Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, July 03, 1919, Page Page 4, Image 4

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    JU.V 3. I0I
The City
0. C. Gray f Post was a visitor in
the city Tuesday.
Earl Hereford was a business visit
er In Prlnevllle Wednesday.
Mrs. F. A. Powell of Paulina was a
visitor In the city last Friday.
R. W. Rea made a business trip to
Portland the last of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Taylor were
visitors In the city on Monday.,
Chaa. T. Moffitt returned from a
business trip to Portland on Tuesday.
Miss Viola Johnson la the new op
erator at the local telephone office.
There will be two big dances at the
Club Hall during Chautauqua week.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Orville Yan
eey, on Thursday, June 26, Uaujsh
ter. The July term of the County Court
Jain session this week, beginning yes
terday. Mrs. W. H. Wirta and children ar
rived home last Friday from a visit
In Portland.
L. M. Bechtell and family are go
ing to motor to Newport in a few days
lor an outing.
John J. Price has purchased a new
Model 90 Overland auto from the In
land Auto Co.
Elmer Allen of Summit Prairie is
attendinc to business matters in the
Prentiss Seeds of Barnes was at
tending to business matters in Prine
vllle on Saturday.
E. J. Wilson, cashier of the Crook1
County Bank, returned Tuesday from
a business trip to Portland.
Saturday and Monday evenlnes will
occur the big dances at the Club Hall
with music by the city band.
W. J. Pancake returned yesterday
1 morning from Portland, where he at
tended the Greeters' Convention.
H. J. Lister "and sons, Robert and
Lawrence were visitors in the city
from their ranch at Paulina last Sat-j
Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Robe returned
from Portland yesterday morning.
They attended the Greeters' Conven
tion and visited relatives and frienda
while there.
Jim Mace was a business visitor in
ineville on Tuesday. He is ship
ping 450 bucks to Montana, which he
purchased from the Prineville Laud
and Livestock company.
The Monday Afternoon Bridge Club
met at the home of Mrs. W. I. Dish
man. Mrs. Henry Howard and Mrs.
W. J. Hughes tied for the highest
score In the draw for the honor,
Mrs Howard won.
Friday and Saturday, July 4-4
Mabel Normand In
Hilly Pareotia In
thk jVlly nsir
Sunday, July t
Mary Mintor in
Comedy :
Monday and Tuesday, July 7-8
Franklin Farnuin in
Wednesday-Thursday, July 9-10
Dorothy Phillips in
Lyons and Moraa in
Roy Gray was a business visitor in
I the city Tuesday.
I . Mr. and Mrs. Harold Baldwin and
Dr. V. Gesner motored to Redmond
Tuesday evening.
Geo. F. Kelly and family motored
in from Hood River, where they are
now residing, on Tuesday and return
ed yesterday.
Miss Lousie Jordan of Meadows
is visting with the J. W. Carlson fam
ily this week.
Cornett & Co. have installed fly
screens at all of their doors and also
changed their grocery display win
dows. Etta Houston, who has resigned
her position with the Pacific Tele
phone and Telegraph Company at this
place, left Saturday for the ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Thomas, ac
companied by Mrs. C. J. Johnson,
Miss Viola Johnson and Miss Ha
Johnson motored to the Boegli or
chard at the Cove last Sunday and
brought back some nice Royal Ann
Seth and Jim Dixon are Prineville
I visitor this week.
j W. L. Hurts and family mere visit
ors in the citjr yesterday.
Link Kyle of Huberts waa a busl
j ness visitor in the city yesterday.
I Henry Spec If. of Mitchell was a
Prluevlllo visitor tho first of the wo k
Mrs. Bartholomew of Bremerton la
(visiting with her sister, Mrs. Hubert
jVasey at the Home llobiiital.
i C. A. Sherman'of Barnes was In the
city Tuesday and Wednesday trans
acting business with local firms.
J. R. Harvey went to Portland Mon
day night to be with his son, Kay,
who Is very ill at the hospital there.
Dr. R. G. Rempler returned from
Portland Sunday night. Mrs. Rem
; pier remained to visit for a week or
'ten days.
I Eddie Myers returned Monday to
. his home at Paulina. He has been
laid up here tor some time with a
broken leg.
The Rev. Geo. B. Van Waters and
Bishop K. L. Paddock, of Portland
held Episcopal services at the Lyric
theater last Sunday.
Warren Brown, accompanied by
Mr. and Mrs. George K union atiu Mr,.
Thnmiwnn BIlMnt SlItlriKtf fit thn hnmR
of Mr. and Mrs. John Bolter on Trout
The Ladles' Annex Library will be
open from 6:30 to 7:16 on Tuesday
evening, July 8. The change in the
time has been made ou aci'ouut of
Mrs. J. L. Hayes and daughter.
Miss Arttt Hayes, of Mt'Mlunville,
mother and sister of Mrs. W. B. Rus
sell of this city, arrived yesterday for
an extended visit.
Ross Roblnsin and family returned
on Saturday from a visit with his par
ents and old friends at Benton, Illi
nois. Ross says that It Is too hot
back there; the good old Central Ore
gon climate tor him.
J. L. Miner and Son have purchas
ed a Ford truck to use In their mar-
i ket garden business. They report
ithat garden stuff Is a little backward
Ion account of the cool weather, but
the prospects are good tor all of the
hardier vegetables.
Alexander Rogers arrived In the
city on Monday from Ossining, N. Y.
He is a nephew of A. A. Rogers of
the Rogers Lumber Co., and expects
to spend the summer in this local
ity. He Is visiting at present at the
home of Paul Garrison.
W. B. Russell and family have leas
ed and moved into the Dobbs house
on East Seventh and B Streets. Mr.
and Mrs. Dobbs moved Into their new
property recently purchased from Mr.
Wiliamson the .last of the week and
Mr. Russell and family took posses
sion of the house immediately following.
Dr. J. II. Rosenborg and family
went to Portland last Thursday.
Mrs. I. B. Thatcher, director of the
Chautauqua at Hi la place this year,
arrived In the city on Monday and
has been assisting the local committee
In getting the plans completed tor a
good attendance at the programs at
the big tent which begin this after
noon and continue for six da) a.
w. a. a
The following out-of town people
have registered at Hotel Prineville
the past week:
Thursday, June 2(1, 1IMU
Geo. A. Bright. J. A. Moore, G. W.
Brown, E. 0. Phlppa. L. N. Hlce, Port
land: A. Bernard and wife, Everett
Kuhn, Supine; I. F. Shoun, H. C.
Shoun, Mitchell; B. F. Harper, Mil
ton; E. C. Hleh.ti da, Goo. F. Muv,
Friday, June 27,1010
Mrs. F. A. Powell, Paulina; J. F.
Shoun, Mltrhell; J. M. Crawford.
Walla Walla: J. Q. O'Dcll, The
Dalles: L. E. Smith. Rmlmnnrt- Mr
and Mrs. Robert Llbby, Post; E. w!
noim, rortiand.
Niiturduy, June 2H, 1010
H. Vardale. Suplee; Bob Lister. L.
Lister, H. J. Lister. F. C. Illllups.
Paulina: 0. A. Nichols. I. A. N'wll
C. J .Conover, Geo. B. Van Waters,
Portland: Prentiss Seeds. H C Rwi.
gert, Barnes; L. M. Shattuck, Maupln;
r. iiryan. Han Francisco; Rena P.
Duthle, Pullman, Wash.; Roxana 8.
Ferris, Stanford: Raymond Way, Fort
Worden; W. L. Brown, Bond.
Sunday, June 20,1010
Roht. Paddock, W. J. Miller, Roy
Rltter, E. W. Helm. Portland: K.i.
Moore, Snn Francisco; R. M. Schwar
er, J. T. Tolladay, Jeff. Kelly, Paul
ina: Will Wurtweller, Sisters; E, L.
Osborne, Baker City; II. L. Bwlgert,
Barnes; D. E. Verges, Powell Butte.
Special Values in
During Chautauqua
Also bargains in other Dry
Goods and Groceries. Give us
your orders; we deliver to any
part of the city.
Tri-State Terminal Co.
Prineville, Oregon
Monday, June .10, 1010 j
Mrs. T. B. Thatcher, Portlund; C.i
F. Stratton, 8alt Lake City; W. R. Me-1
craelcen, Pendleton; Louis Miller and
family. Suplee: Mr. and Mrs. R. A.
neeier, Seattle.
Tuesday, July 1, 1010
James Mace, Portland; Mr. and
Mrs. C. A. Sherman, Fife; H. J. Lis
ter. Vernon Lister. Paulina- I. IT
Smith, T. W. Marshall, Redmond; E.
a. woonyard. M. R. Matthew. The
Dalles: T. 0. Owen, II. G. Stockmann,
Wednesday. July 2, 1010,
E. J. Ryan, Lloyd Painter. H. W.
Loveland, C. C. Brown, D. C. Bluraen
fleld, N. Borde, J. A. Cooper and
wife, Portland; M. M. Rogers, Bend;
H. L. Maler, The Dalles.
Get your Harvesting Ma
chinery repairs as soon as
possible serious shortage
in some lines and "first come
first served."
A full line of Wire Cable, Guy
Cable, Pitchforks Machine Oils,
Hay Wagons, on hand
Place orders now for Peer
ing Mowers, Rakes, and
Binders. . Large stock of re
pairs always in stock.
Page Woven Wire Fence at the
Lowest Possible Price
Collins W. Elkins
Are You Interested
In a
One that will give you water
under 50 lbs. pressure at the
house and barns? If so, see
The Delco-Light Pump
On exhibition at the
Main Street
Prineville, Oregon
Modern Appliance Co., Distributors, Seattle, Washington