crook covntt JornxAi J l MO lid, ItMfl. n I CELEBRATE . YOUR 4 Iqpl T7J7 I I ' of julyI IN BENS) I ai- Features to Interest EVERYONE Morning Events Big Victory Street Parade. Program Including Address by I Hon. F. W. Mulkey . of Portland Afternoon Events Street sports for men, women and children . Tug of War The Shevlin-Hixon Co., vs. Brooks-Scanlon Lumber Co., 1 5 picked men on each side. Angler's Fly Casting Contest. Base Ball-Bend vs. Battery "A" 147th Field Artillery. Night Events Boxing contests Two 10-round boutsall star card. Fred Gilbert vs. Knowlton. Sailor Chas. Fox vs. Byers. I OneFast Preliminary. Dancing. 1 $2,000 in Cash Prizes 1 For Information write Chas. W. Erskine, Genl Chairman BEND, OREGON Powell Butte NKWS NOTKH t 1 E22 ! Geo. Whltsett Is hauling wool for J, K. Warner. Jack O'Calahan Nino sent out four big truck loads of wool IiihI week. Powell tlutt Sorosls moots Dili week at t he-home of Alr. J. J. Chnp inun. This meeting It to entertain Hit! children of niembera' anil .oveiy wtimiui Ih r'(iilri'l to brim child; If alio has none of hor own ah must borrow one for the ociaaion. TIi Ice cream social given by the Similar school on Krltlny night a m success, both financially bihI am Inlly. K. II. Williiiiiitt Is buildou; another bunk house on Ilia ranch li'io. Frank Foster nml Krunk McCaf frey wore visitors at'the ftmnly e,it Suliirtlity. Horn, to Mr. ami Mm. lioy Ollvir, who live at the OValliihiiu ranch, on Thursday. Juno 19, a daughter, her name Is Ida Kathleen. Mrs. A. V. Bnyne Ulitl Mis Havel Ilayne wont to Portland Thursday where they will visit for a abort tune ml Mia. llnyue will go to San Fran cisco to enter Mount .loll llospltul for training. ' Mr. Ilayne Will re turn after her visit In I'ortlaml. Ora Foster anil family returned home Wednesday from i motor trip to the Willamette valley. Mra. Mar tha Foster, who went with them, will rtninin there for a while. C. I'.. Williams la hero from San Diego to ape ml the summer with his son. K. II! Williams, who operates a large alfalfa ranch. Miss Sammy" Tucker of Paisley Is visit In k with her roualn, Mrs, Oliver on the U'Oalahan place. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. KIkks and Mr. and Mrs. Reaves Wllcoxen went to Suttle 1-ake and spent the week vud camping and fishing. Dolhert French, former resident of this section, and while here secretary of the Powell Butte Cooperative Club, was visiting among friends here a tew days last week. Mr. French was well fitted up fur farming when the call came and he was needed and he gave up alt, made a sale, sent his wife tn his father's home and went to war. He did not go overseas, however, but was stationed most of the time at Camp Grant, Illinois. Mr. French la planning to take post graduate work at the University of Wisconsin and will specialize In ltural Home Life and scientific farming. Mrs. French and child will accompany htm and re main In the east while he Is In school. A Jolly picnic and flailing party consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Henry i Whltsett and children, Mra. Mary Tweet and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Lewis and children, Mr. Elliott from Cottage Grove and Ilttlo Vera Bur aiin of Bend, who is visiting at the home of Henry Whltsett, spent Sun day at Tetherow bridge, fiahlng and otherwise enjoying the out of doors. They report a good catch. Another bunch who report great luck fishing in the Deschutes on Sun day last were Hobs Buasett, Floyd Bussett and Dewey Shobort. Mr. and Mra. M. I. Sunday of Oreah am are vlaltlug Mrs. Suuduy's sister. Mrs. lioy Roberts. They will remain about ten ilaya or two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. licit Reynolds brought Kev. Ilanlelon out to his appointments at Community Hall on Sunday. They "tllnnered" at the K. A. Iluaaelt homo and relumed home In the evening. Mrs. Arthur Wurtweller ami Mrs. Hugh Stewart went to Frlnuvlllo on Tuesday, ' Harold .Moore has bought a Ford and Is enjoying it very much. w. a. a. MUST 'MI'IIST t HI IU II AliMINIHTHTHR'R MI.K r LAND NOTICE IN ItKRKIIY (1IVKN h tha urntaf. alaimt, tin Aitinlnl.lrolru nf lha ICtata Onl. r nf gal. laauait nut nf Ih. Count Cou nt t rtMtn iunir. maia ui wn-a"", on Ih. Ilh o!aa nt Jul, at Iwn nVlo-a la la afl.rnnon aall to Iha nllwl nnniar lr at nulill. auction, at Ih. fmnl amir nf U Count? Court Itnuaa In I'rlnavllla, Oraaoa, Sullitwlna dMMiMHMl trvtni.t, ItMWIt t tin) . . ... VJ. ... t . nn.H. a.tUIB mm! ouartar of Nnrthwral tuartar, Xithwoal jttart.r, w hi nail ni iwMiit.,a-i Hr.H.,n r, Toam.hlp til. hiulh Hanaa II KaaS. ..f lha Wlllaniilto M.rhllan In thailt Couatf. Orraon. Dalad Olla lllk oar nf Juna, ISIS. SAKAH hNODIlfRI.Y. Almlnlilrali nf lha Katata af CharlM A. Ivr. Dacaaaatl III I Htv J. W ( al n. Field Worker I .... .1... i. .... nn ill.. i ... imii' n relation, will ill S o'clock. i. or Cliooa '. preach Sun. lav even '.Subject, "Until and r Ing nml Follow mi I The' llltilo sell" .! ni' ' In tlm morning at'10. I i y i ineeiing tut j Wednexdm evenli i: al ,s You are cordially Invited. i V 'd anw In pin lU ulars 3:u:ic ' FOR SAl.K- Guanine good condition. I see Guy Jouklua, I'll FOR SALE! Two lliiroc IITimmI Howa, Dim I'oIhikI t'lilua llimr, One Urown hwlas Hull, if er old, Tv jeerllnu lirlfero, llolateln ami Durham,.. AiMreaa or rail on II. II. Cos, roui'll Untie, Or'Kin. Your Stationery (liarartn-lMHi YOlT. Write on our stationery of Qmallty. Bos Taper, wtilte and dainty tint. Writing Tablets in IJnen and rialn Finish in White and Dellrato Cnlora, Fnvrlopri plain anil Mnen Finish, White and IVellcat Colors. MiMire's non-leaking Fountain Pens. The Fountain Pen that will give you Hat Uf art ton. JAPANF.SK WAItK VASKH 1-3 OVV D. P. ADAMSON & COMPANY STRAW OLE Fancy and Field Run For Canning rii Place your order for delivery at once. Mail orders given special attention. Michel Grocery Company WIILJ?.llUMr.lMJWiafflJmMJMM