CROOK COOT! JOCRXAL CMTOIlKn l, 1010. tage a A X : : in The New Standard Oversize Extra Heavy Non-Skid FIRESTONE Fabric Tire Guarantee 6,000 MILES Cord Tire Guarantee 8,000 MILES We have a stock of over One Hundred Tires on hand. After having tried out eight of the differ ent makes, we have found the New Stand ard Oversize Firestone gives the "Most Miles Per Dollar;' Lakin Hardware "WHERE IT PATS TO TRADE" WAR OFFICE STOPS BOMB DISTMBUTION Treasury Department's Plan to Award Hand Grenade Blocked The War Department has cancelled Hi contract to supply the Treasury IV partment with 15.000.000 hand grenade which war to be converted Into aav Intra banks to stimulate the sales ol War Savings Stamps and Treasury Savings Certificates, according to telegram received by C. A. Farnsworth, associate director ot the War lxan Or sanitation In tha Twelfth Federal Re serve District, from Wanhington. Ranka snd Trust Companies of the Twelfth Federal Reseive District had ordereti nearly 100.000 grenades before news of the cancellat.nn was received. The telegram to Kumsworth read: "As the Yr l)e:, deter mined that tha distribution of hand K ensiles as souvenirs should be dis continued, and has cuucellej its ar ranseiiient fur supplying grptiados to the Treasury Pepartment to be monu factured Into grear.le savings banks, the Treasury is unable to continue the distribution of the banks, "In order, however, to recognlae the efforts of the children In workltyr. and saviug dining tha a'lin time, each one who would be entitled to a bank will receive a certinVata of achieve nient from the Treasury in apprecia tion of his Industry In saving and buy ing government seorlties." The hand grenades were known as Wills bombs No 11 snd were ready for shipment to Amerkau forces In Fiance when the arml-dice was s.gticd. "i am deeply disappointed as I kuow the peo pie who looked foraard to reoelv'.rtg one of these war souvenirs will he," said Mr. Farnsworth. "However, 1 feel sure that thrifty. patriotic folks who are investing reguUrly in War Saviugs Stamps wilt continue to help the gov ern tueut." W. S. 3. AMERICA'S MILLIONAIRES By the Income tax retures for 1917 It Is shown that there were la the United States 3302 Incomes between 1100,000 and f 150,000 each. If the aver age was $125,000, the Wtal incomes In that class were (402,750,000. There were 2347 Incomes between $150,000 and $300,000 each. If the average was $200,000 the total Incomes la that c'.au were $469,400,090. There were 653 In comes between S30.ii30 and. 1205.000 each. If tha averg was (400,003 the total Incomes la that clans were 1321, 600.000. There werj $15 Incomes be tween tfioo.oon and $1,000.000 each. It the average waa l.uO.000 the total In comes tn that clasa were $334,i50,000. At the top of the heap were 141 In come of $1,000,000 or mors. If the average was $1,500,000 the total In come In thst class were $tll,500,000. The grand total for all classes given would be $t,l43,5OO.0ut Income among tM ladlvidual. What Is your Income? You haven't any? Neither did those millionaires aotlt they started to save and lateu ltegiu now and build up an Income. Buy a Bv dollar United S.ates War Savings Stamp. It pays 4 pr rent, compounded quarterly. If you haven't gut four dollars and twenty cents tout la what a five dollar stamp costs-buy a twenty Ave cent Thrift Stamp. net started,. Get aa Income. An Income from War Eavlags Stamps Is not taiable. Vv 9 S IN OUR OWN HANDS Is Your lVloney Supporting the Government? At this critical period In our history our manufacturers are offering their mills and our young men are offering their iiervloee to the United States government Would you like to fio your bar and help, by putting your money where It will aupKort the new rederal Keeerve Banking System, which the government baa established to stand back of our commerce. Industry and agriculture? Ton can do thla by opening an aoeount with a aa part of every dollar so depoalted goea directly Into the new eyetam, where It will alwaya be ready (or you wboa wanted. Member Federal Reserve System FIRST NATIONAL BANK Solution of the financial crisis super Induced by the unjust cost of living-, Is lamely In the hands of the American people themselves, according to the Vnltcd Stntcs Federal Hesorve Flnnrd, In his lette to the Pennte Committee on tlnnktng and Finance. W. P. 0 Hurtling, governor of the Federal Re serve Puard. snld: "Whether viewed from an economlo cr financial standpoint the remedy for the present situation Is the same, nnm-v ly to work snd to s:vi; work regularly snd efficiently, In onli-r to produce and d'strlhute the lurgost possible volume of commodities, snd to exercise econo mies In order that money, good nnd sen Ices may be devoted n imnrlly to tb.0 liquidation of debt snd lo the sat Infliction of the demand for necessities, rather than to the Indulgence In ex travagance or the gratification of 1 desire for I'lturles." America must both work snd save There are many wavs to work but only one way to save. That Is to save first and spend aflerwards, to put aslile the first dollar that comes In, not the last dollar that goes out. It was to make possible the saving of even the smallest suras and their safe Investment that government Savings Stamps nnd Treas ury Saving Certificate were offered to the American people. Students of economics declare that this country Is on a magnificent pros perity debauch. Dealers In jewelry, ex pensive apparel and fond delicacies throughout the country say the demand for their wares Is unprecedented and that buyers do not care what they pay for them. Stop living up to your wages or sal ary. Ssve regularly and Invest In War Savin Stamns THE OAKS CAFE i:.itl, A. iu:i:ji.i:, i'r..ri.-t..r c LASSIKNT O.IKHT mill l.KANKNT A I K III PR1NEVILLE OREGON 1(1 (il I.Alt IUH! 1HNNKK (I A. M. to I A. M. OS MAIN HTKKKT MUST IHtOK NOIITII OK Jul It V I, OITK'K asm At Your Service The officers and resources of this bank are available at all times in assisting you to solve your financial problems. We do both a Savings and Commercial Business Capital and Surplus $50,000.00 CROOK COUNTY BANK PRINEVILLE, OREGON inv: n f To make your purchases from us. Our stock of Dry L goods is being added to constantly by express and -U freight. Our stock of Shoes is big, and our Grocery stock is the largest in Crook County. It is always fresh and clean. Our big volume of business brings our expense of doing business down to a very low figure and makes it possible for us to SAVE YOU MONEY on every bill of goods you buy here. ' WE HAVE NO HIGH RENT TO PAY We are Just Around the Corner, But--- IT PAYS TO ' WALK STEWART & COMPANY PRINEVILLE, OREGON I)