OCTOBER. 0, 1010. TAGE 3 CROOK COVXTT JOIUNAL Crook County Journal BY GUT IKOU-ETTE Entered at the poitofflc at Prlne illle, Oregon, m econd-clasi matter. rCBI.ISHKI) EVERT THURSDAY EQ IS LYiJCiiED BY QKENSE MOB Man Accused of Attack on White Girl Is Taken After . Nine-Hour Battle. Pries $1.00 per year, payable atrict In adrance. In caae at change of 4dreaa pleaae notify ui at once, f 1t Img both old and new addreaa. MIS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGH ADVERTISINS Br THE a OCNERAI. OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES CAPITAL PUNISHMENT The apparent increase in crime throuKhout the world is a matter that should be viewed with concern by law abiding citizens. j Oregon is a nieeca for desperate characters since the abolition of cap-! punishment, and serious consid eration should be given at this time- to reestablishing this law that haa been off the books for several years. The people of this state and nation are in many instances in advance of the times, and they fail to recognize the fact that a weapon in the hands of a criminal is Just as dangerous as it ever was and that nations of barbar ians can and will do just what Ger many did, if it considers such I move advantageous to the individual nation making the step. It is a beautiful theory that nations should disarm, and a correct one, but in its solution are being found many difficulties. We are this year celebrating the ab. olution of the war god to that of peace, and yet we are sending sup plies to Europe so that wars may con tinue there, at the same time creating conditions at home that are in many Instances more distressing than dur ing the war period. To take off the statute books the law permitting what some please to call legalized murder -seemed a nice thing to do, yet it has encouraged crime without question, and the meas ure should be resubmitted to the vot ers at our next election, and reinstat ed as a law. If an Individual does not wish to face legalized murder, let him see to it that he does not commit murder or like crime himself. The effect would surely be wholesome. Omaha. William Brown, negro, waa dragged from the county Jail at 11 o'clock Sunday night and hat.d to an electric light pole, following a struggle of nine hours to Wcure pos session of his oay by an Immense mob. Sheriff Michaxl L. Clark and his deputies held the fort in the top story of the courthouse, where is located the Jail, with a hundred prisoners, until the building became a seething mass of flames and he waa forced to submit At 11 o'clock, after Brown had been hung to an electric light pole, the fire men were able to get a stream on the flames. The arrival of regular army troops from Fort Omaha and Fort Crook had the effect of cooling off the mob spirit to a certain extent, but small bands were marching through the downtown streets until an early hour Monday morning. The assault with which William Prown was charged was committed on Agnfs Lobeck early in the week. With an escort, crippled beyond the point of resistance. Miss Lobeck met her assailant a few blocks from home in the southeast part of the city. He held the couple up at the point of a' revolver. After robbing the young man he assaulted the young woman In his presence, holding a revolver at the head of her escort in the meantime. Brown was arrested by police of ficers and both Miss Lobeck and her escort indentified him as the man who committed the deed. Besides the negro's death, the known casualties numbered 24, one of whom was killed and the remainder received wounds, most of which were the result of revolver shots. It was believed that there were no casualties in the county Jail. Although the fire had made the Jail quarters smothering hot, the occupants were able to re main there until the firemen subdued the flames following the lynching. Breeding Makes No Difference. It has been claimed by lovers of do mestic cats that highly bred members of the species do not engage In hunt Ing Insectivorous and song birds. A few days ago a city gardener captured a handsome cat In the act of killing a young robin which had Just left its nest near his house. He did not kill the bird hunter, under the authority recently granted by the Conservation Commission, but took the animal and Its victim to the home of the cat's owner. There he learned that the cut tva a highly prized ribbon-taker; and the owner wns indignant at Its cap ture. Rochester Democrat and Chronicle. f MICHEL GROCERY COMPANY HEADQUARTERS FOR FANCY GROCERIES mi WRITE OR PHOXE US WHAT VOU NEED IX THE GROCERY LINES WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF THE GROCERY BUSINESS PROMPT SHIPMENT GUARANTEE! NUMBER 111 M4 The old-U.Hftioiieu atereoneope playtvl an Important part In the world war. It supplied an enisle lo pliotoKi-Hpha. snapiied from airplanes, that could not be obtained from the ordinary camera lena, Bvfor Us it the pictures all seemed fiat, but Hie sterronroi added height, and thus steep slopes, that appred in pic tures like flat ground, were shown In their true chsracterlatlca, and the lives of men who would have to cover the ground Id attack were eaved. The airplane camera looks directly down on the spot to be photographed, making picture as a one-eyed msa would see It. A stereoscopic camera. In which the lenses are two a.id three-quarters Inches apart, would not produce the stereoscopic efTect. I'lio tneraphers decided to take pictures lis) yards apart to give a view, Just as a giant, with eyes 100 yards spnrt, Tt'se nli't- we- put on i-Hrdlionrd. and viewed tlnoimh the stereoscope. At tlrst a cottiiue l.ioked like a tower, a bucket like a well, a trench like a canyon, etc. The oflWr. soon learned to translate these eccentricities, and the problem wu solved. True pictures, giving Just the ect Information desired, were then obtained by the airplane photographers. NOTICK TO TRICniTORS In tha County Court of lh Slala of Orvfon tor Cmoa CnuMr. In tha Matter of Nl A. TKomsa, Dwsra. NOTICE rt rwrthir slvaa ky tha vnoanlinwa. adnititlatretor of tha Batata of Naal A. Thorn h. oVeaMad. to all ervdilovo of Mid liinamt and to all paraona having claim aaalnat aald Katata, to pnavnt tha aama with proper vouch ra aa required h law. to tha ndnind at th offW of M. It Rlllott. In tha til, of Prino. vtllo. Oraron. within ! raonlha from tha first nuhllrallon of thia Nolira. Dated tha) Hth day of Srteoihar, Hit. NKAL A. THdata J. A. WIIXOX. Admlnlatrator of tha EMtata of Naal A, Thomas, 7ta Encouraging Bolshevism Everything that falsely en courages unrest also encourages bolshevism. Misunderstanding of Amer ican industrial organization, and of its benefits to mankind, leads to- unrest, dissatisfaction, and radicalism. For example, the Federal Trade Commission tells the pub lic that the large packers had an agreed price for lard substitute (made of cotton-seed oil) It reproduces letters taken from the files of one of the packers, showing that such agreed price existed. But it failed to mention that the agreed price was deter mined at the request of and in co-operation with the Food Administration! Even the Department of Jus tice, in its unjust attempt to create prejudice against the packers, has made public these same letters, with no explanation. How long must this kind of misrepresentation continue? In so far as it is believed, it not only breeds discontent, but re sults in injustice to our industry. Let us send you a "Swift Dollar." It will interest you. Address Swift ft Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, 111. Swift & Company, U.S. A. tfer7 est ;) THIS SHOWS ' WHAT BECOMES Of THE AVERAGE DOLLAR RECEIVED SY fSWIFT & COMPANY FROM THE ML! OF MEAT aNDSY PRODUCTS (t CINra it hid ma THI LIVE AN IMA. II. ft CENTS FOR UB0 EXPCNSCI AND FREIGHT 2.04 CENTS REMAINS WITH SWIFT t COMPANY as rrofit FOR EASY WASHING TRY A THOR Jr. ELECTRIC ifrrT ill mm ATI PRICE $110 Guaranteed operating cost not to exceed 3c an hour Des Chutes Power Co. PRINEVILLE, OREGON "Take it from Me" says the Good Judge Wise tobacco chewers long since got over the big-chew idea. A little chew of (his real quality tobacco gives them better satisfaction and they find their chew ing costs even less. With tins class of tobacco, you don't need u t'rcsti chew so often and you iind you're saving pure of year tubacco money. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW Put up in two styles RIGHT CUT is a short-cut ".Hco Vv'-K CUT :3 n long fine-cut tobacco EASIEST THING IN THE WORLD CALL BLACK 303 FOR LIGHT OR HE IVY TRUCK SERVICE Morse Transportation Comp PRINEVILLE, OREGON WANTED VEAL, HOGS, MUTTON, I5EEF, CH1CKEXS, TURKEYS, DUCK8, OKKNK, VAiGH, HIDES, BUTTER, AM) JACKRABBITS... GIVK US A TRIAL. HIGHEST MARKET PRICE GUARANTEED. PROMPT RE TURNS GULICKSON & CO. Established 1012 100 Front St. Portland, Ore. Had Your Shoes Shined This Year? All kinds of Shoes Shined, Oiled and Dyed. Black, Brown or Bronzed Shoes Oiled With Waterproof Oil. Special seats for the ladies. SQUARE DEAL SHINING PARLOR Allen J. Butler, Proprietor Prineville, Oregon Prineville Machine Shop The Best Equipped Machine Shop in this part of the State. We are prepared to handle anything in our line promptly. Quality of work is the very best PRINEVILLE MACHINE SHOP - jr E. G. Hodson, Proprietor Prineville, " - Oregon IRELAND'S City Transfer & Express Auto Delivery to all Parts of the City and Vicinity Phone me fer quick service at Hugh Lakin's Red 951 A Want Ad Gets Results'