jose L. Lky, Vice Pres. Cecil B. DeMille, Director Gei fiy&WWSM .