Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, August 14, 1919, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    crook covsrnr journal
AHJIHT 14. 1019
The - Crr v
Walt Ellott of Post returned on
Wednesday from Portland.
N. F. McColn was in the city Wed
nesday from his ranch on Grinly.
W. F. King returned on Wednesday
from a business trip to Por'lnud.
Irvln Craln was attending to bos
Bess matters In Prlneville yesterday.
Farquhar MoRae of Howard was a
business visitor In the city Wednes
day. Din't forget the free onnoe al the
Club Hall Monday night. Everybody
Sheriff John Combs returned yes
terday from a business trip to Port
land. J. W. Carlson and family returned
Tuesday from an outing trip in the
Will Wuriweiler arrived Wednes
day from Portland, where he has been
on a business trip.
Albert Noble and family of Paul
ina were visiting relatives in the city
the first of the week.
Win Rneell was in the City On
Tuesday from the Cove Orchards with ,
load of nice peaches.
O. C. Gray and sons. Harold and j
W endell, returned yesieraay irom
business trip to Portland.
Joe Post took some cattle to the
Portland market the first of the week
returning home yesterday.
Seth and Jim Dixon left yesterday
for Klamath Falls to attend the Elks
Convention at that place.
Raymond Horrtgan suffered a se
vere fracture of his right arm on
Tuesday while cranking a Ford.
W. J. Hughes and family returned
yesterday from a two weeks' visit
with relatives snd friends at Heppner.
Harvey Dunham of Post returned
yesterday from Portland, where he
shipped some cattle the first of the
Harrj Farnsworth, whoras been
employed in Portland tor seme time,
returned on Wednesday to visit rela
tives I. ere,
SWam Vnnla m rriv aA VtnmA V P t . C
Vricu f wu"J . - " . - - - (
day from Bremerton, Washington, j
where he Just received his discharge.
from the U. S. jsavy.
Frank Hughes and wife returned
yesterday from Portland, where they
have been visiting friends and rela
tives for the past week.
Oscar Houston has the local agency
for two new cars, the Pan American
Six, which sells for $2200, and the i
Olympian Four at 1475.
Dr. J. H. Rosenberg and family,
accompanied by George Ealer, left
yesterday for Klamath Falls to at
tend the Elks convention.
. Oscar Houston has two new demon
strator cars in the city which seem to
be making a hit. They are the Pan
' American Six and the Olympian Four.
While no program is yet announc
ed, Mr. Austin informs us that the
regular band concert will be held to
morrow night at the corner of Main
and Third streets.
Oscar Hyde and wife returned yes
terday from a business trip to Port
land. While there they bought much
new merchandise for their large
stock of dry goods here.
Chas. Shattuck and family made a
trip to The Dalles the first of the
week to meet their niece. Miss Blood,
who returned with them and is to
teach in the Prlneville public school
this year. .
Sheriff Combs went to Portland
last Thursday with several samples of
so-called near beer of home manufact
ure vhlch is being sold in this city.
He had this tested tor alcoholic con
tent 7 be results will be announced
Friday & Saturday, Aug. 16-16
Mabel Normand In
Century Comedy:
Sunday, Aug. 17
Bryant Washburae In
Big V Comedy:
Mon. and Tuea., Aug. 18-19
Edith Roberts in
Tracy & Carter, extra vaudeville
Wed. & Thurs., Aug. 20-21
Mae Murray In
I 3
8:15 & 9:45 . 10c & 25c
Mrs. Goldle Newsom of Post was a
Prlneville visitor last Friday.
Oeorge Dixon made a business trip
to Portland Saturday night.
"""fierb Agnell of Paulina was avlslt
or in Prlneville the first of the week.
Henry Cram attended the S. M.
Woods sale at Redmond on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dishman
were visitors in the city on Thursday.
D. F. Stewart and family returned
on Friday from an outing in the Cas
cades. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Thomas motor
ed out to visit relatives at Huycreek
on Sunday.
Claud Brennan and Paul Miller of
Paulina pent the first of the week in
S. D. Mustard, the potato king of
Powell Butte was a business visitor in
the city Saturday.
Dr. J. T. Fox of Madras was a bus
iness visitor In the city a tew days
the last of the week.
Mrs. B. E. Nevel and Mrs. Florence
Cyrus hsve gone to Victoria, B. C,
for a month's visit.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McFarland
are spending a couple of weeks In
Portland on a vacation.
Harry Farnsworth arrived home
Tuesday from Eugene, where he has
been attending school.
L. V. Sears and George Ealer re
turned Thursday from a ten days'
outing in the Sascades.
Dr. Turner the Eye Specialist of
Bend, was attending to business in
Prlneville last Friday.
Andrew Evanson ot Barnes was
looking after business matters in the
city the first of the week.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Oreo Lott of
this city on Friday, August 8, 1K19,
an eleven pound baby girl.
B. B. Groff of Post was In the city
Friday proving up on his homestead
before L. M. Bechtell, U. S. Commis
sioner. Chas. McClure from The Dalles
was In the city the first of the week,
doing work on Fronklin cars in this
Miss Berniece Billines. who has
been visiting Mrs. J. H. Upton for the
past month, left Tuesday for her
home in New York.
Mrs. H. R. Lakin and children re
turned on Friday from a tew days'
spent at Tumalo visiting with her
uncle, Fred Wallace.
Mart Bailey and family, accompan
ied by Silas Hodges, icturned yes
ieraay rrom a camping trip to the
aieionus ana up to tfie lakes.
W. P. Davidson of St Paul Provi
dent of the Oregon & Western Colon
ization Co., was attending to busi
ness matters in this section Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. I. I.. Kotrh pm re
turned Friday from a few days' Visit
with Iheir daughter, Mrs. Henry
Whitsett and family ot Powell Butte.
Albert Wilson, manager of the Des
chutes Power Company at Madras,
was assisting the company with some
work in this city the last of the week.
Zeke Hendrickson left Sunday for
Portland, where he goes to take a
position as city salesman for Helwig
& Conrad, Commercial Stationers of
that city.
Mrs. Barnes, mother of Mrs. R. W.
Rea of this city, left Monday for Port
land, where she will visit her son,
E. L. Barnes, before returning to her
home in Spokane.
C. J. Johnson returned on Frlda
from a business trip to his Deschutes
ranch and went back on Monday, ac
companied by Mrs. Johnson and
daughters, Viola and Ha.
Mrs. W. H. Peck of Culver was a
visitor in Prlneville Tuesday canvas
sing for the W. C. T. U. Jubilee
drive for funds for State and" Nation
al work, r Crook county's quota is
Mrs. C. H. Nelson and daughter,
Laura, returned Monday from a sev
en weeks' viBit in Washington. Mr.
Nelson drove over in his car to bring
them home. All report having had
a fine trip.
The Standard Oil Company has
purchased and sent in a new Inter
national truck to handle the local
service from the company's station in
this city. The truck carries a 480
gallon tank which will be suficient
for the present needs here, as the
hauls are short.
Mr. and Mrs. John McCoy of Salem
Washington, motored through on the
Pacific and Columbia highways .to
visit their son, L. T. McCoy of this
city. They are old pioneers ot the
Puget Sound country and are en
Joying their visit here in a country
so different from their home terri
tory. R. L. Schee and Nell Newsom were
among the passengers to arrive from
Portland last Saturday morning. Mr.
Schee has been in Portland a week
attending to matters connected with
the Oregon Inter-State Fair. Mrs.
Newsom has been buying for Cornett
& Co. during Buyers Week in the
Rose City.
There will be a free dance at the
Club Hall Monday night following
the organization of a County Post of
the American Legion. There will be
good music furnished by the Prlne
ville Band, which has kindly donated
Its services for the occasion. All re
turned soldiers and their friends are
urged to be present.
A great quantity of social hygiene
literature, is being scattered over the
city this week. Oregon is noted for
the fact that she has the cleanest and
healthiest men In the world this was
plainly demonstrated in physical ex
aminations during the war. The Ore
gon Social Hygiene Society is the rec
ognized leader among air such so
cieties In the world and is doing all
possible to keep Oregon the cleanest
and best State in the Union.
Under the Auspices of
City Band
of All Kinds
The Band will be out
each night, and this will
be a week of gayety.
Make your plans to be
on hand. This is a real
carnival company, and "
will furnish some high
class entertainment for
five nights.
Don't Forget
the Time
or Place
and Be Here
With Bells
to Boost
for the
Powell Butte
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. nice have leased
their Irrigated eighty here at Powell
Hutte to Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Luthy of
Hear Creek for a terra of three years.
Mr. and Mrs. Rice have not decided
Just where they will move to, but
it will no doubt be one of the near
by towns.
While visiting sheep ramps with
her daddy, little Harlot Wilcoxeu
discovered a lrge black bour lurking
near the camp. She ran and reported
It to her fui licr, who shot It und now
many ot Harriot's friends are feast
ing on bear steak.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Martin of
Los Angeles are visiting with Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Ho litis. Mrs. Martin
and Mrs. Holilis are cousins, iu or
der to show thorn some of the wonder
ful beauties' ot Oregon scenery, Mr.
and Mrs. Hobhs with their guests
left for Crater Lake, where they will
take in the Klks convention and oth
erwise enjoy themselves camping tor
a time.
About 1,000 tons of hay win recent
ly sold lu the Terrebonne country to
the Northern Warehouse Company of
Redmond. None, however, has as
yet been sold In this section. The
price paid was $25 f. o. b. railroad
and baled.
C. M. Charlton attended the meet
ing ot the County Bar Association
in Redmond last Thursday night.
E. H. Stewart has spent several
days this week hunting for a dark
bay mare that got away from his
place last week. She Is one ot his
team and he needs her. She Is
branded K and has Hi wire cut on
left front foot and a star In foreheud.
Tuesday, August 12, was Crandma
Bussett's 85th birthduy and Mrs. Uua
sett prepared a tine birthday dinner
with bear meat as the crowning dish.
Grandma Spray, 85 years old iu June,
spent the day as- a special guest
and also Mrs. Charlton and muuy In
teresting things were talked over by
the old ladies.
from Luclan Lytle of Grants Pass.
C. M. Charlton enjoyed a call
These men, old friends, bad not met
in more than thirty years. Mr. Lytle
felt amazed at the changes that he
saw In this country, as he had lived
In Prlneville for many years, but
moved away about 32 years ago.
Mrs. Rel Powell has been visiting
with her mother, Mrs. Geo. Truesdale
for a few days. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Roberts and lit
tle daughter, and Mrs. Hugh Stew
art with "Bill" Johnson for a guide,
have gone to the huckleberry patch.
Mrs. Scott lluffiiie urn her moth
er, Grandma Bussett of New Mexico,
arrived Saturdtty night for a visit
with E. A. llusett and family. Mr.
Bussett had not seen his mother and
sister for ninny years and is sum en
joying their visit. They spent Wed
nesday at Opal Springs plcnitliig, and
viewing the wonderful spring.
Roy Robert hud the misfortune
to lose a valuable horse while he was
away at the huckleberry patch. The
horse got wire cut and bled to death.
It had been dead several hours when
found by neighbors, who were doing
the chores.
Mrs. Hendershott of Portland Is
visiting her mother, Mrs. Curtis,-at
the Horrigan ranch.
Bert Reynolds and family came out
Sunday to. visit with hiB Grandma
Bussett, who had Just arrived from
Jack O'Callahan has finished hay
ing on his ranch here and has gone to
his Paisley ranch for a lew tiuvs.
S. D. Mustard, wife and brother,
Harve, will camp and tish a few days
in the mountains. 1
Earnest Smith Is at Dick Rhoda's
place, helping finish haying.
Grandma Bennett has gone to
Prlneville for a visit with friend and
Charlie Barnes went to Bend last
week where he will work In the mill
again, after helping hay on his fath
er's place near Barnes.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Cox and Ray Mor
gan were Business visitors to Prine
ville from Barnes last week.
R. J. Enstrom and Abe Hackleman
are riding for beef cattle.
Mrs. Claud Seeds and Mrs. Wade
Huston were visiting on the creek
the first of the week. .
Sam Clemmans, an old-timer of
this country, and Beaver Creek, pass
ed through Barnes on his way to the
J. J. Romberg ranch.
Otis Elliott, and Mr. Huston, son
of Wade Huston, also went to the
Huston and Foster ranch to hay.
We wish to thank our neighbors
and friends for their many kindness
es during our recent bereavement.
mare, wt., 1100. Branded TF con
nected. Old wire cut on left front
" toot with star In forehead. Please
notify E. H. Stewart, Powell Butte,
Oregon. . 40tfc
FOR SALF One Durham Bull, 3
. years old. Phone 3f25 40tfc
LOST Saturday, somewhere between
depot and Prlneville Hotel, belt
buckle with five large blue sap
phires. Leave at Journal office
and receive reward. 40tfc
FOR SALE Nine thrifty pigs six
weeks old at $5.00 each and four
barrows, one year old weighing
156 lbs each and In good condition,
at $16 each at Paulina. A. M. Lo
gan, Paulina, Oregon. 4Ut3p
FOR RENT Partly furnished house
or rooms.. 113 K 4th St. 40tfc
VOH KENT Hoard and rooming
house on Miiln street, also business
building. Inquire box 264, I'rlnn
Vllle, Oregon. 40t.p
FOR SALE Four pure bred young
I Mi roc brood tows. In exceleut con
dition. Also a young Duroc hour
from registered stock. Call at
louritul office 40tfp
WANTED 400 medium to large
Juniper trees pulled. Call at this
orfice for particulars. 40tfp
N. st mis
DriM.rtin.nt of the Interior. l. 8 I-and Of
fl. . at Tli Uallca. Orrrutl, July II, 11.
NOTICE la hcrvl.y Ktvn thai
of Hand. Orraon, who, on Auril II, 114, mad
llomnilrad Kntrr No. OI2rmr for Kaat Half
IKI (taction i Tnwnhl to Mnulh Hana 10
K..I. Willanwlta Meridian, haa fllad nollr of
ilitantion lo mak final thrwa jraar I'ruuf n
ratabliah claim to tha land abov dracrUaai
brfor H. C. KIIU. U. a. Commlaaloaar M
Hrnd. Orrtfun, un 111 Kth day of BaDtaoias,
Claimant namal a wltnaaaaat
Mlka Morriaon of Urnd. Oraaxin ! Rmll Van.
Ink. Carri Harmon, Chariv It. Ilurnant, of
Hapmton, Orraon.
STtCp Hilll-I
alaiiad Admtnialrator of tha Ktat of Maria
Itootrn, lirrraard. to all rrrditora of Bald I
rUHNl and lo all poraona navtnv claim aitalnat
aatd Katata tu iirvarnt tha am to tha 'r
iaiwl at th offlr of M. R. Klltolt. In I'rlna
vlllr, Orviron. wlihln alx month from th tirat
puulli-atHin of llila Notlr.
I laird and puliliahral tint tlm Auaual 14,
. RKUHKN BOOTKN, Admlniatralor
at th Katale of Maria Uootan, Da
40150 raaaad.
In th County Court uf Crook County, Slatr
of O ration.
In th mallrr of th Ratal of John FWhmr,
iand. th Administrator of tha Fatata of
John Hrhmrar, Daraaaad. that purauanl to an
Onlar of Court mad an4 ntaral on tha 4th
day of Ausuat, IW1S, ha will on or aftrr Hal
unlay, th 1.1th day of rWptmhr. mill. Ball
at prlvat aal at th offlr of M R KIMoli
In Frinarilla. Orraon, th following daavrtbad
prat aatata, towlt!
Th aouthwaat quartar of tha smtthwrat
quartar of afrtton 94. townahtp IS aouth: th
lot 4 and tha aouthwaat quartar of tha north-
417 MAIN
W'n repair all si.e of
Al.l. (it(
If you haven't seen the Pennsylvania Vacuum Cup Tiro you have a
chance now. We carry afull line and the company stands back ot
them to the last ditch. They are an absolute quality tire. Come lu
and let us toll you about them.
Just Arrived!
A Carload of
Motor Cars
Model 00, tliat have been so popul ar The best of it there la
No Raise in Price
wjth the same guarantee as to the workmanship and material
Tills carload is already partly sold
You Must Hurry
If you want
weet quarter, aa. I. anulhwaal uuarter of north
ml quarter ( aerllun 4, In townehip xo ouiit
f rang m eeal ! and tha aouthaaat ouartvr af
Iti aouthw! quarter uf aartlon M, towiuh'it
IV aoulh and In oulhaat quarter uf In north
i wmi quarter and M I at aertion I In lownahip
IU south uf rnnira I eat uf In- Wlllamett
meridian In Oiriront term of Bale, vaah, i
per rent on day of aala and balanra an jun
flrmalMin by Ilia Court. '
Haled tllla I4lh dar of Auail'l. 1HS.
I'M' I. MKI.Ii. Adinlnlatr,i(nr at
III Keelal of Joli.i Ot
4111 lie reward.
NOTICK IH HKItKIIV I1IVKN hi tha llndrr.
ianad, th Admlnlalralrla of 111- K.lnl. .f
Nuata I. Hoynlon, tlrMiNr1. to all rrvdltor
of tha aald Hrcraard anil tu ah Mraina hvli.
rlalnia aaalnal aald Kalata to l"-nt lha a.m.,
with th irowr rourltr-r. to Hi ainlrrxtanoj
at Ih ofrlc of M. R. KIII..II In t'rinr ill. Or,
con. within all numlha from III flrat puull.
rallcn of ihl noil..
I laird and puMlahrd flrat tlio tuiruat 14.
mm. N
MARY COX. AilmliiUtrolrla of
tin Kalaia of Knal l Horntun,
40tIo Oaraaaail.
An Ontlnanr raralln Hlalh atreat hrtwn
th wrt Una of Mnln or A air. I and tha aoil
Una of H alnwt In tha city of I'rlnuvllla, Cna-ll
county. Orraon.
VYHKHKAM In compllrl.r wllh Ilia I rvla
Iuiib of HarlU.n thlrtyliliia 3'ai of hauler b.v.
an 171 of Ilia Charter of tha City ( I'rlnaalU.
Orraon. a prtlllon rontaliilnn In riamra of
mora than tn frraholilrra haa Un fl'M Ith
th City Council of ald City prayin,. that
Hlxth Blrl brtwn tha waat Hit of Main or
a and tha aaat Una oL It alrrwt in Bald.
iCIty b rloard and varatml. aald pvtllhn Wit.
fllrd wllh tha City RacornVr and prcaantrd to
tha City Council on Juna . mm; and
WIIKHEAH, no objection or rrmonalranra
aaalnat tha arantlna of aald t-llHnn haa W-n
mail, tha City Council of aald City dr-na II
ilrdlrnt and for th fcaail lntrrt of
aald i lly In arant tha prayer of tha aald p
tltlolirnl and varata tha aald Blrral aa India
catad herein In aald City
NOW TIIKRKKORK. ba It nrdalnrd by Hi
oooela of Ih. City ot I'rlnevlll, Ormn a f. u
Iowa t
Hertlon I. That all that part and pctlon of
Hlllh Blrral hrlwaan Ih Waal Una of Main
or A Blrrrt and th mat Una of II at ret In t''
City of Prlnwlll, Cnaik rouuiy. Orraon. in
Ih Bacond Addition to I'rtnavUI. arronllns to
th duly rrcorilr.1 plat thrrrof. ha and tla
nm b llarrby rhd and nratcd. and all
portion and part of aald Hlath hmln yaralad
a) harrhy ranlrd and ronyccl In tha owner
or owner of Ih. ailjolnini lola. In., la, or lr.
cela of land aa their aavrral IntaraatB may a
pear on record In lha offlca of th Co.-.ty
Clvrk of Crook rounty. Hlat of Orraoti, Bl
lha tlm of In paaaaaa of 1Mb ordinance.
Heclu.n t Thla onllnanca ahall he In lu'l
f.irra and ffert on and after the tl'h day if
HenlemUr. mm.
Paaaed by th City Counr" " " '
Prlnvllle, Orerin. aflar Its tlilrd reaillnt. tn
lha llth day of Aurual. A. I) , ll
Approved by lha mayor of aald City on h
llth day of Aurual. ll
D, r. HTEWART. Maeor of th
City of Prlneville, Oraaon.
P. C. GARRISON. City Recorder 4H.V
cnril anil fubrle rau.lii(i.
one ot them.