OCTOIIER 3, 1011. rmgr 12 CIIOOK OtU'XTT JOVRXAl Is a clean, sprightly, romantic comedy with winsome GLADYS HULETTEand handsome manly CREIGH TON HALE in the role of lovers. It is one of the best picture plays we ever booked. P. S.Pearl White in the 41 Lightning Raider." Monday and Tuesday at the Lyric Theater "Aeiiexiinig oill WITH MOVIES LYRIC THEATER Friday & Saturday, Oct. 3-4 "CAPTl'RKD BY CANNIBALS" Comedy: "BETTY'S BOLSHEVIK" Sunday, October 5 Bessie Ha rri scale In "JOSSELYN'S WIFE" Lonesome Luke in "HOOT MOX" Mon. & Tuea.. October 6-7 Gladys Hullette -Creighton Hale "AXXEXIXG BILL" Pearl White in "THE LIGHTXIXG RAIDER" Wed. t Thurs., October S-9 Bert Lyttell in "FAITH" "FATTY'S SC1TLESS DAY" LYRIC THEATER KISS TAFT Miss Helen Taft, daughter of the tx president, who thinks college teach ers should strike for more pay. MARINES OCCUPY ' DALMATIAN CITY Washington. A force of American saarlnes from the cruiser Olympia was Uuded at Trau, on the lower Dalma tian coast, September 23, Secretary Daniels announced. Without blood shed the Americans gained possession f the city, which previously had been ecupled by a force of Italians. Rear-Admiral Andrews, commanding the American naval forces In the Adriatic, in reporting the landing, said he acted on Instructions from the supreme council at Paris received after he had reported that a force of Italians, apparently revolutionists, had occupied the city on the morning of September tt. 1 The Italians, Admiral Andrews re sorted, retired when the American landed without offering resistance. It was said at the navy department that Trau was in that section of the Dalmatlon coast assigned by the peace conference to the United States for patrol. THE MANY CHILDREN AITEAK IN THE NEW METRO 1'I.AY Twenty-five children of all ages took part in "Faith," the powerful Metro play which will be shown at the Lyric theater on Wednesday and Thursday, and in which Bert Lytell, the favorite young actor, will be seen 1 in the loading role, j On account of tu influenza scare It ! was hard to persuado mothers to al llow their children to come to the studio to work In the play until it was promised that a physician would ibe iu constant charge of the young- Isters. All precautions were taken by Director Charles Swickard to keep the children In good trim and on (account of the number or children used, two doctors were called in to j take charge while the work was under j waT- i To further prevent any unnecessary i nsns m me cuuuren oeirui.o in iujj studio was ordered to wear a guaze BERT LYTELL In FAITH THRILLS, SCSPEXSB AXD ROMANCE LYRIC THEATER Wednesday and Thursday at the IAPAN ACCUSED OF FRAUD Western Production in Many Llnea Fast Falling Into Oriental Hands. Washington. Japan was charged with "flagrant violations" of the commonly-termed gentlemen's agreement with this country by V. S. McClatchy of Sacramento, Cal., and Miller Free man of Seattle before the house immi gration committee. Testifying in connection with the committee's consideration of the bill which would permit a certain per centage of the nationals of a country to enter the United States each year, both Mr. McClatchy and Mr. Freeman said that Japanese control of many industries In Washington, Oregon, California and Colorado was being en larged through violations of the agree ment, which forbids the entry of Jap anese laborers, both skilled and un skilled. Into the United States. Allies' Debts to Be Funded. Washington. Negotiations will be put under way soon for the funding of the allies' obligations to the United States into long-term securities. Ap proximately $10,000,000,000 of war credits have been advanced to the allies on short-term notes. Emma Goldman Released From Prison Jefferson City, Mo. Emma Gold man, who has been in the Missouri state penitentiary for violation of the espionage act, has been released. THE MARKETS Portland Oats No. white feed, $51 per ton. Barley Standard feed, $60.60 ton. Corn Whole, $70; cracked, $72. Hay Willamette valley timothy, $27 28 per ton; alfalfa, $30. Butter Creamery, 60c per pound. Eggs Ranch, 62 (5 64c per dozen. Poultry Hens, 24'528c; broilers, 2oc. Cattle Market steady; steers, best, $1011; good to choice, $9.B0$10; medium to good, $8.509.50. Hogs Prime mixed, $17.50 18; me dium mixed, $17 & 17.50; pigs, $15.76 16. Sheep Market steady; prime lambs, $11.5012; fair to medium, $ll(&ll-66'; ewes, $5&7.50, Seattle Hay Eastern Washington timothy, 13637 per ton; alfalfa, $3132. Butter Creamery. 66c per pound. ESoS Ra,iehj65!&6rc per dozen. 'mask during the course of produc tion and all put through a rigid examination each day before work proceeded. The children took part In a large school room aoene which la of great Importance in the gripping Metro play. ROMAM'K lKAI? XOT M I't'H says t;uivs htijcttk "Romance dead!" Gladys Hulctte, the winsome Pathe so ret 'ii star, who will appear in the leading role In "Annexing Bill," that comes to the Lyric theater Monday and Tuesday, smiled as she repeated a question put to her. "I don't believe the demand for romance in the photoplay will ever die." She paused and smiled enig matically BKnln. "I think the flavor of romance is MOST esesntial." Her eyes rested on a great glitter ing diamond on her finger and she hummed an air that sounded sus piciously like that wedding march tune. xTHK IX Hi OK MARTIN JOHNSON iTIirillinir Account of ant ore OK The Daring; Adveuturer and lilt Wife Strange and unusual customs were discovered by Mr. and Mrs. Martin Johnson on their eighteen months' cruise among the islands of the South pacific, and the most extraordinary things they round are pictured In "Captured by Cannibals," the final installment of the Johnson films. "Cannibals of the South Seas." Sailing from one island to another in the group of New Hebrides, thev , encountered distinctly different races I of savagas. They found people, liv ing in the same group of Islands, who were unacquainted with the peoples of neighboring Isles, savages who liv ed under totally different customs, and who showed distince differences I of physical and mental development. On one Island they were interested i spectators to the ceremony of select ling brides for marriage. They saw the marrlagable girls of the tribe par aded. Hideously smeared with "war paint," before the young men of the tribe, selected for marriage with the sanction of the medicine men and pre pard for marriage by haying their front teeth knocked out. They found another race who ex isted on cocoanut meat and fish, who had Intermarried to a degree where there was not a physically perfect in habitant on the Island. They discovered a tribe who buried their old people alive and saw the final stages of the ceremony, a part WILLING TO BE PUT WISE Private Ready to Absorb Any Infor mation Brigadier General Was Able to Impart In all the armies In the war disci pline was lax In the air service. Army men are at a loss to account for It, but without exception laxity was evi dent in all the air enmps. The San Francisco Chronicle tells the following experience told by Brig. Gen. Benjamin Alvord when the latter was adjutant general of the A. E. F. The general had been sent by General 1'ershlng to make an Inspection about Colombey-les-Beiles. He walked around without getting the attention the doughboys would show an officer of his rank. No one saluted him and no one noticed him. Once In a while a captain or a major would snap a salute, but not the en listed men. It rather riled the general, who always scrupulously followed army regulations himself. Finally when a private passed hlra with a Cigar In his mouth, and, although look ing right at him. failed to salute, the general thought It was time to call a halt. "Come here, young fellow," he called. "Say, what do you do In this camp when a general officer shows tip?" "All right, I'll bite, what Is It, old top?" parried the private. " . Pipe Built Like Cornet A tobacco pipe of unusual design has been invented by Wnrren Murray Baechtel of Hngerstnwn, Md. Every pipe smoker knows that the longer the stem of his pipe the cooler will be the smoke. Pipes whh stems a few feet long have been in u.e In different countries for many years, but their awkward length precluded their une outside of the house. The Inventor of the pipe circumvented the difficulty hy coiling the stern of the pipe like the tube of a cornet or signal horn. The coils are connected at their lower end to form a dripping chamber for receiv ing the saliva which accumulates In the stem. "Each cnl! has an independ ent opening into the dripping chamber and a uerew cap nt the bottom gives access to It for the removal of the accumulated saliva. The smoke, In passing through the colls of the stem, is drained several times of saliva and nicotine. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY WANTED Clean cotton rags at the Journal Office tf WHOEVER TOOK CHILD'S sweater from) Prinevllle public school will please return to Trl-Stato Oo.,'s store. 46t2p of the thirty-six hour savage dance over the grave of the poor victim, and found, greatly to their surprise that neither the victim nor those who par ticipated had any appreciation of the " Captured by FINAL INSTALLMENT OF Martin Johnson's Cannibals i AT THE LYRIC THEATER Friday and dreadfulness of the ceremony. They found a land where a sixty day .death vigil was held by the near est relative over the grave of the de parted, the next of kin remaining In the burial ground, usually reclining JUDGE GARY E. H. Gary, head of the United States Steel corporation, which is in volved in a great strike. BRITISH RAILROADS STOPPED BY STRIKE London. Great Britain Is Involved In the most extensive strike In the country's memory. Stoppage of the entire railway sys tem opened the first battle In English history directly between the govern ment and organized labor. Both sides were highly organized and were pre paring for a finish fight. With more than half a million men affected by the walkout and the coun try's whole transportation system par alyzed, the government's first prepara tions were to prepare against starva tion. The railway men's strike, which has Creat Britain In its grip, is of a differ ent nature from ordinary labor dis turbances because the railways are under government management Therefore there Is no question of the government maintaining neutrality between the employers and workmen. X on the grave for a full two months, while other brought food for him. Their iidtentui with King Nag apate of the ' Itist Numbers" tribe waa the most thrilling of their jour- Cannibals " OK THE NOITII HE Art Itinlogrnplinl at the rlk i. lilc , MUM IOCSLY OltHilYU -I'M ON VEXTIONAIc . HTAHTI.INU rUTTRES Ol' H.tVAt.ES .NAKED, TRK.At IIHtOI H, MAN-KILLING AND KKKOIENTLY MAN-EATING. SELECTING IIRIDEM FOR MAIUUAGi: TRAPPED IIY MAN EATERS III ItVING THE DEAD ALIVE SIXTY-DAY DEATH WATCH The moat sensational motion picture ever taken, a first-hand visit to the land of the human brute. Saturday tiey and furnishes much of the ma terial for "Captured by Cannibals." They had been told that on the Is land of Mallleola lhm llvu.l ihi. f... ocloua Nagapate, the head of a tribe of man-eating savages, who lived In EZRA PROVED TRUE PROPHET His Prediction That Funeral and Mar riage Were Before Him Turned Out to Be Exact Last week a friend drifted In from the Old Home Town, now 'JO yearn back of me. and we had a Rcamm of gossip about the old acquaintance which wa soul aailxfylng. Some of the stories were pathetic, some were sordid, some were humorous, hut all of them Illustrated phases of life In a country town. Perhaps this one about Ezra was the best. When I left the Old Home Town Ezra was the possessor of a wife whom he had hud for 25 years or more, snd who was In fairly good condition, although a little deaf, as might well be, for no woman ever talked more fluently or more willingly than did her husband. For some rea son she was taken III and died, and Ezra mourned her for a time, not an exceedingly long time, snd then he be gan to take notice and presently mar ried again. This wife No. 2 was, of course, a later model, hut she, too, fefl 111, and the phylclan advised an operation. Ezra hired an automobile and went with her to the hospital, where the physicians told him that there was lit tle hope that she would recover. He went home sorrowfully, and finally he broke out to the driver In this way: "Good Ird, I've got to go through It all again bury this wife and then get another one!" And he was a true prophet for things happened Just as he predicted. Hartford Couninr. ' ANY FOOL CAN FIND FAULT Practically Impossible for Any Prop osition, However Good, to Be Absolutely Without Flaw. There Is nothing however good hnt n person may find some fault In It if he Is determined to do so. There Is nothing perfect thnt Is of man's mak ing. There Is nothing that man origin ate or performs hut what contains more or less of his wenkness. Worth, like water, must stay below the level of Its source. It Is quite natural that a person should dissent. The scientists dispute as much as the theologians. Every time one obtains 'a new stand point he changes his opinion. Every time he meets n friend, he finds thnt he differs. So we must make up our minds to disagree In the right spirit, observes the Ohio State Journal. If we don't do that and our disagreement falls Into 111 will and anxletVj then we become regal splendor, king feared "by his people and the ruler of a harem of sixty wives. They landed on the Island and were led toward the "garden" of the king bv natives and their own quldes. They met Nagapate In the Jungle where lie surrounded I hem with sav ages of his bodyguard and attempted to lake them captive. The two whites were alone In this deserted lungle land, betrayed even by their own men. They were armed, hut so were the savages, and their guns were useless. Johnson thoroughly frightened and I Mrs. Johnson virtually paralysed with fear, stood their ground, ll turned his rsmera crank helplessly as the Ravage ruler gaxd Willi lustful eyes on pretty Mrs. Johnson. As they were grabbed by Naga pate's men a Hrltlsh man of war steamed Into the harbor below. The harbor was visible from the Jangle plateau on which they were held. Savage I null net told the cutiulha! chief that the battleship had come to rescue Ibe Johnsons. tiullly con science, If a cannibal king has a con science, effected the prisoners' re lease. The Johnson fled, through the Junitle to the seashore, The arrival of the warship was merely a coincidence. It steamed away before the Johnsons reached sufiey. When they got to the beach (he savage Nagapate had sent word to catch them. The bench near their little schooner was guarded by savage warriors. Ily another stroke of good fortune they had emerged from the Jungle a few hundred feet from the waiting watchers and under the rover of darkness managed to reach their little ship and make ihelr escape from the land of tho "Itlg Numbers." Martin Johnson declares hl ad venture with Nagapate and his cruet tribesmen waa the most exciting In cident In his life, which has been fill ed with exciting experiences. Little Ileo Alexander, the hit of "Hearts of the World." and "The Turn lit The Itoad," plays with BESSIE BARRISCALE In "JOHHELY.VH WIFE" Platurlzcd from the popular novel by Kathleen Norrls at the Lyric Sunday enemies "of the tniTh and social pests besides. The person we earnestly and candidly disagree with msy be right snd ourselves wholly wrong. It would make us feel very absurd sometimes) In the midst of a violent controversy, to hsv s sudden light let In on the controversy and show our adversary entirely right. The safest thing, so far as one's conduct toward him Is con cerned Is to rememl.cr he may be right and treat him accordingly. Markings of Horse's Cost It Is found that there Is a very defi nite connection between the coat color of hordes and the frequency with which white markings occur. Thus the latter are by far the most com monly associated with the chestnut color. And not only are they the most prevalent In chestnut horses, but It Is sIko. of course, a well-known fact that the markings are apt to be more ex tended In nature In the case of this color than In thnt of any other. Chest nut, therefore, apparently possesses so to speak, a special affinity for these markings. Ray ranks next as regarda the degree of frequency with which white markings appear In horses of this color, although It comes a good way behind chestnut In this respect Then follows brown, while the white marks are met with less frequently among black and roan colored horses. OMAHA MOB TRIES TO LYNCH MAYOR Omaha. An altercst to lynch Mayor E. P. Smith was made Sunday after noon by the mob which later hanged William Brown, negro. The mayor hail gone to tho court house to consult with 8herlff Clark. Emerging from the counthouse, he met the mob and begun to make an appeal for law and order. Somebody shouted "lynch him" and a member of the mob threw a rope around his neck. Half a dozen men dragged the mayor half a block and threw the loose end of the rope over a trolley pole. Twice thpy drew the mayor's body from the ground. Each time two po lice officers cut the rope. i Following the second attempt the off'cors succeeded In getting the may or Into a police motor car and rushed him to a surgeon's office nearby.' Tha mayor waa blooding from his mouth and nose and, after a brief examina tion by physicians, was taken to ft hospital.