Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, August 28, 1919, Image 1

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    Crook County Journal.
nuNByujjc. cbook county, oBBGO!trA',jt'H'r ,
roii. xxiii.
NO. 42
Preparation Ileltitf Made 1'or Opt
iniC of HrlimiU. rrMMlor
Hot urn From Broken Top
Myrtle, have (one to White Salmon
for a few day'a vlalt.
Green Board of HlRter wua a vls-
llor with Powell Butte people Mon
day, J. A. Ring I cutting hi wheat on
hi homo forty. A fine, full field It
U, too,
ii . nr.. M I 1. 1 .
ti in , nuitwniirr waa iuiihiiih ' 1 '
k- -.....-....'. i.. 1 ......... .. i. .i - i- w,,nv- 1 "iiii'iv'-ii w i'it'miiu ciniurn
Jl "ZP 'ny l,U '"" " lheM P r,:nd have also purchased new dek
Mr. and Mr. C. 1a Worrell and
Mr. and Mr. A. W, Bayne took a fine
pin In Worrell' new Overland Sun
day. Mr. and Mr. Ogle and two rhll
drnn of Portland, Mr. and Mra. Tweet,
Sr., and Theodore Twtot and chil
dren visited with Mr. Tweet nd chil
dren awhile luat week. Karl Tweet
l,""l,,n"u '"u- ""
visited over Sunday, returning br
train Monday morning.
Mr. J. J. Chapman la enjoying a
vlalt with her sister,
two children of Portl
Mr. Illley and
two children of Portland. Thny are'
on th-lr way to Texa for an extend-
i y'.i r, .. ' ', .... Ipinled by Mr. and Mr. Geo. Well,
Powell rtu He Boro.1 met at the : Prnvnl(, sn(1 mmAtii tho
Community Hall thl week with Monday evening.
Carl Mndqulat a ho.te.. K. Carl Charlton went t" Prlne-
Mr. Carl Fleher ha returned from ,n. Mon,,y t0 .,tenrt ,h. banquet
trip to the Willamette valley. for rPtUrned aoldler and be preaent
Mr. and Mr. J. A. Rlgg are at!,t ,he organliatlon of the American
home from a motor trip through Ore-! Lrr1nn pt at that place.
gon and Waehlngton. They report: Mri, Mrth Toeter ha returned
tln'B , I from an extended vlalt with relatives
Mr. and Mr. Arthur Mllner have ,n)1 trnn In the Wllamette valley.
relumed from a ten week camping j C.0f jrneadale and family and
trip In the mountain. Mr. Mllner , .rank K1,ir ,nd famy poncrd tt
la feeling fine now and "reated np" fift. ijiiee Sunday.
for her year a ecttooi worn a learner
at Edward achool. -, I vlaltlng with her daughter. Mra. Oen.
Mra. Wm. Arnold and aon. Itamon Trueadale and family. , Thla I Mr,
and Wilbur, have gone to the moun- Frawlev'a flrat vlalt to thl country,
talna to get huckleberrle. j Th. fRm)ea of E. A. Buaaett. Rnaa
Mr. and Mr. Je Lewi and ehll-. Buaaett and Menry Young with a few
dren have retiu-ned to their home at invited gueat plcnleed on the Pea
Vancouver. after pendlng the um- chute Sunday. Thl family party I
mer here with Mra. I.ewla' brother, a fine way to ohaerve the long hot
George and Henry Whltaett. I Sunday and a the Buaaett make It
Mr. Curtla went to Prlnevllle Sat- point to attend Sunday school ho
ur day where ho filed on land located fnre going, no break Is made In their
on Powell Butte.
Second ctittlnR of alfiilfn has com
menced on tho Wuriweiler ranch
Arthur Wurzweller hBR a large crew
rf men and Is rushing the work right
along, while the weather Is fine. He
believes In making hny while the sun
. . . , . t i . . nu
mm, uen, iionnn iihb Rime in j-ui i-
land for. a week' visit before herj
sehool opens September 8 at the Wll-i
son achool. jllVDK PARK ItKI.VG OFFERED
E. II. Stewart left Sunday nlghti FOR SALE IS ACRE TRACTS
with two carloads of lamb for the!
rn't,B"d. m"rkt-Thn" hBTlVK a Hyde Park Is being offered for sale
in l ie nuncn were: jiunea mcimiinii,
I t i, n xj
Geo. Trueadale. Roy Roberts E. N.
w''p "ii " 81cwart'
Two parties from The Dalle, came1
u r-.i,n
up to look ovt tno John iiriscoii
ranch with a view to purchasing ,t .
from Guy Sears, who recently bought ,
It from Drlscoll. Although we have
been Informed that local poople havej
offered a bigger price and may secure'
, . - . n . T-l I
...r- "' r J ' . l " 'J T
viini vniini uuv n Qutt'tum t mm
at the Truosdale home. Returning
they wore accompanied by Mrs. Pow
ell's grandmother, Mrs. Alice Fraw
ley, who will visit with them a few
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oliver and chll-i
dron with Mrs. Oliver's cousin, Miss
Tholma Tucker, have gone to Paisley !
for a visit with Mrs. Oliver s people.
Thoy will return In about ton days.
wi. Tnnin. tw,u,u..r , i ii mm . . ,
home Rhe nuwin n.imv f.-un,i i
Pnnnit nntio whn win ho crirf tn hJ
her visit bore again
Mrs. J. J. Chapman gave a party ro-;
cently for her four charming children,
June, Margaret and the little broth -
.... ...
ers. Twenty-one children spent the
afternoon playing games on the lawn,
after which a delicious luncheon wai
served. Mrs. Frank Kisslor, Mrs. Geo.
Klsslor and Mrs. E. R. Agee assisted
the hostess In entertaining and serv
ing the children.
j i. r , i i
having a great time visiting with theirand sln up at thlB meeting.
Tom ana joun 1,1011111 huvh uoen
brother, Rev. Father Cronin, a Cnth-
olio priest from New Zealand. The;
brothers hnd not mot in many years
and Father Cronin, while on his way!
a TrolnnH 1.1 hi old home and,
. . " ------
also a religious order, stopped off :
to hunt them up.
Father Cronin held services In thej
Catholic church at Bend and took sev-
eral mombers of the Cronin family
Into the church at that time. Tom 'this ceremonial for the success of
Cronin and Dnn Hourlgan went as far ( which great plans are being made,
as Seattle with Father Cronin last j will pay full fare to La Grande and
week on his way to Ireland. take a certificate from the agent sell-
Mrs. Geo. Shobert entertained with , lug the ticket. Noble Horvey Wells
a dinner party in honor of Grandma, will take up those certificates and
Busnett. and Mrs. Scott IToffln one day give them to the La Grande agent,
last week. Those presont besides the who will then sell a return ticket at
family were: Mrs. E. A. Bussott, Mrs, one third the regular rate.
'Mary Drown, Mm. Rom liuasett nd
' (tuiiKhtor, Margaret, Mr. mid Mr.
Ji n Hhohtirt ami two children, Mr.
Martha Foster, Catherln Spray.
Mr. Ham Jucolmon gave a dnllght
ful (lilldrmi'i party In honor of the
little niece of Mr. C. C. Ilrtx, who
la vInIUiik her aunt here. Hit home
I In 8attlo. The refreshment were
len cream arid cake and a fine time U
reported by all the children.
K. A. ilUNRi-tt and Itoaa HumnoU loft
last Thursday with Grandma Burnett
and Mr. Bcott Iloffine, mother and
later of K. A. Ilumctt, to (to to Van
couver, and from there to Hcaalde for
a few dayi' atay, ai Mn. l)uatt woi
anxloua for hnr mother to ana the
ocean. They will b gone about two
week. . '
Mr. and Mr. 0o. Truesdale and
rhlldrnn and Mr. Aid Mra. Geo. Heck
man were guest at the home of Mr.
and Mr. Hardy of Alfalfa last Bun
.1 la i 1 m i i
ner and a delightful vllt.
(Iflo. Truesdale and . Prank Klnalnr
have returned from a prospecting trip
on iiroken 1 op. Thny brought home
uma (tond looking rock and are very
onthuRantlc about thorr find.
The Board , of Director of arhool
district No. 17, Wilson school, have
, . . , .
I Much concrete work ha ben nut
i rn here thla summer. At the Mc-
Dnnlnl ranch a big itorage reservoir
that fumlahea water for house, barn
and yard, alao porch floor and a cel
lar. At the home of Mr, and Mr.
Peterson a fine building for which
a part la ued to house the engine
and dynamo for a Dnloo-Llght ytm.
the other for dlr ni,r,.r,.. Thla
Mmprta n(.w nmo' tne jvtcr.on.
have built thl summer. Henry Han-
r n till ftlan h 1 . 1 1 1.. a haw nl.lnrn 1 1
,. nrk i- Ana v.. a... ..).... oj
'' ,A "
Mr. Alice Frwley of Tacom la
community life, as Mr. and Mrs. Hus-
sett both teach clashes In the Sunday i
.,,h,.(,i i
Little Harriet Wlleoxen. who has
. . ,V . ' Zl.X. r..ln: E(Iwln Mays. Maupin; Kooeri
,1 .""V . " 7 ' "'.""VT:
Ln".l.7 wlITOX?'wrotuTd.t0i
Portland Wednesday to be ready for
the school opening there next Mon
. . . . . .i
In acre tracts or less by R. L. Schee of
. ' ,aHn. I
section of the city. There I good soli
for Irrigation, which mnkos thorn vory
1lralle for the homo builder. Prices
aml U)Tm are vnry reasonable.
Ai unniin bio iuuairu m ni-
Alt A ... ...l .t
'"nn the regular meeting of the lodge
next Monday evening, September 1
The meeting will he held in the K. of
P, hall. A full attendance Is desired
as there are several matters of Im
portance to attend to at this time,
. .-,..,..
! The Crook County Post of the Am
' erlcan Legion will hold 1U first reg-
ular meeting since Its organization
at ,l10 Court House next Tuesday
l1"! 191 9' Te meeting
1aU f"r the purpose of electing a
' d"'rt5ate J01!? s'at" convention,
which ninntd In Pnrrlanri anma (ma In
; : - -
September and also to Rttend to sev-
,0,h',r m",,p,r8 "f Importance to
the local organization. A full at
tendance of all Crook Connty boI-
niers ana sailors is requested, it
vnu haven't nlrendv altrneri nn ii a
- i .l
- - . .... ..w -
i iiiiMiiuer in tne organization, come
.,... ., '
... luo oim.
The Nobles of the Mystic Shrine
vrm ne interested n the rolowing:
Tno Nobios of the Mygtl0 shrine will
ho(1 a ceremonm, at La Grande on
September 6. Transportation wtll
he at the reduced rate of one fare and
one third.. Nobles wlRhinir to nttend
Thl la a picture of the airplane called the Ace-'O-Hearts that will
give daily thrlllng atunt.fllghta at the Inter-State Fair here thl fall.
Thl machine I now In Pendleton making flight and will fly at all
the big fair In the Northwest tbl fall. Lieutenant Roth will pilot
the car and will five an exhibition of flying here that few people
have witnessed.
There will be an opportunity for any person visiting the fair this
fall to make a flight In thl airplane and reservation for ride can
now be made with the manager of the Inter-State Fair.
Grant Mays, one of the leading
stockmen of eastern and central Ore
gon for many yeara, dropped dead of
heart disease at the Belle Court apart
menta In Portland yesterday. Mr.
Muys was 63 year of age and had rairons piease taKe notice ana aij Haying Is over In this vicinity. Al
bcen a resident of. Portland for the , your shopping on Saturday or wait i moat everyone Is riding for cattle or
past four year. He wai a native ot
Wasco county and came to Portland
from The Dalle.
Mr. May returned home only yes
terday morning from Montana, where
he had been on a business trip. He
motored with Mrs. May to the home
of a friend whom they .entertained at
breakfaat and after returning started
to pass Into the next room when he
turned and called the name of his
wife, and dropped to the floor. Dr. A.
E. King, an old friend of the family,
was sumoned and decided that death
had been the result of an apoplectic
stroke. Walla, later the State fair at Yakima. w Foster motored to John Day on
Mr. May waTlce-presldent and , then the Pendleton Round-up then I Thursday
general manager of the Mays Cattle i the State fair at Salem and from Sa-1 Joseph Ronndtree Is farming the
company, operating In Montana. He;lem he will come here for the Inter- Hawkins place at Paulina prairie i
was alao manager of the Mays Broth-i State fair. Miss Phillips of Izee is visiting at
ers' Cattle Interests In Oregon. He This will be a great treat for the'tie H j Lister ranch,
was a member of the Elks lodge 303 I dancer and all that attended hisj rne creeks and water holes are
at The Dalles of which lodge we was dances at the Elk convention at Kla-; dryfngUp 0(j timers In the country
I 1 1 I 1 f T a lnnna
P exaueu ru.r. -
'ow- ton ,M,ay"'
four brothers and two sisters: Benton
Mavs, 1 ne lianes; jr. r. amjo, i-
May.. Edmonton, can.; Mrs. . v
Thompson. Van Nuys, Cel.; and Mrs.
rill probably be held Tuesday:
Dal lea Oreeonlan (Monday). !
i .. .. . k nnn.n i inr.
Bl I lie IHIII i riii" "
Mr Mavs owned extensive inter-
i' rr'ok counav and was well
r.! .v,i. inini't It. vm in
Prinevllle Saturday on his way home
In Portland.
KIIOWU III imo ' . .
The Standard Oil Station here, ex
coptlng the tanks, which have not yet
arrived, is complete and ready for
occupancy. The entire plant has
r'Srsni. this summer under
been constructed this summer umier
the supervision of Omar Wilson, con
tractor, of this city.
Ephriam Stringer died at his home
on Bear Prairie, near Washougal,
Wash.. Aug. 10, 1919. He was born
at Peoria, Illinois, Dec. 2, 1839.
He was a pioneer ot Oregon, having
crossed the plntns with his parents.
Bleuford and Elmlra Stringer, in
1849, was married to Luclnde Beeler
on July 4, 1864. To them were born
eight children, six of whom are still
living. He united with the Baptist
church In early lite, becoming a dea
con. His faith grew more bright, his
hopes more glorious. His desire to
go was greater as he neared the end.
He died as he had often asked to die:
"Just to go to sleep and wake up in
V. -
rcooMes the widow he leaves six
.l.m . nj rtnhprtu Grant of La
mont; Perry Stringer. Washougal;
I i,".in . rinhert Strins-
Kva Hanoi'", r jn.
nknaln. r.F TlollVlie RHQ
""'"'."" .' " T,ll.. onn Tor.
a- nonii r t neater, oi urn -
" - : . t 9
Ha also leaves 22
m nf Portland
grand children and ten great grand
: . ; . . v..,ini
.u.i.: wo oeieeten nis own nui"
place and was laid to rest at Bellvue,
Yamhill county. OreOcn6NTRiBUTEn
...,,.r r. niulil W1T.I, NOT
it Pnia mnnaeer of the In
land Auto Co., has Just returned from
! . . iinniiio where
a business trip w - i.n
he purchased a fine home and leased
a building on the main street from
which point he expects to handle the
distribution of Buick cars tor Yamhill
county. He will not sever his con
nection with the Inland Auto Co., mu
intends to divide his time between tne
two places.
; SEPT. 1
Owing to the fact that next Mon-j
day, September 1, Is a holiday, Labor !
Day, all places of business In the city ;
of Prinevllle, will be closed the en
tire day In honor of the occasion.
Patrons please take notice and di
until Tuesday.
Cole McElroy's Jazz Band will be
In Prinevllle during fair week and
have charge of the dances. This Jazz
band was here two years ago and
will be remembered as the li vilest
organization of its kind ever In the
I Mr. McElroy Is making only the
j larger fairs this season. He Is in
' Spokane at the Inter-State Fair this
: week, the week following at Walla
moth la'n 1 1 a voiantlv will B1m(t that'
'1 " "
, .ur,"8nRQ wo enierw.n -
Hen Taylor and Ed. McGreer of
nniiiiiiiH vpHipr l iv mmm niiitiiiihiii.
allaal i TpTT"r n,,,, , r " M.
from here of one thosand head of mtt Prairie.vlsited friends In this lo-
lambs consigned to Omaha. Part of,cality last week.
Tamaa A n troll woo a Paulina visitor
ine 101 is iroin tnuir own uanus, wuru
have summered at Summit Prairie
and the balance from small bands in
. . , . .
Burke, Adamson, Noble and Lafol -
lette at a price of 9V4c right off the
Ban Puett of Paulina lost an eighty
ton stack of alfalfa hay Monday as a
result of a fire, the cause for which
Is unknown. But it is certain that
,,,, , ,,, ,,,, ,.
it was ignited from the outside, eith
er accidentally or with an incendary
purpose. Efforts were made to save
part of it without avail.
Last Friday City Marshal Price ar
rested AI. Hill, Louis Stancliff, Em
mlt Holman and Hank Holman on a
charge of drunkenness. They were
fined $12.60 each. The fire water
was an imitation vanilla extract.
Mrs. Ruby Lafler last week sold
hor entire stock of millinery and fix
tures to Cornett & Co., who have
moved the stock Into their store and
other lilies An expert trimmer
bo employed, beginning the first of
September, so that anyone desiring a
new hat or an old one remodeled
can get Just what she wants at a reas
onable price in her own home town.
Bear are said to be plentiful in
lie mountains this summer, according!
to the sheepmen who are on their
summer ranges with their sheep. A
number of camnlaints have reached
Tienntv Game Warden Hazeltine. and
the stockmen claim that the bear have1
destroyed some of their stock. One
of the reasons ascribed Is the fact
that berries are very scarce this year.
and it has caused the hears to search
in quest of food, consequently their I the future needs ot tne project,
visitations on bands of sheep. Mut-i All land owners and others inter
ton is worth too much money for bear i eated in these roads or any one of
food, is the opinion of stockmen, and! them, are urged by the Court to at
they have appealed to Mr. Hazeltine tend their meeting on Friday, Sep
for his assistance in ridding the range jtember 5, and present their case at
of bruin. Blue Mountain Eagle. that time.
I H. I.. Prlday lost a 100-ton stack
1 of alfalfa hay last week by fire caus
' ed by spontaneous combustion. They
' had been watching the stack for
some time and on the evening of the
fire bad Just started to restack it.
They were delayed for some time hy
a high wind, but had Just begun again
i and got the top of the stack off when
the flames burst through. Water
j was pumped Into the stack and a lare
'derrick worked all night but only a
part of the hay was saved. Madras
! The entire community has been hit
1 during the past ten days or two weeks
j with an epidemic of summer flu. As
far as we can learn there have been
: no cases more serious than to lay the
j victims up at home for a day or two
and make everyone afflicted awful ,
cranky for a few days. Evidently the :
disease is working itself out as the
disposition of the community seems
to be improving at thla time -Madras
Harold Baldwin, cashier of the
First National Bank of Prinevllle. and
Mrs. Baldwin, accompanied by Lynn
Nichols, manager of the Mason-Cofold
ranch, drove over from Prinevllle
one day last week and spent the day
in Madras, atendlng to local busl
ines interests. Madras Pioneer.
making preparations to do so.
Doc Reary is driving the chuck
wagon for the rodeo.
Tip Qulnn and family passed
through Paulina Saturday, enroute to
Louis Miller and Oscar Ober? ot
Suplee were in Prinevllle Sunday ev
Henry Smith Is riding for Ike Mills.
E. E. Laughlin is at The Dalles
on bnsinesa.
The cow ride started Monday from
the F. M. Wood ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Logan and Mr.
"ay tney never Baw me creens as low
. . .
; tney a t thli time.
K. D. Huston passed through Paul-
ina one day last week on his way to
the Brisbow ranch.
..... u .... ....... ..... ... . ... ... ... -j..-.-
t ..o.. .
last Thursday. !
i Crops in the Suplee district are;
1.... tlin n tio nn,an P.nBnnl
1 indications are that enough rye will
; be threshed for local seed.
Henry Smith, Cecil McKenzte and
"Cnrly" Stark took in the carnival
'at Prinevllle Inst week.
( a number of Paulina people attend -
jed the dance at Izee Saturday even -
More cattle win go down tne roaa
i this fall than usual, owing to the:
short crops and the drying up of the
B. Smith of Suplee was a business
visitor In Paulina last week.
Wm. Davey is helping Dave Jones
in the blacksmith shop.
FIRST HDIES' ANNEX MEETING! One black mare, branded Diamond
'' ' C on left stifle and F on right shoul-
' . ider with bar under it; has sucking
The first regular meeting of the cot j,er
Ladies' Annex will be held next Tues- 0ne bay two-year-old horse, brand
day, September 2. A program willied Diamond C on left stifle and S on
be given ana an.enjoyaDie meeting is
assured. The attendance was very
good when the club adjourned In
June, and It is hoped that the same
interest will be manifest 'at the be
ginning of' this year's work.
!"' i tho rna
enlaree the capacity of the yards
This work Is now completed as well
as the InstallsHon of a scale for the
convenience of patrons of the road.
The plant now is capable of handling
large shipments with ease.
i 1
September 5 has been set by the
i County Court as the day for hearing
the Ochoco Road System petitions
and action in regard to the general
plan for the roads of the project.
This plan disposes of a great many
road matters on the project, and is
i outlined with a view of providing for
Will Be I'mmI In Road And Itridge
Repair Coat The County Only
Three Hundred Dollars Each
Two mammoth Quad Trucks, de
signed for use in hauling ammunition
Sfat) tnr nstl nnr . 'A'
State for use on our public road.
One of the truck i already her
and In use, hauling bridge lumber to
tome badly needed repair Jobs, th
other will be here in a few day.
The truck are a part of the supply
of government truck that waa allot
ted among the State at the close of
. L. . A MAHA - A 9 .VI.
l" " L' 7u" i
, -,v r Th17w,iu.- ZlhA
I ! ol lJ?,6J ' i?!6'
the first application from any of the
counties for a part of the State al
lotment. The mammoth Quads are worth
$4,500 each on the market, are four
wheel drive and equipped with steel
bodies to be used in the hardest kind
of war service.
They were secured by paying the
freight from the Atlantic seaboard to
Portland, which totalled a little lea
than $300 each.
The prompt action of Judge Wal
lace should be appreciated by the
people of the cpunty, and use of the
trucks will be of great saving to the
tax payers of the county, where much
of the needed work was not before
possible without some such mean ot
Our Sunday school meets at 10
o'clock a. m. "Self-Control, or Tem
perance in its Real Meaning," will be
the subject of study. "How to be a
Successful Christian" will be the sub
ject at the evening service at 8 o'clock
Come and find your clas In Sunday
school and enjoy the services with tu.
A human skeleton was discovered
and the find reported to Sheriff
j Combs today by Hogan Hansen, who
lives four miles west of the city on
the Redmond road.
j The discovery was made on the
about 18 inches below the surface ot
the ground in a grave that was evt-
a.huuuu ... . . u
' Hnnilu Inn ol. allow In norm It tho hnitv
...j w ,
to lie down.
The case was investigated by Sher-
Iff P,.mk. aA nntintw nhi.ciVion T? nO
. enberg, who decided that the remains
iwere that of an Indian woman and
; had evidently been buried there years
j The stone point of an arrow was
; found In the grave, together with the
j skull, bones of the arm and other
parts of the body.
i a large numoer or stones naa Deen
piled into and on the grave, which
was discovered as land was being
cleared for fall Dlowiner.
Bv the City of Prinevllle, August
20. 1919:
right Jaw.
One bay mare, branded, with run
ning N on right shoulder. '
One bay yearling mare, branded
with quartercircle S bar.
R. S. PRICE, City Marshal
Novel Advertising Scheme By EntCT
prising Prinevllle Firm
Have you already booked a date for
September 6? Cancel It! Something
unusual, something out of the ordin
ary, is promised to the community on
that date by an enterprising business
house. It will Interest you.
Keep the date in mind and watch
the Joural's columns for more Infor
Attention is called to the fact that
next Wednesday night a regular meet
ing will be held in Luna Castle Hall,
to which all Knights are requested
to be present. No meetings have
been held for some time, owing to
the hot weather, but next Wednes
day. September 3, 1919, the winter
campaign will be launched. There
Is much business of interest to all
members to be considered at this
time, so be on hand promptly at eight