Amu, si, ioio. mOOK OOU5TT JOinXAL Pag t Speeds Foryasd-TRevesse KEROSENE I on I GASOLINE I ILjuJi il l i . ; years ACTUAL ma b -Rock Island Plow CoiZ " vrxiik Special Ruction Transmission 7 speeds forward and 7 reverse is just one of the features made possible by the I Icider Patented Friction Transmission. It means less gears, less expense, smoother power, steadier power and ease of operation. Tho Holder Mode! "C 12-20 li a ulnndnrd fuur-wliutjl, four-cyllmlor tractor, equipped with lioavy duty WHiikli motor, burns Vnrnsona sticcrsnfiiHy. ami Is bucked by 1U j turn o( ttclnul ikitl work, Tt lins Vm proven on tliiWHnnds ef firms lti nil pitrtH of llm country pnlln thrpq H-liicli bottoms, flowing uno acre jir hour, with plenty of power In reserve). 'Will pull your lln:n, Mmlrn, drill, hay tool, waKtmg, road gra'li'ra, corn liarvcKtorB, etc. from tli bolt It will run ymir jrrln sep arator, silo flllar, com shrlkr, h:iy baler, cnsllugo cuttor; will run tlii crmim (op. Bmtor, pump water. ?aw wood, and evrti run t tic wa'-lilriR nmclitno. It a JitAL all-puipone tractor. SEE THE HEIDER HEPX-IT'S ALWAYS ON DISPLAY CM K2M mam era rss arm tasfc. mm COLLINS W. ELKINS I PRINEVILLE, OREGON 1 SHIPP & PERRY DEALERS IN Lumber, Moulding, Shingles Doors, Windows, Paints Oils, Glass, Lime and Cement PRINEVILLE, OREGON ewiwwii:icotiftsft iLi owneys Chocolates Pure, wholesome, and delicious. Centers surprising and delightful with smooth, velvety chocolate coatings Just Right to Eat Try them and taste your rights in Chocolates D. P. ADAMSON & COMPANY 81 MMONS FOR PUBLICATION OF FORE CI.OHI RK OF TAX LIF.N IN THE C1KCUIT COURT OK TUB STATE OK mtttiON FOR CKOOK COUNTY. ! J. A. Cell. Plaintiff, vs. Oregon Wmu Colonisation Company, ft corporation, Charles Altachul, and all other persons or parties un known claiming any right, title, intereet, llm or estate in tba real estate described herein. Defendants. To Omron 4 Western Colonisation Company, i ft corporation. Charlni Altachul, and all other persons or partica unknown, slaiming any right, tit la, interest. Hen or estate in i tha real aetata described herein, tha abore I named defenuanta: ; IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON I Yon and each of you are herby notified that J. A. Geil, of Prineville, Oregon, at tlx and holder of Certificate of Uelinquenry Num bered 947 lulled on tha lit day of November, 1918. by the Tax Collector of tha County of Crook and SUta of Omron, for tha amount of Five and 26-100 Dollars, me same being then dua and delinquent for the taxes for tha yar 1914, together with penalty, interest and costa : thereon, upon the real aetata assessed to Ore gon A Westarn Colonisation Company, ft cor poration, of which Charles Altachul appears of record aa the owner, situate in said County and State, and mors particularly described as foe lows, to-wit: Lota numbered Ten, rleven and Twelve, Block numbered Nina, Fifth Addition to I'rine villa, O'-egon. You are further notified that said J. A. Oefl has paid taxes on aald property and the whole thereof for subsequent years, with in 1 tercet on said amount aa follows: Taxes for the year 1815, paid Dee. IS. 1918, Tax Receipt Number 6788, amount H.HO, rats of Interest 12 per eent. Taxes for the year 1916, paid December IS, 1818, Tax Receipt Number 2179, amount $6.10, rate of Interest 12 per cent. Iaxt-s for the ycur lull, paid December IS, j 1918, Tax Receipt Number 201)9, amount of Tax 16.20, rate of Interest 12 per cent. Taxes for the year 1918, paid February 20, 1919, Tax Receipt Number 78, amount 16.63, rale of interest 12 per cent. ' Haid Oregon A Western Colonisation Com pany, ft corporation, Charles Altschul as the owner of the said described real estate, and , all other parties unknown claiming any right, ' title, interest, lien or estate in the real estate i herein described, are further notified that J. A. i Ocil will apply to the Circuit Court of the : State of Oregon for Crook County for a de cree foreclosing the lien against Uls property above described and mentioned In said Certi ficate. And you are hereby summoned to ap pear In the above entitled Court within sixty duys from the date of the first publication of this summons, exclusive of me date of the first publication, and defend this action or pay the amount due as shown above together with cost and accruing, interest, and in case you fail to do so, a decree will be entered hert'in foreclosing the lien for taxes and coats against the said described real property above named. This summons is served upon you by pub lication thereof in pursuance of an order of the Honorable T. E. J. Duffy. Judge of the Circuit Court of the Stats of Oregon for Crook County, said order being dated the 2th day of February, 1SI19, and the date of the first publication of this summons is the 27th day of Fehruary, 1019. AU process and papers in this proceeding may be served upon the undersigned residing Within the State of Omron. at tn. .Hili hereinafter given. N. O. WALLACE, Attorney for Plaintiff, Residing at Prineville, Oregon. iet9c NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of tha Interior, U. 8. Lnd Of flce, at The Dalles, Oregon, March 19, 1919. Notics is hereby given that j MILDRED 8WARTZ HINEY 1 Widow of Benjamin W. Hlney, Deceased, of Sheridan, Oregon, who, on December 8, 1918, made Homestead Entry No. 016815 for 8WU NE14, SEtf NWK, Ety 8W14, Wtt SE14, See. II NEK NW14. NWfc NEK Sec 18 Town ship 17 South, Rangs 18 East Willamette Mer idian, has Med notics of intention to make Final Three Year Proof to establish claim to ths land above described, before Lake It. Becb tslL U. 8. Commissioner, at Prineville, Oregon, on ths 8rd day of May, 1919. Claimant names as witnesses I Darid R issue, James Johnson, Homer Nor ton, George Knox, all of Post, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 20 tic . Register DR. TURNER, ,v EYE SPECIALIST Visits Prineville each 1st and Srd ! JT) ! 1U? 1U IV U SuAJUMJ U 6 BOTH PACKAGE AND BULK ! ONION SETS ' " SINGLE QUART 121-2 CTS. : ; 10 QUARTS $1.25 I i " Hipress ;j ' Irrigation Boots I ; jl . ARE THE BEST QUA ITY j fl"" rTa I I M IS 101 Vr.1 T v ' ' J Iffl nszzM M:m AV X ! I a w- . I . . I mi j I $6.UU the rair j $5.50 the rair J J. E. STEWART & CO. i TOtl vn rOT II T) 1 j iJT li iJlii V JiHIHC Flow Mills j i II - IUIP)HIJIHJJ- UIjilll .HJIHPMi.PH I W WUIII-riJM- H-lf llllieILl,JilJl'llWl !j I II J "it, - A.tle. tK --V u-- -A sw,v I ; jl Iilifliilif -liiuii iaiii it iiifiiiiiiiniiil j I J Seed Wheat ; j i II I rT ) a IS Alfalfa Clover I "EAT MORE BREAD" I Consult him at Hotel Prineville Frday of each month.