Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, October 09, 1919, Page PAGE 4, Image 4

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    (KTOI1ER 9, 1H,
Powell Butte
Guy Dobson and Joe Elliott have
old their cattle to the Paulina Valley
cattle raisers Association. Delivery
was made Monday. It ia the Intention
of these men to buy pure bred cattle
and specialize in them hereafter and
they will prcbably make a trip to the
Willamette Valley in the near future
to purchase their foundation stock.
C. M. Charlton has purchased 100
bead of ewes from the J. N. William
son flocks and will keep them on his
ranches here at Powell Butte.
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Angland were
Powell Butte visitors Tuesday going
on to Prineville with Dan Hourigan
to see the airplane in Us closing
flights. ,
Mrs. E. A. Bussett and Miss Fay
Bussett motored to Sherman county
last week to visit Mrs. Bussett's un
cle, Ben Brown, and as the roads were
so good they went on to The Dalles,
where they visited the Guy Sears
family, returning home Sunday even
ing. Mrs. Mary Brown is at her home at
the Bussett ranch, after a visit at
Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Bayne, Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Milner, Mr. and Mrs. 1).
A. Yates, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford L.
Worrell, formed a merry party at the
carnival in Prtnevllle Saturday night.
Mr. Stevens, the "stone mason" of
Redmond. Is at the Worrell ranch,
where is building a stone and concrete
garage. Mr. Worrell made a trip to
K oil mo ml Tuesday to get the lumber.
Kred Atchison of Kedniond called
at the Worrell ranch Saturday.
Henry Hanson has Installed a tele
phone in his residence.
S. D. Mustard, the potato king and
grand chief exhibitor in former years
at county fairs, was too busy harvest
ing his hay and grain crop this year to
make an exhibit and it was very con
spicuous by its absence.
Dominic Verges, Dan Hourigan,
and Tom Cronin have returned from
a business trip to Portland.
Carl Jacobson, the young son of
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Jacobson, receiv
ed first prize on his merry-go-round,
a mechanical device built by himself.
We congratulate Carl.
J. E. Elliott has purchased the
place known as the old Jim Turner
homestead and has secured a water
right for it and will immediately set
about clearing and putting it into
cultivation. The purchase pries was
$!5 per acre, we are informed.
Joe Elliott has leased his home
place to Mr. and Mrs. Watson, who
came here recently from Fort Rock.
They will move onto the place this
E. Carl Charlton has for.e to Port
land, where he will remain tor sev
eral weeks.
Cooperative Weather Observer D, 1
P. Adanison furnishes the following
record of temperatures and rainfall ;
tor the past week:
Date High Low
October 1 Rfi 40
October 2 59 34
October 3 tit 34
October 4 S 23 I
October 5 75 !!
October 6 TX J.V
October 7 SI S5,
Prof. Warren Glaze received per
mission this week from both the auth
or and publishers to name a march
which he Just recently composed af
ter the book of "North of Fifty
Three." The march will be dedicated
to Itertrand W. Sinclair, author of
the book. Mr. Glaze was told while
in Portland a short time ago by a
member of a band "and orcheptra
leaders that his march was a winner.
One thousand copies have been sold
in advance of publication. Grant Co.
li nf ir7SV?W?i
When the car Is working right, when all nature Is In a gala mood,
contentment and happiness Is yours.
But How Different When the Car
Goes Wrong !
Nothing Is more stubborn than a bulky car, and thn farther you are
from help the worse it beliu-es. It you want your car to be right
all of the time, leave the repairs ami overhauling to us.
I,et us demonstrate to you the fu mouse Parrot tractor and you will
buy no other. We have several good buy in uwd Kuril rant.
Tarn MtnptrU EUrtrie Light and
Powr Plant
Plenty of bright safe clean electric
light.' No more hot smoky lamps.
Notice is hereby given that on the 7th day of November, 1919, a special election will
be held in Crook County, to determine whether the County Court shall issue bonds of the
County to provide for permanent road construction to the amount of $220,000, to mature
as follows:
$ 6,000 for five (5) years from date of issue;
$ 7,000 for six (6) years from date of issue ;
$ 9,000 for seven (7) years .from date of issue;
$11,000 for eight (8) years from date of issue;
$12,000 for nine (9) years from date of issue;
$13,000 for ten (10) years from date of issue;
$14,000 for eleven (ll),years from date of issue;
$15,000 for twelve (12) years from date of issue;
$16,000 for thirteen (13) years from date of issue ;
V. $17,000 for fourteen (14) years from date of issue
$18,000 for fifteen (15) years from date of issue ;
$19,000 for sixteen (16) years from date of issue
$20,000 for seventeen (17) years from date of issue ;
$21,000 for eighteen (18) years from date of issue ;
$22,000 for nineteen (19) years from date of issue ;
Bp more than the entire said $220,000 to be issued in any one year; and to bear interest
at the rate of not to exceed six per cent (6o,o) per annum ; and the funds so raised shall
be expended in building permanent roads, described as follows, to-wit:
Fifty Thousand Dollars ($50,000.00) to complete Crooked River Highway as at
present projected beginning at the Southwest corner of Section Eighteen (18) in Town
ship Fifteen (15) South of Range Fourteen (14) East of the Willamette Meridian on the
boundary line between Crook and Deschutes Counties and running thence generally in an
Easterly and Southeasterly direction through the City of Prineville and terminating near
the Southwest corner of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section Sev
enteen (17) Township Sixteen (16) South of Range Eighteen (18) East of the Willam
ette Meridian, approximately at the Shorty Davis place, so-called, length of road 46
miles, more or less; '
Ninety thousand ($90,000.00) Dollars on a road beginning at or near the Southwest
corner of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section Seventeen (17) in
Township Sixteen (16) South of Range Eighteen (18) East of the Willamette Meridian
(Shorty Davis place) and running thence in a general Southeasterly direction upon the
most practicable route along Crooked River for a distance of 34 miles, more or less to
the steel bridge across the South Fork of Crooked River at or near the quarter corner on
the East side of Section Fourteen (14) in Township Seventeen (17) South of Ranee
Twenty-two (22 ) East of the Willamette Meridian ;
Forty Thousand ($40,000.00) Dollars upon the Ochoco Canyon Road beginning at
a junction in the City of Prineville with the Crooked River Highway and running thence
in a general Easterly and Northeasterly direction upon the most practicable route along
Ochoco Creek for a distance of 20 miles, more or less, to the R. E. Jones Saw Mill near
the center of Section Eighteen (18) in Township Fourteen (14) South of Range Nineteen
(19) East of the Willamette Meridian ;
Thirty Thousand ($30,000.00) Dollars upon a road beginning with a junction with
the Crooked River Highway as at present projected at the mouth of Bear Creek near the
Southwest corner of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section Twelve
(12) in Township Seventeen (17) South of Range Nineteen (19) East of the Willamette
Mendian, and running thence along the most practicable route and along Bear Creek, if
practicable, to a junction with the present Bear Creek Road at or near the Northwest
corner of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section Thirty (30) in Town
ship Eighteen (18) South of Range Nineteen (19) East of the Willamette Meridian
(Rickman place) for a distance of 25 miles, more or less;
Ten Thousand ($10,000.00) Dollars upon a road beginning with a junction with the
Crooked River Highway as at present projected in the City of Prineville and running
thence in a general Northwesterly direction crossing the Prineville-Willow Creek (Griz
zly) road at or near the Southwest corner of Section Thirty-five (35) in Township Thir
teen (13) South of Range Fifteen (15) East0f the Willamette Meridian for a distance
of 12 miles, more or less, and terminating at 0r near the quarter corner on the West side
of Section Thirty (30) of the same township and range last herein mentioned ;
which election will be held at eight o'clock in the morning and will continue until eight
o'clock in the afternoon of said day.
Dated this 7th day of October, 1919.
County Clerk for Crook County.
I t .1 t - it.. .. .. T.. a ...... til I H
leaders that his march was a winner. I UB ' " ' ' ri ..iur ...u 7uu ....
- , mfumm:. n it
, yt.iioaji fcsAin mur t I g X "N I ' ft
ill i 9 ' r'tit n . i i
H I I III I I (lLiM'l-tlli'i'J'MiJ I
LJLLUIIVM vzvrrwttnT, mwrmcwarrasgi
1 I
h'if$ Zerolene is correctly '
l iPtrT nV refined from selected
vKlWI Jrlk California crude oil. It
lMkJl WP meets with scientific sc-
' (PrF curacy the lubrication .
I l(Jg5,"S needs of all types of au-
W VUn'rwSk tomobile engines. Get
rjf!!&mmmP&i. Crrect Lubricstion
.. Chart for your car. '
7 J kJ rZttTll Iftl 1 I STANDARD OIL
O. E. MARTIN Special A Kent, REDMOND. OP"
Mas No Rqaal
No Rlral
i No HntMtltat
C II A H. H. K 1 W A It II
riiyalrlan and Huriroon
Office 217 Main Ht.
First door south Prlnevllla Drug
Office phone IUk 101. Res 101
Distinction is never arci
dental -every effect has a
MOUTt1lt.CC. I
have their cause in this the
choice tobacco in thr ra
the skill that blended it the
pure mats paper that wraps
it and the mouthpiece that
cools the smoke.
10 for 13c
The John Dullman Co. Branch
18 cents a package
Camel are aold everywhere in. eclenlifio
ally tee led packagea of 30 cigerellee ; or
ten pecktgee (300 cigarettet) in a ftleee-ine-peper-covered
carton. We etrongljr
recommend thia carton for the home or
officn aupply, or when you travel.
CAMELS' expert blend of choice
Turkish and choice Domestic
tobaccos answers every cigarette
desire you ever had I Camels give
such universal delight, such unusual
enjoyment and satisfaction you'll
call them a cigarette revelation I
If you'd like a cigarette that does
not leave any unpleasant cigaretty
aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty
odor, smoke Camelsl If you
hunger for a rich, mellow-mild
cigarette that has all that desirable
cigarette "body" well, you get
some Camels as quickly as you can I
Camels' expert blend makes all thi3
delightful quality possible. -Your
personal test will prove that Camel
Cigarettes are the only cigarettes
you ever smoked that just seem
made to meet your taste I You will
prefer them to either kind of to
bacco smoked straight !
Compare Camels for quality and
satisfaction with any cigarette in
the world at any price I
Try a Little Classified Ad.