CoMoty Journal COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER OF CROOK COUNTY CITY OFFICIAL PAPER FOR CITY OF PRINEVILLE tol. xxm. PRINEVILLE. CROOK eOCCTT, ORBGON, OCTOBER a, 1019 NO. 47 Crook $220,000 ROAD BOND ISSUE TO BE AIRPLANE AT PRINEVILLE-HITCHaL OPENING DAY OF INTER STATE FAIR SUBMITTED ABOUT NOVEMBER FIRST SUMMIT PRAIRIE TRIPJSPOPULAR BRINGS LARGE CROWDS TO GR0OS PETITIONS BEING CIRCULATED FOR SPECIAL AL rrL EXHIBITS IN SOME CLASSES ARE COMING IN ELECTION TO MEET EMERGENCY SLOWLY, SOME ELABORATE WAITS FOR CLEAR WEATHER LIVESTOCK IS BONG MOVED - ELECTION NECESSARY TO INSURE . - RAIN IMPROVES TRACK FOR CROOKED RIVER-POWELL BUTTE ROAD r vw " SPEED EVENTS, ENTRIES GOOD , 7 After considerable discussion with Many of Prlneville's braver motor- FUND WILL BE USED FOR OCHOCO, BEAR.' AGGREGATION OF CONCESSIONS vatlon of maps at the local Forestry the very unfavorable weather of the CREEK, PAULINA, AND OTHERS lXX iZTtiX eve,,t-8nd en" EVER SEEN IN THIS PART OF STATE Dayvllle, where It should take on gas; , Road construction makes speed Ira- thence to Illg Summit Prairie for possible on some parts of the road . . more ens and nn In Prlm.vlllo Vr.l- ... i. ., - .. i u onal UMV unty V?. JlliOuoO III road bonds of this cou U an curly date will be submitted the voters at a Special election which will bo culled by the county court of this county tomorrow, acting on po- tltlons which are now lining clrcuUled ankliiK the court to take this action. The (lute of tho elect! in will per- kit pa he about November I, althc.iiKh no definite date has been (leiermlned upon. Twenty days will bo necessary for proper notice atur the notices are: posted, however. The election at this time l. n. aary because of the fact luul $50,000 ia d,,tanr" of 12 mp, n r less, additional Is necessary to Insure the nd terminating at or near the quar Croked Klver-Powelt Uulte road,'tnr eornriT on the Wet ! of Sec and while the matter Is being sub- 30 lna ,ame township and range muted to the voters, the highway i 't herein mentioned" coninilsslon requested Judge Wallace! Tna '-ontmrt for the construction to have road program submitted of ,ne C1"00'1 R'rer Highway is to that would care for the road noeds of,1' let durl" October, the county for the next three of four " years, which was decided upon at ! meeting of taxpayers at the court i HTATE GUARANTEES OCHOCO house Friday evening. I HONI) J.VTEREHT The matter of just how the funds should bo used was discussed at length, and It was decided to bond for'! the limit, which Is $220,000. and ls-j! i... i....... . . " ' sue the bunds as fast as the State and V ! nation w nn PKim 111 inHfl uDtni wnriu and nut eh the fund received from thai! sale of ou Diir bonds. I A brief but well delivered address by Mr. Tkiwen superintendent In chargo of the Ochoco road construct-) ' Ion now under way, emphasized the..,........., , fact that the Nation and Slate ,;ARMhMAN WORKMW BANQICT now In the act of bullillng roads and every county that contemplates any construction should get their plans under wny and have them acted up- Miss Sullivan, who Is the Crook coun cil l ttiii I , i r i, I .. .1 u Ah.ila.mnH " V. n A-hahIk n.ll.l to liiindle them. ... . The proKram'aa outlined will mean' the expenditure of more Hum $750.- 000 on the roads of this county with-' In the next three or four years, which i whon added to from various other funds and sources will total practi cally a million dollars. It was also brought out that the In terest on these bonds will be cared for In part from the Increased auto mobile license which will he paid to the counties, beginning next year. A committee was appointed by the chairman, Dr. Rosenberg, to draft! necessary papers. The commute Is: Wlllard H. W'lrtz. W. F. King, and E. J. Wilson The respective roads, the amount to be spent on each and their terminals as decided upon by the committee and as will appear on the ballot are as follows: "Total IsRiie to be voted, $220,000, divided as follows: "Fifty thousand dollars to complete Crooked River Highway as at present projected beginning at the Southwest corner of Section Eighteen In Town ship 15 S. R. 14 E of W M on the boundary line between Crook and Poschuteg counties . and running thence generally In an easterly and southeasterly direction through the City of Prlnevllle and terminating near the southwest cornor of the outhwest quarter of Sec. 17 T. 16 8 R 18, E' of W M, approximately at the Shorty Davis place, so-called, length of road, 46 miles, more or less. "Ninety thousand dollars on a rond beginning at or near the Southwest corner of the Northwest quarter of theSouthwpflt quarter of Sec. 17 In T 16 S R 18 E of W M (Shorty Davis place) and running thence in a gon eral southeasterly direction upon the most practicable route along Crooked River for a distance of 34 miles more or less, to the steol bridge across the South Fork of Crooked River at or nenr the quarter corner on the F.ast side of Soo. 14 in T 17 S R 22 E of W M; , "Forty thousand dollars upon the Ochoco Canyon Rond, beginning at a Junction In the City of Prlnevllle with the Crooked River Highway and running thence in a general easterly and northeasterly direction upon the most practicable route along Ochoco Creek for a distance of 20 miles, more or less, to the R. E. Jones Saw Mill near the center ot Sec. 18 In T 14 S R 1 9 E of W M ; "Thirty thousand dollars upon a road beginning with a Junction with the Crooked River Highway as at present projected at the mouth of Bear Creek near the Southwest corner of the Southeast quarter of the South east quarter of Sec. 12 in T 17 S R 19 E of W M and running thence alone rna i.i'u nr i no ma p.inta a n n n rnnn iear Creek, If practicable, to a Junc- Hon with the present Hear Creek ' d a or ,.? 7h Nnrihwi ?r lioad at or near the Northwest cor-1 nJl "f.l:e lqur ' M1! I HuulheaHl Quarter nf Rue. 811 In T 1)1 S It 19 12 of W M (Hickman place for a distance of 25 miles more or Jt'is ' "Ten thousand dollurs upon a road beginning with a Junction with the ('rooked ltlver Highway as at present 'projected In the City of Prineville and ; running thence In a general north- westerly direction crossing the Prlne-1 vlllc - Willow Creek (Grimly) road at I or near the Southwest corner of Sec-1 'tlon 35 In T 13 S R 16 E of W M for The State executed a contract r?n '"in ln? "teret on the 1'"0:000 .b?d .'.""V??. by I the Ochoco Irrigation Dintrlrt nn Tuesday of this week. . - ..... .. ' ,ne rlnal ctlon ,n .re- "i.."n" V",n lleyn lhna owners unaer project of tax payments for the i next three years. m Miss TIazel Sullivan returned last Wednesday from a visit to Portland. Workers, attended a luncheon at the Hotel Portland Sun.lnv. which was tended by local officials and county I chairmen, at which time preliminary Plans were laid for a drive in Oregon. l'HINKVII.I.K PEOPLE VISIT OLD HOME AT I.KIS.WON Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Zell of Piinevllle, arrived here Saturday for a visit with B. H. Irvine and family. They are on their way home from a trip to California. They were early residents of Lebanon, being pioneers of 1852 and 53 and were married here 67 years ago. Mip. Zell Is a sis ter ot Mrs. B. H. Irvine, deceased. She is 86 years of age They re moved from here to Crook county In 1899. Lebanon Express. LAM) 1UH IN THE EAST R. W. Breese returned last week from a month'g visit in Indiana and Illinois. Mr. B reuse reports the peo ple of that section are land crazy as land that will produce corn at the av erage of 40 bushels per acre Is selling for $400 and $500 per acre and some going as high as $750. Some of these people should come to Crook county wnere tney can got as good land at $76 to $100 per acre. R. A. WARD GIVES TALK R. A. Ward of the First National Bank of Bond was a visitor in this I Jflction, la8t Frlday and took advan- tnge of the occasion to be present at the Commorclnl Club luncheon where at the request of the chairman Dr. Rosonborg he gave a very instructive talk on "rabbit extlrmination" of which subject he Is a recognized au thority, having spent many years in the study of rodent extermination throughout the entire western coun try. WEATHER RECORD FOR WEEK Cooperative Weather Observer D. P. Adamson furnishes the following record of temperatures and rainfall for the past week: Date High Low Sept. 24 83 Sept 25 v 86 Sept. 26 83 Sept. 27 71 Sept. 28 60 jg 33! Sept. 29 68 23 Sept. 30 65 29 October 1 23 In. rain The rainfall for the month of Sep- tember was .91 inches, the most since Aprll. . i . . ? " ? " nv-lla- ,Fo1" and other Place are rouKh and buraP I nf Ut .Ul8 ,,h,!du'8 tho machine but throughout the roadbed Is firm, unU(jd afuy , the Connel fieid at'and the trip can be easily made with- B'f Summit Prairie about noon Tue.-u? dama?e t0 the car -oTlU occu-1 uay, nepicmner 3U. Un account of tne neavy log nanging over Lookout Mountain It was considered unwise to come on Into Prlnevllle until better weather conditions obtained. Consid ering the fact that the country was entirely new to the pilot of the mach ine and also the fact that he was guided entirely by natural land marks to reach his objective It Is rather re- markable that a landing was made without mishap. It U understood that the machine will come to Prlne vllle Just as soou as the weather will permit. The nreaent rain ilnrm which nvl dently has been general throughout j taxed to Its utmost in caring for the! this part of the country will probably crowd. . finally eliminate all fire danger for! Music for the closing day was pro-: this season. This will make it pos-jded by the Prlnevllle band. sible for field men to give attention to On Saturday, several bunches of j other work which must always take livestock were encountered on thej second place to Jlre protection. drive between Prlnevllle and Mitch- Wire bat been purchased to con vert the present Forest Service grounded telephone line np Mill Creek Into a metallic circuit aa far as Cabin w. th ..there will be a grounded Forest vice line to Divide Station. This auuuiii tuanv jtubbiuib ejiueimui service I -1- . . I 1 1. UI. 11 . . I .. - w uie Buo.e uuonoui ommm lor e season. I - A second sale of 60,000 feet of yel- loy pine has Just been made to Todd , & Hamlin, owners and operators of the Muury Mountain Sawmill. at-Wion of the Forest indicates that neceni onsarvauon 01 range over a this fall will probably be similar to 'ast ran wnen eany rains maae green fend all over the ran ires thus mnkine it possible for stock to gain flesh and , irrnw into excellent ennHitinn hofnre severe weather sets in. THE OAKS CAFE . . . .. I lha flt nf the week with a rimh . i 'l wu" " tus"' They are giving a twenty-four hour!"1"" V " , kT ' service, have three ot the beat chefs;801116 ot your neighbors. obtainable and are giving to their patrons the very best that the market affords. Needless to say their house is extremely popular as Is evidenced by the crowda thronging the place at meal time. A NEW MEAT MARKET Bostwlck and Cox have this week opened a new meat market near the Ochoco bridge, known as the Ochoco Market. They recently purchased and installed up-to-date equipment and are prepared to handle all kinds of fresh and cured meats, fresh fish, vegetables and fruits, STOCK SHIPMENTS FOR WEEK Thirteen Cars of Stock Leave This Point For Markets Sunday, Sept. 28, C. Stearna, 2 cars of BheeD A Sehwartzer 2 cars of cattle Wednesday October 1, R. G. Ray mond, one car of horses. Wm. McCoy one car of cattle. Saturday, October 4, Wm. Sidford, two cars of cattle. H. J. Lister, four cars of cattle. Fairview Stock Farm, one car of cattle. CIVTL SERVICE EXAMINATION , Tho TT S Pivil Soi-trico fnmmlnatnn announces that an examination will he held at Prineville. Oreeon Post Of- flee for the positions of Clerk and Village carrier on October 25, 1919, to establish an eligible register from, i which selections may be made to fill ! vacancies as they may occur in the positions of clerk and village carrier at the Prineville, Oregon, Post-office. Aee limits 18 to 45 venrs on the date I of the examination. Both men andjjazzer of them all, Little Bit Rinkler women will be admitted to this ex-ion the violin, who, it is said can make amlnatton. Entrance salary $1,000 per annum. Application blanks and: Information may he obtained by ap plying to Miss Stella Hodges, Local Secretary Board of Civil Service Ex - aratners, Prineville, Oregon, or to the Secretary Eleventh V. S. Civil Service District, bus rost urtice Building, Se - iattled Wash. pants, Tho mn-t , . . .h I . w . ,,., ,,.,,.,. t.o, vw vtc. ma fj Zl ll M Ut fUr J?" i In order that the scenery may be en-! Joyed and stops made at the springs enroute and other places of interest. ! A large crowd of people attended ! the evenu which were well staged i and which were put on without aer-! ious mishap until Sunday afterun. when about four o-clock one of the riders, Tip McGee, received serious ! injuries when hU horse and another mount suffered a eolialon, Injuring Mcuee in sucn a manner that he died i during the evening. The capacity ot the little city was en. ' i ne siock was in most instances in good condition. A lot of the trio follows- i . Started from the Journal office In PMncmat, 9:30. School house at Idam 9:47, distance 5.5 miles. Mill m.Di...v.c .- WWCD. . 9:1V, distance 3.4 miles. Ochoco Ser-!Creek at i0:lo diBUnce 9-2 mileg. one band of sheep encountered. Mark's Preek 10:30. 15.1 miles. Jone8. Mnli i0;50( 186 miles; two bands of cattle, one band of sheep on roads near here. Ochoco Ranger Sta- tlon 11:05, 24.1 miles. Ochoco Mines 11:20, 27.9 mileg. Crook-Wheeler ! county line, 11:30, 29.1 miles. Crys- ital Spring on summit of mountain, 11:46, 32.2 miles. Altitude at this nnlnl In K917 faat ohnva aao lavol nr ' more than 2300 feet above Prlnevllle ana aDout z.uoo reel a Dove Mitcneii """ Ranger Station, 12:05, 36.1 miles. Oage ranch at 12:45. where party spent 45 minutes for lunch, distance i42 - 3 miles. Bridge Creek bridge, which is a covered structure and a good one, eliminating every one of the sixteen fords that were formerly oncmintoreH hotveoon thu nninf anrl Mitchell at 3 O Clock, 51.4 miles, li.l.. ill. .! J , METHODIST CHURCH Special services next Sunday, Octo- ership of Prof. Gillett, and the demon ber 5. All members are urged to be i stration work from the grammar present. District Superintendent H. F. Pemberton will preach. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH Sunday school at 10 in the morning. There were 65 present last Sunday. Come and find your class. Evange listic services begin one-half hour earlier. YoHng People's at 6:30. Ev - ening services at 7:30. Sermon top- ic: "A Birthright for Sale." The Misses Stqarns have returned and will have charge of the music. Miss Nora as chorister and Miss Laura will preside at the piano. Come and enjoy a pleasant evening with us. LE McELROY'S JAZZ BAND AT CLUB HALL EVERY NIGHT Cole McElroy's Jazz Band ot Port land, which has added new laurels in this state and parts of Washington will Elve one of their real dances at; the Commercial Club Hall every night .1,. finer tha fair nfi- HTvi-nw hi, .i . ,n.:,iorin o,,',,. t Sylvester, premier accordian player i v. nii -,i.n i I ui iiic i ulilii. vjuasi, null jb o luul i nioto ontortoinor r.f thQ firot macr,,i tude, his solos alone are worth the: nrice of admission. Carl Lorraine, I the Swede comedian, versatile drum- mer and singer, tn the latest song hit? of Broadway. Lorraine will be feat - ured in a saxaphone solo, played on a ' piece of paper. F, R. Miller, who4 doubles on the clarianet and saxa- nhone. is a feature extraordinary. Also don't fail to hear the premier! you laugh and sing, who can make the old folks young and the young folks younger. This band promises to be one of the greatest musical i treats ever heard in Prineville. The 1 original "Mr. Jazz" himself will be ! on hand to help enliven the dancing. 1 Dancing free from 8 to 9 o'clock, I Come early and get started right. Yesterday the opening day of the Oregon Inter-Bute Fair, brought a large and enthusiastic crowd to the grounds regardless of the rainfall of ahmit OR Im.k 4 V. .. lu '"ulI- four nOUTS. The atmosphere was cleared by the rafnfall and duHt eIimlnated rom tne hignwayi for thoge who me by auto. . , . , A. ' D fncom'ni traln ,Ter th,euCity ?' Prln,evil e R- ' den with people fomin8 t0 the 'af. special trains be- ' run accomo coTmi"8 ffora po,ntB toatil ot PHneville Junc- tion- Tw coaches are In use and they T ,illed to capacity on moat incom- CENTRAL OREGOX KI.KS TO ATTEXD FAIR TO ATTEXD FAIR FRIDAY Central Oregon Elks will att- end the Oregon Inter-State Fair . here In large numbers Friday. The Elks' Band, a Bend organ- lzation, will lead a parade of antlered boosters, which will be participated in by more than lOVTrthe plafis of the"organlza-'' tion are carried out. Many will come by auto, while others will come by train to the fair on the above day. THE COCXTV INSTITUTE The Crook County Institute wag a success. From the opening hour of the first day to the close the Interest was unabated. Aside from the loy alrv tr thn tonrniVB vntcn DIVRTI -- : "i goes far toward making interest, the sessions were worm aiienaing oe- - . . ...LTi ;tors. State Superintendent Churchill, j Prof. Brumbach of the Department ' of Psychology at the Agricultural ; College of Oregon, Mr. Almack of : tne extension aivision oi tn state , University, Mrs. Fulkerson, who made I such admirable talks and who repre- Bents the school suoervision deoart-1 .mour, state club leader from the Agn nllnrtl fnMotra nil trava mnot holn- i f.. t ful talks. Not the least interesting were the musical features of the Institute, be ing numbers furnished by the school I orchestra under the competent lead I school. In the latter case the little tots ecqultted themselves creditably, reflecting much credit on their res pective teachers. Two of the high school girls, Misses Blanche and Madge Rowell, gave a vocal duet which elicited much ap plause. The closing hour was devoted to discussion of the Red Cross work and jthe entire Institute pledged itself to j work Wm renewed zeal for the 1 spread of this useful movement. a resolution of appreciation and thanks to the committee in charge ! and to the corps of instructors was j unanimouslv adopted. The institute i formally adjourned at noon Wednes- i dav In order to give the attending teachers an opportunity of visiting ; the fair. JOHN DAY WANTS REVENGE The Crook County High School Football team played the John Day team at John Day last Friday before an immense crowd of enthusiastic fans Mr Evans aceomnanied the team from here and in his comments nn tho p-nmo romnrkeit thnt tho tpnmn ..wr... ....... - . : were verv evenlv matched and that It was one of the cleanest games that ne ever witnessed. At tne ena or tne first, half the score stood 12 to 0 in favor ot our boys. But John Day came ! in strong In the second half and made one toucn flown wnten made tne score at the end of the game 12 to 7 in our favor. The two teams will play here Frl- day forenoon at tne Division FarK. ; John Day is determined to win this game if possible. Our boys are train- inK hard and it promises to be one of the classiest little games of the season. Mrs. George Hobbs and Miss Fay Bussett are attending Teachers' In- ! stitute In Prineville. Miss Bussett Is j a guest at the home or Mrs. Ida Morse while there. Some of the exhibits are coming In slowly, but a large presentation la being made in most lines, and soma excellent qualities are evident In all the displays. The largest aggregation of conces sions ever assembled in the Interior of Oregon line Fourth street for three blocks and are receiving a heavy pat ronage. While the weather has a dampening effect on exhibitors, it release from harvest and other work many who could not attend otherwise, and the remaining days promise to be big ones. Powell Butte NEWS NOTES Mr. and Mrs E. H. Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Roberts were business visitors in Bend Monday of this week, Mrs. Mary V. Charlton, Grandma Spray, and Ch&rles M. Charlton, Jr., attended church in Prineville Sunday morning. E. C. Charlton went to Prineville the first of the week where he will attend the Fair. Geo. Whitsett and J. E. Warner, who went to Idaho last week to attend the land sale at Caldwell, returned Friday. Mr. Warner purchased a 40-acre tract. Henry Whitsett, who went with hig brother, Wallace Whitsett and family to Idaho last week, returned Saturday night and reports a fine trip saw a lot of country, attended the Idaho State Fair at Boise, visited friends at Caldwell and returned to reside more contented at Powell Butte than ever before. Mrs. E. A. Bussett and son, Lloyd, Journeyed with friends on Sunday to the Ice cave. Mrs. Martin Foater, with her twin to visit with her son, Terrill Foster, of Glen Falls, Idaho. Mrs. Roy Roberts disposed of gome chickens to the Redmond market on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Lill and children of Bend and Mrs. Lill's father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor ot Hood River, were guests at the E. H. Stew art home Sunday. Mrs. Gladys Pauls and Mrs. Arthur Milner, are attending the Institute In Prineville this week. Mrs. Mary Brown Is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Henry Young of Redmond; while there she Is taking electric treatments from Dr. Hosch. Powell Butte Sorosis Club held a splendid meeting at the home of Mrs. Carl Fisher September 24. This be ing the first time Mrs. Fisher had en tertained in her new home, the mem bers enjoyed it greatly. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher have just built a modern bun galow, complete in every detail. Dur. ing the business part of the meeting it was decided that a delegate would not be sent to the State Federation, which meets In Corvallis In October. It is the intention of the club to ob serve Thanksgiving with a big family gathering and feast at Community Hall, to which the husbands and the families of the Club members will be invited. The secretary of the Club gives notice of the fact that by a vote of the club it was decided that a mem- i her should notify the hostess at least ; twenty-four hours before the meet- tne of her inabilitV to attend, or be . - I subject to a fine. The next meeting of the club with Mrs. E. L. Iv- , erson at ner nome uciuuer o LADIES' ANNEX MEETS The regular meeting of the Ladles Annav will ho hoM nprt TllpM.lftV. 0et(,ber 7. A program will be given. : At th g . b . meeting matters of civic importance were talked over and many interesting discussions were heard. A committee was appointed to mnke investigations in regard to 1 a oermanent nubile camping ground. i This committee has been at work and an attractive camping place Is assured other committees were appointed to ! make plans for other civic improve- ments and reports on tnese sunjects I will be heard at the October meeting.