Jl I.Y .1, 1019 Trng 0 CROOK COVNTT JOl'RXAb Prepare for "Joy Night" Earl Hippie Concert Company Comes With Great Musical Program Last Night of Chautauqua GXP f Mm CV8 r far h ; - . h . a.s ' & t V. i -vl , O" f ' x4 I. , In H, 11 VmlMH ft. 'MmAirA ' The Earl Hippie Concert Company has bwn chosen for Chautauqua's Joy Night," the closing event of the Mr week. It Is doubtful If better com pany could have been found for this Important place. With a dashing, rollick ing program of music they will make the big tent a Joyous spot. Planologuea, violin solos and duets, xylophone, flute and trombone solos, trios and ensemble tn descriptive or fantasies, all combine to make an evening of unusual brilliancy. Is Your Money Supporting the Government? At this critical period In our history our manufacturers are offering their milts and our young men are offering their services to the United States government. Would yon like to do your share and help, by patting your money where it will support the new Federal Reserve Banking System, which the government has established to stand back of our commerce. Industry and agriculture? Ton can do this by opening an accoant wtta ma as part of every dollar so deposited goes directly Into the new system, where It will always be ready for you when wanted, Member Federal Reserve System FIRST NATIONAL BANK The Journal does Modern Printing on Short Notice Sergeant Gibbons Is Coming Great Canadiaa War Lecturer and Writer at Ckautauqaa Sooa (( TREATY IS SiGHED; WOfilDWAS ENDED German Dreams of World Pow t Killed in Room Where Empire Was Born. i a: is. In the Hall of Mirrors, n the palace ot Versailles, where the German empire was born 48 years ago, Dr. Herrmann Mueller and Dr. Jo hannes Roll, as plenipotentiaries of the Gorman republic, affixed their slg nsturos to the treaty of peace, whioh puts an end to German dreams of world power. The ceremony, which marked the end ot war and the dawn ot peace, con sumed 39 minutes. Its conclusion was announced by I'remier Clemenceau In the terse statement: "The conditions of peace are now an accomplished fact The proceed ings are closed." Thus ended the world conflagration, which began Just five years ago with the assassination of the Austrian crown prince at Serajevo and which entailed the downfall of four empires and a score ot minor kingdoms and princi palities. The charter of world peace was signed by all delegates to the peace conference with the exception of the Chinese, who were absent from the ceremony because they had been refuged permission to make certain j reservations regarding the Japanese ' occupation of Shantung. General Jan Christian Smuts ot the delegation from the Union of South j Africa, signed under protest.'declarlng J objections to certain territorial set- j tlements and the proposal for trial ot the kaiser and others held responsl- ; ble for the war. He also suggested that the indemnities levied on Ger many were excessive and should be moderated in order to facilitate the revival of Industry In Europe. The Germans were the first to sign and were followed by the Americans, British, French. Italians, Japanese, in the order named. Then came the smaller nations. Correctly refined Zerolene is correctly refined from selected California crude oil. It is the product of the combined resources, experience and equipment of the Standard Oil Company. By exhaustive study and actual tests tho Standard Oil Company Board of Lubrication Engineers has determined the correct consis tency of Zerolene for your make of automobile. Their recommendations are available for you in the Zerolene Correct Lubrication Charts. There is a separate chart for each make of car. Get one for your car. At your dealer's or our nearest station. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) W grade for each type of engine C. E. MARTIN, Hpcclnl Ant., Redmond, Oregon BIG CROWD ACCLAIMS THREE PEACE-MAKERS Versailles. The most dramatic mo ment connected with the signing of world peace came unexpectedly and spontaneously at the conclusion of this greatest ceremony in history, when President Wilson, Premier Clemenceau snd Premier Lloyd George descended from the hall of mirrors to the terrace at . the rear ot the palace, where thou sands ot spectators were massed. . With the appearance ot the three who have dominated the councils of the allies there began a most remark able and unprecedented demonstra tion. With cries of "Vive Wilson! Vive Clemenceau! Vive Lloyd George!" dense crowds swept forward from all parts of the spacious terrace. In an Instant the three were surround ed by struggling, cheering masses of people, fighting among themselves for chance to get near the statesmen. Sergeant Gibbons, who served three years overseas as a member of the first Canadian contingent, prisoner In German prison camps for seven months, Is to be one of the feature lecturers of Chautauqua week. This young Cana dian has an almost unparalleled record of achievement since returning. In Canada he recruited 1,200 men. Loaned to the United States government as a speaker, he sold personally seven and a half millions In Liberty bonds, raised half a million for the Red Cross and a quarter of a million In war work cam paign. He Is the author of a "Guest of the Kaiser" and a war lecturer extraordinary. ( n the evening of "Victory Day" only. ALL CLASSIFIED ADS MUST be paid for when order and copy is given. One cent for each word each week is the rate. Figure it out yourself. REMEMBER, CASH WITH COPY A Classified Ad Brings Quick Results IRELAND'S City Transfer & Express Auto Delivery to all Parts of the City and Vicinity Phone me for quick service at Hugh Lakin's Red 951 SUMMER HATS The white and black Milans the bier short back, Droopy Brim Lisere medium and large tough straw sailors can all be found at THE ELITE RUBY M. LAFLER NOTICI OF TAX SAI NOTU'K la hnnli alven llial nureuant la mler if the t'.iunte (win f the Hint" ! tlminn f..r 'r..a IVum. ma.le ami entered on the lh liny el M. tl. I. t un.lei ,.un.. I. hrrlff mill ta fullptlnr fr Ml G.iinly nf 1'r.nk. will ON rlATIIHUAY, TMK Hill t Of JULY. !! mII to the hlhe.t bl.i.ier lot ca.ii rr-nt tnm r.nnl anil north iair III Ihe riilinlr r.mrlhuaea t I'rlnevtlte, Own, In Mhl (Wi I'ounir, II lamb In wlil.h Ihe tmtd ewinly k heret... (or artiulred lilt lr virtue of aalea Tor drill IUfiit in m, nam (! win oeain at in, ie,r l ten o'rlucS ol Mill ila anil rlie at 4 oVae of uU ! mill rlo M 4 u'i'Ioi k. mill in t-aa mnr of Hi "il Imiiw rvmain un.il I 111. all hour ot 4 orloik nl lh Mia tlav. .hi' h .nl will W Nillournrit from liny lu ilnv by itulillr iironoum .ni.nl of Ui Mlil .li.rltf, rnu'l. at lh lima anil lilai f th mI, anil will h rontlnufil from iwy w lay by rurh ouhltr announiam.itl. u provi by law, until all nf aalil lamia hava bar anM, III. following tmrr.l nf land will t anld tha hlahral l.i.l.l.-r for raan in hand bul fur m Im .Utn lto.ll III4U7, lo-wlll . Tha NW4 of 111. NK'4, lha nf Ihw NW and tha NIC U or Ilia SW, of rWa 111 In Towmhln 11 South, H.naa HI ta of lha Wlllam.tla M.rlillam Tha followlm canal will h fold l Um hlilwat bi.l.lrr for ruh In hand but fur no I um than 114.71). to- Hi Tha K"l half IS Sr.-1 Ion l in Township 17 South of Kn. IS, Eaal lha Wlllamatta MarlHIan I All olhar iwrrata hald by lha aounly will b old to tlx hlahaat blilik-r nr ruh In hand mtanllaaa ot tha amounla of Uaaa, Intaraaia, panaltlM and ruala but aublarl to tha llatia af lalaa for lha ywara aubaniuanl to thai tut whlrtl tha lltla waa aiquliad by Crook (ounly, and to tha l!n of aulwMiuant taa carllflaalaa. If any, Uauad to ImllvuluaU, and a ihwl will ha kuuad to all am cmful bldilara roiivvytaa all lha Hunt, lltla ami Inlrrral of lha County tit Cnatk In and to tha aald lanil. auhjart to lha liana aboaa aat forth, bul to no olhar liana a rlalnta, without tha naraaalty of ronfrlmalhta and with no period of mWmpllon attached. Dated at frlnarilla, Or(un, thla 2lh day wf May, WIS. JOHN COMIIS, Sharnt By Floyd A. Huw.ll, Dapuia. NOTU'K Of KINAI, SrTTI.KMKNT NOTU'K IS HHIKIIY (HVKN by lha under, aimed, lha AdmlnlaimtrU of lh Kaiala at Krnaal K. Cunter, Iko-eat.!, In all peraona lnl.re.led In Mid K.I.I.. thai aha haa maoa) and filed with tha ( Irrk of lha County Court of Cn.k County, Oregon, her final aettleaieal of her adinlnlalmllon of Mhl K.l.l. and In Court haa art Momlay, lha 4th day of Auvoat. at ten oclork In tlie forenoon at lha Countf CnuK Room In I'Hnevllla, Oreaon, aa tha tlma and plara (or hrarlria and ai-ttllti Mid r'lnol Aawunltnir at whi.'h aalil time and plaaa any peraon tliterratid In aald felata ntay apet ltd objet-l thereto. Dated thla Ulh day of June. Ul'l CIIIIINTIN tillNTKK. Almtnilmlrl of the Katiii of Krneat K. tiunler, llereaerd Sttaa NOTICK T IU:i)ITOIt.H NOTICK IS IIKHKUY CIVEN Br the undnrslKnctr, the Adtnlnlstrstor of the Rstatr) of Kslpb Cross, De ceased, to all crtvlltors ot ssld tn cessed and to all pnrsons bavlnc claims SKBlnst snld Kstate to prusntit ths sams with tha proper vouchers to the umlrrslgned at the office of M. It. Elliott at Prlnevllle, OrttRon, with In sis months from the first publica tion of this Notice. Dated and published first time June 19th, 119. II. n. CROSS, Administrator of the Kstnte ot Italph Cross, Deceased. IltSe 1, Mi 9Ko aff-yoar-tottnd soft drink Rome was not built in atat Bevo's toobulawtv bo- camo countrywide in three months because of five years jrear ation in perfecting the beveraie. Sold wtwtoft-Families supplied ty frotor.druftht and dtalir. 4 Vhitoti are inritodto Impact our plant? ANHEUSER-BUSCH ST.LOUIS Blumauer & Iloeh, Wholatla iJiBtributora PORTLAND. Ochoco Warehouse Co., OttE. 7-L Local Dutrkbutora W'h, I'KINKVILLE. OltE. Auto Owners Attention ! Do yon want to eliminate 00 per cent of your tire troubles? Do blowouts and punctures rob you of the enjoyment of motor1 Irig? Do you like to buy new tires frequmitly or would you rather have twice ss much mil cage or half as many new tires? If this Interests you then see Agent for INSVUE TYKKH Cobby Stroud, Agt roR DODGE BROTHERS MOTORCARS asm R. 8. McCLIRK Address Bos 178 PIUNEVILLK, UKB. DR. TACKMAN , DENTIST Room 2 Oornett Building Member of Preparedness League of American Dentists I TEA COFFEE Has No Equal No Rival No Substitute IT IS THE It EST J. E. STEWART &CO CHICHESTER S PILLS IVLt 1 booa. aaaled with A awl. I Blua Blbtm.M ram known at Bail, 8t(Mt AtwarakaSaMa SOLD BY DRUGGISTS EVERYntUJ SCALE BOOKS Neatly printed and bound. Send $1.00 to tba Journal and one will be mailed you, postage paid. ttla ,ll'.ll"