CMTOIIKII a, 1010. CROOK COCITTT JOtJR.fAL PAGE a INFLATE TIRES ON HOT DAYS AUTOMOBILE TIRES "TiTlflo Driving NeMaryt. Gan.rat. Enough Haat to Ralsa Air Pr ur. In Tlr. Motorists should again be warned aXttlllMt tll notion ItlHt the tll'Ht of USED CAR AMI TLIIICH IX AIX TIIK I'Hl'AL, M.l'M, AT I'WCKH THAT ARB HKJIIT. AI.HO A HTM K OF (J AH AND Oil. AI.WAYM OS HANI). OUl NKW ITMP 1H ItKADY TO MKItVK YOU. HOCM YOIK JIOIIV. HOMER NORTON Post, Oregon A Want Ad Gets Results auumier liny expands the air Inside a Ktu to kik'Ii an Kent Unit the tires do not need to lie blown up to the sume point as In winter. Kxpcrliuents show ! t'.at It Ink en terrific driving ut raring I Kj.ft'd for a considerable period to gen- riute enough iH'uf to raise the air prea I cure In a tire five or lx pounds. The expansion in a car driven at fin or- dlimry rule on a hot summer day la no hllthl that no allowance should be made fur It when the tire I pumped up. Motorist would do well In hot tu titer to tent the air pressure In their tlrea every few days to nee that 1 1 leakage of air ha not reduced the pressure to the point where the tire will suffer harm. IV I Fairbanks Morse Quality v ery low rnce Thi 40 lirlit "F" plant comes to you completely mounted on one limp. The power plant it the latrmin Engine which ran Wo he used to furnish power fur washing machine, churn, cream separator, etc., independent of the dynamo, either direct or through a line shaft. , Low ieed engine and ball bearing dynamo assure long life, lri attention, and lowest possible maintenance cost. Touch a button to start and another to stop. Sre this wonderfully efficient plant and let us explain all the details. 40LIGHTTP1AKT 40Li$ht"F"Plant iComnhttF.O.B. 4ltintiv li lift, 1b l.rviir "r" bum. i. I I r -i ma bvluw; i 5 Li-hL 1A. Try to drive an near the center of ; the roud a you run. The brtike mechanism seldom get , t!ie lubrication It deserves. I ' I GOAT MEAT GOOD AS MUTTON For Sale by T. J. MINGER 12 at It la Slid Only Experts Are Able to Tell the Difference Bo- t tween the Two. There Ik a growing disposition to give (he goat Ms due. Heretofore thin rtihhMi-eutliiK anliunl him been s (curded pretty much an a Joke, hut be hits continued to eat tin can and thrive until now his race hits tie 1 u I red census-listing proportlnjiH and a iimrket has been established In a middle-western city where surplus gouts will tie converted Into "spring lamb" for the benefit of our non-vege-tarliitis. As an addition to the poor man's meat perhaps the front will be welcome, especially If his advent tends to lower the present IiIkIi prices. (lout meat tastes much the mime ns mutton. It Is claimed, and that the dif ference cannot be told save by an ex pert! Perhaps that la Just as well. Our Imagination has much to do with our taste. Many people are eating hotue meat In this country under the Impression that It la beef, for horses are slaughtered, but almost nowhere Is their meat exposed for sale under Its true name. No doubt the easiest way for us to get used to goat meat Is to camouflage It as mutton. It Is uu other ease of Ignorance being bllRS. But, as we are assured by the ex Certs that It Is wholesome, a Jjanie Now turn to the Classified Ada iimnmmmMiBB FAIR WEEK VISITORS " CALL and take a look at the . following lines: Ladies Til Suits, Coats, . Dresses, Waists, both voile and silk. Shoes that are snappy, new Sweaters and Skirts in the newest styles. A new shipment of Ladies Neckwear just arrived. For the men I have Hart, Schaffner & Marx all wool Suits and Over coats and Mens' Stetson Hats. My stock is very complete consider ing market conditions. Call and give me the once over. Oscar C. Hyde BARGAINS I . . . f . - & Overland. 1918 model $850 Grant Six, almost new 700 Buick Six, 1917 800 Buick Four, 1917 535 Dodge commercial car ' 1 8 new cord tires 975 Ford with truck body 350 Overland, model 75 450 Make our rest room your headquarters during the Fair. INLAND AUTO.'; CO. PR1NEVILLE, OREGON will not make much difference In the end. Slutton. the world over, has been the poor niun's meat. If goat meat can add to the supply, so much the better. The meat of goats was a favorite In the days of the patriarchs. It Is still highly prized In the Kast. There seems to be no reason why It should .not ultimately hold a respect able place on our menus. SHE UTTERED NO CRITICISM But Many Will See Deep Significance In That Kiss Bestowed by . Minister's Wife, Now, everyone knows that the min ister's wife must not say harsh things ahout anyone, no matter how ' she thinks. Also that though she be forced to listen to criticism she herself must not glva any. The other evening an Indianapolis parsonage woman was sit ting on her front porch, when one of the young girls of her husband's con gregation came to call. Hardly had she settled herself comfortably before the young miss began to condemn vig orously a very parsimonious member of the church. "He wouldn't give a cent to recar petlng the parsonage," stormed the visitor, "yet he had plenty of money to buy himself a new seven-passenger touring car. I Just hope that every time he starts out In It he'll have a puncture." - The minister's wife had only that morning spent three hard hours mend ing the old carpet." She didn't say a word of reproof merely looked at the young girl a mlnnte and then went across the veranda and kissed her cheek. Indianapolis yews. Ingenious Automobile Trust. " An automobile owner at Hallowell, leaving his car, hitche'd It to a tree by winding a chain' around one f the wheels of the machine and fastening the end of the chain around a tree. An automobile thief jacked up the car, loosened the wheel which was chained to the tree, took It off, and then re moving the extra wheel from the rear of the car put It on In the place of the wheel which had been dropped off and drove away, leaving the single wheel chained to the tree. EASIEST THING IN THE WORLD CALL BLACK 303 FOR LIGHT OR HR IVI TRUCK SERVICE Morse Transportation Comp'y PRINEVILLE, OREGON Announcement ! We have purchased the Harness and Saddle Business formerly conducted by W. J. Hughes and are prepared to care for all his old customers and new pnes as well. We will specialize in repair of Harness. Saddles, Auto Tops, Boots and Shoes. Farrand's Repair Shop PRINEVILLE, OREGON 8