Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, October 02, 1919, Page PAGE 2, Image 2

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    OCTOIIKH 9, 1019
Crook County Journal
Entered at the poetoffice at Prtne
111a. Oregon, aa aocond-claaa mattar.
Price $100 per year, parable atrlct
V in advance. In caaa ot change ot
Address please notify at at once, giv
tsg both old and new address.
ocnihai. owners
Although we confidently exported
that the Oregon Inter-State Fair thta
year wiuld be the greatest In the hta
tory of local fairs, the opening day
sets aside all double in this direction.
To the many strangers In our midst
Prinevtlle extends greeting, and la on
ly regretful In that her accommoda
tions and facilities for entertainment
are limited.
We suggest and urge that you atay
until the end of the event, that you
take occasion to look over the sur
rounding country, especially the Irri
gation projects nearby, and that you
arrange to make your homes here, It
such is possible.
Development ot the country, which
is causing the development ot the city,
is moving rapidly now, and next year
we will be better able to show you a
good time than now. Have a good
time, and plan to come again In 1920.
The United States Navy Is starting
an advertising campaign tn thousands
of newspapers throughout the nation,
more than six thousand, besides the
magazines, In its efforts to gain re
cruits. The matter was discussed and this
method considered the most effective
in reaching the people of the nation
and gaining the ends sought.
Throughout the war. the newspa
pers gave countless pages of apace i
free and willingly iu such matters,
which was added to by perhaps as
BOOST GOOD ROADS PROGRAM ' iwwwiwitiiitiwwiiwiw
No one who has been over the back
this city and Mitchell in the past can many more pages paid for by pubnc
tail to realize the possibilities of the spirited citiieus and business firms,
road that is just now under construe- in their efforts to help the nation,
tiou by the State, County, and Fed- The recOEnition that the newspa
eral governments. 'per columns will yield the most sens-
A grade that will be practically a iDie ail(j direct returns for the money
water grade to the summit of the tnan anv other medium should mean
mountain is already outlined and will gomPthing to other advertisers,
be completed we are told within thej je navy is buying this space and
year to the summit of the mountain 'paying for it through the medium of
from the Jones Mill, and with the estaDii8he(j advertising agencies. In
link that is contemplated on the Pst!numDer about 160, and is asking no
ide of the mountain and the Prine-,jiscount8 from the regular rates and
Ymc-rfuiica jim tiu. u,vu in .u 'receiving none
considered soon, that excellent stock
country surrounding Mitchell will be
within two easy hours by auto or
motor truck instead ot two days of
hard travel as was the case over the
old roads with team and pack mule.
Just what the economic value of
this road will be cannot be estimated.
It opens up a market tor the fruit
which Is raised in such abundance in
the Bridge Creek and West Branch
districts, an easy outlet ot fat hogs
that have been impossible to produce
because of inaccessable conditions,
and a great many other products be
sides the principal one, which is live
stock, which comes out on foot to our
The value of roads of this type Is
even greater than the economic one.
In that It brings these communities
closer together, and adds to the home
life and Interest of both communities
as well as the actual price of the land
So much has been said and written
The fact is acknowledged, for ex
ample, that the space In the Crook
County Journal Is worth 20 cents per
inch, and the contract is being placed
and will be paid tor at that rate.
The use of advertising space was
never one-half so great as it is now,
and the United States government
promises to become one of the best
advertisers in the nation. At least
it must be acknowledged that the
Navy knows values, and la receiving
Maze Reported In Prlngle Falls Sec
tion Weeks After Danger From
Fire Believed To Be Tast
Although the forest fire season
was considered as virtually closed,
following the heavy rains at the first
of the month, a blaze has broken out
in slashings in the Pringle Falls dis
trict, and this morning covered some
about good roads in the past few years i 40 acres, it was stated at Deschutes
that it is difficult to add more, yet. National Forest neadquarters nere.
an illustration of this nature nearby Yellow Pine and Jack pine make up
is added evidence to the already large the wooded areas menaced by the lire,
volume that good roads that are ac
tually good are worth the money, at
almost any price.
Ranger Douglas left this morning
to direct the fire fighting. Bend
Bulletin for Friday. "
OCTOBER 1 2 3 1
You Are
To Make Our Store Your
( -"-Ik tvMi
nvj i
ilH '
waww. .?
"Silly twaddle!" remarked James
Comstock. disgustedly, and laid the
book said.
"Whose twaddle'" asked a sweet
voice near him. "Is ItT
James glanced at the cover.
"By Flory," he quoted contemptu
ously. "Flory la exactly the sort of
person on would expect to touch up
on her subjects. Ilk a butterfly among
the flowers, with do substance or real
ity to hold."
"Haven't you." asked the girl at his
side, "Imbibed some of Klory's poetic
phraseology? Now, I know a man who
Is enraptured over the little books,
considers them the acme of art. Cer
tainly they sell well."
James Couistock turned to look Into
the piquant face upraised to his own.
Uke various other guests at Mrs. Vhii
Houton's house party, he was exce-d-ingly
curious concerning this new ur
rlval In their social midst.
The rest of the crowd hnd been
known to each other, either by name
or reputation for years. IlhiMia Kent
was one of Mrs. Van Houton's discov
eries. To use her sou's expression, bis
mother had "sprung a new one." and
she was delighted In her young
friend's reserve. The most faxoied
had been able to learn nothinu ot
HluHla's past, present or fulur from
her own Ill's.
It was the unusual charm of her per
sonality hlch caused deep Ititorest
upon all sides, snd much conjecture.
Her clothing, though tn good taste, was
so Independently simple that many
wondered If Mrs. Van llouton had
taken on a protege.
James Coiustock, being acceptably
the most Interesting man In the aft,
was naturally her vls-a-vls. In fact,
during the days of proximity In the
tine old house his heart had known Its
first serious affection.
James, the heretofore Invulnerable,
was, as Billy Van llouton said, "de
cidedly hard hit"
Never before, he gloomily admitted
to himself, had face or voice of wom
an haunted the nightly hours which
should be devoted to healthful slum
ber. So J a rues was Justified In pos
sessing more than the usual share of
curiosity concerning tht real life of the
winsome Rhoda.
"Perhaps." ht said In answer to her
defense of the book discussed "this
Tlory' msy say more. In a light man
ner, than I am clever enough to grasp.
But, fancy, for Instance, being mar
ried to such a dreamer. Poor husband
of Flory! With his wife always soar
ing above the blue, She Isn't so bad at
rhyme, though, I'll admit; seems te
have a number of little verses scat
tered through here and there, with a
bar of music to start them oft. Helps
to sell, 1 suppose. Makes the book
look easy to read."
Miss Kent nodded laughingly.
"Hut you would not want to be the
suffering husbnnd who must listen to
hi? wife singing those things around
the house," she said.
"Heaven forbid!" James plonsly
ejaculated. At"! the lovely girl at his
side anise in response to Mrs. Van
Houton's call.
"Come here. Hhoda," cried that mer
ry person. "Here are half a doaen
bored peojile wishing, to be entertained.
My hope lies in you."
James Comstork gazed after the
graceful figure regretfully. The glance
she threw back at him was strangely
disquieting. For days he had been
Joyously secure in a consciousness of
the girl's preference. Unaccountably
discouragement came upon him.
Khods's eyes had gazed at him re
proachfully, her Hps had closed firmly,
as though In displeasure. Then pres
ently he heard her voice In song, aa
she accompanied herself upon the
; piano.
It was a little Scotch tune that the
girl played and the words sounded
vaguely familiar. Comstock leaning
forward, listening attentively, found
that voice and tune thrilled him with
Inexplicable tenderness. Where had
he heard the words?
Idly his gaze fell upon the opened
book of "Flory." Then he knew. It
was one of the despised Flory's verse
that his beloved was singing. And
after a round of Involuntary hand
clnpplng he heard Mrs. Van Houton'a
triumphant announcement:
"I had not Intended to tell you for
awhile; we have had such fun keep
ing our secret. But Rhoda Kent 1
'Flory,' as you have guessed, wlth
those delightful books to her credit."
Comstock snt staring dully at the
volume In his hand long after silence
proclaimed that Ithoda's audience had
departed. Bitterly he recalled his re
cent condemning conversation, with
Ms fervent "Heaven forbid!" that a
wife such ss she should be his own.
Well, he hud done for himself this
time, he bitterly reflected, and thla
time was all that counted In the world.
"If you please," asked Rhoda severe
ly, "may I have that book of 'silly
twaddle?' ".
Wretchedly he looked up Into the
lovely face above his.
"And I was going to ask you to
be my wife."
"Heaven forbid!" murmured Rhoda.
"A wife flouting around in the blue."
Her voice broke in soft uncontrollable)
laughter. Kagerly he caught at bar
"I will drop the name 'Flory,'"
Rhoda said later; "Mrs. James Com
stock will give to the book the proper
dignity which It deserves."
(Copyright, Wefcin Newspaper unloa)
Amtrlcan Automobile Association Will
Seek to Help Davstopment
f Highways,
National, state and county highway
development along sound economic
lines will b emphasised In a greater
degree than ever before by the Amer
ican Automobile association, an
aouncte Ueorge C Dtehl, chairman ef
IU good roads board.
J, K. Pennyhecker, chief of manage
ment of the federal bureau of public
mads, and generally recognised aa the
foremost authority on good road man
agement, has resigned his pout to be
come director of roads for the associa
tion. Mr. Prnnybaeser originated and
edited the "Good Iloads Year Hook,"
and was adviser to the Joint commit
tee on federal aid In post roads of the
senate and house of representatives
before taking charge of the ma tinge
ment branch of the federal rood bu
n's il.
The federal aid road act la a mile
stone on the way, hut only a mile
stone," declared Mr. Dlehl. "ritluiate-
ly there will come a nstlonnl aystem
nf highway correlated with state sys
tems snd these In turn with country
systems. There will be difficult prob
lems of finance, nf administration, and
of traffic regulation to be solved. In
these questions the six million motor
vehicle owner should take an active
mrt, for theio nre questions that must
he settled ritfht and In accordance with
Intelligent public opinion. The A. A.
A. good roiult board will actively seek
to sound the best sentiment on these
subjects stol to bring to light the best
thought In their working out."
Avtrage of 2.S Motorcar for Every
Mil of Public Road In the
United States. '
(Prepared by th ITnltwl Rtste Depart
ment of ARTlrulturs.)
The total road mileage of the
Cnlted State outside Incorporated
towna and cities Is about 2.4.V1.000
miles. With a total registration of
6,14(1.617 motor vehicles there was,
therefore, an average of 2.S motor
cars for every mile of public road tn
the Called State. The distribution
of cars among the several state, how
ever, Is far from uniform. Thus, No
tads ha but two cars to every three
miles of road, while Rhode Island baa
16 cars to each mile of rural road.
Furthermore, while there waa an aver
age of one motorcar registration for
every IS persona. In the United States,
Id the states of California and Ne
braska there was one car for every
seven person, and one car for eyery
eight persona In Iowa and South Da
kota, but only one car for every 61
persons tn Alabama, every 46 In Ixul
lana, ot every 42 persons In Arkansas.
PRICE $110
Guaranteed operating cost not to exceed 3c an hour
Des Chutes Power Co.
dfst super scooter, commonly culled the
"buck bo nl." It Is practically a primi
tive motor car driven by an auto wheel
lot between the rear wheel. To throw
Primitive Motor Car, Called "Buck
board," Driven by Auto Wheel
Set In Rear Wheels.
Orahame White, who wa at one
time the moat popular aviator In Eng
land and Is one of the pioneer of avia
tion, has Introduced Into England tne
out the clutch the wheel la lifted off
the ground.
Tboto shows Mr. Whit with little
''aiis are uuder way Tn Salem for
oi establishment ot a permanent bu
reau for the testing ot babies and
small children, similar to the eugenlca
bureau maintained In Portland.
'Oregon ha been asked to shl a
carload of clothing to the Armenlaaa,
to be shipped to New Tork by October
t. Every county In the state will be
asked to send Its share tn the carlo.
Means for combating the dta trac
tive elm tree beetle which bas beea
devastating th shade trees of Tb
Dalles was found when the govern
ment announced that a lead arsenate
solution would destroy the pest. Th
tree will be sprayed twice ta spring
The Clatsop County "Dairymen's
league announce aa Increase tn th
price of milk of 40 cent a hundred.
A charter for a new bank at Mallae,
Klamath county, to be known as th
State Bank of Mallne, baa been laauei.
The Chemtwa Indian school near
Ralem haa among its scholar 4 youag
Indiana from th Umatilla reservation.
Two 14 year-old girls, arrested by
the Portland police, have confsased U
the robbery of 13 bualneaa bouse of
the city.
It's toasted to in
crease the good,
wholesome flavor
of the Kentucky
Burley tobacco.
A regular man's
smoke and delicious!
O ) Guaranteed br