Fe ciutos OOCTCTY lOCIMU 4 ss$ vstaC'if'' WANTED VKAU HOGS, MUTTON, REKF, CHICKENS, TCRKKY8, PUCKS, GKKSK, KGOS, H1UKS, lUTTKR, AM) JACKRAHniTK.. GIVE U8 A TRIAL. HIGHEST MARKET PR1CB GUARANTEED. PROMPT RETURNS GULICKSON & CO. Established 1B13 109 Front 8U Portland, Or. EASIEST THING IN THE WORLD CALL BLACK 303 FOR LIGHT OR BK IVY TRUCK SERVICE Morse Transportation Comp'y PRINEVILLE, OREGON LIV SPECIALIZE IN FEEDER HOGS IRELAND'S City Transfer & Express Auto Delivery to all Parts of the City and Vicinity Phone me for quick service at Hugh Lakin's Red 951 Prineville Machine Shop The Best Equipped Machine Shop in this part of the State. ' We are prepared to handle anything in our line promptly. Quality of work is the very best. PRINEVILLE MACHINE SHOP E. G. Hodson, Proprietor Prineville, ..... Oregon 0n Hundred Carloads of Choler. Free Animals Shipped Annually From South Dakota. (Prepared br the I'nltod States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Feeder hogs, perfect as to specifics tlon and designed to satisfy the most discriminating purchaser, are exported annually fruiu the Belle Fourche reclamation project. South Dakota. Approximately 100 carloads of cholera flee aud alfalfa-raised porkers are shipped each season. The output for the last few years has been purchased by Nebraska farmers who fatten and condition the hogs for the central mar kets. A special advantage about such shipments Is that the anlmnls need not be held tn quarantine while vacci nated to satisfy the requirements of Interstate shipment, and the purchaser does not have to bear added expenses, such as yardage and feed costs, which he would have to pny If he bought his stock hops on the central murket. The Belle Fourche project was re cently declared free from cholera by CARE FOR HEALTH OF FOWLS Dropping Boards Should Bo Cleaned Wttkly loolats Birds With Colds Kttp Away Insects. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Clean the dropping boarda at least one a week, and spray the roostf once a month with kerosene or soma commercial preparation for killing mites. Have a food supply of sand or dry dirt on hand to use on the drop pins boards. If any of the birds develop colds. Had Your Shoes Shined This Year? All kinds of Shoes Shined, Oiled and Dyed. Black, Brown or Bronzed Shoes Oiled With Waterproof OiL Special seats for the ladies. SQUARE DEAL SHINING PARLOR Allen J. Butler, Proprietor Prineville, ..... Oregon , " ' - " .... .vc.'jOt i:. "Here's a Friendly Tip" says the Good Judge Men who know tobacco, chew the best without its costing them .any more. They take a little chew and it's amazing how the good taste stays in a rich, high grade chewing tobacco. For lasting tobacco satis faction, there's nothing like a small chew of that rich-tasting tobacco. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW put ui in two styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B GUT is a long fine-cut tobacco Announcement ! We have purchased the Harness and Saddle Business formerly con ducted by W. i. Hughes and we are prepared to care for all his old customers and new ones as well. We specialize Ik repair of Har . ness, Saddles, Auto Tops, Boots and Shoes. FAK RAND'S REPAIR SHOP Prineville, Oregon THE HOME HOSPITAL UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT OUR RATES REASONABLE CONDITIONS THE VERY BEST MATERNITY CASES SPECIALTY MRS J. F. SHORT and DAUGHTER A Want Ad Gets Results Dakota Farmers Special ixa In Feeder Hog Production. the state live stock sanitary board. The hog growers of that section have decided It Is most profitable for them to produce feeder hogs because the high price and limited quantity of corn In their vicinity available for feeding purposes make the fattening of hogs a hazardous undertaking. On the oth er hand, alfalfa hay Is grown In abun dance, and the pasture afforded Is keenly relished by the hogs. Hence the project farmers are limiting their operations to feeder-hog production. A co-operative live stock shipping as sociation has been organized on the Belle Fourche project to market the hogs In unique fashion this fall. The plan Is to secure carload orders for these hogs so that they may be shipped out In small train loads for delivery to points east of the Missouri river. The Idea Is to have about fifteen cars of hogs In each train, these cars being loaded at Newell and Xlsland on the project and to be carried to destina tion, without stopping for feed or wa ter, within the 30-hour limit. Infor mation Is being promulgated among the prospective buyers along the route regarding the freight rates on a mini mum car of feeder hogs so that they can estimate accurately the gross cost of snch a load of quality feeders de livered at their destination. The hogs sold during the fall of 1918 ranged from 16 to 21 cents a pound f. o. b. cars, some of the loads being sold above the market quotation and some of them undr. The Belle Fourche plan of market ing feeder hogs should be of Interest to other stock raisers and feeders In va rious sections of the country, Illustrat ing, as It does, a new method of feeder-animal distribution. Handling through a co-operative shipping asso ciation directly from the producer to the purchaser makes It certain that the buyer will receive the hogs at his station nt a minimum cost for handling In transit. Furthermore, the fact that the animals come from a cholera-free country Is positive Insurance against losses from that disease, If the hogs are not exposed to Infection In transit or subsequent to their delivery at their new homes. Prospects are that In the future many South Dakota farmers In the eastern part of the state who raise considerable corn and make a practice of feeding the grain to hogs will rely to a certain extent on the animals com ing from the Belle Fourche project KEEP BEEF CALVES GROWING Ensilage, if Available, Is Best and Cheapest Feed When Pastures Have Become Short. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) Beef calves on pasture should be kept in a thrifty, growing condition. If the pasture becomes short the cows should be fed, otherwise the develop ment of the calves may be checked. Ensilage, If available, Is the cheapest and best feed. Good hay Is an excel lent supplementary feed, and cows, even on a fairly good pasture, seem to relish a small quantity of dry feed. Soy beans, cow peas, or other pasture crops may be used. If It Is not practi cable to supply supplementary feeds to the cows the calves should be fed a little grain. This can be done easily by placing a small quantity In a creep In the pasture. A mixture of one-third corn, one-third oats, and one-third bran by weight la a good feed for this purpose. 1. 1 1 1- i A Clean House Promotes the Health of Poultry. put as much potassium permanganate as will remain on the surface of a dime Into a gallon of water and keep this material In their drinking water for several days, or until the symp toms of the colds have disappeared. Remove any sick birds from the flock as soon as noted and treat them In coops by themselves or kill and bury them If they are not worth treating. Examine the pullets and hens for lire and dust thoroughly with a good Insect powder or apply a mixture of equal parts of vaseline and mercurial or blue ointment, applying a piece about the size of a pea one Inch below the vent of the bird, rubbing the ml tnre lightly on the skin. An appli cation of this ointment two or three times a year will keep the fowls free from lice. Where Insect powder It used. It should be applied three or four times a your, or ofteuer If the fowls become Infested with lice. Provide a small box In the house, partly filled with dry road dust or fine dirt, In which the hens may dust themselves, thus helping to keep them free from lice. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY LOST A gold ring with flat set, somewhere In Prineville about Oc tober 18. Finder please leave at Cornett & Co. store. 60t2p WANTED Second-hand flat top or roll top desk. Give price. Box 234, Prineville. 60t2c FOR SALE Euj NE"4 and E'4 SE'4 Sec. 21 T 34 R 7 E, about 80 acres in alfalfa. 1 mile from Redmond Price 13,210. Terms. C. M. Mont gomery, 312 Elk St., Bellingham, Washington. BOtlc FOR SALE Work team. Inquire at Journal office. SOtlp FOR SALE Fairbanks engine, 14 h. p.. In good condition. Chas. C. O'Nell, Prineville. 60t2p FOR SALE $125. A Good work team, harness and 3V4 In. wagon. Inquire at this office. 50t2c FOR SALE Wo still have several sets of the U. S. Harness for sale at the same price. Breeching harness at 163 and Lead Harness at $54 per set. Leather has advanced 10 to 12 cents per pound since this harness was purchased but the selling price remains the same See us at once before they are sold. Ov er fifty sets have been sold In the county this summer. Liberty bonds taken same as cash. R. S. Dixon and R. L. Schee, Prineville, Oregon. 60tlc HYDE PARK This tract of land ad Joining the city on the east has been recently offered for sale in acre tracts and is selling fast. One third of It Is sold already and there are some choice acre tracts to be had at the price of city lots on easy terms at 6 per cent Interest. It Is only a question of a short time until these acre tracta will be cut up Into city lots and demand a good price. This land Is under the Och oco Irrigation District, thus afford ing cheap water for gardens and lawns. Buy an acre where the city Is building now and where taxes are cheap. See me at once. R. L. Schee. 335 Main St. BOtlc NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Crook County. In the Matter ox Neal A. Thomae, Deceased. NOTICE i hereby given by the underslimed. administrator of the Estate of Neal A. Thom as, deceased, to all creditors of said Deceased, and to all persons having claim against laid Estate, to present the same with proper vouch ers as required by law, to the undersigned at the office of M. R. Elliott, In the city of Prine ville, Oregon, within six months from the first publication of this Notice. Dated this 27th day of September, 1919. J. A. WILCOX, Administrator of the Eestate of Neal A. Thomas, 47tie Deaaeied. OVERSHOES, LEATHER HI-TOPS and WOOL SOX VK IIAVK A NEW SKH K OK II Vk YVAKM HNITWKAIt, AM MK notour tiikm iiitarr. vn ca.v MM, VOl It NEEDS IN TIIEKK Alt TIC1.F.M AT l.KSM TH IN OTIIKIl HTOKKH. TIIK OUAMTY IN TDK 1 1 KMT AM) AT I'HMIM THAT YOU CAN AtTOKIt. IXrOK TIIKM OVMC. HOMER NORTON Post, Oregon THE OCHOCO MARKET Is now ready to supply your needs ALL KINDS OF FRESH AND CURED MEATS Fruits, Vegetables and Produce Bostwick & Cox PRINEVILLE, OREGON DSIiklYal IsluIjKeJ EBB BDeiEnsncnsnM Give the world the once over IISTEN, fellows, to some j straight talk. Many a man when he gets to be 40, missea some thing. He may have lots of money, and a fine family but He never "got out and saw things". After he gets settled down, it's too Jate. Every man wants to see the world. No man likes to stand still all his life. The best time to TRAVEL 3s when you're young and lively right NOW I Right NOW your Uncle Sam Jscalling,"Shoveoffl" Hewants men for hie Navy. He's inviting you! It's the biggest chance you'll ever get to give the world the once over I The Navy goes all over the world sails the Seven Srae quints at the six continent! that'i itbuinea. You stand to ire more odd sighti, wonder ful scenery nnd strange people than you ever dreamed of. You'll work hard while you work. You'll play hard whileyou play. You'll earn and learn. You'll get, in addition to "shore leave", a 30-day struight vaca tionwhich is more than the average bank president can count on. You can join for two years. When you get through you'll be physically and mentally "tuned up" for the rest of your life. You'll be ready through and through for SUCCESS. There's a Recruiting Station right near you. If you don't know where It ir, your Pot master will be glad to tell you. Shove off ! - Join the C2 OVER 2,000,000 CALVES Immunized against Blackleg through the use of BLACKLEG AGGRESSIN One treatment Immunizes for life. Saves revacclnatlon. Price 23c per dose. Why pay more? Write for our free Booklet to PURITY SERUM COMPANY BOX 1788 SPOKANE, WASH.