OCUOIIEIt v lOld'.' CROOK COUNTY JOURNAL rAGE 5 WITH THE MOVIES LYRIC THEATER Friday & fiHttirdiiy, Oc t. 10-11 Hi-x lli'iirli'i "HEART OF TIIK MUXNET" "A LION' HI'KCI AL" Runduy, OrtiiluT 12 A Hoinmire f Tho Air "lAIR" Monday k Tuesday, Oct 13 14 Mlili' Marie tMxirn In "1M,,Y'M VACATION" Pearl White In "TIIK LIGHTNING KAIDF.K" Wed. & Thurs., October 15-10 Hurry Curry In "A FIGHT TOH 1-OVK" LYRIC THEATER PHMC'0Mii-'D"'OCiCiCiC , Paul Held of Held was a visitor In the city Monday. Horn to Mr, and Mrs. Alva Gilliam, on Tuesday, son. Mr. and Mrs. Clins. Parrish were in Prlnevltle Saturday. A R. Ammons of Held was attend ing the fair last week B. L. Kldwull and family were vis itors lu I'rinevlllo Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Cline of Red mond were In Prinevllle Baturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Clurk of Held were at the fuir here lust week. Chas. Houston and family were In the city from Roberts on Friday. Manford Nye and family were In Prineville Friday from Roberts. Max Wurzwellcr was a visitor In the city on Tuesday of this week. Mrs. Will Wurzwellcr was In Prine vllle the first of the week from her home in Portland. WK HAVE HOME It A K G A I N 8 In AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS FARM WAGON'S WIRE FENCE ETC. FOR CASH COLUNS W. ELKINS FRANCIS Wl LLIAMS-1URAND Teacher of PIAXO, VOICE, and VIOLIN Eaut First Street The blttjteet thrills yon ever had from a Motion Picture Muke Your Pulse Rent F'awt When Yu Koe REX REACH'S SCREEN CLASSIC OF THE SOUTHWEST HEART OF THE SUNSET From His World-Famous Story, Directed by Frank Powell At the Lyric Theater Friday and Saturday OVER 2,000,000 CALVES Immunized against Blackleg through the use of BLACKLEG AGGRESSIN One treatment Immunizes for life. Saves rovacclnatlon. Price 25c nor dose. Why pay more? Write for our free Itooklet to PURITY SERUM COMPANY BOX 1788 SPOKANE, WASH. "HEART OK TIIK Hl'XHKT" (I!) IUx lU'wh) Alulrn Auntlii Anna Q. Nllsson Dttvn Law I Icrbttrt lleyeii hd. Auittln Robert Tabor Longorlo K. L. PerdliMlex Rosa Jane Miller llliun Jones Wni. Frederic I'lilntiin Irene Uoyle Directed tiy Frank Powell, photo graphed by Wllllum Fildew. I Alulrn AuhI In (Anna Q NIIhhuii) Ii the t-ii ui Iful young wife (if a rich but morally wcirlh Ii'kb ranch owner In a liiiul alternately combed for (at cuttle liy runUers, MuilcrlMlun unci VllllHtas. In thu Interests of another ranch, which she herself owns, she In rlclliiK fence when her horBe die under her and Klin la obliged to strike out on foot for tho nearest habitation. Losing her way In thu white hot unci and allnKlliK cactus, Alulrn full exhausted at dunk at the edge of a 1 wuter hole, where Dave Law, a Texas numcr, In bivouacked fur the nlKht, 'lying in wait for a cattle thief certain ; to pans that way. lie gives her water 'and food, makes her comfortable on bin middle and blanket and ill down tto watch her through tho night. Thii Is the beginning of an ac quaintance which la destined to grow Into a great love bet ween this girl of wealth and the soldier of fortune, college-bred, though he strives to hide It. and a gentleman by birth and training. Through the machinations of one Luis Jonforlo. rebel Mexican general, Infatuated with Alutre, her husband Is slain by a treacherous dismissed employee. Just as she has resolved to begin divorce proceedings, following unceasing abuse and the discovery, largely through the aid of Law, that her husband Is engaged In shady cat tle transactions. Longorlo's men, meanwhile, have driven off several bundred bead of valuable cattle from Mrs. Austin's ranch and she, without the knowledge of Law. starts into Mexico to recover them. There she Is virtually made a John Cornett is having a well drill ed on his Ochoco Project land. G. M. Cornett returned Thursday from an extended trip to California. Hebry Curlln was a Prinevllle vis itor Monday of this week from Rob erts. Floyd Houston and family of Held were in the city Saturday and Sun day. Pat Mahaffey of the Central Ore gon Dunk attended the fair here on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Llthgrow of Gateway were Prinevllle visitors Sat urday. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Bailey and fam ily were In the city tbe lust of tbe week. Mrs. Leverett of Bond was In at tendance at the fair tho lust of the week. Mr. and Mrs. B A Kendall were at- I tending the fair here Saturday after noon Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cram were in ! Prinevllle the last of the week from i Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Ilnnor of Bond were Prinoville visitors on Friday of last week. Mrs. T. M. Baldwin was a Prlneville visitor Suturdny from Portlund, where she now reside. Mayor J. A. Estes of Bend was a Prinevllle visitor Friday with the vis iting ElkB from the mill city. The Ellison-White poople are ad vertising a Chautauqua at Crane, Or egon for the week of October 18-23. i Miss Elizabeth Elliott of Portland 1b visiting relatives and friends here after an absnce of a number of years I Dr. and Mrs. Ketchum of Bend re turned to their home Sunday, after having spent the week at the fair here, I Mrs. C. C. Brlx, Mrs. Huns Jacob 1 son and son, Carl, left tor Taeonia I and Seattle on an extended visit with relutivns and friends. i I J. L. McDanlel of Powell Butte hag I purchased a number of cows from C. J. Johnson and will feed them at bis Powell Butte ranch this winter. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Smith of Salem were in the city the last of the week. Mrs. Smith was an instructor in the Prinevllle schools at one time. Her name was Theresa Cassdy. Frank Winer was dangerously in jured Monday evening when he was kicked by a horse. An artery was severed and the victim almost expir ed from the loss of blood before medi cal aid could reach him. He is able to be about, but quite weak, from the exprience, Tom A. Vedder was in Prinevllle Saturday from Lower Bridge. Mr. Vedder and son, Dee, have purchased the West Brothers holdings at that place. prisoner by Longorlo, who ba vowed to marry her. To carry out bis pur pose ht fetches a priest to his quar ters and demands that Alaire at once become his wife. Law meanwhile has been searching for the woman he to v cut and succeeds after many escapes from death. In penetrating to Longorlo's headquar ters, where he finds Alaire on the verge of Insanity as the result of Isongorlo's brutality. He persuades the priest in a momentary absence of of the general, to marry him and Alaire at once. M r;...,i 4s$j Bert Hall A fANCf Longorlo, returning, Is enraed at being cheated of his prey. He orders Law shot. The priest again inter venes, however, and. by the exercise of adroit flattery, Involving a forecast that Longorlo some day will be mon arch of all he surveys in his beloved country, succeeds in effecting the ranger's release. Safely on his way to Texas, Law reveals to his bride a secret which has made him promise bis friend and mentor, an El Paso lawyer, that be will never marry. The ranger has learned that bis father died in an asylum for the Insane. A sudden twist of fortune, however, provides that this assumption Is false and that Law .and Miss Shown was in Prinevllle Sun day from Upper McKay, where she Is teaching school this winter. Mrs. Walter Hyde has been con fined to her home for several days past, suffering from a sever attack of grippe. MIbs Daisy Carter of Bend is assist ing Ilia l.tf'ul tulenhnna nffiPA forcA nere. one win prouauiy reuiuiu lur several weeks. In a letter to Prinevllle friends comes the news that Mrs. E. J. Bundy Is recovering from a rcent operation In a Portland hospital. Word has been received that Mr. ; and Mrs. Dale Jones, who formerly j lived in Prinevllle, have both been j testing the speed of the air ship. , John Dobry, Sam Ellis, and Dr. H. G. Davis motored to Bend Tuesday j evening to attend the smoker and boxing exhibition in the mill city. Arthur Wonderly and his sister, Mrs. E. Wagoner, left Monday morning for Wallowa county, where they were called by tbe serious illness of their mother. O. C. Gray and E. E. Gillenwater were in Prlneville from Post Tuesday evening. They are strong support rs of the road bond measure which 1 Is to be voted upon November 7. Ernest D. Elrod of Post and May' E. Strycker of Roberts were married at the Baptist parsonage October 2, j at 2 p. m the Rev. J. W. Cabeen of-' flciatlng. Ben Taylor of Antelope was in Prineville yesterday on his way to Meadow, where he has summered his sheep. He says they are In tine con-! ditlon and will be taken to the home, ranch at Antlope in a tew days. The local officers of the order of Eastern Star have received notice of an official visit from the Worthy Grand Matron on Friday evening, October 10. All members are re quested to be present. Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Pearce and sons Lot and George, of Madras, were vis itors at the Fair Friday and Saturday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Rus sell. Mr. Pearce is not only the pub lisher of the Madras Pioneer, but al so a prominent attorney of that place. PRINEVILLE TOO? He lives in Crane. He is found everywhere. He knocks the home town because he thinks he will be credited with superior knowledge. He or she wishes to appear sophis ticated. Nothing is O. K. in Crane. On general principles it is the worst place on earjh. For Instance, we are not to be compared with Bend. . But when you go to that city you find the same brand of knockers who say it does not compare with other cities. Wherever they live, home-town knockers are Just plain kickers who are chronically dissatisfied because they are grown that way. Nobody takes them seriously. Tell them to "get, up and git." Crane American. , WANTED LADY I To learn telephone oper, ating. Paid while learn- lng. Apply at the Pacif- lo Telephone and Tele- graph Co. ; -V...',... J ; I few tkJn'et..'.Jt. -11? & fi his bride are free to live in happiness' and contentment. There are countless complicating Incidents, some thrilling, not a few humorous, not the least of which Is a visualization of the famous Guzman Incident, which came closer to andlnc I the United States to war with Mexico than any other single outrage of the revolutionises. "Mean or tne Hun set" Is in fact, based in many par ticulars on historic Incidents of tie troublous times Americans have not forgotten even in the face of a world war. MISS EDITH UAV, AN AMERICAN, UNKNOWINGLY AIDED K.VISKIt, It was when the world first shook with the roar of war that Miss Edith Day, a young American girl studying music abroad, found herself in Ger muny, the guest of the Countess of Moravia. Her brother, the Archduke,' a seasoned diplomat In the service of the Imperial Government, believing . valuable Information might be ob tained through this American girl, hud his sister, the Countess, use her friendship In keeping Kdlth DajKUn-; der bis roof, and thus one of the strongest, most thrilling stories of. the war had Its beginning. How this true and loyal American girl faced the ! most perilous and adventurous days ' of her life the danger the horrors the treachery, and at last, the arrl-j val of the man she loved, who took her away from it all, back to that be loved land of France where the end ing of this strange drama took place,! where the sweet romance of these two young Americans was fulfilled. Is all masterfully told in "A Romance of, the Air," the greatest aerial story j ever written, which will be shown at j the Lyric theater Sunday. THIS 1H THE STORY; Cheyenne Harry, wanted for cat tlerustling. escapes across the Can adian border, not more than two feet ahead of the posse that is chasing! bim. He drifts to an Indian camp and finds it illuminated by the grac ious presence of an Indian maiden whom he immediately favors with his , bashful atentions. Then comes Mich-j ael, a half-breed whiskey runner, who enters camp with a keg of firewater! and a raging fever of Jeoliusy. He! tells the Canadian Northwest Mounted , Police that Cheyenne Harry Is In thei camp. I Harry leaves the camp In a canoe i which he borrows from a missionary father. Aa he leaves tbe water. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WAITERS WANTED Apply at the Oregon Grill Diner 4St2p FOR SALE Forty tons of rye hay, $15 per ton, 4 miles south of Riv erside. Address James Beolatto, Post, Oregon. 48t2p FOR SALE A good stock ranch In ; northern California, Plenty of ! ranee adioining ranch. Adapted ' to cattle or sheep. Will sell cheap. 1 Write or see Raymond Calavan, Prineville. Oregon. 48tfc WANTED Second hand range or cook stove. Must be in good con- ; dition. Inquire at this office. 4 Stic FOR SALE: The old Kinder place,; 160 acres. See R. W. Rea. 48ttc LOST Navy blue silk dress on Och-j oco road Monday. Notify or leave at Journal office. 48tlp WANTED Chickens and turkeys. I i am again in the markt for all kinds of poultry. Phone B 171. C. M. Stroud. 48tfc FOR SALE Ford Touring car in Al shape. Just overhauled. This is a good buy. Inquire this office 48tfc GROVER PRICE WINS FAT COW Over Fifty Persons Guessed Within One Pound. Only One Correct Grover Price won the cow that was given away on the closing night of the Inter-State Fair. The correct weight of the animal was 1744 pounds, and Grover made the only correct guess, while more than fifty people guessed within one pound, either above or below. The guesses sold netted the Fair Association about $300. REBEKAH PRESIDENT COMING Mrs. Jessie E. Jarvis, President of the Rebekah Assembly of Oregon, will pay the local lodge an official vis It on Saturday evening, Oct. 11. All members who possibly can do so are requested to be in atendance. The degree work will be exemplified, fol lowed by a social hour. SCHEE NOT TO LEAVE Will Continue In Management Of Lo cal Development Interests R. L. Schee left yesterday overland for The Dalles, where he will assist In the management of the county fair tor the week. He says that the an nouncement made recently that he is to leave Prineville is not correct, and that he will return within the next few days to take up his regular work here. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Bible school opens at ten o'clock every Sunday morningi Your class Is ready to receive you. Young Peo ple's meeting at 6:30. Miss Marjorle I Wilson was the leader of a very in teresting meeting last Sunday night. I The evening eervice begins at 7:30. I Sermon topic: "The Asswer to the 1 Question, why was this church or- Knnized?" Come and bring your .friends. HARRY CAREY STARS m wo - l x J 'LA in&HT JFVJ? LOVJZ Out of the frying-pan into the fire' Is what happens to Harry Carey when he dodges the law and skips into Can ada In bis big new picture called "A Fight For Love," which comes to the Lyric theater Wednesday and Thurs around him is spattered with bullets from the rifles of the police. In due time he arrives at the local store of the Hudson Bay company. Kate, the lovely daughter of the factor, or man ager, is trying to escape the clutches of Michael, the whiskey runner, who seems to divide his crimson love be tween the white girl and the Indian maiden. Harry steps in and is get ting along famously with Kate when Michael steals her, taking her to a little woody delta in a rushing river. Harry pursues and beats the half breed in a terrific fight. Tbe half breed falls from a cliff. Before he THE HOME HOSPITAL VNDER NEW MANAGEMENT OUR RATES REASONABLE CONDITIONS THE VERY BEST MATERNITY CASES SPECIALTY MRS J. F. SHORT and DAUGHTER New Popular Copyrights JUST IN A splendid assortment of books by noted authors Included in the selection are: "Wildfire" Zane Grey "The Iron Trail" vex Beach "When a Man's a Man" H. B. Wright "Over the Top" Arthur G. Empy Make your selections early D. P. ADAMSON & COMPANY DRUGGISTS Announcement ! We have purchased the Harness and Saddle Business formerly con ducted by W. 1. Hughes and we are prepared to care for all bis old customers and new ones as well. We specialize In repair of Har ness, Saddles, Auto Tops, Boots and Shoes. . FARRAND'S REPAIR SHOP Prlneville, Oregon A Classified Ad brings quick results. You will confer a double favor if you will mention The Crook County Journal when writing to advertisers. IN "A FIGHT FOR LOVE" u "$ Jr day. But it stands to reason that if you are a cattle rustler and have a, posse at your heels and land in an Indian camp where the big chief's word is law, it stands to reason, that that things are going to be lively. dies, he confess to the murder of an Indian whom the authorities believe Cheyenne Harry to have killed. Harry and Kate agree to marry. NEW LIGHTING SYSTEM AT LYRIC A very attractive feature was add ed to the front of the Lyric theater building last week when a system of various colored lights were placed on the building. The profusion of colors can be aeea tor a great distance and add an unus ual feature to the lighting system on the block. 4