trCTOIIKlt 2, IIHO. lHOOK COrSfTT JOVRXAL PAGE t f The City Mri. L. Jordan I vlaltlnf friend lo tlio city thl week. liave Kvan win u hunliti- llior lit I ho city Haturdiiy. Jehu JoIiiinoii whu a liuMltii'im vlHlt or In tli city Monday, O. V. Uray of Viml n a IiuhIim'hh visitor In III" city on Hiilunlny, ('In ml IhiiiIihiii of rrliii-villii iniiili a biulni'M trip In H'Mnl Moiiiltiy. Ilnrvs I'ui'tl of K i in tn 1 1 prairie wa In the i lly lli firm of tin- week, llcrh AiiKi-ll of I'liiilit.u win Illini um vlMllur In the illy lint Krlduy. Hoy (liny wim u buslm- visitor from Paulina thn flmt i f the week. " u I v 1 11 H u in in ( in of Hume m;iiln a liuMltii'im trip In Ihl city lam Krlday. Cecil Htearn wa over from hi rttiK h Ht I -a Pine tlii flmt of tho week Gun Mi Curil of Mi'Kuy wim a but. lues visitor In I lie city on Monday C. W. Htenrti arrived from Port land on a business trip Weiliiemliiy. Curl Charlton of I'owell Hut to wua a liuakiieHN visitor In tint city Monday. CIiun. MeactiKcr wu visiting. hl frleniU in tlm city Tuejilay. He wa recently dlailiured from th service. Inland Cliaey of I'owell llutte waa a bualnraa visitor In th city on Tues day. Dr Hay, Rperlullxt. 510 end G12 Muln street, Kyet and Nervea. (ilium ea fitted. lir. liny, Hperlullat. (10 and G12 M ii I ft Htrt, Kyi mid Nervea, (iluaa ca fitted. Mlaa Deaael Jolinaon left Thurs duy for KtiKenn to lake up her atudli'i at tlm U. of U. Klhel Cram waa a bunlm-n vlallor In the city Monday from their ranch on Crooked river. W. K. Mead of Robert waa at tendlna to btialneai matter In the city hint Krlday. II. J. Hater of I'aullna wiia at teiiillnn to bualneaa uiuttera In the city the lual week end. Wm. HookII, proprietor of the Cove Orchurd waa In the city luat Krlduy with a fine loud of fruit. Mubel Iilxby arrived from Portlund Monday to visit frlenda and relutlves In this vicinity for a few day. V. V. llurpham returned Moml.iy from a week' bualneaa trip through the Ochoro Nutlonul Forest. K. II. l.auKhlln and I.yte Lauxhlln of I'aullna were In the city lust Fri day on their wuy to Portland. Mrs. Cuater and Mlaa Catherine Love returned Monduy from a two wccki' vacation apent In l'ortlund. L. C. Rtephenaon of Mitchell passed through Prlncvllltt on hla way homo from Portland the flrat of the week. Mra. Florence llolbrook of San Francisco Is .visiting her alater, Mra. Joe Llater, lu this city this week. The Misses Lora and Nora Btenrns arrived Tuesday from The Dulles, where they huve recently been em ployed. Mrs. Tally Hob wood returned on Thursday from her home at I-a Pine, after a vlalt of several daya with rel atives here. Marriage licenses were Issued by the County Clerk last Saturday to Fred McCoy and Margaret May Smith, both of this city. Mrs. Allen, slater of Mrs. George Noblo, arrived luat week from her home at Ouk Grove, and will visit relatives here for a time. Mrs. Claud Dunham and family moved In from their home at Roberta last week and will remain in Prlne- vlllo during tlio school year. Miss Mary Comic has been stopping at the HaptlBt parHonago while at tnndlnK the Teachers' Institute. Miss Oomlc teaches at liutle Valley. ) C. of P. Ky., has rented an extra coai-h. to care for the heavy passenger traffic this week. About sixty pas sengers cume In this morning.' Mr. und Mrs. A. Zell have return ed from an extensive auto tour to California and return by way of their , old home In tho Wlllunictte valley, II. C. Soymour of the Oregon Agrl ealtural College, was In the city the first of the week assisting with the Crook County Teachers' Institute. John P. Almack, Director Exten sion Division, II. of O., was In Prlne vllle the first of the week, attending Crook County Teachers' Institute. Jack Curtis the veteran restaurant man of this city, since disposing of bis business here, has been looking around and has finally aeciuea to lo cate In Bend. J. Fellows, the popular salesman for the Wiley B. Allen Company, ar rwrt in the city Tuesday from Port land to look after business Interests In this section for a lew aays. J D. Farrell of Portland, formerly president of the O. W. R. & N. Ry., will be In Prineville to visit the fair the last of the week. He comes on Friday morning In his Bpeclal car. Mrs. George Knight Clark, promi nent In aoclal and musical circles of Portland, Is visiting her son, Law rence K. Clark, of the firm of Fred rlckson & Clark of this city. She will be here during the Fair. J. A. Churchill, of Salem, State Superintendent of Schools, was In the city the first of the week assisting with thn c.rnnk County Teachors' In stitute. He tells us that there is a shortage of about five hundred teacn era In the State. Sumnor Houston arrived home the last of the week from a month's va which time he visited Portland, spent some time at the Const, and took In the State Fair at Salem lust week. He returned much wim INFERTILE EGGS KEEP BEST Fertll Germ In Hot Westher Quickly Become Blood Ring, Spoiling -Egg for Market (Prepared bf the United State Depart ment of AifrlcultuM.) Farmer low million of (In Mum an nually from bud method of produc ing und bundling !. One-third of till Ion I preventable, becuUHe It l.i due to the purtiul hutching of fer tile egif which huve liein allowed to become wuria enough to begin to lu culmte. The rooster timke the egg fVrllle. The fertile egg luukea the blood ring. You cun auve the money now limt from blood rlnga by keeping the mule bird from your Dock after the hutching seuaou 1 over. The rooster does not help the hen to lay. He merely the germ of the egg. The fertile germ In hot weather quickly become a blood ring, which apull the egg for food aud inurkeL Buiunier bent ha the same eftect on fertile egg a the ben or Incubator. After the hutching season cook, Bell, or pen your rooster. Tour lieu not running with a mule bird will produce Infertile eggs quality egg that keep beat and uuirket beat. Rule for handling egg on the farm: Heat Ik the great enemy of egga, both fertile and Infertile, Farm- er are urged to follow these alniil rule, which coat nothing but time and thought and will add dollars to the poultry yard return: L Keep the nests clean; provide one neat for every four bens. 2. Gather the eggs twice dally. 8, Keep the eggs In a cool, dry room or cellar. 4. Market the egg at least twice a week. a. Sell, kill, or confine all male birds as soon a the batching season Is over. Ticklish Bit of Tunneling. A very Interesting bit of tunneling Wua recently done od the Fourteenth street tube under the F.aat river. New York. The beading was being run In rock Slid at one point tent boles allowed a thickness of only eight Indie itf sound dry rock above the line along which the top of the tunnel wua to r.m. A the tunnel wu belug driven without the use of coiiipreed nlr It wu decided lo drop the iv ier heading four feet until thl thin cover of rock wua pussed. The cast Iron lining waa set In place at each side of this section anil then the rock was removed very carefully by using a gn ut tunny holes cudi loaded with about iiiie-elgbtti of a stick of dyna mite. As eiich bit of rock waa removed the arch of the tunnel lining was set In place. I'.y thl mean the dangerous section was tunneled without breuklng through the thin shell. Scientific American, Hi Detlre. Lust autumn Uolund was much In love with bis new teacher, und tried to prove hi affection by doing mauy er rand for her. One of them was the hauling of the fertilizer from hi futh er'a burn to her flower garden. This spring Roland became Interest ed In victory garden and atarted one. One day be Journeyed to the home of hla last term teacher, told her of his garden and then ended the conversa tion with. "I'o you remember that fer tilizer I gave you last fall? Well, I'd like to have It buck now for my own gurden." I AUTO- 1 111 SMMM..----. i II POULTRY KEEPING PAYS WELL Community Breeding Aasoclatlon Virginia Proves Moat Profit able Institution. In Why Strike Collapsed. Two telegraph operator worked In theufllce of the Milwaukee Free Pre. Roth were employed by the pre as sociation aud uot by the paper. They came soused one Sunday night, de cided to strike, making demands for more pay und shorter hours from the managing editor of the newspaper. They were told to make their petition to their employers. The telegraphers retired for a council of war, put the strike Into effect and decided to picket the olllce. The orlice had but one en trance, but there must be strategy; no one of the strikers posted himself directly In front of the oflice aud the j other around the corner, the two be ing out of alght of each other. Then each had the same hunch of getting another drink. They left their pimiN and thut was the end of the strike. Other operators were called ,'n I and ihe wires buzzed merrily ou. I I'ep. i TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALK 640 acre ranch on the Ochoco. This Is a snap. Inquire at this office. 47ttc (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Ari'lculture.) A striking example ol community breeding Accomplishment Is furnished by the 'Barred Plymouth Rock associa tion, Faruivllle, Va. Organized for ,5 WANTED Salesmen to sell groceries direct to farmers, commission. One ! competent to establish and take i charge of business paying $3,000 to. $4,000 a year. We furnish training experience, capital. Not easy. money, but permanent, profitable ...lutilti at frtr ritrht nmn OitnlitvH goods sold on satisfaction or money ; back basis. Farmers save 20 per' cent. Man with farm experience preferred. Car or rig required. Give age, experience, phone num-j her. H. H. Huntting, Portland. Oregon 47t4p FOR SALE Rye hay, about 20 tons; at (12.50 per ton. Tbls is good; buy with nice grain In it. Also! good pasture on 320 acres. Price ' 175 it taken with the hay. V. Barn- holdt, Roberts, Ore. 47t3pl eitisi NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Inuriur. U. S. Lund Of fice at The Dalle. Oregon, Sept. 27, 191S. I NOTICE w hereby aven thut ! SAKAH A. SNOUEKLY of rrinevllle. Oreiton. who on Julj 19. 1916.1 1 msde HumeBtend Kntry No. 016ZK9 for Lou 1-2, Sec. 6 T 14 S K 16 E, EU, SE4 Sec. 31 T IS S R 16 E W M, tuu filed notice of inten- ' linn in miike Final 1 hrve Year froof to es- : tablialv claim to the land above deacribed, be- I I fore Lake M. Bechtell, U. S. CommUaioner, at 1'rineville, Oreaon, ou the Utb day of Novem- oer. iviv, Claimant namea as witnetlea t Patrick Donahue. Wealer Grater. Henry Mc Coy, and Richard M. Powell, all of Prineville, Orciftin. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 47t5c Regiater A Well-Selected Flock of Young Hen of Uniform Size, the Kind That Make Excellent Winter Layer. 616681 KnTirK for prm.ICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Of fice at The Dallea, Ore Ron, Sept. co, 1V1. NOTICE 1 hei-eby given that CHARLES E. ADAMS of rt-inevllle. Ore iron, who on November 8, lain mud Additional Homestead Entry No. 016681, for Wti NE'A. SH SE. Sec. 10, T ClHimfint namea aa witnesses: Stephen W. Yancey, Henry Hudson, Cbarlea Crain, and John it. nreese. an ol enneviue. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 47tSc Register poultry Improvement In 1015, this aa- Z W ?S? S !S!SfiS SOClatlon has made SUCh Continuous daim to the land above described, betora Lake and rapid growth that It has been JTZt COiporUieu Wltu at vnpiiai owta. vi fl,600, and a manager employed to handle Its affairs? Receipts during the first five months of operation amounted to 7,50O, and recent reports show that members of the association have on hand more than six thousand Barred Plymouth Rock bens and pullets. In the spring of 1916 they sold 1,000 capons on a northern market. Before the Farmvllle association was formed poultry keeping In that locality was merely Incidental, an unimportant side line to other farming activities. Today poultry keeping Is one of the Important Industries of that region. A.,An thu .uunul trnvblur la tm-i pressed with the large numbers of Barred Rocks and farms. POULTRY FOR YOUNG PEOPLE Boys and Girl Who Take an Interest In Chickens Should Be Given Chance to Raise Them, Poultry raising appeals to the young people In ninny Instances. The boys and girls who like poultry and would take an Interest In fowls should have a chance to raise poultry and use the Income as they please. Parents often may help their children to become suc cessful lu this way. 014200 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Of fice at Th Dallea, Oregon, September ti, 1919. NOTICE is hereby given that LEON F. SHAW of Brothers, Oergon, who on Dee. 7, 1914, made Homestead Entry No. 014200 for N4 Sec. 20 T 20 S R IB K W M, has filed notice of in tention to make Final Three Year Proof to establish claim to the land above described. before H. C. Ellis, U. S. Commissioner at Bend, Oregon, on the 8th day of November, 1919. Claimant name aa witnesses f Roscoe N. Pelmerton, Charles H. Haines, of Bend, Oregon; Samuel E. Lochria, Bums D. Young, of Brothers, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. 47t5p Register. NOTICR TO CREDITORS In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Crook County, in thA Matt nf NmI A. Thomas. Deceased. NOTICE Is hereby given by the undersigned, administrator of the Estate of Neal A. Thom aa, deceased, to all creditors of said Deceased. 1 n .n nanMi, hnvlnir elaim asrainst said Estate,' to present the same with proper vouch ers as required by law, to the undersigned at the office of M. R. Elliott, In the city of Prine ville, Oregon, within six months from the firet publication of this Notice. Dated this 27th day of September, 1919. NEAL A. THdate J. A. WILCOX, Administrator of the Eestate of Neal A. Thomas, t 47t5c DeBaesed. The Late Models Have Arrived Call and See them The Essex Sensible Six Oakland High Speed Brisco Three cars of wonderful ability and performance. The prices are right service given guaranteed satisfactory. Second Hand Gars for Sale 1 Oldsmobile, 8-Cylinder Slightly Used 1 Jeff ery 6-Cylinder Newly Overhauled Both in Excellent Condition At Reasonable Prices IMS W, COL ElKINS Improved In health.