fe 9 CROOK COUNTY JOCRSAL MAY I, 101. Crook County Journal BY GCY LAKOLI.KTTE aTatered at th post office at "Maevllle, Oregon, as second-claa VUXSHED EVERY THURSDAY Pile $1.00 per year, payable strictly in advance. In caaa of I of address please notify ui ace, (iTtng both old and new .PAPER REPRESENTED FOR F0RE1GI ADVERTISING BY THE GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO BRANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES THE OREGON VICTORY LOAN Tbe citizen who has felt that the ' attraction of the investment feature f the Victory Loan was such that j akonld be left to the banks to buy i fa bonds, loses sight of the point of afaae contact that directly affects the dividual. Every bond bought by ts banks becanse of the failure of i as citizen to support the loan means that the purchasing power of the memey which Is withheld will de crease accordingly. The bank buy lag means additional inflation of the carrency more credit liability and kigner procea. That is an unavoid able effect of inflation. It will mean that industry, busi ness and commerce must suffer be asroe it will reduce the ability of the sanks to loan. If Business suffers, very citizen feels the effect of that esstdltlon. The citizen who Is willing a allow his money to lie idle and wait for the banks to buy Victory loads is pursuing a shortsighted pol ity. Honey of the individual should ha Invested in order that the indi vidual may collect the interest income atom the Treasury Department. If very person buys a proper share of the- (onds, each will receive his share of the Investment both directly and Indirectly. There also appears to have been an erroneous interpretation plnreil upon the announcement that over subscriptions will not be accepted. Do hot worry about over-subscriptions until the quota of the county, town and hamlet has been over-subscribed. The Treasury Department will look after the matter of over subscriptions. Instances have been reported where people declined to subscribe In the belief that their district was already over-subscribed when it was still short of Its quota. Oregon boys at Chateau Thierry did their duty promptly and turned back the picked troops of the Hun who were advancing towards Paris. They didn't hesitate to see whether someone else was doing the job.- It is up to the people of Oregon to fin ish the job. Substantial over-subscription ' of .the loan Is very desirable. In the sale of bonds ottered by bond houses j it is customary to "over allot" or ronnrm me saie oi mure mums limn there are In existence. This sur prising procedure has been found necessary tor the reason that there are always a certain number of can cellations. People ask for more bonds than they really expect to get, or they change their minds. By the method of over-subscription cancel lations are taken care of In advance and the after effect Is beneficial In causing the bonds to sell above par. There are two very strong reasons why the people of the United States should over-subscribe the Victory Liberty Loan issue: First, the peace treaty has not yet been signed and there Is indisputable evidence that German statesmen believe their op ponents are war-weary and that a show of defiance' may result in their avoiding proper reparation for their aggression. A large over-subscription will have an immense moral ef fect in the capitals of Europe. Sec ond: The influence on business of over-subscription will be to stimulate business and strengthen the markets for all American securities. Confi dence is the foundation stone of pros perity and the beneficial effect of At a meeting of the farmers of the community held In Haines lust Sat urday, the proposition of aecurlng a t 15. 000 grain elevator for this place waa assured, the necessary stock hav ing boon subscribed. Haines Record. It was a soaker of a rain that Ml throughout Harney county yesterday. Ranchers from the Interior report tlie rain at this period could not be more timely. Crass In the vicinity of Crane has taken another mushroom start and stands out like Kansas bluo- stem. Crsne American. In talking about chickens with J Dillings he stated that, he had al ready hatched out 740 chicks so far this spring. In the next six weeks ha expects to set 1,600 more eggs We are wondering where he Is going U market his crop of fryers. Wallo wa Sun. Because of the extremely heavy Knows in the mountains considerable damage was done to the buildings at the Blue Mountain sawmill. Hoofs of tbe bunk house, barn and box shook warehouse partly collapsed un der the weight of wnat was reported at one time to have been nine feet of snow. Weston Leader. The citizens of this city were much Interested In a band of splendid whitefaeed cattle belonging to Jus. Wilson of Waterman, that passed through the county seat last Sunday being driven to Condon for the Port land market. It waa the universal opinion that It was the best bunch of beef cattle that ever went through town. Fossil Journal. MONROE DOCTRINE UPHELD IN COVENANT t - t Treaties of Arbitration or Re gional Understandings NofAffectod. The wonderful growth of Interest in Shorthorn cattle In Union county! and the adjoining counties has re sulted in a decision on the part of the Northwest Shorthorn Breeders' Asso ciation to put on a big sale of regis tered Shorthorn bulls and cows at La Grande on Thursday, May I, 1919. This la the first sale of the kind held In this part of Oregon. Something over fifty registered animals, many of them good enough to win In show rings, are listed for the sale. Week- over-eubscription on busines is bound ly Republican (Union) to be very great. Another big real estate deal was closed this week when Mr. Ed. Gna vaugh sold his magnificent 40 acre bridge on the Echo road to Mr Charles Hamilton from the eastern Part rtf iKa Blu ta TK. haiuMahIIah , .A . ,.. ... I' .. . . . ...Hi. , llv V.. 11(11 .111 1 ClIWU noaier now ieii lor nis rnneviue iB B8ld to n8ve Deen fio.OOO cash, establishment yesterday, steering a The farm i. considered one of the WITH THE EXCHANGES brand new motor truck. Oregonian, April 30. best In this section of the country. It has all the modern Improvements and im all imHa nnlf InnHnn U f - B. E. Dunten purchased one of the ,h ho. s .h- 'w t fine 40 acre homes near Ontario the Reeve, rancn upon wnch ne ,, nR first of this month. We understand k(m imm0Hiti .mi, h. the purchase price was $10,000. Mr.l wi o.cupy . .on the buli(iinRs Dunten will stock it with a first-are completed. This 23 acres Is an class dairy herd. Mr. Currier has other splendid piece of property and leased it of Mr. Dunten and will take Mr, Qnavaugh intends to build a beau charge the first of May. Pioneer , tiful home upon it. Stanfleld Stan-SuQ- dard. kzz Banc Paris. An official summary of th r vised covenant of the league of na I ttons Issued h.r makes specific men-I tlon of tht Monro doctrine with re; spect to its bearing on the futur actl Titles of th league. It says: I "The covenant doea not affect ths validity of International engagements 1 such as treaties of arbitration or ra-1 gional understandings Ilk th Monro 1 doctrine, fur securing th uialnten-J ance of peac." Th league, says the statement, will includ all belligerent and neutral i states-named in a document and an nexed to th covenant, and "In th' futur any self governing country whose admission Is approved by two-' thirds of the states already members I of th league." I Providing It has kept Its obligations,' stat may withdraw from the leaguaj on giving two years' notice, and states which signify their dissent from amendments approved by all th statea on th council and a majority of those In th assembly ar not bound by them, but, in such cas. ceas to be members of th league. Mandatories for the German col onies and th territories of th Otto man empire ar provided. Thes col onies and territories ar to b ad ministered by statea willing to b mandatories of th league, which will exercise general supervision. Th new text contains 21 artlcUa. Th entlr document has been care fully revised from th point of view of drafting and It contains in addition its specific statement of a number of principles heretofore regarded by th commission as implicit as th cove nant Except for th technical Usk of bringing th French and English text Into accord, the covenant is read for th plenary conference. National Mazda Lamp For better light and longer service ' VifV At 32 For sale by Des Chutes Power Co. AT THE CLUB HALL IN PRINEVILLE Tuesday Evening May 6, 1919 MUSIC BY PRINCIPLE OF RACIAL EQUAUTYREJECTED Paris. Th league of nations com mission has rejected the Japanese amendment on racial equality, accord ing to an authoritative statement 'la sued here. Some of the members of .the com mission voted against the specific In clusion of this amendment In the cove nant and, as unanimous approval of th commission was necessary, th amendment failed of adoption. The amendment was admirably pre sented by Baron Maklno. In th course of his speech he emphasized the great deslr of the Japanese gov ernment and of the Japanese people that such a principle be recognized In the covenant His argument was sup ported with great fore by Viscount Chlnda. Various members of the commis sion, however, felt that they could not vote for Its specific Inclusion In th covenant Therefore, th commission was reluctantly unable to glv to th amendment that unanimous approval which Is necessary for its adoption. City Meat Market J. W. HORIGAN, Prop. Choice Home-Made Hams. Bacon and Lard Fresh Fish and Oysters Fruit and Vegetables in Season BOLSHEVIKI OFFER TERMS Bowker's Recognition of Government and Re fuaal f Elections Main Feature. Paris. Bolshevik Russia Is ready, according to reports reaching here, to agree to a suspension of executions and punishments In th cas of Its opponents in return for goods and recognition. It Is also willing, accord ing to the same reports to agree to suspend th campaign to extend bol shevlsm and overthrow th existing order in th countries of th associa ted powers. It will, however, refuse to call dem ocratic elections or consent to th con vocation of a constituent assembly In Russia, and insists on th recognition of th "de facto and d Jure govern ment of Russia" and acceptance of th principle of soviet rule as Its part of any programme of negotiation. OF PORTLAND Tickets $1.00. is Going Armsnlan Masascre Instigator Hanged Constantinople. Kernel Bey, gover nor of Dlarbekr, has been publicly hanged In Bayazld Square in Btamboul In the presence of th military gover nor of Constantinople and other high officials, . Kernel Bey was sentenced to death as on of those responsible for th Armenian deportation and massacres in th Tozghad district Th former' commander of th gendarmerie in Tozghad was sentenced to II years' Imprisenmsnt In th fortress, This sntncs wr confirmed by aa lav aortal lrad. : Mobs Rsmpant In Cairo. ' Cairo, Egypt In two days of riot ing here 38 persons were, killed and 1M wounded, it is announced. Ar menians were chiefly the objeota at tk mob's attacks. SWAT THAT FLY SWAT THE FLY AND THERE WILL BE SEVERAL MILLION LESS THIS SUMMER. WEHAVE A COMPLETE LINE OP FLY SWATTERS, GALVANIZED AND BLACK SCREEN WIRE CLOTH, ..ADJ USTABLE WINDOW SCREENS, AND SCREEN DOORS A SUPERIOR PATENT CATCH WILL KEEP THAT SCREEN DOOR CLOSED. Lakin Hardware "WHERE IT PAYS TO TRADE" texooesseost ft OREGON DAILY JOURNAL DAILY BOc. DAILY AND SUNDAY 05c If yaa don't gel your paper reg ularly, phono Red 481 and we will send one np by special mes senger. i PRINEVILLE DRUG CO. Local Agent When writing advertisers, pleas HillsBros si ' 0y JStlA id WFFEE - ? 1 1 Has No Equal No Rival i No Substitute) IT IS THE BEST J. E. STEWART&CO a. mention The Journal,