AlWHT 14, 1010. CROOJC OOTJfTT JOURNAL Fat FOR RENT Modorn house, close In, furnished. Call Black 171 Igtfc NOTICE TO OM1 (THTOM KRM I atn now able to do your piano tuning, repairing, voicing and re-strlnglng. I. At Your Service 8 The officers and resources of this bank are available at all times in assisting you to solve your financial problems. We do both a Savings and Commercial Business Capital and Surplus $50,000.00 CROOK COUNTY BANK PRINEVILLE, OREGON I WILL Put a new top on your car, or repair your curtains, or do any such work as is needed WI Ul TPUrC HARNESS and J. ilUUrlllO SADDLERY PRINEVILLE. OREGON Standard Furniture-Co. BEND, OREGON IP YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR FURNITURE AND GET WHAT IT 18 WORTH, WRITE C8 WHAT YOC HAVE AND WE WILL CALL AND MARE YOU A CASH OWER New and Second Hand Furniture Dealers "Surest Thing You Know," says the Good Judge It's a cinch to get a real quality chew and save part of your tobacco money at the same time. A small chew of this good tobacco gives real lasting satisfaction. THE REAL TOBACCO CHEW put up in two styles " y' RIGHT CUT is a short-cut tobacco W-B CUT is a long fine-cut tobacco CLASSIFIED ADS FOR BALE FOR SALE 20 torn new crop rye bay. Address Box 173 Prinevllle, Oregon. 88t5p FOR SALE 4 bead ot bones, 1 team t and 9 yean, wt 1160 each, 1 team 4 and 6 years, wt 1400. All sound and well broken. Call at this office. 84tfc FOR BALK NWK 8W14 Sec 26, Tp. 17, S. R. 12, containing 83 and a fraction acres arable lund, about one mile and a quarter northeast of the railroad station In Bend; Contract with Central Oregon Irri gation Company fcr water mainte nance. Terms Cush. Write J. F. Bean, Box 171 Clnclnnattl, Ohio. 89tfo FOR SALE Jersey cow about 80 months old. Will be fresh about the 9th or 10th of August. At a reasonable price. John Agosttne, Prinevllle, Oregon. 89t4p FOR SALE Ten head ot sheep, 1 Lincoln buck, 6 ewes, 3 wethers. These sheep averaged 14 lbs of Wool per bead this season, . M. F. Peterson, Paulina, Ore. 89tc FOR SALE One fresh milch cow, one two-year-old belter and three fine work horses. For particulars call at 237 E. Third St., or phone Black 833. S9tfo FOR SALB-r-Several young Butt Or pington cockerels, 3 months old. These cockerels are from the cele brated Scudder laying strain. $1.60 each. W. B. Russell at Journal Office. 89 tip FOR Sale East of Prinevllle public school, 1-2 acre ot improved land with new six-room bouse. - Will sell on very reasonable terms. In quire at Journal office.' 39tfc FOR SALE Two Duroc brood sows, 8 years old. O. P. Reams. 3912p A BAROAN (-room cottage, on block from the school. Address Earl McLaughlin, 1308 Walla Wal la Ave., Walla Walla, Wn. S9t6p WANTED WANTED Anyone wishing services of experienced nurse please call Mrs. Custer, Black 163. 9tfc WANTED Plowing by the day or acre. Address H. B. Cross, Prine vllle, Oregon. 2 4 tic WANTED A position on ranch by man and wife, Ed. Paisley, Bend, Oregon. S9t5p. WANTED Men or women to sell guaranteed hosiery to friends and neighbors. ' Handsome profits in either full or spare time. Full line of men's, women's and children's up-to-date styles. Large commis sions. Experience not necessary. Phoenix Hosiery Co., Darby, Penn sylvania. ' 88tGp LOST LOST One dark bay horse, weight about 1400 or 1600, shod, one white hind foot, two white spots on left shoulder, balr on head cut. Reward. John Agostine. 39t4p MISCELLANEOUS CONTRACT TO LET Putting in crops on 86 acres. Old smooth ground. To be put In In September or October. Address A. D. P. care of Journal, Prinevllle, Ore. 86tfo E. II. BItKNT. Mit sale: The old Masonic Hall. He M. & Brink for particulars. Priwrlllo, Oregon 38tto BEFORE YOU SIGN a life insun ance contract In any other com pany examine the superior con tract and low premium rates ol Orison Life. See. T. L. Qnlnn the local agent. 24tfo PHYNH1A.N BELKNAP A EDWARD3 ChftS. R Edwards, II. P. Belknap, Physlclnni Surgeons and Oculists, Prinevllle. Oregon. tf ! DENTISTS OR. H. O. DAVIS Dent lat. Ne modern shop, In Kanutra Build , log. ATTORN KYI WILLARD H. WIRTZ District At torney. Office Crook County Bank Building, Prinevllle, Oregon tt If. R. ELLIOTT Attorney at Law Court House St., Prinevllle, Ore OPHTHALMOLOGIST DR F. H. DAY Physician, optha- rooloKlHt, neurologist. Specialty ot eyes and nerves. Glasses fitted. Hours 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 6 p. m. Evenings by apointment. 610 Main St. Prinevllle, Oregon. 37tfc LAKE M. I1ECHTELL U. S. Commlsnloner Attorney.At-Law Oook County Dank Building PRI NEVILLE . OREGON CHRISTIAN SCIENCE . SERVICES At Masonic Temple every Sun day at 11:00 a. m. All welcome Sunday school for all under 80 years ot age ot 10:00 a. m. NOTICE TO PUBLIC Anvone wishing to make alcenlni car reservations will please call tbt agent before n cn on the day they desire to leave. NOTICE OF SPECIAL ELECTION OCHOCO IRRIGATION DISTRICT NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That on the 16th day of August, 1919, be tween the hours ot 8 o'clock a. m. and 6 o'clock p. m. ot said day a Special Election will be held In and by said Ochoco Irrigation District for the purpose of determining whether or not bonds ot the District in the amount of $160,000.00 with Interest not to exceed 6 per tout per annum shall be Issued by the Board ot !'!- rectors of the Ochoco Irrjuation Dia- trlct to complete the dam and uiutrl- butlon system of said Ochoco Irriga tion District. Said election will be j held at the Lower McKay school house In said Irrigation District. Dated at Prinevllle, Oregon, this 12 tli day of July. 1919. B. A. SORDAL, Secretary Ochoco Irrigation District 86t4o II I I V llll fill II i 1 WHY MAN ALIVE, WHO EVER' HEARD OF 5) 'h .l q2) llOl NOTICE TO DISCHARGED SOL DIERS, SAILORS AND MARINES The County Court of Crook county has authorized the purchase of a rec ord book for the recording ot dis charge certificates of all bona fide residents ot Crook county who are honorably discharged irom service In the lata war. Send or bring your dis charge to the County Clerk's office. where It will be recorded without charge and returned to you at an ear ly date, i ' ASA W. BATTLES, Clerk. n mtt tstmmmm OREGON DAILY JOURNAL DAILY 60c DAILY AND SUNDAY toe If yaa dont get your paper reg ularly, phone Red 481 and we will send one np by special mes senger. 1 PRINEVTLLK DRUG CO. Local Agent PILLS aam A lUMi utthjiua WSJ oSO BRAND I Mtvt kwtn mi start SiANt. AImm 1 SOLPBYDSUGEVIISKSr HtsBroi Does your piano need tuning? Let Brent do It. .. Leave orders at the Journal Office. 37tfc NOTICE I am prepared to do all kinds of sewing. My prices are reasonable. Mrs. Eates, 148 Main St., Prinevllle. 39t2p FOR SALE! The old Masonio Hall See M. E. Brink for particulars. - Prinevllle, Oregon . 39tfc KflFFEE Has No Equal No Rival ; t No Substitute IT IS THE BIST J. E. STEWART &CO WATERMELONS for PRINEVILLE ? They are actually here, a whole carload of ripe juicy melons. The kind that make folks from watermelon lands think of home and mother. RED and DELICIOUS You've been hungry for a good melon feast for years, and now is your chance of a lifetime. Don't wait. Nothing is better than .an ice-cold melon on a hot day. Call or Phone AT 0NGE- J. E. STEWART & CO. PRINEVILLE, OREGON un