1 tM-iimni id, luio. CROOK COUNTY' OlRXAL HKK oin Shoe Stock AND HAVE MONET W bought tbma shorn right and we are selling them right. It will be money to you to buy your shoes of ui. HOMER NORTON Post, Oregon r j Fairbanks Morse Quality Very Low Price Thi 40 liitlii "F" plant mmr, to yon completely mounted on one la,r. J lit power plant is the famou "" Kngine winch can aim he um-J to (urimli towrr lor washing machinr churn crem .cparator, etc.. independent of the dynamo, either direct or through i line ihalt. Utw speed engine and hall bearing dynamo asittre Ions life ri attention, and .,wct l-.fbil.lc mantcnance rout. Touch a Imtmn to t..rt and another to Mop. See thu woml.-rfi.lly tflnicnt plant arid let u explmn all the details. 40L1GHT F PLANT ft jtfififttfif It f iCompU f. o. n. m fll"lirwi rta. V' plant t t t m r d M txtluwr. 5 UtkH IM t i 40U$hlT For Sale by T. J. MINGER at 4 DAMPNESS IS HARD ON TIRES Watar Inalda of Braakar Cauaaa Rapid Disintegration Coed Roada Ara Favored. Wet weather la very destructlv to tires that are partly worn out. The average tnotorlat la apt to think of hla tlrea aa being made only of rubber, and therefor waterproof. A partly worn tire la a long way from being waterproof, however, and the other materials tbat enter Into Ita construction are decidedly subject to damage from water. When water get Inalde the breaker atrip of a tire and Into the fabric and friction gum. It causes rapid disintegration. One reason why otir good roada make tlrea laat longer la that they dry quickly after rain. About the only good thing that can be aald for our dry winter la the fact that tlrea laat longer. FOR CLEANING VALVE STEMS Simple Way la to Inject Little Kero aena Oil 8oftena and Washes Off Carbon. A simple way of cleaning valve stem which are tinder simpleton of harboring carbon deposits la to Inject a little keroxene In the air valve of the carburetor while the engine la run ning. In thla way a tittle of the kero sene find Ita way down the valve atem and aoftena and waahes off the enrhon. It la no bad Idea to do thin once a month or ao. KEEP RADIATOR WELL FILLED Driver Who la Careful of Hla Machine Will Add a Little Water Frequently. When the cooling ayatera la kept In motion by thermo-ayphon action, It la quite Important thnt the radiator he kept reaaonably full In order that there he a back realatance to aid In forcing the water forward. It la good engine rare to frequently add a little water, Inatead of waiting for the engine to knock for water. JO GET CLEAR RAIN VISION A Classified Ad Bring Quick Results Nothing la Better Than Keroaene and Glycerin Mixed for Cleaning the Wlndahlald. It frequently cornea In handy to know that a little bottle of keroaene and glycerin mixed In equal parta will clear the glaaa of the windshield of ralndropa and give clear vlalon ahead. Thla compound operate to apread the rain dropa In a thin even aheet all over the aurface Instead of letting It tand In globules i m w. h e.-. r-i F.a umi...M........ " TmiiVi V '"'n I I ! CHEVR0llf7 mm mmmmm m Tlu.ro Is a specific reason for the ex cellent finish of the Chevrolet Car. For from the moment tba newly built body Is carefully cleaned and the first coat of enamel Is applied, until the body assumes tbat lustroua smooth nesa that characterizes the finished car, every operation la automatically safe-guardod against carelessness or hurried workmanship. Therein Hog the secret of the uni formly long wearing qualltlea of the Chevrolet finish. Thla 1 the reaaon for Its even depth and richness. Thla Is why a Chevrolet car always appears well groomed and attractive long after the car has ceased to be new. NEWELL MOTOR SALES CO. PRIVEVILLE OREGON LEZZ3t-J a-T T 1 aw -! -uirof .uCheTiolet "Four-Ninety" Touring Car $735, f. o. b. Flint, Michigan f IT ROAD TO RECOVERY FOR WILSON SLOW Physicians Seem Satisfied With Progress the Presi dent Is Making. Waahlngton. While President WIV son Is believed by bis physicians to be on the road to recovery, the procea will be alow and tedious. The presi dent, It waa reiterated at the White House, muat resign himself to atrlct observance of the phyalclana' orders to put aalde all thought of hla office while convalescing and remain In bed until danger of a relapse has passed. near Admiral Grayson, the presi dent's personal physician, and the phy alclana he called In, continue to con fine themaevea to terse bulletins twice a day. That they are satisfied with the progress their patient Is making Is apparent from the spirit of optimism that pervades the White House, and the resentment with which various rumors as to the president's "real" condition are met by White House of ficials. Hr. Grayson and the other physi cians have adopted a policy of "stand ing pat" on their bulletins and will not even comment on the daily crop of rumors concerning the president that spring up over night. The physicians' announcement waa not taken to mean that Mr. Wilson would be prohibited from sitting up in bed, and It waa considered entirely possible that he might be permitted to sign a few Important bills and or ders each day aa bis progresa con tinues. Discussion of rumors that Wilson will be ill so long it will be necessary to have his work delegated to some one else, probably the vice president, at least temporarily, was one of the principal toplca of conversation aroqnd the government buildings. Many be lieved tbat if the president's caae were aa serious as that, his physicians would take the initiative in informing the country of It inatead of letting things run along until the question la opened up In congress. SPEEDY ACTION ON TREATY IS PLANNED Washington. Imminence of another test of strength In the senate contro versy over the German peace treaty overtopped In interest and importance all matters likely to come before con gress this week. Leaders in the treaty fight regard i vote on the Shantung amendments to the pact late this week as assured and hope that within ten lays all other amendments can be dis posed of. Following dUposal of the Shantung amendments, senate leaders plan to take up the "six to one" amendment of Senator Johnson of California. By the time amendments to the treaty are disposed of and reserva tions come up tor action, democratic leaders hope President Wilson will have recovered sufficiently to allow the holding of conferences. The bulk of the democrats still are declared by party leaders to be solidly against the republican reservation pro gram, while continued progress toward complete agreement of the republicans on the reservations is reported. The house will consider compara tively minor measures this week, In cluding disposition of the bill for vo cational education of persons injured In Industry and that to establish a federal budget system. PROFITEERING BILL PASSED Congress Hits at Hoarding and Ex tends Food Control Act. Washington. Senate and house adopted the conference report on amendments extending the food con trol act to include clothing and food containers and providing punishment (or profiteering and hoarding. The bill now goes to thepresident, who asked for this legislation as a weapon against tie high cost of living. Hoarding and profiteering under the act are punishable by two years' im prisonment and $5000 fine. Army Censorship at Gary Denied. .. Washington, Denial that a military censorship had been established at Gary, Ind., where federal troops are on duty because of the steel strike, was made In a telegram received at the war department from Major Gen eral Wood, commanding the central department, with headquarter? at Chicago. Government Experts to Value Timber. Spokane. The government will nlace twenty-fhe valuation experts in he field to aid timber owners of the nland empire in finding the exact val uation of their holdings for the pur iose of computing taxes, Inheritance jxes and corporation stock taxes to paid by companies. I Look! Some Bargains in Steel-and Chilled Walking Plows and other Farm Implements ok t 'A COLLINS W. KINS Lsaf i irrrifl. i