txTontnao, 1010 l crgotc, oochtt joubval PAGE T The New Standard Oversize Extra Heavy Non-Skid Si!.!!. CAMELS supply cigarette contentment beyond anything you ever experienced ! You never tasted guch full bodied mellow-mildness; such refreshing, appetizing flavor and coolness. The more Camels you smoke the greater becomes your delight Came la are euci m cia- rnttm rmvmUUnn I V:f Everything about Camels you find so fascinating is due to their quality to the expert blend of choice Turkish and i$! cnoice uomt-stic tooaccos. You'll say Camels are in a class by themselves they seem made to meet your own personal taste in so many ways I Freedom from any unpleasant cigaretty after-taste or un pleasant cigaretty odor makes Camels particularly desirable to the most fastidious smokers. And, you smoke Camels as liberally as meets your own wishes, for they never tire your taste ! You are always keen for the cigarette satisfaction that makes Camels so attractive. Smokers real ize that the value is in the cigarettes and do not expect premiums or cou pons ! Compare Camels with any cia rette in the world at any price I 18c. a package Cmmmlm mrm vrywhmrm in meJmntttirsly - ktt-m of 20 vifnttmn or tmn park. JOO t umrmtt) in a itammtnm.papar. cmr1 rmrfnn. Wm wltontly rm-ommand thtt rmrton far the homm or ofhum mupply or wh-n you trmvmi. J.REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY Ul' It m nuuioDoitn, n. - i 4 -- gNMMttMMNWMiMsVMMMs WANTED LADY I . - - - T wss op,, : 1 he Journal does Modern aUag. Paid walls leara- iSs-,?t : Printing on Short Notice 1 CHEVROLET pf7 There Is a specific reason (or the ex cellent finish of the Chevrolet Cars. For from the moment the newly built body Is carefully cleaned and the first coat of enamel Is applied, until the body sMumes that lustrous smooth- t ness that characterizes the finished car, every operation Is automatically tafe-f uarded against careleasness or hurried workmanship. Therein lies the secret of the uni formly long wearing qualities of the Chevrolet finish. This la the reason for Ita even depth and richness. This Is why a Chevrolet ear always appears well groomed and attractive long after the car has ceased to be new. NEWELL MOTOR SALES CO. PRIVEVILLE - '- - - r OREGON J3- i .?JL Chevrolet Tour-Ninety" Touring Car f 715, Let. Flint, allcblgaa 3S ECONOMICAL FEED FOR SHEEP Alternating Paeturaoe Advlwd ts Keep Plants Growing and Pre- , vent Stomach Worms. (Praparad br the United 8uta Depart mant of Asrtcultura.) Beranse of the Importance of eco nomical feedlnK In profitable sheep raising, the United States department of agriculture directs apeclal attention to opportunities for growing forage crops as a feed for lambs and ewes. Early spring pasturages of wheat or rye may be need at the start These provide succulent green feed appetis ing to the ewes and lambs. Overpas turing, however, must be avoided when these crops are later to be used for gTHln. Where It Is possible to keep the rye or wheat pasture about 114 to two Inches high, the lambs and ewes seem to relish It more and will consume larger amounts. Oats and Canadian field peas may be sown together early In the spring at the rate of 1H bushels of field peas and 1 V bushels of oats to the acre. This crop should then be ready when It is time to take the flock off the rye or wheat Rape, another good forage crop, may be sown at the rate of six to eight pounds an acre, and will provide later pasturage, following the oats and Ca nadian field peas. In sections where soy beans and cowpeas grow satisfac torily they furnish an excellent mid summer pasture. If towed later they make a good forage crop In late sum mer and early fall. When sown in corn they serve as an excellent supplement to the corn for fattening lambs. If pastured by alternating the eras ing In different parts and not allowing any particular section to be too closely eaten, a field of soy beans may be used for a considerable time. When most of the leaves have been eaten It Is time to move to s fresh portion of the field so that the plants on the grazed part will have a chance to leaf again. Ia some sections it may be desirable to cut this growth and use it for hay, es pecially when other leguminous hays are not available. It is good practice to sow rape at the last cultivation of corn. The lambs can then be turned In the com field In the fall and will feed upon the lower leaves of the corn and rape and make excellent gains. Lambs not only make a rapid and cheap gain on forages of this kind, but s forage-crop system prevents, to a large extent, Injury from stomach worms. It has been demonstrated that by changing lambs every two weeks to ground not previously grazed that sea son, stomach worms can be effectively IRESHME Fabric Tire Guarantee 6,000 MILES Cord Tire Guarantee 8,000 MILES 7 We have a stock of over One Hundred Tires on hand. After having tried out eight of the differ ent makes, we have found the New Stand ard Oversize Firestone gives the "Most Miles Per Dollar." Lalrin Hardware "WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE 8heep on Pasture. Controlled. Since this condition ex- i Ists, it Is better to have the pastures of a convenient size, so that the lambs and ewes will consume all the forage ; In a period of about two weeks and again be turned on a new pasture, i This does not allow the use of a sec l ond growth. The ground can then be plowed and a second crop seeded to afford later forage crops. Where lambs are to go to market an effort should be made to get them off early. Lambs make the best and cheapest gains during the first four months of their lives. A grain feed fed In a lamb creep arranged In the field will prove helpful In pushing the lambs along and keeping them in good condition. Thts feed should consist of corn, oats and bran. Lambs should be fed aU but no more than they will clean up each day. Never put clean feed Into the trough where old feed remains. . Lambs weighing 60 to 75 pounds make the most desirable market offer ing. The reason Is that lambs of this size dress out a desirable market car cass, which can be more readily han dled by the butcher, In meeting the de mands of his trade. Heavier lambs do not sell so readily, and when supplies are large there may be a small price discrimination in favor of lambs under 80 pounds. Growers will find that by following a system of forage crops for rotation Of pasturage to Prevent Btnmnrh wonns, and supplying grain feed In a lamb creep to keep the Iambs gaining steadily, larger profits can be realized. Good Shelter for Pigs. Pigs need a place of shelter to ap propriate when the weather is bad, and shade when the sun Is too hot for their endurance. Is Your Money Supporting the Government? At this critical period In our history our manufacturers are offering their mills and our young men are offering their itervioea to the United State, government Would yon like to lo your share and help, by putting your money where It will support the new Federal Reserve Banking System, which the government haa established to stand back of our commerce. Industry and agriculture? Toe eaa do this by opening an account with aa aa part of every dollar so deposited goes directly Into the new system, where it will always be ready for you when wanted. Member Federal Reserve System i FIRST NATIONAL BANK THE OAKS CAFE KATE E. WARNER, Prop. c LA8SIEST OZIEST and LEANEST AFE In PRINEVILLE OREGON SfififtSASfiAsW w m wraar REGULAR 50c DINNER 6 A. M. to 1 A. M. ON MAIN STREET FIRST DOOR NORTH OP JOURNAL OFFICE At Your Service The officers and resources of this bank are available at all times in assisting you to solve your financial problems. We do both a Savings and Commercial Business Capital and Surplus $50,000.00 CROOK COUNTY BANK PRINEVILLE, OREGON A Classified Ad Bring? Quick Results .