OCTOIIKR 2, 1910. CROOK OOCJTTT JOCBJML PAGE 8 & mm , i Wn Claim to tin one hundred per rent, efficient wlurn It conn to IihiiiIIIiiK and repairing rain. ' When you bring your car here you may know that the trouble will be located unci the cur leave our ihop only In perfect condition. If you want quick work, low price and dm job done right, come here DELCO-LIGHT The cunpUta Elactrio Light ana Powar Plut An electric fun bring summer comport to the country home. INLAND AUTO CO. KillsSros I tea kOFFEE Hm No Rqaal No Rival No Hnhatltote IT IS TBR BEBT J E. STEWART &CO CHAH. H. EDWARDS Physician and Surgeon Office 217 Main Bt. First door south PrlnevUla Drug Company Office phone Blk 201. Res 106 CORRECT LUBRICATION Zerolene gives a better film of oil between the working parti of your car. It conserves power and saves wear. Scientifically refined from select ed California crude oil. Get a Correct Lubrication Chart for your car. 4; : ZZTTi STANDARD OIL COMPANY Jl (CtlUorait) C. R. MARTIN Special Agent, REDMOND, OU The good man is always sincere 1MPERIALES MOUTHPIECE CIGABXTTES are made of good thirty. Good tobacco, perfectly blended pure mais paper to wrap it and a mouthpiece to cool the smoke of it A ciga rctte manufactured to excel. 10or 13c The John Boll man Co. Brand ' II snButWctmnn 18 cents a package Canwtn arm mold avrywhtrn In metmnttflcaUy aM pmckm&mmafSO eitarmttma; or ton packman (200 Cigmrmttmm) in a 4un-pap0r eovmrmd carton. Wm atrongly reo ommnd thi carton for thm hum, or oixicm aupply or whn jou trmvoL It VV J m "TX v They Win You On Quality! Your enjoyment of Camels will be very great because their refreshing flavor and fragrance and mellowness is so enticingly different. You never tasted such a cigarette! Bite is elimi nated and there is a cheerful absence of any unpleasant cigaretty after-taste or any un pleasant cigaretty odor J Camels are made of an expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos and are smooth and mild, but have that desirable full body and certainly hand out satisfaction in generous measure. You will prefer this Camel blend to either kind of tobacco smoked straight I Give Camels the stiffest tryout, then compare them with any cigarette in the world at any price for quality, flavor, satisfaction. No matter how liberally you smoke ' Camels they will not tire your taste t R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. Winston-Salem, N. C Try a Little Classified Ad. MOTOR GAR HELD OH STEEP GRADE Engine Going Dead on Mountain Side Permits Automobile to Slide Backwards. INVENTION OF OREGON MAN 8hrp, Tooth-Like Points Dig Into Ground and Hold Car in Place Un til Engine Can Be 8tarted Again Danger Eliminated. Many deaths have occurred In monn taln touring due to the engine going dead while on a steep grade because of the driver's attempt to go op la a higher gear than he should. When the engine Mop, the car slide back wards and In ninny caws goes over the edge of the road If the brakes are not In (he bent possible condition and the driver does not apply them with out losing his head. t Built along lines very similar to the harrow used by fanners and drawn over plowed hind to level It and break the clods, the novel brake device shown In the accompanying illuatra- 1 ...' Vi.".' fcV The Tooth-Like Points of the Harrow Brake Dig Into the Ground and Hold the Car in Place Until the En gine Can Be Started Again. tlon Is designed to prevent automo biles used In mountain touring from running backwards down steep roads should anything go wrong with the regular brakes. It Is the Invention of George Stlck- ney of Oregon. It consists of a harrow-like frame suspended from a crosswise shaft pivoted to the chassis frame directly buck of the engine and lowered into contact with the road by means of n system of levers controlled by a hand lever and notched quad rant In the driver's cab. The sharp, tooth-like points of the harrow dig In to the ground and hold the car In place until the engine can be started again and the clutch thrown in. They also serve to hold the car until It gets under way. This eliminates the dan ger of starting under the same condi tion without the device. In which case the conventional brakes must be re leased before the clutch Is thrown In. This might allow the car to gain suffi cient backward momentum to prevent the engine from starting and permit the car to drop off the road if the brakes cannot hold It Popular Sci ence Monthly. PLANE FOR BUDDING AVIATOR MOTORTRUCKS ON HIGHWAYS Prospective Operator Should Commu nicate With Service Commission as to Restrictions. (Prepared by the United States Depart ment of Agriculture.) The prospective motortruck opera tor should communicate with the pub lic service commission or such other body as may have Jurisdiction over the operation of trucks in his terri tory and inform himself in advance as to legal restrictions covering the op eration of trucks on the highways. Finding Trouble. A great many car owners in search ing for trouble create more than they find. By that is meant that Indiscrim inate changing of adjustments usual ly gets the operator further away from the real cause of the trouble The best piece of advice that can be offered the owner Is first to be sure what the trouble Is and then start to rectify It Oiling Out-of-Way Hole. Frequently It Is desired to use an or dinary oil filler can with a metal spont In filling some out-of-the-way oil hole. By slipping a piece of rubber hose over the end of the spont almost any location con be reached. Shift Cross Link. It Is a very good plan to shift the cross links of the tire chains from time to time. That Is, move them so that they do not depend on the same link of the main chain all the time. To Clean Battery Terminal. A strong solution of washing soda Is the best agent for cleaning battery terminals tlint have become corroded. After drying the terminals should be coated with vaseline. Well Called the Penguin, Since It Moves Fart on Ground, but Is Unable to Fly. Do yon know what a penguin Is? ou may have read of It. hut probably never have seen one. The penguin Is an aqmitle bird found In the polar re gions. It remarkable for its pe culiar structure. It has only stump In plaee of wings and. for that reason. Is tirinlile to Ity. I'.ut It is a good walker and an expert swimmer and diver. The name of "penguin" has also been given to the training ap paratus employed to teach prospective aviators the control of the airplnne or enplane. The name Is well chosen. The penguin used for training Is as anahle to fly as its arctic namesake. It consists of an airplane with wings so very small that the power of the motor Is unable to lift the airplane off the ground or watnr. It Is supplied with ailerons, elevutor. rudder and wheels exceptionally strong for run ning on the ground. The apprentice Is encouraged to run this "penguin" to his heart's content ; there is no danger that It will fake to the air. In a short time he graduates to real airplane that can and does fly. and then he can give all his attention to the flying part without having to worry over the handling of the varion controls. The sense of safety he enjoys while learn ing Is a great nerve sedative to the Inexperienced aviator. THINK HIGHLY OF LANTERNS Chinese Make Them In Many Attrae five Forms, and Pay Big Pr'ce for Them. The shops of the lantern venders la the Chinese cities are usually very gay and attractive. , All varieties af lanterns are to be sen the larga silken ones 3 anil 4 feet high, gor geously painted with -arlegated colors, embroidered In gold and sliver or de. orated with deep fringe of the sura material, and common small horn and paper lanterns used by the coolies, ac cording to the Philadelphia Inquirer. The mode of making horn lanterns Is very Ingenious ; the horn are cut In to remarkably thin slices, which, by mentis of heat and pressure, are Joined fofi'tlier and formed Info vari ous shapes round, square, hexagon, octagon and some sliaped to resemble an hour glass. It Is usual for servants after sun set to carry before their masters large lanterns made either of horn or high ly varnished paper, with the name, title and dignities painted in large let ters thereon. At the Feast of Lanterns, which takes place In the early part of the Chinese New Tear, these lantern shop r proprietors reap a rich harvest, as It is customary for parents to make presents of lanterns to their children, brother to sister, friend to friend. In ferior to superior, and vice versa. Carriage of Farm Product. The motor truck as a medium for the carriage of farm products is now as suming a permanent, place in the gen eral scheme of transportation. met) WE ESPECIALLY CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO OtTl t STATIONERY LINE: Fine and Com plete. LOWXEY'S CHOCOLATES in various assortment. HIGH GRADE TOILET PREPARA TION'S BOOKS, MAGAZINES IVORY PTRALLX TOILET SOAPS CIGARS Visit oar fountain for ice cream and cold drinks. We assure yon it u a pleasure to serve yon. D. P. ADAMSON & COMPANY DRUGGISTS Aeroplane Flights Carrying Passengers You will want to take advantage of this opportunity to enjoy the Thrill and Sensation of the air with Lt Ar chie F. Roth, Overseas Pilot In a Cur tia J. N. 4d Army Airplane. INTER-STATE FAIR PRINEVUXB OCT. 1-2-8-4 Take off Fair Ground Field. Ap Uatlons tor Air Joy Ride made with R. L. SCHEE Ace Aircraft Corporation, George E. Love, General Manager Portland, Ore.