PAGE 8 ( ROOK COUNTY JOIRJAL 4KTOIIKH . We H Fall Line ave a owe 3C t3S Felt and Velour Hardemann Hats and Caps. CJA11 kinds of Sport Coats in 3 eather and Chamois. tjJNice new line of Dress Shirts and Neckwear. CflOur Shoe stock is very complete. Most complete line of Wool Shirts in Central Ore. Hart Schaffner & Marx and Collegian Clothing We feature the men's line in everything for dress. Only exclusive men's store in the city and our prices are right, as a visit to our store will convince you. Robinson & Clifton PRINEVILLE I OREGON chevrolet7 . Veteran of the Civil War writes: I had occasion to take a trip with my wife and grand-daughters and I made the trip of 351 miles as shown by my speedometer in the el apsed time of eleven hours and forty-nine minutes from Cincinnattt to Chicago. I averaged 26 1-10 miles per gallon for the trip and drove the car the entire distance myself. THE Chevrolet "Four-Ninety" Touring Car is comfortable to ride in and easy to drive. Ia has weight enough to keep to the road at all times. It has ample spring suspension. ' The seats are well upholstered, deep and roomy. And it is an easy car to 'handle in close traffic. . If you are interested in a profitable and pleasurable investment, come in and inspect our line of Chevrolet models, then ride in one. You will be surprised how enjoyable and smooth riding thel really are, and their economy of operation will also interest you. NEWELL MOTOR SALES CO. PRIVEVILLE OREGON -aw iJ Chevrolet "Four-Ninety" Touring Car $735, f. o. b. Flint, Michigan COST HIM MORE THAN FIFTY Mr. Travers Had Not Properly Esti mated His Loire t on That Little Fistic Encounter. "1 can't afford to lose $."0 on a prize fifcht," mourned Gelatine Tniv ers an hour or so ufter the shock lie received over the wires that fatul Friday afternoon. "Hut you have lout It, haven't you?" we asked, and he nodded disconsolately as he climbed aboard a hoiiii'liouiid cur. He mu-t have felt a premonition as he mourned, for It Is unlike Mr. Travers to regret his losses; and when he ar rived home he tiroke the news to Sirs. Travers, along with the Implied sug gesllon thut a little economy for tlie next few weeks would not come In amiss. Mrs. Travers said nothing In her most sympathetic manner, und the evening's conversation covered topl"K wholly foreign to prize fights. At the i breakfast table next morning .Mr. Travers lutd no taste for anything tlie morning puper might have to say, und Mrs. Travers gained possession of It without the usual contest, niunclug through the paper rapidly Mrs. Tra vers tore out a square section from page 2, and another from page 11. Then at one of those unexpected mo ments every woman knows brenkfast Is replete with, said: "So you could lose $50 on a prize fight. Well, well. Here is a sale I have been awaiting for a long time. And strange to say, here Is another Just across the street one is on suits and the other on gowns. And the strangest of all, we happen to have accounts at both those stores. Fifty dollars, you say, you lost? Was it an even fifty?' And so It was that the breakfast dishes at the Travers' home went unwashed Saturday morning because Mrs. Tra vers was obliged to catch an early Jit ney downtown and commence opera tions. Kansas City Star. A propobul thut Canada Increase Its meat supply by using airplanes to drive the great herds of caribou from the barrens of the northern provinces Into corrals on the shore of Hudsou bay for slaughter has called forth loud protests from the big game hunters of Africa. The foresee an extension of the prac tice to the wholesale slaughter of ele phants, lions, zebras, giraffes, and vari ous kinds of deer which abound In the no-longer dark continent. Oregonlan. Freeport, Pa. An absolute Indus trial armistice for six months was urged here by Attorney-General Pal mer to permit the solution of econo mic problems arising out of change wrought by war. Theodore P. Shonts Called by Death. New York. Theodore Perry Shonts. president of the Interborough Rapid Transit company and former head of the Panama Canal commission, died here after, several months of illness. SETTING A Standard THE TAILORED GARMENTS we offer are Fault lessly tailored, each detail ia given expert attention. Only the finest materials are used, which means last ing wearing qualities. Individuality predominates in our garments Each is made according to your own ideas, in the selection of material and style. Our garments are tailored to your individual meas urements. We guarantee a perfect fit, no matter what your figure may be. You will find our prices very reasonable, and our gar ments impossible to duplicate in quality, style and workmanship. WE INVITE YOU TO INSPECT OUR WONDER FUL NEW FALL AND WINTER LINE OF WOOLENS AND FASHIONS SUITS, COATS AND SKIRTS CORRECTLY T A I L 0 R E D J. A. GILLIS PRINEVILLE, OREGON