KKITKMUKIl 2.V 1010 CROOK OOCNTT JOL'RXAL tolerable, and many of the tiosoltals hive closed for scarcity of food and medicine. Bolshevik robbers for the third time within a abort period have lacked the Russian "tale bank, taking more than 2. 000,000 rubles in cash and man valuables. At Your Service The officers and resources of this bank are available at all times in assisting you to solve v your financial problems. We do both a Savings and Commercial Business i Capital and Surplus $50,000.00 CROOK COUNTY BANK PRINEVILLE, OREGON LOOKING AHEAD A FEW YEARS Remark! That Will Be Merely Ordi nary When the Blimp Has Been Finally Perfected. Augustus Tolllver, the map king, trod wrathful!; out of his stateroom hoard the blimp and selr.ed the trio f th porter; "Idiot I" he roared, "why didn't ynu fife me s call this morning? I told yon I had to he In London for di rector' meeting at 9 a. mi sharp, and now London Is Lord know how many thousands of mile In our rear." "Ah pounded on yo' door, boas, but yo' refuses to waken," replied tbt fKirter. The anap king pulled oat watch. "Eleven-thirty," he fronted dis gustedly. "Where are we nowr "Jest panned over St. Louis, boas; we'll be bsck In N'Tawk at 12:0." "Oh! well." aald Tolllver, "I can ttenil thnt !2:S0 meeting of the soap powder people and catch the 1:30 blimp for tandnn." A small bny was sent to (he local drug atore for an empty bottle, and after waiting his turn the assistant jwitted him and aald: "Well, ilttl) num. what can I do for you?" "oil, I want an empty medicine bot tle," the boy replied. "I rnn't let you have one without Kotni-thlng In It," aald the assistant. To which the little hopeful shyly an-n-i-red : "I suppose It la merely red tape, no above us a cork In." PETROGRAD SOVIET TO ASKJOR PEACE Reports Declare City's Plight Is Serigus and Peace at Any Price Desired. Copenhagen, via London. The city sovtot of Petrograd hai empowered the peoples' commlaaarles to begin peace negotiations with the allies on the Baals of conditions fixed by the allied powers, according to reports received here from Petrograd. Peace Is wished at any price by the Petrograd soviet, the reports declare. No peace offer to the allies has been reported from the central soviet gov ernment at Moscow, and an offer by the Petrograd city soviet would there fore appear to be In the nature of a separate peace proposal by the Petro grad district Living conditions In Petrograd have been reported extremely bad tor some time past. Washington. Swedish press reports from Petrograd say deaths at Petro grad from cholera and dysentery have risen to 200 to 300 a day. Sanitary conditions are reported In- EARLY ACTION ON FOOD ACT WANTED Washington. Continued reports to department of Justice of profiteering in shoes and other wearing apparel and of Increased prices for the new sugar crop caused the department to call on Chairman Itaugen of the bouse agri cultural committee for early action on the administration amendments to the food control act Assistant Attorney-acneral Ames wrote Chairman Ilaugen: "We are also Juat advlaed that the Mollis Sugar corporation of California Is placing the new crop of beet sugar on the market at f 11 SO per )00 against $9. which Is the prevailing price for the old crop. This being a case of Individual action and the new crop not being controlled by the sugar equalization board, the department can not take effective action In the matter until the amendments are passed." The amendments asked are delayed by a dispute between bouse and sen ate over legislation to control rents in the District of Columbia. USED CAR ARGAIM EARLY BUILDING FOR SUCCESS Veuth's Wise Employment of Leisure Hours Means Everything In His After Life. 1 If the young man could only as similate very early In his life the fact that merely to live and eat and drlnl snd sleep, and then die, Is not enough but that he must rob himself of many of the pleasures usually taken np by young men If he means to make his life of the highest possible use to the world, he would set his foot on the pathway to accomplish aomethlng worth while. There Is no harm In billiards or pool or In dancing, baseball or card playing, or any one of the score of different diversions and recreattone open to young men. The natural In clination usually Is to devote a large part of the leisure hours of young man hood to such pleasures. But the youth who Is really earnest In his ambition to do something worth while will dis cipline himself to resist such tempts- El FAIR WEEK VISITORS CALL and 'take a look at ta the following lines: Ladie$ Suits, Coats, Dresses, Waists, both voile and silk. Shoes that are snappy, new Sweaters and Skirts in the newest styles. A new shipment of Ladies Neckwear just arrived. For the men I have Hart, Schaffner & Marx all wool Suits and Over coats and Mens Stetson Hats. My stock is very complete consider ing market conditions. Call and give me the once over. Overland. 1918 model $850 Grant Six, almost new 700 Buick Six, 1917 800 Buick Four, 1917 535 Dodge commercial car 1 8 new cord tires 975 Ford with truck body 350 Overland, model 75 450 Make our rest room your headquarters during the Fair. INLAND AUTO CO . . PRINEVILLE, OREGON tlons during bis early, formative years, for the whole fate of a man Is largely determined by how he utilizes his plas tic years. He may be restricted by circumstances, by environment, by family ties In his selection of his dally work, but every young man, particu larly nowadays, has many hours that he can call his own. and It Is bow he chooses to use these hours that counts most and tells most. Forbes Magazine. SOMETHING MORE THAN FLAY Crippled Soldier Pleasantly Surprised ' at Result of Work at Which He Amused Himself. How ring got a wounded soldier a new occupation In life Is told by the federal board for vocational edu cation, which is helping the handi capped men of the army, navy and ma line corps get back Into the work--day world. A veteran of Bellean wood called upon the board. His left leg gone, he appeared listless and without hope. He sat talking to the adviser, now and then slowly turning a ling on his finger. The adviser, to get the man's confidence, asTted to see The rtng.- The man suddenly became animated. "I made that," he said. "Hammered It out of silver myself, and engraved those figures on the outside. Nothing but some playing of mine," he added. The adviser looked at the ring, noted the engraving, and said : "How would you like to learn en graving?" "Doing thler said the soldier, fin gering his ring. "Say, this ain't work It's Just play." "Let's have a try at it," replied the adviser. The federal board sent' the man to learn engraving, and In a few months he qualified for a good Job In a Jew elry store. Practical Sympathy. James Shaffer of Union town, Pa struck a foreigner who made disloyal remarks and was fined $10, but the I mnnev was naid bv ten members of the local Christian church, who on their way borne happened to stop In the burgess' office. - Each of the men planked $1 down on the desk of the official and the case was ended. WANTED VEAL, HOGS, MUTTON, BEEF, CHICKENS, TURKEYS, DUCKS, GEESE, EGGS, HIDES, BUTTER, AND JACKRABBITS. GIVE US A TRIAL. HIGHEST MARKET PRICK GUARANTEED. PROMPT RE TURNS GULICKSON & CO. Established 1912 109 Front St. Portland, Ore. taowcementl We have purchased the Harness and Saddle Business formerly conducted by W. J. Hughes and are prepared to care for all his old customers and new ones as well. We will specialize in repair of Harness. Saddles, Auto Tops; Boots and Shoes. Farrand's Repair Shop PRINEVILLE, OREGON 0 scai C. Hyde