CHTOIIKIl 2, 1010. ROOK COUNTY JOURHAL - fags a CLASSIFIED ADS TOR HALE OCHOCO LAND FOH SALE Two tracts of Irrigated land under the Ochoco Project, practically all ! cleared and one tract In crop. Bee R. W. Rea, Adamaun Btdg. 43tfc FOR SALE One good Hampshire buck. D. P. Adnmson. 3tfc TOR SALE Four pure bred young Duroe brood sows. In excelent eon dltlon. Alto a young Duroo boar from registered stock. Call at Journal office 40tfp VOR Bale East of Prineville public school, 1-1 acre of Improved land with new sis-room house. Will ell on very reasonable terms. In quire at Journal office. 89tfo fOR SALE One Durham Bull, I years old. Phone lfI6 40tfc VOR BALE Two Delaine bucks, full bloods. Inquire of A. T. Bogue, Prineville. 44tfc FOR SALE 8evon weeks old pigs. Poland China and Duroc. In fine condition. At old Circle Ranch 6 mlloi northwest of Prineville. Ad dress S. Rasmussen, City 46t4p WANTED WANTED 400 medium to large , Juniper trees pulled. Call at this office for particulars. 40tfp WANTED A young lady for candy store position. Stoady employment for the winter. Johnson's Sweet Bhop. 46tfo LOST SOxStt Goodrich tire, rack, and rim. Notify Mrs. Klrkpatrlck at Ochoco Dam. 4Stfa PRINEVILLE Vulcanizing WORKS 447 MAIN SREET We repair all sizes of cord and fabric casings. RETREADING RELATING HALF-SOLING TUBE REPAIRS ALL WORK GUARANTEED It you haven't seen the Pennsylvania Vacuum Cup Tire you have a chance now. We carry atull line and the company stands back of them to the last ditch. They are an absolute quality tire. Come In and let us tell you about them. VACUUM CUP FABRIC 6,000 MI. VACUUM CORD, 0,000 MILES ' Prineville Flour III -Mills 1 ctt A lur a tr L U 1 flMJfLU I FLOUR "EAT MORE BREAD" MIHCELLANEOIB DR. FREDERICK McK. INOERSOLL Dentist, Crook County Back Bldg Prineville, Oregon. astfc NOTICE TO OLD CUSTOMERS I am now able to do tout Diana tuning, repairing, voicing and re strlnglng. E. H. BRENT. DENTISTS DR. H. O. DAVIS Dentist. Nei modern shop. In Kamstra Butld tag. BEFORE YOU 8IGM a life Insur ance contract In any other com pany examine the superior con tract and low premium rates ol Oregon Life. See. T. L. Qnlnn the local agent Z4tfo PRIVATE HORN LESSONS Be able to toot your own horn I can teach you how by latest methods. If your child does not advance I will tell you so and the lessons taken to that time will coat you nothing. ALBERT H. OILLETT, Leader of Band and Orchestra ATTORNEYS WILLARD H. WIRTZ District At torney. Office Crook County Bank Building. Prineville, Oregon tt M. R. ELLIOTT Attorney at Law . Court House St, Prineville. Or OPHTHALMOLOGIST DR F. H. DAY Physician, optha mologlst, neuralogist. Specialty of eyes and nerves. Glasses fitted. Hours 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 6 p. m. Evenings by apointment. 510 Main St. Prineville, Oregon. 37tfo NOTICE I Dr. L. V. Belknap of Portland has opened offices with his father, Dr. H. P. Belknap, for permanent practice here Calls answered day or night. NOTICK The Powell Butte Irrigation Dis trict Board will alt as an Equilizatlon Board at the office nf the sr.i.-n, October 7, at 2 p. m., 1919. J. E. MYERS, Sec'y. NOTICB IS HERERY GIVEN hy th. undertime.! Petitioner!, whose name are signed to the at tached and following petition, that the laid petition for the creation of th Lone Pine Irri gation District, which (aid petition Is hereto attached, will be presented to th County Court at th County of Crook. Stat of Oregon, on Saturday, October 18, 1619, at th hour of 10 o clock a. m. at the County Court room of laid County, in the City of Prineville. Oregon, aid date being th time aet and fixed by aaid Court, for th purpoae of hearing aaid petition and all persona are hereby notified to b pres ent at aaid time and place to make objection thereto, if any objection then be, or other wise to consider aaid petition. This notice la published one a week for four consecutive weeks, (five publications!, and the first publication thereof is on th 18th day of September. lftlS. IN THE COUNTY COURT OP THE COUNTY ur wkuuk, STATE OF OREGON In the matter of the formation of the Lone Pine Irrigation District, PETITION: To the Honorable County Court of Crook Coun ty. Oregon ! KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That we th undersigned resident and free holder Within the State nf Onm anil Viun. ty of Crook, respectfully petition th Honorable vounty uurt ot crook County, Oregon, aa hereinafter aet forth and each signer hereto, for himself declare and says: ' That I am the holder of till, to land. sua. ceptable to irrigation from the source herein after described, aituated within th boundaries of said proposed District, as hereinafter more particularly aet forth and described. Said netitionera whose name. mvtt signed to and made a part of this petition here by propose th organisation of an Irrigation District and said signer and petitioners here by declare that it is th purpose of the peti tioner to organise said Irrigation District un der and by virtue of the provision of Chapter 867 of the General Law of Oregon for 1817, and anv other acta and parts of act amenda tory thereof, and in conformity with the pro visions of the law providing therefor, petition this Court for the purposes in thia petition stated and given. The proposed boundaries of said Irrigation District are aet forth and described particularly aa follows, to-wit : Beginning at the Northeast corner of Section four 4, Township fourteen (14) South, Range fourteen (141 Hunt of the Willamette Merid ian and running thence South one mile to the Southeast corner of said Section four (41 ; thence West one quarter of a mile to the South west corner of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Baid Section four (41: thence South one quarter of a mile to the Southeast corner of the Northwest quarter or the Northeast quarter of Section nine (91. said Township and range: thence West one quarter of a mile to the Southwest corner of said Northwest quarter of the Northeast quar ter of Section nine (91 : thence North one quar ter of a mile to the Northwest corner of the said Northwest quarter of the Northeast quar ter of Section nine (9) : thence West one half mile to the Northeast corner of Section eight (8), said Township and Range; thence South one mile to the Southeast corner of said Section eight (8 : thence West one mile to the South west corner 'of said Section eitfht (81 ; thence North one half mile to the Southeast corner of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quar ter of Section seven (7), said Township and Range; thence West one quarter of a mile to the -Southwest corner of said Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of said Section seven (7) ; thence North one quarter of a mile to the Northwest corner of said Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section seven (71 ; thence East one quarter of a mjle to the North east corner of aaid Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section seven (71 ; thence North on quarter of a mile to the Northwest corner of Section eight (8), said Township and HOME AGAIN! The great world war is over and our boys are coming HOME again. Back to friends and loved ones and the OLD HOME TOWN. What a thrill must have passed thru the hearts of these young veterans when they saw again the shores of the good old U. S. A. Home again ! What a wonderful word that is Home and it is that which interests us, for we are Home Builders. We want to see every family have a home of their own. If you are contemplating building, take our advice and BUILD NOW ! Range; thenre East one quarter of a mile to the Southwest corner of the Southeast quarter of the Southwest quarter of Section five 15) said Township and Range; thence North one half mile to the Northwest corner of the Noah, east quarter of the Southwest quarter of said Section five (61 ; thence East one quarter of a mile to the center of said Section five (61 ; thence North to th Northwest comer of the Northeast quarter of said Section five (6 ; thence East one and one half mile on the Township line to the place of beginning. Also beginning at the Northwest corner of Section sixteen ll. Township fourteen (141, South. Range fourteen (141 East of the Wil lamette Meridian and running thence East one quarter of a mile to the Northeast corner of the Northwest quarter of the Northwest quar ter of said Section slxteee (16) ; thence South three quarters of a mile to the Southeast comer of the Northwest quarter of the Southwest quarter of said Section sixteen OS1 ; thence Wert on quarter of s mile to the Southwest comer of said Northwest quarter of the South west quarter of Section sixteen (HI : thence North threw quarters of a mil to the place of beginning. Also beginning at th Northeast comer of Section eighteen (18) : Township fourteen (14) ; South, Range fourteen (14) Eaat of the Wil lamette Meridian and running thenc South one quarter of mil to the Southeast comer of the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of said Section eighteen (18) ; thence West one mile, more or less, to th Southwest comer of Lot number one (1), said Section eighteen (18) : thenc North one quarter of a mile to the Northwest corner of said Section eighteen (181 ; thence East on mile, more or less, to th place of beginning. Also beginning at the Northeast corner of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section twenty (20), Township fourteen (14) South. Range fourteen (14) Eaat of the Wil lamette Meridian and running thence Sooth one half of a mile to th Southeast corner of the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of aid Section twenty (20) ; thenc west one half mile to the Southwest comer of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of said Sec tion Twenty (20) : thence North one half mile to the Northwest comer of the Northeast quar ter of the Northwest quarter of said Section Twenty (20) : thence east one half mile to the place of beginning. All of aaid lands above described lying and being situated in the County of Crook and State of Oregon. The designation of the said proposed Irrigs tion District snd the name under which it shall be known Is the LONE PINE IRRIGATION DISTRICT The source of supply from which the water to be used within said proposed Irrigation District shall be the Deschutes River; said water to be contracted for by the District from the Central Oregon Irrigation Company or its assigns ; aaid water to be furnished to said Dis trict by said Company or its assigns at a point within said District, in Crook County. Stat of Oregon. The signers of this Petition constitute a majority of the holders of title of lands bub ceptabl of Irrigation from the source herein described within the boundaries of said pro posed Irrigation District, and said signer here with petition the Court that three Director b elected aa Directors of said Irrigation District, and that Directors be elected at large from th entire District. The probable cost of organisation of the aforesaid Irrigation District is the sum of two hundred fifty dollars and the Petitioners here to aeenmnane thia Petition with a good and sufficient Bond in the sum of five hundred dollars, which 1 double the amount of prob able coat of th organisation of said Irrlgatiol : District. i WHEREFORE, your Petitioner pray thai ; said Irrigation District be organised as providet by law, and particularly a set forth and re quired by the Statutes hereinbefore referret to; that said Petition be heard aa required m law and that aaid County Court shall do an and all thing necessary and requisite to effect the organization, and for such other and fur ther order, action and relief as may be nec essary and provided by law for the organisa tion of said Irrigation District, your Petitioners will ever pray. Reference i hereby made to tne nonce ac companying this petition, stating the time of th. meetino- at whicll this oetition will be pre sented to the said County Court, which said Notice is made a part of this petition. N. E. MELTON. S. W. RICKETTS. FRANK M. FOOTE, S. BOZARTH EMILY WALLENBERG ROBERT L. KNORR. V. BUTLER J. R. TERRELL. E. S. TERRELL. ETHEL K. EDWARDS STATE OF OREGON 1 )ss. COUNTY OF CROOKJ We. N. E. Melton, S. W. Rlcketts and Frank M. Foote, members of the Committee duly appointed to secure signatures to the foregoing Petition, being first duly sworn, each for himself says: That I am personally acquainted with all the persons who have signed the foregoing Petition, and know that the signature of each thereon is genuine; that the signatures there on written were written in the presence of one or more of the members of suid Committee, and that I believe that each person who signed the said Petition la a holder of title to lands with in the boundaries of the proposed Irrigation District, as set out in said Petition, and that each is therefor qualified to sign such Petition. N. E. MELTON, S. W. RICKETTS. FRANK M. FOOTE. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of September. 1919. DENTON G. BURDICK, Notary Public for Oregon. (SEAL) ' : My Commission Expiree 46tSc ' October 24, 1920. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE By virtue of an execution in foreclosure dul Issued by the clerk of the Circuit Court e Crook County, State of Oregon, dated this 5t ' day of September, 1919, in a certain action t the Circuit Court for the said County and Stat wherein Stephen I. Fraser, Plaintiff, recovered judgment against A. M. Fraser, James I. Fra ser, Anna M. Fraser, Nell H. Leonett and Rob ert Hunt nee Robert Collins, Defendants, for the sum of One Thousand Seventy-Eight and Thirty one-hundredths Dollars (11,078.80), to gether with One Hundred and no one-hundredths Dollar ($100.00) attorney's feer and the further sum of Fifteen and uo one-htin- TUM-A-LUM LUMBER COMPANY I MADRAS, GATKW AY Successor to SHIPP & PERRY dredth Dollar (116.00) cost and accruing costs. Notice Is hereby given that I will, on Sat nrday, th Uth day of October, 1918, at th North front door of th eourthou.e in IHn. ville, in said county, at 10 o'clock in tne fore noon of said day, ell st public suction, to trie highest bidder for cash, all right aod title that the above named defendants or either of them have or had at date of said fadgi-wnt in the following described property, to-wtt : The Southeast Quarter of the Northwerf Quarter, the Southwest Quarter of th North-! last Quarter and lot three, four and five, all in ' Section Six in Township Sixteen South of i Range Twenty-one East of the Willamette Men. id ian In Crook County, State of Orewon. JOHN COMBS, Sheriff of Crook County I Dated at Prineville, Oregon, thia 6th day of I oepiemoer. iviy. 44tS By FLOYD A. ROWELL. Deputy FLOUR RE-SALE The United States Grain Corporation Announces that tt will sell "Straight" grade flour, to all purchasers, In carload lots, in 140-lb. Jute sacks, gross weight, delivered to any Rail way Station In Zone 10, com prising the States of Oregon, Washington, and Idaho, at not to exceed $10.00 per bbl. net cash. Purchasers will be sup plied from nearest available mill which may result in slight saving for buyers' account. Wholesale and Jobbing profits on such flour must not exceed 75c per bbl., and retailers' prof Its most not exceed $1.23 per bbl.... Address all communica tions to UNITED STATES GRAIN CORPORATION 510 Board of Trade Building, Portland, Oregon CHICHESTER S PILLS W.SC-V - Till DIAMOND BKJLlfD, A usiesl Asa year vrmmsm aw A , PtU la Bed aad SSt aJtScVV boat, (sated waa Bl Ribbo. W I Me Mr wrwmr w Mssarfaxastt i iltiil fl 'in nil iiiBilat H. P. Belknap L. V. Belknap BELKNAP & BELKNAP Physicians and Surgeons Office 122 East Third Street Prineville, Oregon Office phone 61 Residence 63 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SERVICES At Masonic Temple every Sun- day at 11:00 a. m. All welcome Sunday school tor all under 10 years of age ot 10:00 a. m. SCALE BOOKS Neatly printed and bound. Send $1.00 to th Journal and one will be mailed you, postage paid. 1U OREGtMAILY JOURNAL! DALLY 50c. . DAILY AND SUNDAY- 05c If yaa don't get your paper reg ularly, phone Red 431 and we will send one up by special mes senger. PRINEVILLE DRtTQ CO. Local Agent LAKE M. BECHTELL IT. S. Commissioner Attorney-At-Law Crook County Bank Building PRINEVILLE OREGON SCRATCH TAS5 Different sizes and quality of paper. Just the thing for your desk or pocket, for sale at The Journal office. REMEDIES CALL FOR FAITH Truly Weird and Wonderful Are Some "Cure for Various Ills of the Human Body. Weird and wonderful are the reme dies advised In different parts of the world for diseases which affect hu manity.. Sufferers from rheumatism may be pleased to hear that there "are people who claim to have found a sure cure for their malady by binding spilt mackerel around the affected part The town of Lee, In England, still has on record the famous cure known as the "Lee Penny." This coin was brought from the Holy Land by a Cru sader. On many occasions when th health of the people has been threat ened this penny has been used. Three dips and one swirl" In bucket of wa ter were supposed to endow the liquid with healing properties. In many parts of Europe It Is) thought that passing under an ass child suffering from whooping cough will bring Instant relief. Almost every one has heard of th curing of warts by touching them with a wedding ring. This "cure" la perhaps not so well known : Make th sign of the cross on a wart, at th same time chanting: "What I see, that I wish ; what I wish, that disappears," Uncrowned English Queens. There have been several uncrowned queens of England. The first was Margaret of France, the second wife of Edward L Money was scarce la the government coffers st the time, snd Edward could not afford the ex pense of a coronation. The four later wives of Henry vm. Anne Boleyn's successors Jane Seymour, Anne of Cleves, Catherine Howard and Cath erine Parr were never publicly crowned as queen consorts. Henrietta Marie, the wife of Charles I, being a strict Catholic, refused to take part la a state function which would compel her to partake of the sacrament ac cording to the rites of the Church ot England. Sophia Dorothea, the wlf of George I, and mother of George H, was never recognized as queen of Eng land and therefore can not be classed as one of Britain's uncrowned queens. Caroline of Brunswick, the wife of George IV, was not permitted to b present in Westminster hall at his coronation. Original "Lone Tree." There was an Immense Cottonwood, four feet thick and very tall, which atood In Nebraska almost In the cen ter of the continent, half way between New York and San Francisco, whicll was within one mile of that center. Under Its branches rested thousands of '49-'ers en route to the Eldorado of the Pacific coast. It was the best known camping ground on the old California trail. From 1849, when th gold seekers rushed across the great plains down to the completion of th Cnlon Pacific railway, the great tre was a guidepost to the wagon train going west. After the railway was completed there was no further use for the old tree and it eventuully rotted away und died. In 1910 a monument was erected on the spot that the tree had occupied. It represents the truuk of a giant cottonwood and bears this in scription : "On this spot stood th original Lone Tree on the old Cali fornia trail." Australian Water Holes. ' A cuiioua form of water hole it found in the deserts of western Aus tralia, dry by day but yielding aa abuudnnt supply of water by night. The flow of water Is preceded by weird hissing and sounds of rushing air. On examining one It was found that the water supply occurred lu a long narrow trench, at the bottom of which was a thin plate of gneiss, sep arated by a cavity from the main rock mass beneath. Apparently the heat of the day causes this plate to ex pand in the form of a depression, la which the water retreats. When It cools and contracts at night It forces first air and then water back Into th trench.