Pace fl R(HK COVXTY JOIUXAL Jl'.VKUO, III II'. Prepare for "Joy Night" Earl Hippie Concert Company Come With Great Musical Program Latt Night of Chautauqua V. 5!. n" V ?v-a -.V..' k v o v j titiu 1 i i The Earl Hippie Concert Company has been chosen for Chautauqua's "Joy Nlpht," the closing event of the hlg week. It Is douhtful If a better com pany could have been found for this important place. With a dashing, rollick ing program of music they will uinke the big tent a Joyous spot. I'lanologues, Tlolln solos and duets, xylophone, flute and, trombone solos, trios end ensemble tn descriptive or fantasies, all combine to make an evening of unusual brilliancy. Is Your Money Supporting the Government? At ' thla critical period In oar history our manufacturer are offering their mills and our young men are offering their service to the United States government. Would yon like to do yonr share and help, by pntting your money where It will support the new Federal Reserve Banking System, which the government has established to stand back of our commerce, Industry and agriculture T To can do this by opening an account with as as part of every dollar so deposited goes directly Into the new system, where It will always be ready for you when wanted. Member Federal Reserve System FIRST NATIONAL BANK SM&M The Journal does Modern Printing on Short Notice Sergeant Gibbons Is Coming Great Canadiaa War Lecturer and Writer at Chautauqua Soon t ft 't'i-:''f Sergeant Gibbons, who served three years overseas as a member of the I first Canadian contingent, prisoner in German prison camps for seven months, ; Is to be one of the feature lecturers of Chautauqua week. This young Cana dian has an almost unparalleled record of achievement, since returning. In ' Canada he recruited 1,200 men. Loaned to the United States government as a speaker, he sold personally seven and a half millions In Liberty bonds, raised half a million for the lied Cross und a quarter of a million In war work cam paign. He Is the author of a "Guest of the' Kaiser" and a war lecturer extraordinary. On t lie evening of "Victory Day" only. ALL CLASSIFIED ADS MUST be paid for when order and copy is given. One cent for each word each week is the rate. Figure it out yourself. REMEMBER, CASH WITH COPY EfilEF GENERAL NEWS Official announcement is made that the V tilted States postal censorship has been discontinued. According to l.e Journal of Paris, more than 5000 American soldiers have married Krench girls. Governor Krank O. l.owdcn'a candi dacy for the republican nomination for president bus been launched at Chicago. Senator Myers of Montana has pre sented a bill to prohibit all immlttra Hon for !0 years and that from tier many, Austria Hungary, Hulgaria and Turkey for 60 years. Secretary llaker lias authorized re cruiting of 16.740 men for service on the Mexican border. They will replace men enlisted for the war emergency and now eligible (or discharge. Portland, Oakland and Santa Par bara and the state of WshitiRton von the four captured German cannon for largest Victory loan oversubscrip tions, the federal reserve bank's final statement ol the campaign shows. The district court at Fairmont, Minn., has refused to postpone the cases of A. C. Townley aud Joseph Gilbert, president and organiser of the non-partisan league, charged with con spiracy to violate the state disloyalty 'aw. Gustav Adolf Pauer, who succeeds Philipp Scheldemann as German pre mier, is second chairman of the gen eral commission of the federation of labor unions, lie was elected to the relchstag in 1912 from Rreslau and ; appointed minister of labor under ! Prince Max last October. He Is an ' authority on labor legislation and workers' insurance. Good oil is cheaper than parts "A quart of oil" any oil is better than no lubrica tion. But why not ask for Zer olene and know that you are getting Correct Lubri cation? Zerolene is correctly re fined from selected Califor nia crude oil. It keeps its lubricating body at cylin der heat, holds compres sion, gives perfect protec tion to the moving parts and deposits least carbon. It is the product of the combined resources, expe rience and equipment of the Standard Oil Company. Get a Correct Lubrica tion Chart for your car. At your dealer's or our nearest station. STANDARD OIL COMPANY fCalUorniaJ A grade fir each type of n$ine NOTICK TO CRKIMTOHH NOTICK U h-rvlir by lha umlarala-nad, lti yxat-ulnra lit lha aatata of K. r. lona, aV rraad, lo all crrdiloia of Mid dacanard and to Hit rraona having clalma awalnat anid -ii'i tn praaant tha aama, with tha proiwr .,! he pa, to It' Ulidarallinrd al the o(fl-a of M. K. M. hull. In I'rtti-villr, Oroaon. wlihtn U months fnm Hi rir-l publication at thla null,.. I'uhllalird lh tint tlma. M,,v su, unit. RirHAHfl H t.ONt), IW B. FRANK LONIJ. C. E. MARTIN, Hpwlal Atf., Retlinontl, Orc(on DOCTOR SUTCLIFFE POPULAR LECTURER A Classified Ad Brings Quick Results Writer and Educator Well Known In the West Dr. Robert SutcllfTe, writer, educator and lecturer, brings to Chautauqua on the fifth day a splendid, constructive lecture, "Some liy-l'roduets of Arma geddon." It deals with preseut day OC 30 1 i ST' ' . : J I IRELAND'S City Transfer & Express Auto Delivery to all Parts of the City and Vicinity Phone me for quick service at Hugh L&kin's Red 951 SSS9SSSS$9SSt problems In s sane, sensible manner. You will like Dr. SutcllfTe he is one of the best known and moat popular lecturers tn the West And bis lec ture will be good for you and jow community to hear. SUMMER HATS The white and black Milansthe big short back. Droopy Brim Lisere medium and large tough straw sailors can all be found at THE ELITE RUBY M. LAFLER SUMMONS tn th futility Cmirt uf tha Plata nf Orvsa for tlia County of Crtiolt. In tlia matlrr of lha aatata uf Hlntun lrt- To M a. C.r.llna I'rira, 1. M. Prlra, It. I. I'rl,., 1'hllllo I'rlro, A. A. I'rira, II. I. I'rloa, M. I'rl, . U,la I'rira, Ciwtlnat In Ilia nama of lha Stata of Orrgon, You nra liari'hy i-ltril an,l rvHiulrail to aeit-Nr In lha (Vutily t'oiirl of lha Mtala of Orraon, for lha t'-oiitity of l'pNk, at lha t.'ourt wn ll,ar of, at rrlitavllla, In Ilia County of Crook, Mtala tif Orraon. on Tmotlav, Ilia HI rt ilny of July, ll)l, at III oYlork In tha f,,m.,,n of that day, Ihvn anil Ihma to ahow rauaa, If any lluta I, why an ortlrr tif thla court ahoultl not ha niU) aullairlnltm Ilia ailmlnlatrmlor of lha Katal of Hlrnon I'roa. iliHraaal, lo aall all uf tha real aatata of aalU tlai-aaaad, diacrlbvd aa folluwa. lo-wltl Tha Sniithwaat quart. r. tha Waal half of lh Southaaal quartar of rta,'llon lanty-ala, tha Kaat half of lha Mouthraat quarlar of Mt,.-llnn Twrnly-aavrn. tha Wrat half of tha Nrlhiaul qaarlrr, lha Wl halt uf lha Houlhaaal qiair. tar of Sartlon Thlrtaan, all In Townahlp Klvht. aan Houth of Mania Tmntynina, Kaal of WlU lamatta Marlillan in ttrvvon. WITNKSM tha Hon. N. II. Wallar. Ju,la of lha Cnunty Court of lha Mtala of Omron for lha County of Crook, wllh Ilia ami of Mid Court affUad Ihla Kith day of May, A. U. Arr'KMTi WAHRKN llltOWN. Claik. IM6 NOTIt'K Of TAX SALE NOTICK la h.raby ilvao thai l.urauant to a nrtlar of lha t:,unty Court of tha Slata of Urwaon ft,. I ' i, u, L i'.i.i.i. h. ..I- . .. ,t . t on lha Klh day of May, mm, , h. undaa. Ilinml, aharlff anH ta rullrctor for aatd t)N SATURIIAY.'tHK lh day Of JULY, ttlt aall lo lha hla-hrat bithlar for rxli fptra lb fmnl and norlli door of lha rounly rourthoua at I'rlnayllla. Uraon, In aald Crook County, all landa lo whlrh lha aald rounty haa hcraU for arqulnd till. Iy vlrtua of aal ft,r dalla. taxta. Said aala will liaain at lha boar of Ian oVIik Ii of at, 1,1 day and rloaa at 4 oVIork of aald day and i-lo. at 4 o'rlork, and in raaa any of lha aald taiola ramaln una.ild al tha aald hour of 4 o'rlork of tha aald ttttv, nirh aala will W atlituirnrd from day lo day by liuhllr tronr,ur,ratnvnt of lha aald ahanff, nutila al lha lima and ptara of tha aala, and wilt ha rontlnurd from day to ,tKU i -..-i. ,u- r "f -m. I'.o.i.r iin'oinrpmriK, aa provima p,y law, until all of aald landa hava barn bold. ina luiiowins oarrai or land will h. a,,ld lo lha hliinaat hkldrr for raaa tn band but for wu Itaa aum than IM 07. trwtti Tha NWV, of tha NK'.,. lha RU of lha NW and lha NK at lha HWS, of Saa. IS In Townahlp 16 Houth, Manga II kaat of lha Wlll.m.lta M.lidlan : Tha fnllnartna ... k l . !1 , , J .1. - blahaat bldtlrv fr. i.h In k...l k..t f... I. . urn than IH.70, lo-wlli Tha Rui half m of fWlhtn l la Townahlp 17 South of Kama 14, Eaal of tha Willamatla MarMlan All Olha. mm.Ii k-l.t 1. ,1.. - ,,, I - aold to tha blahot biddar tr raah In ha a 4 raaaruiaaa or ina amounla of Unaa, Intaraala, Panaltlaa and nala hot . 1. 1 I i I, i tMIM t i. tha . . . I . , .... - - " ,u toat aar whlrb lha lllla w.a by Crook t'ounly, and to lha llaa of auU-ournl ta cartlflcataa. any, taauau lo ln,llvl,luali, and a daad will bo laauad In all - I . all lha rltfhf. (111. .H.l 1..,.. ., i 'a Inaik In and lo lha aald lan.M, aubjart to lha ana aoora aal lortn. but lo na othar liana a alalma, wllhoul tha Mcaaatly of rontrlmalaaa and with no prrtod of rrdamptlon atlarbad. Ialad at I'rlna.lll,, Omron, Ihia Itflh day of May, joiin comus, sharin. y Muyd A. Kow.ll, Uapaly. NOTICK TO CHKDITUltM . Notice la harah. al..n .h.. .k. ... . . ..j nil vii btaaaa, V 41 o UaS dorilxned, the adtuliilitratrties of the Estate of Law son McDowell, Drcess- cu. iu an creuuors or said Deceasnd. nnd to all pnrsons havinc claims ngalnst his Estate to present the same with the proper vouchors, to tijo undersigned within six months from the date or the first publlc.tioa 1.1' i .us summons. Duti'd May 22. 1919. CASSIK CHANCE. MILDKED MANNINO. Admlnlatratrlxcs of the Eutato of Law so ii McUowoll, decuased a'-Mmin-mmtm:!". Ii.ttt1.,j;,.il-.v.t.:.i. 'i-yip.' rs.'.-?WK.' saT HI aff-yoar-'roi The'V it the v. popular! Sold eveiywhere-Families supplied by grocer, druist and dealer. Visitors are cordially invited to pect our plant. ANHEUSER-BUSCH ST.LOUIS Rhirnnuor & Ilttftli, KThoaala'ljiiribtitor MJKTLAND. OIIB. Ocliooo Wan.'housu Ol, inmributora I'IC.NtV ILLS, OWE. m si . - . mm ' of its Wm Bi NOTICK OF riNAI. fHCTTI.KMKNT NOTICE IS HEKKIIY U1VKN by tha undar alinad, lha Admlnlatmtrln of tha Katata of Krnaat K. tiuntar. Ircaaard, to all paraona Inlaraatad In aald Eatata, that lha has mado) and fllrd wllh tha Clark or lha County Court of Crook Court!.. O lin. ha. final n ill.,., i a of bar admlnlatratlon of aaid Katat and the Court haa art Mcmilar, tha 41b day of Anna, at tan o'clock In lha foranoon at tha County Court Room In Prlna.llla, Omron, aa tha lima and plara for hrnrlna and aattllm aald Flnaj Aoooantlna- at which aald tlma and placa aay paraon intaraatad In aaid Katata may appaaa and object tharrto. Oatad this 12th day of Juna, 111 CHKIHTINA UIJNTKR, Admlnlatralrtx of tha KaUla of Iroaat K. OunUr, Daoaaard Sill SCALE BOOKS Neatly printed and bound. Send 11.00 to the Journal and one will be mailed yon, postage paid. ttfo FOR DODGE BROTHERS MOTORCARS SEE R. 8. McCLl'ItK Address Box 178 PRINKVILIjE, OKE. DR. TACKMAN DENTIST Room 2 Cornett Building Member of Preparedness League of American Dentists HillsBrcs Pin i I 1TEA , ftutd 'COFFEE Has No Equal No Rival - No Substitute IT IS THE BEST J, E. STEWART&CO .J :. - ....,