Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, April 24, 1919, Page Page 8, Image 8

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Arm i, -j i, nt in.
A. D. Wler. Y. M. C. A. secretary
recently returned from France, whe
display of war relics attracted o
ach attention wherever Bhowii, is
low a' "trophy train" and a "vU'oiy
IKcial" all by himself. Mr. Wtir has
keen engaged by the state t'utory
Loan Committee to visit ho com
munities that the recent ttophy train
couM not rent-It, ami he is no Hliug
schedule that is going to keep him
needing up. during tho routing
One of the most interesting parts of
the exhibit is a tray of genuine Ital
ian cameos brought over by Secre
tary Wier and now being offered at
prices much below the normal cost
f these very fine works of art.
These rnnj;e in sl7e from that of
a penny to beauties almost as larite
a the palm of the hand, and they are
to exquisitely chiseled, and of such
eelorlnF that they are indeed things
of heatny. lVeaose of their associ
ation with the war they should hold
Special Interest. '
It was otily through a friend in bus
iness in Paris that Mr. v;,t was able
to secure these very superior speci
fiers of the hich trmde work of this
aharncter done by Italians, and a
lose Inspection of them convinces
tbat eatli cameo is Indeed a beauty
worthy to gnc e the peck of the lovli
t wife, sweetheart, graduate, r
friend in the State of Oregon "
As g:fts. these cameos bought from
Paris at the of tha signing of
the armist'ee. should prove espec
ially attractive. They rsnge In price
from a very modest figure to the
iciuity of $"P for the largest and;
finest but they are the real thing;
and nmisttally fine at the price. The,
proceeds f-om the sal of these fine'
ameos will go to tbe Victory Loan. !
forvallis Garctte-Times. j
W. 8, S. !
'weapons he had with him. the sacri
fice made by the boys, and the need
for completing tha Job so well begun
as reasons for every person aunsenh
ing his limit. Albany Democrat.
w. s. a.
tWl KOTKS fVj.
"T A T T TC TT iT1
Telegram Rccohed Show Strong;
Sentiment In Favor Of Amend
went In t'twM Swtluns
The amendment to the State Con
stitution for the State to guaranttv
the Interest for five years on bond
issued hy drainage and Irrigation dis
tricts proposed by the Oregon Irri
gation Congress and submitted to the
people by the Legislature, is meeting
with much favor In the const counties.
Bruce Balfour left on Thursday for!
Prineville, driving some horses re
centlv sold from the U. I. ranch. '
W. W. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Mc
Cilough, returned from Rend on
Thursday, where they had been at
tending court.
Mr .and Mrs. Joe Street and grand
son. Cecil Hurt, returned from a ten J
days' visit In Head.
Mr. and Mrs. I). 11. Sluart came out
from Item! on Thursday returning
on Friday. - i
Cecil Swaggart, a newt- discharged
1 The following teletrranis nneiik vol.
times Kasfern Oregon should return 'l''il,r- visiting at the homo -of C
good for good and help these people;"' !'"''rm""- !
I with the Roosevelt Highway. M 3ohn M,,r " m" B"":
i I roc. passed here on their wnv to the,
Portland. Apr. 21. Gap ranch on Thursday. Shenccom-I
Jay II. Fpton, rrlneville. Ore,, j Imi d Kdward Street out from liomi. j
. S. C. Pier, president Roosevelt j Calvin Seammons was a passenger;
I "i "l v "ion mo stage on rriuay, oouuu ior
! Lane Saturday night before one thou
sand enthusiastic Koosevelt Highway
and Staje Guarantee Irrigation meas
ure people at which resolutions were
I unanimously adopted endorsing both
measures. Copy will he sent to you.
i This is greatest boost your measure
! has received to date.
I B. F. Jones
Marshfield. April 15.
Senator J A. Hurley and Eastern
Oregon Delegates, Imperial Hotel.
Coos Bay is strong for Eastern Ore
gon. North Bend and Marshfield
Chambers of Commerce unqualified
Prineville, expecting to bring back a I
Fordson tractor that his father pur-
chased there recently. I
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Werner and
family wert In to Bend on Saturday j
for a short visit and to get dental
work done. j
. I. Silvey left on Saturday for '
fiend, from where he Intended to go
to Wilsonvillo, Ore., expecting to be j
gone all summer. j
w. a. a.
A largo force of men and teams ,
have commenced work In North Port- i
ly endorse the Irrigation Interest! land in iren;.riii the fifteen acre site !
Gurantee measure and will endeavor ! f r tno Tacifie Iternation:il Live-j
A. D. Wier of Corvallis. who spent
r ire than a year in the war area as
I Y. M. C. A. secretary, this morning
told of his experiences and exhibited
a number of trophies which he had
personally gathered and some from
the trophy train recently here.
He explained the use of various Im
plements of war and told of the des
truction wrought by aerial bombs
and big shells, flayed German fright
fulness when he demonstrated the
workings of the flame thrower and
Tarious kinds of gasses and praised
file fighting qualities of the Ameri
can soldier. One Yank in an open
fight was worth a dozen, he
jRid, and told of how American re
sourcefulness triumphed over the
the machinelike German system.
His talk was Interesting through
out and was listened to by hundreds
f people during the morning. He
asade a strong plea for the suport of
tte Victory Loan, pointing to the
coast for this measure June 1. WeB no 354 by 928 feet and will
urge in ruirn vour cooperauon in me, be the largest building of its kind
In the world, containing approximate
ly two acres more of floor space than
the big live stock exposition building
at Chicago, or about seven and one
half acres In all The building, prep
aration of the site and the necessary
roadways and rail collections will in
volve an expenditure of over $300,
000. w. s. s.
THE TAII.o!5F ; UMKNT we of
for are Fautllessly Tailored, euch do
tall la given expert attention.
Only tho fli , , mil' -h U are tin d
which itienna t...,llnn .. . ug quali
ties. Individuality pnaloiu.,. in our
garments-Each is v.t.u'. incudln
to your own Ideas, '1 m i, .tioit of
tiiiitertal and style ,
Our garment nr tu . . d 1 t iir In
dividual UiciiHuieuieu . ,; 1., lau
tee a perfect fit, i, :,,;iU f .wlmt
your tlgui e nmy bo.
You will find our prices i - reason,
able, and our gurmcut.t I, , I 10 dup
licate In quality, stylo and woikumit
1 lllr
Roosevelt Highway bill.
By W. A. Reid, Secy.
w. a. s.
If you have a position of any kind
requiring a man to fill and are un
able to obtain the help you want loc
ally, write to J. C. Fowkes, Liberty
Temple. Portland, Oregon. State the
requirements of the man you wish
and he will be able to supply you free.
This is an employment bureau for
returned soldiers and sailors and,
during the time that it has been In
operation, has been found to be very
succesful. All kinds of tradesmen and
unskilled laborers apply here for Jobs
and through the cooperation of the
people of the state these men are
placed in desirable positions and at
the same time relieve the labor situ
ation of the congestion of laborers In
the city of Portland. Several ranch
ers in this locality have obtained help
from this source and report them
selves well pleased with the results.
An accident which narrowly missed
being a tragedy occured last Satur
day when Harold Baldwin, cashier of
the First National Bank, received a
gun shot wound as a result of the ac
cidental discharge of a revolver.
It was during banking hours and
Mr. Baldwin was waiting upon a cus
tomer at the window, when he reach
ed under the desk for a piece of paper
to figure upon. In pulling the paper
from the shelf, a loaded revolver was
dislodged and fell to the floor with
the barrel up.
The Jar fired the weapon and the
Suits, Coats and Skirts Correctly Tailored
bullet passed through the calf of Mr.
llnldwin's leg, rallied upward, nar
rowly missing Miss Llppmnn, who
was working at an adding ninchlnu
In the middle of the room, and bur
led Itself in the celling.
Dr. Rosenberg was called to at
tend the Injured man. The wound at
the latest report is healing nicely, al
though It will be some time yet bo
fore Mr. Baldwin is able to be back
at work.
w. s. a.
range on McKay creek. Pilot Rock
'AMED for its half million dollar motor
with its inexhaustable power, for speed
and accelaration and its astonishing econ
omy of oil and gasoline.
Full Eliptical Springs the easiest riding of all springs
front and rear with soft, buoyant upholstry makes for
comfort hitherto unknown to any car of similar size.
Electric starter, demountable rims and an extra Miller
Tire, Etc., Etc.
In Prineville Is
Collins W. Elkins
I . ill
aMrs. Frankle Parker, wife of Ora
L." Parker, formerly of this city, died
at her home In Wenatchee, Washing
ton, March 16, 1919. Death came
from a goitre with which she has suf
fered for many years. She Is surviv
ed by a husband and three tons. 8he
is a niece of Mrs. Jess Yancey of this
city and has several other relatives In
the vicinity of Prineville.
w. s. s.
A band of cattlo and young calves
belonging to Frank Cunha of Echo
passed through here Monday In
charge of Bub Smith and Johnny
Michaels, on the way to summer
Marsh Aubrey, aged more than 90
years, b it this country Sunday evuu
iug for RoseherK, where he will outer
the old soldiers' homo.
He hud been a resident of this sec
tion continuously since 1808, having
come to the Count country soon after
tho Mexican war. Incidentally his
trip to Roseherg Involved bis first j
ride on the "steam cars." His life
had been an active one, hut always I
on the frontier, many miles In ad-1
vance of present day civilization. i
Ho la credited with having ridden I
one animal a distance of 14 4 miles In
one day, many years ago, between
his place on the Upper DeachutPS and
a point In the Willamette valley.
Redmond Spokesman.
grader and a K tun wagon which
will lie used. Tilt) wheels of the
wagon have 14 Inch tires, the widest
ever B I'll here.- lli'lid bulletin.
w. a. a.-j
Atlantic City, New Jersey, will be
tha Mecca for a larg gathering of
American man, and representatives of
foreign countries, who will be attract
ed by tha first I'n Amsrlcan Aeron
autics convention, which meats there
In May.
Richard Crane Minister to Slovakia.
Washington. Richard Crane, pri
vate secretary to Secretary Lansing
nd son of Charles R. Crane of Chi
cago, age S3, has been selected to be
come the first American minister U
the new republic of Ciecho-Slovakla,
With the nrrlVBl of machinery,
work on the Moraon project at La
Pine, which Is being undertaken this
year by the La Pine residents, Is'
about to go ahead fast. The contract
for the wwrk has been lot to Ueorge
W. McLaughlin of Spokane, and he
has already brought In a tractor and
Striking Germans Heed Plumer Order.
Cologne. Oeneral Plumer's warning
to the striking German workmen hat
resulted In a return to work on
wholesale scale. Fresh strikes also
have been averted.
Head Lettuce, Greei Onions, Raidishes,
Cabbage, Rhubarb, Beets, Cauli
flower, Carrots, Celery, Turnips,
Sweet Potatoes, Green Peas, Spinach, As
paragus, Cucumbers
w lit1.
Michel Grocery Company