orronEix a, 1010. CROOK OOCTITT JOCRXAL PAGK It II TO RAISE HEALTHY CHICKENS Lack of Vigor In Newly Hatched Chleka It Often Traceable to Weakneee of Parent (Prepared bv the Unite Hutu Dprt menl of Asriculture.) To be successful In raising ehlrkcna It la necessary to have health? and vigorous breeding atock. for the lark of vigor In the newly hatched chicks la often traceable to weak parent. Only the most vigorous and the brat grown hlrda ahould ba put In Ilia breeding yard. Kai h bird should be full of llft ami energy and free from any wrlou deformity. Yearling hen are timinlljr better t tin n pullet for breeder, fur the reason that the hen are inure mature and do nut Iny an ! many rutin (luring t tic early winter, and consequently do nut reduce their vitality an much before the breeding Season. Vlgnrou hen 2 to 4 yeara bl run often be advantageoUKly retained In the breeding yard. The male, bird chosen ahould be young unit active. An early hntrhed. well-dcvcl- m K Pi I Healthy and Vlgoroua Farm Flock. oped cockerel la UNiiully aatUfactory, or a good vlgoroua yearling or 2-year-old cock may be chosen. The hern awed for bredlng purpose ahould be given tha beat cure possible; they ahould ba provided with large runs, and ahould out be forced for heavy egg production during tha early winter. DIPPING CHICKENS FOR LICE Likely to Become Mora General Than Dipping Cattle Beeauee Peat la More Numerous. (Prepared br tha tTnliwt Rtatea Depart mant of Agriculture.) Dip that chick I" It lan't dona Just for the anke of making a rhyme for "dip that tick," either. Dipping chick ana la likely to become more general than dipping rattle, because the Chicken Inline la a more widely dlstrlb tited Insect than the cattle tick. Tha "dip" consist of 1 ounce of aodlum fluoride to the gallon of water, which ahould he at a temperature of 70 to 83 degree. The dipping ahould be done on a clear, warm day never on a cold dny. The old way of getting rid of chicken lice wua by dusting with dry aodlum fluoride. It waa effective, but In the case of large flocks It waa alow and wasteful, a great deal of the duatlng material being Inevitably lout. Recent dipping experiments proved successful, and the results promise a euro and apeedy menna of getting rid Of one of the worst pests of poultry. UP-TO-DATE SUMMER HOUSES Colony Plan of Homing Poultry May Ba Adopted to Advantage or a Great Number of Farm. (Prepared by the United BUtee Depart ment of Agriculture.) The curtain-front or partial open front house la conceded to be the beat type for moat aectlona. The colony plan of housing poultry may be adopted to advuntage on many farms. This system dues away with the dan ger of tainted anil. The roosts ahould be built on the ante level, 8 feet from the floor, with ft dropping board about 6 Inches be low them. Good roosts may be made of 2 by 2 Inch muterial with the upper edges rounded. The nests may he placed on the aide walla or under the dropping boards. It la best to have them dark ened, as the hens prefer a secluded place In which to lay. DOIJLWNOIEC Let the hens help themselves to a dry mush. Market white-shelled and brown shelled eggs la separate packages. Ship or deliver eggs at least twice or three times weekly.' Cull the flock so us to eliminate the early inollers and other unprofitable producers. Infertile eggs will withstand mar keting conditions much better than fertile eggs. Murket hens which you do not wish to carry longer as soon as they stop hiving and begin to molt In the late summer or fall INVITES YOU TO PRINEVILLE We Invite You While taking in the Fair, to make your purchases from us. Our stock of Drygoods is being added to constantly by express and freight. Our stock of Shoes is big. Our Grocery stock is the largest in Crook County and is fresh and clean. We Can Save You Money OUR BIG VOLUME OF BUSINESS BRINGS OUR EXPENSE OF DOING BUSINESS DOWN TO A VERY LOW FIGURE WE HAVE NO HIGH RENT TO PAY WE ARE JUST AROUND THE CORNER BUT IT PAYS TO WALK J. E. STEWART & COMPANY PRINEVILLE, telephone 2u OREGON EQUAL TO THE EMERGENCY American Genlua Quickly Produced Precision Blocke Accurate to Millionth Part of Inch. One of America's little-known war romances la revealed by John H. Van Ieventer In his story of precision gauges, which appears In Everybody's. Virtually all of our munitions had to be made to limit gauges which had to be corrected by meana of precision blocks to within a few mllllontha of an Inch. 'Twenty yeara ago," wrltea Mr. Van Deventer, "a Swedish tool maker named Johansson made lip hla mind that the millionth of an Inch was the coming thing hunted during nine years for a practlcul way to get It and got It. How? Nobody knows ex cept Johansson, and he won't tell. For over nine years he kept everybody guessing. Our best ahops Imported his blocks and used them for check ing the gauges. , "Then came the war, with Its won derful stimulation of American ge nlua. With It came also the need of being Independent of the old world In the matter of gauges. "The war took E. C. Peck away from bis job of running a great fac tory In Cleveland and brought him to Washington to take charge of the gauging of ordnnnce products. It brought William U. Hoke of St. Louis to the bureau of standards, with an Idea of how to produce precision blocks. Colonel Peck and Major Hoke got together, and In six months were turning out precision blocks accurate to the millionth pnrt of an Inch." IS LARGEST OF INDUSTRIES Statisticians Figure In Billions When They Make Computations of Live Stock Business. The live stock Industry Is the larg est and, In more than one sense, the most Importnnt Industry In the United Stntes. Its extent, measured by the value of live animals, amounts to more than $8,000,000,000. Its Im portance rests In the necessity for live stock to consume the products of farms and ranges, 80 per cent of which, according to census reports, Is fed to live stock; In the maintenance of soil fertility, which cannot be kept up con tinuously and economically without a considerable number of animals as a part of the farm system; In the In dispensable place which animal food occnples In the American diet, of which It mukes up 38 per cent, based on the average consumer's food-expense account; and Anally, In the far reaching Influence which the growing, fattening and marketing of live stock haa upon the social and economic wel fare of all classes of people. Including producers, distributors, and the meat consuming public. Tbe slaughtering and meat pack ing business la the largest manufac turing Industry In the United States, according to the United States census of manufacturera. The sales of live stock in the Chicago market alone to taled nearly f 1,000,000,000 In 1018, or over $3,000,000 a day, and the dally sales at all of the centralized live stock markets of this country total close to $20,000,000. England Harbors Ex-Queen. England will sown he the land of Ave queens, a potential and powerful group either In politics or poker. Tbe figure resemhles a misdeal, but It Is ex plained by the fact that England has a queen and a queen mother, while there are In England the one-time queens of two other countries. They are soon to be joined by another. Em press Marie of Russia. ' She and the two other foreign ladles are deep Id unhapplness three of the saddest queens, as an observer has remarked. In modern history. The two whom Empress Marie will Join are Empress Eugenie and the queen mother of Por tugal. These three women plainly tell the story of greatness. One of them was driven from her throne and her son was killed fighting for another coun try; another was exiled after having been robbed of her husband and son, and her other son driven from the throne ; the last was widowed and her son, her grandson and her grand daughters brutally murdered. Try a little old Classified Ad in the Journal Oaks Cafe 441 MAIN STREET A British Invention for the relief of aeronauts making voyages over exten sive stretches of WHter consists of a more or less circular gas bag In the center of which Is stretched a "floor" of heavy fabric. Ordinarily, the raft Is carried by the airship In the de flated state; but In the event of acci dent It can be lufluted In a few min utes to form a most serviceable raft. Tbe bug Is really a series of bags, each being Inflated through a separate air valve. Simple oar locks and ti pair of onrs are provided for propulsion purposes. Open For Business MONDAY, SEPT. 29 i Newly Equipped Modern Throughout Will Deliver a 24-Hour Service Gi ive U s a Trial