CMTOUKIl 8, lOli'i PAGE 10 CROOK COUNTY JOVRNAL a 1 nn : The New Standard Oversize Extra Heavy Non-Skid FMSTON. Fabric Tire Guarantee 6,000 MILES Cord Tire Guarantee 8,000 MILES We have a stock of over One Hundred Tires on hand. After having tried out eight of the differ ent makes, we have found the New Stand ard Oversize Firestone gives the "Most Miles Per Dollar." Lakin Hardware "WHERE IT PATS TO TRADE" ,M.X.i 260 Fine Wool Ewes Heavy Shearing Strain, 6 and 7 years old. 40 head Yearling Ewes. For sale at a reasonable price. Are In excellent condi tion. Call at this office or write to. BEN TAYLOR or ED McGREER Antelope, Oregon Is Your Money Supporting the Governrnent? At this critical period In our history our manufacturers are offering their mills and our young men are offering their services to the United States government. Would you like to do your share and help, by putting your money where it wilt support the new Federal Reserve Banking System, which the government has established to stand back of our commerce, industry and agriculture? Tou can do this by opening an account with as as part of every dollar so deposited goes directly Into the new system, where it will always be ready for you when wanted. Member Federal Reserve System FIRST NATIONAL BANK WANTED- All the Hides you can furnish. I will pay for green hides 20c and dry HIDES-30c and the same ,rice for long wool sheep pelts. It you have anything else In that line ship it to me at Prinevllla and get your money. Also horses bought, sold and exchanged. -iff r. FRANK WINER THE COMPROMISE Sy GLADYS P. ANOERSEN. Mrs. 4dama was making prepara tions for the noon meal when the door opened quickly and girl about six teen rushed in. qnlts out of breath. Tin here at last mother." Mrs. Adams glanced up from bar work. "I was calling Vivian she said. "Why. mother, I am Vivian." The girl threw back her curly head an1 laughed merrily. "Won't yon ever be able to tell us twins apart r "1 thought by the way you came In through the door 'twas Virginia. She always comes in like a shot from a gun. Where have you girls heenr "IHiwn by the river. The wind blew so we did not hoar you when you first called." "Well." said Mrs. Adams. "Miss Emery hns Just been here and Invit ed both of you girls to her musleale next Wednesday evening. "She snld ; was Blnr to be Jint fraud. Professor West, wbo hns jiw returned from France. Is cuing to sine. He Is Sergeant West now, vou know." "You said she Invited us both?" Vlvlnn gasped. "Yes, dear, nnd I am afraid ymi have a hard time decMinj;." her m,. ti er answered. "There's nothing to decide. It's Vir ginia's turn. I went to the sn. last month, you know. (h. h.m I wish we hail more than one : .'it dress!" she exclaimed passionately. It was not until Wednesday morn ing that Vivian appeared to cheer up somewhat. She had a consultation with her mother, who Interrupted her by exclaiming, "It will never do. Of course there's no harm In It, hut If ynu get Into any trouble, don't blame anyone but yourselves. "No one will ever know about It." responded Vivian confidently. Til go down to the village now and call at Mrs. Blake's. I know she will be willing." Mrs. Blake lived across from Miss Emery's, and she received Vivian cor dially. That evening, Virginia, In her pink silk muslin that belonged to her and her sister Jointly, went timidly up the path leading to the Emery home, feeling very happy. Miss Emery, In beautiful brocaded Ilk, was passing through the hall when Virginia was shown In by the butler. "Which one Is Itr she asked. Tm orry you both couldn't have some." Virginia was placed where she could see everyone who played or sang. Then she gave herself up to enjoy, ment. She watched Sergeant West eagerly. It was only In dreams thst she had ever heard such tones. Sergeant West saw her and met tha vivid glance of her eyes. He turned to his hostess and said. "Can that young lady slngT "Indeed she can," answered Mlsa Emery proudly. The next moment Virginia felt a hand on her shoulder. She looked admiringly Into Sergeant West's face. "Will you sing for me?" he asked. "I will plsy fur ypu and you may sing what you please. Are you will ingr "I'll try," she answered shyly. It was nearly an hour later that Sergeant West again remembered the girl. "I want you to Ring once more," he said. "I have a plan. Tou have a voice, and with teaching, you could become a singer. Perhaps I can ar range to give you a couple of hours each week." "I'm afraid I am a bit timid," said the girl, "but since you ask me I will try." He was sorry for her as she stood by the piano. Her face was very white, and her lips almost stiff. "Have courage," said the singer. "Ton did so well before." The accompaniment began; but when an untutored, but rich contralto voice commenced the song there wss a sudden discord among the keys of the piano, and Sergeant West wheel ed ahont and stared at the trembling girl beside him. "What does It mean?" cried the artist. "It cannot be possible that this girl has two distinct singing voices, one very high and the other very low." The girl at whom everyone was now looking, tried twice to speak he fore she could say a word. Then she stammered. "I I am the other twin If you please, sir." "You are not the one that sang first?" he asked. "No, sir, that was my sister, Vir ginia. It was her turn with our dress " Vivian stammered, then was silent. One half-hour before, Virginia hud slipped out unobserved nnd met her Rlster at Mrs. Blake's. In their hurry In exchanging gowns. Virginia had not told her sister she had been obliged to sing. The next mnrnlrre Sergeant West a We have on hand ONE TOURING CAR AND ONE ROADSTER From the Carload of Fords recently unloaded OVERLANDS We have One Model 90 yet to be sold INLAND AUTO CO. PRINEVILLE, OREGON For Good Meals at Reasonable Prices Try the Orofino Restaurant and Cafe GEORGE J. RIBELIN, Proprietor Prineville, Oregon returned to New Tork. While ha was waiting for his train, he saw two girls In plain gingham gowns, hurry ing down the road. It was Virginia that spoke for both. "Sergeant West, we could not help coming to see yon off and to thank yon." Happiness shone In two pair of eyes when he answered, "I .shall not forget the lessons I am to give you when I return next month." (Copyright, 1K1K, Met lure Newspaper Syndicate.) Farmers Exempt From Anti-Trust Law Washington. Before passing the general deficiency bill, the houBe again exempted from proBecutlon under the anti trust laws all organizations of la borers and farmers combining to In crease wages or maintain reasonable prices for farm products. OVER 1,500,000 CALVES IMMUNIZED AGAINST BLACKLEG THROUGH THE USE OF BLACKLEG AGGRESSIN ONE TREATMENT IMMUNIZES FOR LIFE. SAVES REVACCIN NATION. WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLET. PURITY SERUM CO., Box 1788 SPOKANE, WASHINGTON At Your Service The officers and resources of this bank are available at all times in assisting you to solve your financial problems. We do both a Savings and Commercial Business Capital and Surplus $50,000.00 CROOK COUNTY BANK PRINEVILLE, OREGON Just like money on interest Classified Ads work while you sleep. Classified Ads save steps and worry.