i Crook G otmty ouraal COUNTY OFFICIAL PAPER OF CROOK COUNTY VOL. XXIII. HAY GET BEET FACTORY OMI'ANIEH AUK MUCH INTER. ESTEI) IN EXPERIMENTS OUR LOCAL BEETS TEST HIGH iTwo Yean Twit On Twelve Farms Indicate High Grade Of I tart a Out Bo lUUed I lore J. E. Myers last week mull net out to several ranchers In this vicinity sample package of sugar bent seed for experiment purposes. Such ex periments have boon successfully conducted here for the last two year. A twit of about 17 por cent. Ii con sidered very good by beet sugsr re fineries, On tha tenia conducted on beets raised on twelve different ranches in Crook rounty for tha past two years, tha everage hnt ranged;,..,. ,,,1..,,.. round 18 per cut. aomo tests going j,; a. high a. 20 per cent. , "".....f pany and the Or.-gon Agricultural Colloge are both lending their anoint nee to these experiments and so fur are highly pleaned with the results. Ho much so, in fnct. that It this year's experiments miilninln the high aver Bge of the two previous years, a sugsr factory will bo established here In the1!' . . . .i . ' . near future. : !"Ily or "'"K'-ntly permits any water w. s. s, IMll.l.Y WWW IV lt.M MIW. A case growing nut of Ihn rondiicled by Blierlff 8. K. onducted by Sheriff 8. K. Il ber s, b"fyi ?f rr, FrBnk b, K,,,,i nd Fire Chief Curio,,, was disposed of In police court when Mrs. Dolly Wnrd. formerly of Prlnevllle,, plead , .st. h, wnu sue was noi nrouBu - Into court this morning. I ine srresi oi nirs. warn wns ac- over $10, which bad prevlos!;' been furnished him In marked bills by lbs authorities. The young lady wns at first shocked beyond measure when hand reached out from under the bed and grasped her bare ankle. Then she recovered from her stimrlse nnd said It was a Joke. Hru this m.irnlng he pleaded guilty. Bond Bulletin, w. .. .. M KVKV BEING MADE - WEST OF l-IUNEVILI.B Another alrl. a mVn I Inward 'wh ?.UP" ni in pnsonmeni. jus-, vllle; M. Coyn J ..... ;, -iiices rouris snun nnve roncurrenti 220-vd WI1 nlllken lust nlpht Km mr vIm1.,. . ... .f ' 7U' rnmnlluhAr1 Uv Plit.f Vlnn svlin rn. . .... .... ceni..rt ,,n,ir . i.d i ,. .,m ' "D V ' "a sSO-yd. relay J. Young, R. Young. ,aress K,vcn. ine parade ,rd .i,a mo 'Jlw,n " rigidly enforced In the H. Johnston, E. Andrus, Madras: Kenu to the cemetery, from lodger to be used T n "Vni ar-! I"'M..SLrir t.1".. C0Unly I "" D,"y- Kidder. Red i towing will close the day's in.th.i,n .M....k.m.n ... "'. u' - mond: Hayes, Wyman. WrlEht. Mil-t Invocation: Song. " A survey of the State Highway grnm la as follows: lesdlng west from Prlnevlllo Is be-1 "When You And I Were Yun, Ing made this week. The grade dl-iMaggle," Insturmental- quartet, by rectly west of the city will be niator-i Bernlce Shlpp, Wlstar Rosenberg Ed lally reduced to a very easy one, and j ward Van Nuys and A. II. Gillett. the general course of the road will "The Newer Patriotism, " Clara follow stralxlit Hues through the Pow-, Short. ell Butto district. w. i. REGISTRATION FI NISH EI) The total reglstrstlon for the spec ial election to bo held June 3, is 1G97 for the county. w. s. s. SPECIAL NOTICE The meeting of the Commercial Club scheduled for Friday evening the Crook County High School grnd untlon exercises tomorrow night, w. a. . EIGHTH GRADE GRADUATES Tho folowlng successfully passed I the eighth grade examinations: Flo ra Edwards, 94.7, highest average; Jimmy Nowsnm, second, 93. B; Elean or Euston, Raymond Horlgan, Marie Oerardo, Vera Hendrlckson, Ted Blanchard. Three were conditioned and will be permitted to remove the conditions at the June examinations. County results will be given fully next week. p-w. s. a. TRINEVILLE WILL PARTICIPATE IN ROSE FESTIVAL PARADE At the Club Lunchoon last Friday, doflnlte stops were taken for partici pation in the Portland Rose Festival parade. " ( R. L. Schee was appointed manager of arrangements to prepare and enter suitable float. The plan most fav ored and the one that will probably be followed Is to procure a flat truck nd decorate it; plnce a fat steer upon It and surround with alfalfa bay, making an exhibit typical of. this sec tion of the State. A great many Crook county people are planning to attend the festival this year, w. a. a. DEATH OF ALMON P. COLEMAN Almon P. Coleman, formerly of this city, dlod in Portland last week, following an operation. The funeral was held from the Presbyterian church in Prlnevllle on Tuesday af ternoon, May 20, 1919. He leaves a wife and many friends to mourn his departure. i n , V i , Vstrumentnl Trio, A. H. Gillott, Blanch of this 'week Is postponed unti sllf v c sh Monday night next on account of j Declslon of Judges. WILL ENFORCE LAW TO KEEP CO. ROADS DRY IHMTKHT ATTIIONEY WIKT9S ISNl'ES WARNING STATEMENT EFFECTIVE THURSDAY, HAY 29 Penally Carries Possible Kino And A Jail Sontence In The Effort To Protwt Roads - . ... ........ District Attorney Wlllurd II. WlrU I . . s making preparations to enforce the, new statute regarding th habitual flooding of roads by .Irrigators. He has just I sound the following letter to water users and says that he mm ns to do Just what he states In the communication: "Dear Sir: "Your atention is hereby respect fully called to the following enact ment of the 30th Legislative Assem- to the matter of allow ing water from your Irrigation ditches to flow upon or waste upon the coun - i '" ,7, m. 'Z ",,"" .' ,," .." . I. permit yur water to flow upon the road. The act In question to be;wlnnB De'n Ki'en m tuoordor of found at page 802 of the Laws of ,h"lr 1'laclng: Oregon for 1919. reads as follows: EO-yd. dash A. Tuck, Redmond; Any person or persons, or corpor-j J, Young, Madras; E. McNy;iy. 8ond. allon occupying land as owner, pro-1 100ty'. dash Tuck, Mctfenly. You nit. i.u.u mi; ii i iKiiiiuii ur uriuiiHKu uucn, to wasto or flow from the lands or premises owned, occupied, bused, or ,j.-mhtii mm, unu uny vuuill or public highway and damage! Mw,liro with 7he public ! Prim vllle treof. stmll bo deemed quIUyi i 0.yd dash-McN, f a mlll,pmiinor nnd , be pun-Vancet Redmond pun- j Ished by a fine not to exceed $100 or of committed under this: act ..Ti,,. anl . ,, ti ' respectively yours "WILLARD II. WIUTZ. "District Attorney." w. s. s. BALDWIN ORATORICAL CONTEST ON TONIGHT Thero Is much Interest displayed in the keen competition of high school 1 students this Tear for the laldwln ! 'prise in the Annual Oratorical on-j test. , We are Informed that It will ! be a hard fought battle. The cro- "The Land of Opportunity." Alice Blntjchnrd. Right Ideas the Nemesis of En iplres," Alice McNeely. "Larboard Watch," Instrumental Trio, Edwar dVan Nuys, Blanch Shlpp, A. H. Gillett. "Fair riay," Vernon' Lister. . "Hnliinced Science," John Houston. "The Builders of Yesterday and Tomorrow," Hazel Yancey. "Adjutant Hunter's March," In- W. S. B. DR. HORACE BELKNAP HERE Dr. Horace' P. Belknap. Jr.. who has Just returned from several months' service In France, arrived in the city Monday morning with Mrs. Belknap, who met him in Portland. Dr. Hornce will remain In Prinevllle several dnys visiting relatives and assisting his father with operations. w. a. a. ROOSEVELT HIGHWAY MEN HERE TUESDAY EVENING Senator T. B. Handley ot Tillamook and Representative B. F. Jones of Newport wore in Prlnevlllo Tuesday In the Interest of the Roosevelt High way and Irrigation Bonds. They left early Wednesday morn. ng us they found the sentiment hero vory strong for both measures. From here they were going to Bend and Bums. w. a. a. EVANS-HOFFMAN Nina Evelyn Evans and Aaron T. Hoffman were united In marriage at the home of the bride's parents last Thursday noon, May IB, 1919. Rev. W. L. Van Nuys officiated. A number of , friends were present to witness the affair, after which a wed ding banquet was served. The bride Is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Evans, living near Held, and the groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoffman of Prlnevllle. The young people will make their home in the Hoffman ranch near Prlnevllle. The Journal wishes them many years ot happiness. ov inior sonniciiL in inn ronnrv inn v..H it jUMBIIIMII'll Willi 11. c .i.uiL VUllll PIU.N'EVILLK, CROOK COUNTY, OREGON, B!G CROWD PRESENT AT TRI-C0UN1Y MEET REDMOND B4j MADRAS A3 REND 22; PRINEVILLE It TUCK OF REDMOND IS STAR Prl-u-vllle Win all Point in Tennis And Majority in Stenography And Typing Grades Win. , A large crowd witnessed tha annual trl-county track and -fluid meet held in maaraa last aaiuraay. Commercial Club last Friday, baa ar- Rodmond won wlto (4 points, 46 ranged the following sub-committees: of which were made by Tuck, who;GraT decoration, Spanish War Vet won every event he entered, lerans, Geo. W. Nlcolal, chairman; Crook county grade schools won froram. Brs. H. P. Belknap, L. M. over all other grade schools with 5'ltH; Music, R. L. Schee; Parade, points. Verl Bhattuck was the star Ro8S Rob'nn. Sylvain Michel, Ver- for Crook county In the crade con- tests. Prlevlllfc won 65 points al- togetner including tennis, track, sten ' 1 "''"maiory ana oariory.i jvr""" cou,nly raae cnoo,, mM8 points. I ""suits of the high school events, Jn Tuck, Coyner ot Bend) H. Lister, Prlnevllle. Z20-yd. dash Tuck McN'eely Young. ' ' j High Jump Young, Tuck, Kosen- i lierif . IT n6V lie l!r'oa(1 JumpTuck. Young, Hayes, McNecly, Young,' Faucet. Redmond ! 120-vd hlah hurdles Tuck R Tuck; V. Lister, Prlne er, Bond. low hurdles Tuck; R. Young; Hayes. Discus throw R. Young; Tuck; M. Coyner. - Pole Vault Rosenberg; R. Younr. ler Prlnevllle. Mile run M. Coyner; 8mlth, Red mond; Kidder, Redmond. County results, winners being plac ed In order of finishing: 50-yd. dash, grades Hourlgan, Crook; Grimes, Deschutes; P. Culp, Jefferson. n V? n, mldKt8 Wh'tm.ore, "nn"1 ' Crk: J K",g' Voo Ca' dnsho BdQi,..... riLl' f0', Xa!TSU 60-yd dash, midgets Whltmore Crook: Tuckta. Jefferson: McNeely. Deschutes. 100-yd. dash,, grades Shattuck; Tuckta; McNeely. Continued on page 6 I Methodist ; Centenary Brings s Smiles to Wee French Lass "Smilss" one of B0 little French girls who have found a real home in the Methodist Episcopal orphanage in Ecully, near Lyons, France. . This orphanage was the former home of Swiss painter who left hurriedly at tha outbrsak of the war, leaving $10,000 worth of paintings which will be old ler the kiddies. Ia addition to the five orphanages the church already has in France and Italy ethers will be established very shortly. The centenary movement of tha Methodist Episcopal church is making a drive for $105,000,000 to rebuild tha werld and out ot that a certain sum will be set aside to create homes for tha fatherless children of France and Italy. MAY 22, CITY TO OBSERVE COMMITTEE APPOINTED AT LUNCHEON LAST FRIDAY CITIZENS ARE ASKED TO HELP Work Hum Not Been Arranged In De tail Hut "All Are Working To gether For Result Th v"i v av vu icvui a, HUH fBI ! appointed at the Luncheon of the ' uu ruDiicny, is. w. inomas, A. M. Byrd All' citizens who are Interested In any phase of this day, which sbould j p i mia uay, wnicn snoun mucD lo American people with any of these committees. Those having flowers or evergreens for dec oration are asked to leave them next Thursday In the basement room at the court house. Most of the committees have not as yet arranged their work In detail but all will work together for a prop er observance of the day. The pro gram committee has made the fol lowing tentative plan: All to meet at the caurt house at " "J- h.en :hJ P.rog,raJ? bt gin and be carried straight through' iinisnea at ine cemetery. Al lne court Douse the program 8,artg wlth an invocation, "followed uj snciuuii uy ine oana, America Dy ! the audience. Solo, Star Spangled j Banner; address; selection by the band. I The parade will form and proceed 10 tne Ochoco bridge on Main street, (where there will be a halt until the , band renders a selection and an ad- tnen con- where the fol- exercises: Battle Hymn of the Republic"; Address, W. L. Van Nuys; Selection by the band; Gettysburg address; Decoration of graves. w. a. . HAT ROCK SCHOOL CLOSES Miss Beatrice Bullard closed a very successful nine months term of school !? the Hat Rck di8trlct tast Week' tte I?'8,ru"u C(;mm"nl-V 1no1wn 88 the Mof" ' fl" SthJcat P?weU Butt,e . .. Good Interest was maintained all through the school year and three of the pupils wrote eighth grade fin al examinations before the term closed. CITY OFFICIAL FAPER FOR CITY OF PRINEVILLE COMMENCEMENT IS (TtOOK COCXTY HIGH fl-OHKS VERY PROSPEROUS YEAR TWENTY - FOUR GRADUATES Motto For Graduating Class Is "Not On The Heights, But Climbing" At Club Mall With the conclusion of the com mencement exercises tomorrow night the Crook County High School closes another prosperous year. "Not on the heights, but climbing" Is the beautiful motto of the twenty four graduates: Leonora R. Elliott, Edith Lambrecht, Lillian Dinwiddle, Tilllo B. Zell, Hulda S. Sundquist, L. Frances Montgomery, Ada Marie Bullard, Eva Cholson Street, Hazel Adaline Yancey, John Dewey Houston, Otis McKinnon, Lynn Cram, iianssa . snort, Lyla Mae Maddox Vernon Lister, Blanche Shipp, Ber niec Shinn mio ch,7 AUcl M?rLet Blath Alice Margaret Blanchard, Josephine nuifgie moDipgon, Thelma Isabella Miller, L. Edythe Wonderly, Ruth LouiV Yancey. Following is the program for Fri day evening. May 23, 1919: Invocation. Rev. W. L. Van jVnvH Vocal Duct. Megdames Rosen hfrp and Duffy; Salutatory. O.ive Bh I .oniTni duet"! viuoo idictorv I nitn nn,eM ,ShIPnP: 'flon Dnwldd,e; Presenta- ,tion of diplomas .vocal duet. Blanchn and Made Knwoll . ' and Madge Rowell. Class flower; Red Sweet Pea. -w. a. GEORGE BREWSTER HOME George (CaSeVl Rl-ewater rainrnaA' to Frlneville Saturday after an ab-! senee of two and one-half years spent, .u mo service oi uncie sam. Casey was with the 29th Engineers and ex - perienced some active service at the front but escaped without injuries until after the armistice Wfln Qlirnarl when he shot himself through the ....sci. me injured memoer is st rr which will necessitate its being re- 111 mAAAnnl.n. . . mo vea, -w. a. a. ENDORSE RnosFvnT mrmriv able 8um t0 J"8'0" th state and the ftt' ROOSEVELT HICItW AY government in construction ot post - roads and forest roads to connect the The Commercial Club passed reso- centers of population with neighbor lutions endorsing the Roosevelt Hitrh-, ing counties. . way measure at the luncheon at thei AH this construction is contingent Hotel Prineville last Friday, unani-upon an increase in the limit for mously. They also endorsed the State ; road indebtedness. And unless the guarantee of interest on Irrigation ! people of the whole state will vote Borfds, which appears on the ballot this increase to the debt limit, Klam for the special election June 3. The'ath is up against it. And Klamath two measures are ot supreme interest! is only one ot Beveral counties who to the people of Oregon and should ! are In a somewhat similar situation. . receive hearty support. j Jackson county, Cocs county, Clat- W.B,B. BRIDGE AT LADIES' ANNEX rrtt. . . ... . iue two Bridge clubs of Prinevllle accompnsn mis. But tney cannot 19 entertained last Thursday evening : 8ue tne bonds under the present con with a bridge party in the club rooms i stitntional limitation, at the Ladles' Annex. Each member "People in other counties should asked three guests for her own table. ' Bive due weight to this fact before There were sixty present. The object I noting on the 6 per cent, measure on of the entertainment was to raise ; June 3. Voting to in crease the bond money for the women '8 dormitory at I ec Indebtedness limit does not mean the University of Oregon. A lunch ! tnat yur home county will issue was served at 12 o'clock, after v.hich bonds UP to 6 Per cent, or will issue' dancing vas enjoyed for a short any bonds at all. The local bond is time. sue wil come before the voters of 1 W- B- , your county as a separate proposition rt)vr TOn. . ' . and you can vote it up or down on ita ERNEST ESTES ARRIVES HOME merits. But this 6 per cent, measure should be suported for the sake of the Ernest (Bub) Estes was mustered inal fa dzen out-lying counties who out of the service Monday at Camp ,ind Jt necessary to avail themselves lien J 3 and returned to Prinevillo I of its Provisions so as to get the bene Tuesday evening, after an absence!"1 of money they already have ex- ot two years Bpent In the army. Bub was witn Evacuation Hospital No. .. Dental Corns, and was located near Toul most of the time he was in France. w. a. a.- Post NEWS NOTES MM Berniece McLean is visiting friends in Prinefille this week. R. G. Raymond, Frank Reif and Homer Norton went to Prineville on Monday on business. C. O. Stover helped Charlie Shep herd with the road work Tuesday. W. H. Gibson and Ralph Gibson have gone to Burns. ' S. J. Newsom went to Rabbit Val ley Tuesday. C. L. Ream, Arch an Dan Ream autoed to Prineville Monday. Mrs. Ada Rideout of Portland is visiting her sister, MrssW. O. Elliott. O. C. Gray moved his family to the ranch last Sunday. j Grover C. Gibson, who has been In the service for a year, returned home Monday and is very glad to get back to Crook county. NO. 28. OPPORTUNITY OFFERED FOR BETTER ROADS MEASURE AT SPECIAL ELECTION WOtXD BENEFIT COUNTY NO ARGUMENT AGAINST ROADS System Now Poeible Where People Mar Be Benefitted To A Very Great Extent The people of this part of Oregon bav an opportunity In the special el ection next month to make posible A highway system better than that pos sessed by most parts of the North west. With the plans outlined for tha three principal roads in this county, the1 passage of the six per cent, bond ing limit for road purposes will make an excellent system possible, and will also open the way for following the cooperative road construction plan to a pofnt where we will. receive the proper returns for money paid In taxes, ui tne tnousanda expended an. . of the state have received hut lif tit. in return on highways. The present plans allow the return of two or as much as four dollars for each dollar expended for roads and the value of the oportunity should not be overlooked. OreZnV ZrZ: Commenting on the situation, the rnp Tirpspnr ivn nor Pant hnnri ntr J'" ' .r.der.t0 get.a hl!l!Way By8" w111 be benefitted. That is why it i. proposed to raise the aonstitutional u.:. c j ...... 1 . . l" " vam- ation, as per one of the measure to De voted upon Dy tne people June 3. "Klamath county is typical. Klam ath voted all the bonds it could and it expended them but there was not Bnnil.h Tri Aim,' tA flnloK .1a WAn.ln .kn 111 J .1 V J LIT l.ll.ou LUC IU.UB LUafc nrara. oAA ,k. A , age did not connect up the main parte of the county. So Klamath must have considerably more money to put jher county road system" in shape to get any real benefits from it. She is in the fix of a man who needs a O n i t nt plnthaa onr! hoa oil hue- iit pants and coat. He must spend en- nu;n more mnnev to irpt thoao I ... . . necessary articles, or his vest won't be of much use to him. Also, Klamath needs a consider- WP county, uolumoia county, all of tnese nave need ior more money to get their county road systems into ouayc auu uiuoi iBBlltj mure UUUU3 lu I ........ .. Pended under the existing 2 per cent. limitation." 1 w. a. m.- JOHN T. WHEELER RETURNS John T. (Spokes) Wheeler arrived I in Prineville Monday morni ig, hav ' ing just recently been mustwred out : of the service. Spokes spent several months with the British army and later was with the American army. He was with Douglas Lawson just before sailing and reports that Doug las expects to remain in the army. w. a. a. SIRS. M. R. BIGGS ENTERTAINS Mrs. M. R. Biggs entertained Fri day, May 9, with a bridge party in honor of her guests, Dr. and Mrs. F. M. Brooks of Portland. Mrs. V. A. Forbes of Bend received the highest score, and Mrs. L. M. Hodges re ceived the consolation prize The rooms were beautifully decorated for the occasion. Lunch was served at the close of a delightful afternoon. w, a. a. DR. AND MRS. BROOKS GUESTS Dr. and Mrs. F. M. Brooks of Portland were the honor guests at a bridge party given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. eikins May 10. Mrs. C. W. Elklns and Mrs. W. I. Dishnjan were the hostesses.