(ta Tor.KR 80, 1010 cuook ootnrTT journal PARK S av: Ti 1 .1 l I RTF m. u-i u-a CLASSIFIED ADS KOIi SALE 0C1I0C0 LAND KOII SALE Two tract of Irrigated land undor the Ochooo Project, practically all la cleared and one tract In crop. Bee R. W. Rea, Adamaun Bldg. sSttc FOR SALE One food Hampshire buck. O. P. Adamaon. 4 3 lie roil SALE Four pur bred young Duroo brood sows. In excelent eon. dltlon. Also a young Duroc boar from registered stock. Call at Journal office 40tfp FOR Sale East ot Prlnerllle public school, l-i acra ot lmprored land with new six-room house. Will sell on very reaaonable terms. In quire at Journal office. 89tfo FOR SALE 0ns Durham Bull. 1 years old. Phone Stilt 0tfe FOR BALE Two Delaine bucks, full bloods. Inquire ot A. T. Bogue, Prlnerllle. 4tfo FOR BALE 840 acre ranch on the Ochoco. This Is a snap. Inquire at this office. 47tfc FOR BALE Heavy wagon, steel axis, C. Hartman, Juniper Springs. 49t3e WINTER APPLES 11.00 per sack f. o. b. Dufur, Oregon Jonathans, Wlnesaps, Grimes Golden, Rome Beauty; free from any rot and will keep all winter We have 100 acres in orchard. M. M. Burtner, Dufur, Oregon. 49t2o FOR SALE A good stock ranch In northern California. Plenty of range adjoining ranch. Adapted to cattle or sheep. Will sell cheap. Write or see Raymond Calavan, Frineville. Oregon, 48tfo r'wV'VWVVNe'weVv The Biggest Bargain in Prineville Ford owners will have a chance to get second hand 80x8 and 80x3V tires at prices before unknown. Come In early and get your pick. We also have on hand the famous PENNSYLVANIA VACUUM CUP Tires and Tubes PRINEVILLE Vulcanizing WORKS Prineville w ju tour Mills ' I STANDARD FLOUR . c ; c 1 "EAT MORE BREAD" " b FOR 8ALE Ford Touring car In Al ahape, just overhauled. This is good buy. Inquire this office 48tfc FOR SALE Choice White Wyan dotte cockerels. Place ordurs now as none will be kept over winter. Ray V. Cunstuble. 49tfc FOR SALE The old Kinder place. 160 acres. See R. W. Rea. 48tfc WANTED WOMAN Desires position as cook on ahevp ranch from Nov. 16. State particulars. Address Arns Rob ertson, University Farm, Davis, California. 49t2o WANTED Chickens and turkeys. 1 am again in the markt for all kinds ot poultry. Phone B 171. C. M. Stroud. 48tfe WANTED 400 medium to large Juniper trees pulled. Call at this office for particulars. 40tfp WANTED A young lady for candy store position. Steady employment for the winter. Johnson's Sweet Shop. 46tfo WANTED Salesmen to sell groceries direct to farmers, commission. One competent to establish and take charge ot business paying $3,000 to 14,000 a year. We furnish training experience, capital. Not easy money, but permanent, profitable opening for right man. Quality goods sold on satisfaction or money back basis. Farmers save 20 per cent. Man with farm experience preferred. Car or rig required. Give age, experience, phone num ber. H. H. Hunttlng, Portland, Oregon 47t4p ROOMS For trancient, inquire ot Mrs. Estes, corner 2nd and Main streets. Prlneville, Ore. 49t2p 447 MAIN SHEET v WILL PARTY Who took overcoat from Oregon Grill please return It and get his own, thereby avoiding trouble? 49t2p LOST Black bill fold, somewhere in Prlneville, Purse contained sum of money. $30 reward, leave at this office. 49t2p ATTORNEYS WILLARD H. WIRTZ District At torney. Office Crook County Bank Building, Prlneville, Oregon tl M. R. ELLIOTT Attorney at Law Court House 8t, Prlneville, Ore OPHTHALMOLOGIST DR F. H. DAY Physician, optha mologlst, neuraloglst. Specialty ot eyes and nerves. Glaaaea fitted. Hours 10 to IS a. m.; S to 6 p. m. Evenings by apolntment 610 Main St. Prlneville, Oregon. 37tfc PRIVATE HORN LESSONS Be able to toot your own horn I can teach you how by latest methods. If your child does not advance I will tell you so and the lessons taken to that time will cost you nothing. ALBERT H. GILLETT, Leader ot Band and Orchestra NOTICE I Dr. L. V. Belknap ot Portland has opened offices with his father, Dr. H. P. Belknap, for permanent practice here Calls answered day or night. NOTICE TO OLD CUSTOMERS I am now able to do your piano tuning, repairing, voicing and re stringing. E. H. BRENT. CHICHESTER S PILLS Til V DIAMOND BUM! ladlesl Ak rear Brenlai CkUkMrlllllMjlna PUI la tU4 and oM BMtsUicY bona. Mated wrrafclus Ribbua, ' Rlbtwsi, W li niia prmmwiwi. AiixClnJcif DlXHo.ND BaUND Pfl. Jr t yens kaowa at Ban. Safest. Araays I SOLO BY DRUGGISTS EVERttSSBS H. P. Belknap L. V. Belknap BELKNAP & BELKNAP Physicians and Surgeons Office 122 East Third Street Prlneville, Oregon Office phone 51 Residence 68 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES At Masonic Temple every Sun day at 11:00 a. m. All welcome Sunday school tor all under 10 years of age ot 10:00 a. m. LAKE M. BECHTELL U. S. Commissioner Attorney-At-Law Crook County Bank Building PRINEVTLLE! . OREGON z. TUM-A-LUM LUMBER jztzl, PLANS COIVCPANY MADRAS, GATEWAY Successor to 8 HIPP t PERRY MISCELLANEOUS BEFORE YOU SIGN a life Insur ance contract In any other com pany examine the superior con tract and low premium rates ol Oregon Life. See. T. L. Qnlnn the local agent Z4tfc DENTISTS OR. H. Q. DA VIS Dent 1st. Nea modern shop. In Kamatra Build Ing. DR. FREDERICK McK. INGER30LL Dentist, Crook County Back Bldg Prlneville, Oregon. 43tfc 1 OREGON DAILY JOURNAL DAILY 50c DAILY AND SUNDAY 83c If yaai oVmt get your paper reg ularly, phone Bed 431 and we will send one np by special mes senger. PRINEVTLLE DRUG CO. Local Agent NOTICE OF ELECTION NOTICE la hereby given that pursuant to an order thia day made by the County Court of the County of Crook and State of Oregon an election will be held on November 22, 1919, by the elector of the proposed Lone Pin Irri gation District. The name of ihe District, it organized, shall be the Lone Pine Irrigation District, and its boundaries shall De as follows: Beginning at the Northeast corner of Section four (4), Township fourteen (14) South, Range fourteen (14) East of the Willamette Mend ian and running thence South on mil to the Southeast corner of said Section four (4) ; thence West one quarter of a mile to the South. west corner of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section four Mi: thence South one quarter of a mil to the Southeast corner of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section nin (9). said Township and range: thence West ok quarter of a mile to the Southwest corner of said Northwest quarter of the Northeast quar ter of Section nine (9) : thenc North on quar ter of a mile to the Northwest corner of the said Northwest quarter of th Northeast quar ter of Section nine (9) : thenc West on half mile to the Northeast corner of Section eight (8), said Township and Range; thenc South one mile to th Southeast corner of said Section eight (8) ; thenc West one mile to the South west comer of said Section eight (8) ; thenc North one half mile to the Southeast corner of th Southeast quarter of the Northeast quar ter of Section seven (7). said Township and Range: thenc West one quarter of a mile to the Southwest comer of said Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of said Section seven (7) ; thence North one quarter of a mil to the Northwest comer of said Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section seven (7) ; thence East one quarter of a mile to th North east comer of aaid Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section seven (7) i thence North on quarter of a mil to th Northwest comer of Section eight (8), said Township and Range: thence East one quarter of a mil to th Southwest comer of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section fiv 4 ft) said Township and Range t thenc North one half mil to th Northwest comer of th North east quarter of th Southwest quarter of said Section fiv (S) thence East on quarter of a mil to th center of said Section fiv (6) i thenc North to th Northwest comer of the Northeast quarter of said Section fiv (5) ; thence East one and one half mile on the Township lln to th place of beginning. Also beginning at the Northwest comer of Section sixteen (It), Township fourteen (14) South, Range fourteen (14) East of the Wil lamette Meridian and running thenc East one quarter of a mile to the Northeast comer of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quar ter of said Section stxteea (16) : thence South three quarters of a mile to the Southeast comer of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of said Section sixteen (16) ; thence West one quarter of a mil to the Southwest comer of said Northwest quarter of the South west quarter of Section sixteen (16) : thence North three quarters ot a mil to th plac of beginning. Also beginning at th Northeast comer ot Section eighteen (18) : Township fourteen (14) ; South, Range fourteen (14) East of the Wll lamett Meridian and running thenc South on HAT wonderful little they are. Woodsman, man, architect, mason and ter, all combined in one. They are cer tainly great home builders, and if left un disturbed, will live for generations in the homes they have planned and builded. " As busy as a beaver' is an old-time expression. If you are too busy to do your own planning of that home of your dreams, let us do it for you. Although we are as " busy as a beaver," we are always anx ious to be of service. YOURS FOR BETTER SERVICE quarter of a mil to the Southeast comer of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of said Section eighteen (18) ; thenc West on mile, more or less, to th Southwest comer ox Lot number on (1), said Section eighteen (18) : thenc North on quarter of a mil to the Northwest comer of said Section eighteen ( lo ; thenc East on mile, more or less, to th place of beginning. Also beginning at the Northeast comer of the Northwest quarter ot the Northeast quarter of Section twenty (20), Township fourteen (14) South. Range fourteen (14) East of the Wil. lamette Meridian and running thence South one half ot a mile to the Southeast comer of the Southwest quarter of th Northeast quarter of said Section twenty (20) ; thence west on half mile to the Southwest comer of th Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter ot said Sec tion Twenty (20) : thence North on half mil to the Northwest comer of th Northeast quar ter of the Northwest quarter of said Section Twenty (20) : thenc east on half mil to th place of beginning. The polling plac for said election shall be at th school house located within the boun daries of the said proposed District and the polls shall be open on aaid day from the hour of 8 o'clock in tb forenoon until t o'clock In the afternoon. Said election shall be held for the purpose of determining whether or not said Lone Pine Irrigation District as described herein shall be organised under the provisions of Chapter 857 General Laws of Oregon for 191", and all acta supplemental thereto and amendatory thereof ; which question will be submitted in the fol lowing manner: 12 IRRIGATION DISTRICT YES IS IRRIGATION DISTR1T NO Three (S Directors for the District shall be elected from the District at large, at the said election. Dated at Prlneville, Crook County, Oregon this lMh day of October. 1919. ASA W. BATTLES. County Clerk for Crook County, Ore. Date of first publication. October 23. 1919. Date of last publication, November 20. 1919 50t5e 16312 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Of fice at The Dalles, Oregon, October 16, 191. NOTICE is hereby given that EDWARD G. GUTFLE1SCH of Brothers. Oregon, who, on July 26, 1916, made Homestead Entry No. 016312. for Lota 2, 8, 4, 6, 6, Section 31, Township 20 South, Rang 18 East Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Three Year proof to establish caim to the land above described before H. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner al: Bend, Oregon, on the 28th day of November, 191. Claimant names aa witnesses : Samuel E. Lochery, Patrick H. Coffey, Vin cent H. Sakev. John J. Helfrich. all of Broth ers. Oregon, and Rose N. Palmerton, of Bend, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK SOtSp Register 15148 ' ' NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Of fice at The Dalles, Oregon, October 16, 1919. NOTICE is hereby given that SARAH E. GUTFLE1SCH, one of the heirs and for the heirs of Charles I. Gutfleisch, deceased, of Brothers, Oregon, who, on June 21, 1916, made Homestead Entry Ko. 016148 for EH SW and SEV4 Sec 26, T 20. S R 17 E Lots 8. 4, Sec. SO, Lot 1 Sec. 81, Township 20 South, Range 18 East Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to mak Final Three Year Proof to establsih claim to the and above described before H. C. Ellis. U. S. Commissioner at Bend, Oreon, on th 28th day of November, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Samuel E. Lochery, Patrick H. Coffey, Vin cent H. Sakey, John J. Helfrich, all of Broth ers, Oreon, and Roscoe U. Palmerton, of Bend, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK E0t5p Register IMS NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department ot the Interior, U. S. Land Of fice at Th Dalles, Oregon, Sept 17, 191. NOTICE is hereby given that SARAH A. SNODERLY of Prlneville, Oregon, who on July 19, If IS. made Homestead Entry No. 016289 for Lots 1-2, Sec T 14 S R 16 E, EH 8EH See. 11 T 13 S R 16 E W M, has filed notice of inten tion to mak Final Three Year Proof to es tablish claim to th land above described, be fore Lak M. Bechtell, IT. S. Commissioner, at Prineville, Oregon, on th 13th day of Novem ber, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses: Patrick Donahue, Wesley Grater, Henry Mo Coy, and Richard M. Powell, all of Prinevilk, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 7t6a Register 16181 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Of fice at Th Dalles, Oregon, Sept. 28, 1919. NOTICE la hereby given that animals lumber- carpen CHARLES E. ADAMS of Prineville, Oregon, who on November I 1916, mad Additional Homestead Entry N 016681, for WH NE4. SH SEH. See. It, ' lf8RllEVM.su filed notice ot Intents to mak Final Three Tear Proof to eatabu elaim to th land above described, before Lak M. BechtelL U. S. Commissioner, at PriiwrUla, Oregon, on th tth day of November, 191. Claimant names a witnesses : Stephen W. Yancey, Henry Hudson, Chart Crain, and John K. Breese, all ot Prineville. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 47t5c Regis tei 142M NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of th Interior, U. 8. Land Of fice at Th Dalles, Oregon, September t, lilt. NOTICE I hereby given that LEON F. SHAW ot Brothers, Oergon, who on Dee, 7, 1914, Bad Homestead Entry No. 014200 for Nft Baa 20 T 20 8 R 18 E W M. has filed notie ot In tention to mak Final Three Year Proof fc establish claim to th land abov described, before H. C Ellis, U. 8. Commissioner at Bend, Oregon, on th 8th day ot November. 119. Claimant names aa witnesses : Roseo N. Pelmerton, Charles H. TTaines. ot Bend, Oregon; Samuel E. Lochrt, Bans D. Young, ot Brothers, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. 4Tttp Resist. 13821 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land 01 fice. The Dalles. Oregon, October (, 1919. NOTICE is hereby given that CHARLEY C. BIRDSONG of Barnes, Oregon, who, on August 81, 1914, made Homestead Entry No. 013821 for SWH. WH EH Section 16, Townenip 18 South, Rang) 20 East Willamette Meridian, has filed notion -of intention to make Final Three Year Proof to establish claim to the land above describe before Charles A. Sherman, U. S. Land Com missioner at Fife, Oregon, on the 22nd day of November, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses : Bert G. Demo res, Maggie Demores, of Barnes . Oregon ; George Tackman, R. A. Amnions, ot Roberts, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 49t5e Register SCRATCH rSkHS Different slses and quality ot paper. Just the thing for your desk or pocket, for sale at The Journal office. "1 WE HAVE SOME BARGAINS AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS . FARM WAGONS WIRE FENCE ETC. FOR CASH COLLINS W. ELKINS When writing advertisers, please mention The JournaL FRANCIS WIIXIAM9-DTJRAND Teacher of PIANO, VOICE, and VIOLIN East First Street The History ot the World War 4 plete In five volumes. Silk jtnding $1I.B0. Two dollars down, balance when books are delivered. Leave orders for E. H. Brent, care of Jour nal office Prineville, Oregon S7tfs)