(KTOHKIl 1(, 1019 page a CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL Toko IS i Crook County Journal BY OCT LATOIXETTB Entered at the postofflce at Prlne llle. Oregon, aa second-class natter. CBUSHEn EVERT THURSDAY Price 11.00 per rear, parable strict ly tn advance. In caae o( change of address please notifr at at once, jiv Uf both old and new addreaa. of the beadi ot Portland Jobbing houses are better versed on conditions In Chicago than ther are In all inter lor Oregon. Many of them have nev er been east of the Cascades, exot'pt along the Columbia river in this state. The next trade excursion out of Portland should be Into Central Ore gon and should come to Prlnerille over the city's own railroad. MIS paper represented for foreign ADVERTISING BY THE GENERAL OFFICE NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES 114 ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES OMIGOKH I ! Let us not be otne too charitable and give away all the good things to neighboring cities. Keep a few for Bend. Bend Press. HENRY M. ROBINSON ONE MORE STEP NECESSARY Portland made a most faror&Me excursion into Southern Oregou re cently when a large party of business men visited the business men of tne extreme south tier ot counties and found much there to show them that the country is undergoing a develop ment that will make Southern Ore gon a valuable territory which In turn is being brought very near to Portland by the excellent highway system and the development of an al ready established air route, which will be augmented in so tar as com merce Is concerned by the building of the Strahorn railroad which was endorsed on this same excursion by the Portland Interests represented In the party of visitors. The action ot our neighbors from the metropolis is most excellent Lack of cooperation is due to fail ure ot complete understanding. Resources of the state are so vast and varied that the most complete cooperation will but partially devel op them. Portland Interests have made an excellent step Let them consider an other. In Southern Oregon they found fruit, mines and timber par . excellent. Central Oregon can and will be pleased to show them the best live stock country under the sun. Our position is somewhat different from that of our more southern neighbors. We cannot go to San Francisco for our merchandise, albeit we were compelled to go there to float our first issue of Ochoco bonds, the sale of which was all but lost when a telegram waa received from a Portland bank that not only would not purchase the bonds but warned against their purchase by the San Francisco house. This and almost all other unfortu nate circumstances are due to a lack of knowledge on the part ot Portland Interests. No Prineville business man would think of letting a year go by without visiting his trade territory, yet many i BRIEF GENERAL NEWS Serious rioting In Pfttrograd was re ported in advices received from Hal slngfors. The French senate haa ratified the peace treaty and also the Franoo Amerlcan and Franco-British defense treaties. Ralph Budd, executive vice president of the Oreat Northern railroad, has succeeded Louis W. Hill as president of the road. Permanent rank of vice admiral for Rear Admirals Sims, Benson and Mayo la proposed In a bill favorably reported to congress. Japan la sending the largest delega tion to the International labor confer ence tn Washington October 29, the party Including more than sixty per sons. Members of the Washington, D. C, policemen's union have decided by an almost unanimous vote to sever their affiliation with the American Federa tion of Labor. Thousands of aliens, Including Jap anese and Chinese, are evading Immi gration laws to get Into this country, John W. Abercrorable, assistant secre tary of labor has Informed the senate Immigration committee. E. M. House, personal adviser to President Wilson at the Paris peace conference, has arrived In New York on the transport Northern Pacific suf fering from a "slight attack of the grippe." Mr. House' spent nearly a year In Paris, where he has represent ed President Wilson in, the supreme council since the tatter's return home. Henry M. Robinson, Pacific Coast representative on the United States Shipping Board. LEGION MEN LOAD GUNS FOR SIBERIA Seattle, Wash. As the result of a final refusal by the members of the Seattle local of the International Long shoremen's union to handle the ship ment of Russian mission rifles to be losded on the shipping board steam ship Delight for Vladivostok, Siberia, the ' International Stevedoring com pany assembled gangs of men not con nected with the labor organisation to put the rifles aboard the vessel. The recruiting of two crews aggre gating 60 men from employment head quarters of the American Legion Sunday- was the signal for hundreds ot longshoremen to assemble at the gates of pier 5. Six foot and mounted police officers stood guard at the dock all day, while other patrolmen were sta tioned on First avenue and at the street entrances near the dock. The assembled longshoremen at the pier assumed a threatening attitude while the ex soldiers swung the rifle boxes from the pier aboard the steamer, but the presence ot the police pre vented any outbreak. OA IHf V f M I ' I'M I"l IA fit IA IA M m 1 J'.t M l TCW 1l 11 11 I "A 1X IAI Ifl MICHEL GROCERY COMPANY HEADQUARTERS FOR FANCY GROCERIES WRITE OR PHOXK US FOR V L I j WHAT YOU NEED IN THE GROCERY LINES ) WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF THE GROCERY BUSINESS PROMPT SHIPMENT GUARANTEED urn ... , iLf NUHBfiB 111 Ifaa t Would Exclude Japanese Laborers. Washington. Japanese laborers would be excluded from the United States, the same as are Chinese la borers, under a bill introduced in the senate by Senator Phelan, democrat, of California. Swedish Legation at Moscow Sacked. Washington. Reports of the sack ing of the Swedish legation at Petro rrad and ot the Swedish consulate at Moscow have been continued by the 3wedish foreign office. King George Signs Peace Treaty, London. King George has complet ed Great Britain's ratification or the Qerman peace treaty. The document ratified by him has been dispatched to Paris. NOTICE OF BHKRirr'B SALE By virtu of an eaeeutlttit In fnraelrawr duly auued by In elera of the Clreuit Court of the County ot ( rook. Mate ot Oman, daled thai illut day of Ortober, Il, In a cartel anion In th Circuit Court for In aairl Counly and Stalls wharoln Pacific Coast Mortgage Com pany (a Co rvo ration) la I'lalntlff recovering judgment against Harry Van Meter an Slatalla ttriora Van Motor ar Defendant for tho sum of Twenty-lhra and SI-KM) Dollar with Inter. at at 10 ner rent par annum from Dee. I, 117, and the lum of Twnty-thra and M-100 Dol lar with Inlereat at 10 par rant par annum from December I, 11 a, and for th sum of Serentr-one and 4S-I00 Dollars with Intaraat at tht rat of 10 par aaot par annum from lh 17th day of June. 1910, together with rifty and no-100 Dollar attorney' far and tha furthar ium of Ftftaan and SO-100 Dollar voata, and accruing aoata. NOTICE is harahy given that I will, on Sat urday, th lOth day of NoimUr, 1P10, at th North front door of tha aourthouaa tn Prtno villa, I aaid County at IS O'clock In tha fore noon of aaid day, aril at publie auction, to tha highest biddar for rash, ail riiht and tltla that th a how named Dafandanta or vtthar of I ham have or had at data of Judgment In tha follow ing deacribad property, to-wlt: Tha Weat half of th Northeast quartar, Kaat half of tha Northwaat quarter of W. Uon Thirty ISM Townahlp Sixteen tie) ftouth of Range F'trtaan Kaat of tha Willamette Merid ian in Crook County. Oregon. Paled at Prinavtlla. Oregon thlt find day of October, 1U1U. JOHN COM ItS. Sheriff. SOt He By H.OYl) A. HOWKLU Deputy ORDKR TO SHOW CAl'BK in the County Court of tha Slat of Oregoa for Crook Counly : In the matter of tha guardianship ot Ray mond J. Wright and Clifford Wright, Minor. On reading and filing tha petition, duly ver ified, of Ruth Kit gerald. guardian of th above mentioned estate, for a llrvna to aall tha Intaraat of tha abova named minor in th following deacrihed real estate, situated in Crook county, Stata of Oregon, to-wit t T.- South half of tha Southeaat quartar of Section tight, Soulhweat quarter of tha South west quarter of Section nine, and Northaaat quarter of tha Northeast quarter of Section seventeen. Township fourteen south of rang nineteen aaat Willametta Meridian, for th mnintcnanc and auptwrt of aald minora, and It apttcarlng to th court that said land 1 producing no inoom and I an expense and burden to said estate, and that it la beneficial to aald wards and for th beat intaraat vf their said estate that tha asm be sold. IT IS THKRMORE ORDKRKii that th next of kin of aaid wards and all persona Interested In aaid satat appear befor m In th county court room In th cou rt house in Prlnavllla, Crook county, Oregon, on th loth day of November. 1810, at 10 o'clock a. nv, to show cauae. If any thai be, why license should not b granted to aald Ruth Fitsgt-ald, guardian, to aell aald real aetata for tha purpoaea aet forth. AND IT IS rURTHF.lt ORDERED That ropy of this order b served on th next of kin and all persons Interested la aaid aetata by pub lication thereof In th Crook Counly Journal, a newipaper published and circulating in Crook County, Oregon, for thra successive week, tha tint publication being on th Uth day of October, lilt. Dated at Prlnavllla, Crook County, Oregon, th Uth day of October, 1010. R 0. WALLACE, 4M4 County Judge Sr" ' J1"-'"''"''-'' aaaaVaVVdfl p:C CONSULT THE CHART 'i-M : Zerolene is made In various consistencies - ; to meet with scientific accuracy the lubri- 2 r- E: cation needs of each type of automobile IJ r: engine. You have the benefit of experts' ' " : advice when yon consult our Correct Lu- brication Charts. Get a chart for your car. . II STANDARD OIL COMPANY, (Calilprala) , 1 a K. MABTIJf BpecUl Agent, REDMOND, OU I You Will Find Eyer-Sharp Pencils and Moore's Non-Leakable Foun tain Pens Handy, Reliable, Satisfactory and Efficient We have both In stock Before you purchase another box ot stationery we Invite you to Inspect our fine assortment of plain and fan cy papeterles D.P.ADAMSON & COMPANY DRUGGISTS FOR EASY WASHING TRY A TH0R Jr. ELECTRIC Mmi q PRICE $110 Guaranteed operating coat not to exceed 3c an hour Des Chutes Power Co. PRINEVILLE, OREGON Did You Pay Your Ac count on the 1st? Being one of a series of display editorials, the purpose'of whic h is to create a bet ter understanding between the local merchants and the consumers. Accounts are opened for your accommodation and with the understanding that they are to be paid on the firsl: of each month. A merchant must pay his wholesale bills on the first of each month or they are turned over to an attorney for collection. He needs this money which you owe him and is expecting you to keep your word. If you live at some distance from town, don't wait until you come to town. When you get your statement on the first of the month,, mail your check to the merchant. Prinvilla mArrViantc Arnr on a thirty day basis sever- 1 al months ago. If your ac count is not paid every 30 days, you are doing your merchant an injustice.