CROOK COUNT! JOCRMAL (HTOIIKIl 0, 1UIV. Pmr II -i I . : la I? Iran? it ' I v sWLsTah, . x- 4 the national joy smoke makes a whale of a cigarette! Copyright till by R. J. RynoU Tofctcce C KOU certainly get yours when you lay your smokecards on ihe table, caJl for a tidy red tin or a toppy red bag of Prince Albert and roll a matin's cigarette! Youll want to hire a statistical bureau to keep count of your smokestunts! Why, you never dreamed of the sport that lies awaiting your call in a home rolled cigarette when it's P. A for the packing nno toptW rd bagmx tidy rw Ima, imndaotnm tound an Half Dotimi tin A.imt.-inr mndthat cimmmv, practical poand crytfmitla humidor With I pong nOimtnmr fop that Wpa Pnnca, Albert an ucA pmrfifd conditio t Talk about Gavor! Man, man, you haven't got the listen of half your smokecareer until you know what roll in? 'em with P. A mn An w r..,r f-v contentment! And, back of P. A.'s flavor, and rare fragrance proofs of Prince Albert's quality stands our exclusive patented process that cuts out bite and parch 1 With P. A. your smokesong in a makin's ciga rette will outlast any phonograph record you ever heard I Prince Albert is a cinch to roll It's crimp cut and stays put like a regular pall Prince Albert upsets any notion you ever had as to how delightful a jimmy pipe can be! It is the tobacco that has made three men smoke pipes where one was smoked before. It has won men all over the nation to the joys of smoking. R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO COMPANY. Winston-Salem, N. C i ROAD Building MEET DEMANDS OF TRAFFIC Construction of Freak Highways Should Be Stopped Permanency Should Be Sought J. J. Hill, in a speech In Minne apolis, January 23, 1910, said : "If the problem of the railroad terminals be Mflected for the next five years as at has for the last ten, it will blight very form of activity by paralyzing the whole trade." W. C. Brown, president of the New Tork Central lines, said November 5, 1912: "If cars are kept in motion at the average speed of freight trains at at present time, they would make on the average four times the mileage they do now. The trouble Is the cars, as a rule, are held longer to load and unload than the time involved in the actual movement of the cars" that Is, the terminal had the railroad by the throat and was choking three-quarters of Its efficiency out of it. The predic tion of Hill was absolutely correct A period of acute congestion in rail road transportation had already set in and would have gone to the bitter end of paralyzing every form of activity had not the motor truck, which had no terminals, gone to the rescue. Now at this time, May 1, 1919, another thing has got the motor truck by the throat and is choking three-quarters of its efficiency out of It. This time it is the dime museum freak construction of our so-called good roads, not hy tying up the motor truck as the locomotive was tle9 up In the terminal, but by knock Ing it and Its trailers to pieces, thus cutting short the life of the rolling stork, as well as making It move slower and with not over one-quar-,ter of a load over the Imperfect sur faces, increasing the cost of motor truck transportation way beyond what It ought to be for what the motor truck does, as well as limiting the amount it can do way down below the normal, writes Frederic J. Nash, In New York World. Had these roads been properly constructed they would have gone to the stock exchanges and been bought and sold there, like every other kind of transportation securi ties. As It Is, they have gone to pieces and left the bondholders, the states, counties and townships, their bonds on their hands and only a scrap heap of bad roads to show for them. These freak roads, had they been offered on the stock exchanges with only them- CO ET a package today. No tice the flavor the whole some taste of Kentucky Burley tobacco. Why do so many "regular men" buy Lucky Strike cigarettes? They buy them for the special flavor of the toasted Burley tobacco. There's the big reason it's toasted, and real Burley. Make Lucky Strike your cigarette. Vjtoastedj A Guaranteed by S 0 sel ves a amirlty'VoiiliTTiot linve sold for one rent on the dollar. They are built on the credit of the states, coun ties and townships through which they passed. This at the rate of two hundred millions of dollars per year. A speed of try mile an hour on the beach at lMiytnna, Fla.. was made last Lincoln's birthday, rate of speed which the locomotive bus never been able to reach. Anything beyond three-ton truck load Is more than freak highway can safely carry, while the ordinary normal load of the freight car on lis railroad Is !H) tons. If these few things could be combined In the highway absence of terminal, a rate of speed beyond that of the railroad, a fn-ltlif curry Inif tonnage equal to that of the rnliroad, a cost of the up keep less than that of the railroad, this would multiply our present mean of transportation seven or eight times and give this country a prosperity dur ing the next dom-n years such a we have never even dreamed of. We want to change our form of highway construction over night and put our highway securities on the stock ex changes and not our highway on the dump heap. Highway stock and bonds based on the value of this properly-constructed highway will pay higher rate of Interest than the rail ways ever have, for It will do much more work. Fresh Fruits and Vegetables r And Fresh Apple Cider, sold by the glan, quart or gallon. Stand in Horrigan't Meat Market Building. J. L. MINER & SONS PRINEVILLE, OREGON Phone Red 21 Good Roads In Arlions. i Assisted hy national and forest ; service appropriations, the state of : Arizona and Its 14 counties have start- : ed upon a Mad Improvement program : exiMM-ted to consume at least $10,- ' 000,000. , Bond Issue Is Answer. Few communities, except those hav- , tng large cities In them with a result- , lug high valuation, can atTurd u mod- ; ern system of highways and pay as i they go. The only other alternative I Is to Issue bonds. i Higher Pay for Navy Men Urged. Washington. Increased wages for naval officers and enlisted men based on a sliding scale giving the lower paid officers and men the greater In crease will be recommended to con gress by Secretary Daniels when he appears before the senate and bouse naval committees. Influenza Prevalent In 14 States. Washington. More than 300 cases of Influenza were reported to the pub Ik! health service last week by 14 states, but the disease has not reached the proportions of an epidemic In any state. It was announced that the cases reported generally were of a mild type. THE OCHOCO MARKET Is now ready to supply your needs ALL KINDS OF FRESH AND CURED MEATS Fruits, Vegetables and Produce Bostwick & Cox PRINEVILLE, OREGON Ilia. Ua,. It - tlf? i SCTi j H s rilOr .1 Y i - 'xr"A ot'TV Look I Here Is the t-lobe s-irea.l out flLt lie fore your eyes. S.e tho.e 8l.r-? Every star shows where a U. S. Navy iMp wus on September 2nd, 1019. Tha Navy travels the Seven Seat, Don t you want to see the "Vbrld ? ROMANCE is calling to you I Strange and smiling foreign lands are beckoning to you. Shove off and see the world! Learn to "parley-voo" in gay Paree. See the bull-fights in Panama. See surf-riding on the beach of Waikiki. " Learn the lure that comes with the swish and swirl of the good salt sea. Eat well free; dress well free ; sleep clean free ; and look 'em all straight, in the eye British, French, Chinese, Japanese, Spaniards, Egyptians, Algerians and all manner of people. Cornel Be & real man of the world. See the world. See it with the red-blooded, hard-working, hard-playing men of the U. S. Navy. Pay begins the day you join. On board ship a man is always learning. Trade schools develop skill, industry and business ability. Thirty days care-free holiday each year with full pay. The food is good. First uniform outfit is fur nished free. Promotion is un limited for men of brains. You -can enlist for two years and come out broader, stronger and abler. Shove off Join the U. S. Navy. If you're between 17 and 35 go to the nearest recruiting rtation for all the details. If you don't know where it is ask your postmaster. Shove off ! - Join the U. . Navy "MaTT ..52 O 9, A