Crook County journal. (Prineville, Or.) 189?-1921, April 24, 1919, Page Page 6, Image 6

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APRIL Stt, 1U1W.
PJt a
v I. th tlma tn ham roue car overhauled and nut In ahapa for the
coming season. Rate Reasonable, service- right. Car stored by
the dny or month... Auto for hire.
We Beg to Announce
Central Oregon Title & Loan Company
Has taken over the Abstract and Insurance
Business of the
Crook County Abstract Company
And will be found at the former location of the
Crook County Abstract Company on
Court (Third) Street
Is Your Money Supporting the
At this critical period in our history our manufacturers are
offering their mil's and our young men are offering their services
to the United States government. Would you like to do your
share and help, by putting your money where it will support the
new Federal Reserve Banking System, which the government
has established to stand back of our commerce, industry and
Ton can do this by opening an account with ns as part of every
dollar so deposited goes directly into the new system, where If
will always be ready for yon when wanted.
Member Federal Reserve System
Principal Events of the Week
Briefly Sketched for Infor
mation of Our Readers.
Charles R. Wtrrsn, actor, writer and
om poser, died in Eugene Friday at
ths sgs of 6 years.
Oregon broccoli is now being stnt i
ths Chicago market, where it Is
fcneetlng with a good demand.
The sixth annual convention of the
Cattle and Horse Raisers' association j
f Oregon will be held at Bend April ;
21 and 23.
A proposal to vote $500,000 bonds i
for road improvement in Linn county ;
at the special election in June is prac
tically assured. I
Many new fields of loganberries,
raspberries and evergreens are being ,
put out by farmers and growers in i
ths vicinity of Brownsville. j
Over $17,000 in gasoline and distil-1
late taxes, under the law passed by ths
1919 legislature, was received by Dep-1
taty Secretary of Stat Sam A. Kozer i
last week. , )
The Daughters of the American Rev
olution have started a campaign for ;
the erection of a monument to the men !
of Coos county who served In the j
world war.
A general meeting of the orchardiBts !
f the Sutherlin valley will be called j
to consider the formation of a state j
Irrigation district, as soon as the state ,
ngineer, Percy A. Cupper, arrives. I
During the past week ths state In
dustrial accident commission received ;
Piports of 499 accidents, of which two
ere fatal, as follows: Alton Gregory, j
iLtnnton, lumbering; Ira Bower, Marsh-:
Weld, shipbuilding.
A large' warehouse owned by E. L. !
Klemer at Alvadore, a station on the ;
west side branch of the Southern Pa- j
icific, 13 miles northwest of Eugene, ;
was destroyed by firs. Ths loss Is ,
estimated at 17000. j
A fall of snow running from six
llnches to two and a half feet fell in
jthe mountains west of Dallas last
jweek, interfering with logging opera
tions and causing a shortage of logs
for the mills in that locality.
A meeting of the mill operators and
employes of ths Cottage Grov seo
itlon, numbering 400, will be held there
(Saturday for the purpose of organising
jthe Loyal Legion of Loggers and Lum
bermen on a peace-time basis.
; Plans and specifications for sewer
improvements in the Porter Hill resi
dence district of North Bend amount
iing to more than $30,000 were ap
proved by the city council. Total
street improvements will exceed $150,
000. Portland can have a fleet of four to
six army airplanes for the Rose Fes
tival in June if a flying field isjro-
vided, according to !EespcTricTlIons
of the military air ' sorvice. Senator
McXary was told fey the chief of the
army air service.
Based an unofficial advices received
at victory loan headquarters. Portland
will he called upon to subscribe be
tween $18,000,000 and $19,000,000 in
lie coming patriotic drive. On the
ame theory, the Oregon quota will be
around $33,000,000.
Ths . railroad administration was
:-alltd on by Representative Slnnott's
iff Ice to consider a request of the
Newport Oregon Commercial club for
he extension of the Taquina branch
jf the Southern Pacific railroad from
Yaquina to Newport.
Leases covering spproximately 4000
cre of oil lands between The Dalles
;nd Dufur were filed in the county
lerk's office st The Dalles. The leases
.re made for a period of 15 years and
rovide that the sinking of wells shall
egin within two years.
Charles Feller, who has started a
uit to kill the crab law applying to
hipments from Coos county, lost $25
:ts a starter in Justice E. H. Joehnk's
';ourt at Marshfield, when the law was
:pheld. The case will be appealed,
Mr. Feller declared, to ths circuit
Mrs. P. J. Parks, the young wife of
he superintendent of a government
sh hatchery at Herman creek, west
f Hood River on the Columbia river
iighway, was killed, her neck being
roken while attempting to replace a
Kit in the food grinding room of the
A flat reduction of 10 cents a ton
i the freight rate on road building
materials Is announced in a telegram
o Stats Highway Engineer Herbert
s'unn from Director Wilson, of the
)ubll roads department of the federal
-ailroad administration. The reduc
Mon is effective May 1 and will extend
o December 31.
Four students of the University of
)regon, all junior men, were expelled
from the university by action of ths
acuity, on a charge of publishing dur
ing spring vacation an anonymous
scarlet sheet," containing alleged li
belous articles and stories of ambigu
ous meaning. They are Douglas Mul
arky of Bend, Lloyd Still of Milton,
ack Dundore of Portland, and Rich
f.rd Avison of Salem.
A statement Issued by the stats
banking department on the basis of
the call of March 4, Bhows total de
posits in all banks and trust compa
nies of Oregon amounting. to $228,911,
632.43. This is an Increase over
March 4, 1918, of $39,320,323.75.
Slewert & Engslrom, of Salem, and
' M. W. Loreni, of Portland, are the
successful bidders on two buildings to
be constructed at the state institution
for the feebleminded. The Salem
firm will build the boys' dormitory at
the contract price of $25,411 and the
Portland firm will construct the com
bined hospital and dormitory at a cost
to the state of $25,372.
Tp1lmlc tuTluenia which rsgvd
throughout the state during the winter
norths caused an unprecedented
boom In the sale of Ufa Insurance,
according to Harvey Walla, state In
surance commissioner, who reports
that the life Insurance tiiisln:) done
In the state during ths first three
months of this year Is double that (
the same three months of 1911.
Outside of Portland, Salem has the
lead ovsr ! cities in the state that
have bank deposits of $1,000,000 or
more. The first five in the list, as
tabulated in the office of Will II. Bon
nett, state superintendent of banks,
are: Portland, It banks. $14.678..
494. M; 8alem. four banks, $7,026,
mil; Astoria, four banks, RS10,
7196; Eugene, three banks, $4,017,
195.69. Twenty four span ef horses and
mules. Including some of the best Im
ported stock In the stste, were burned
to death Vhen the big barn oa the
Malcolm A. Moody ranch at Tygh Val
ley was destroyed by tire. The burn
ing barn, which waa the largest In
the county, and the screams of the
animals, attrscted neighbors from
miles arouud. The loss la estimated
at $25,000.
Authority has bee received in Port
land from the Western Passenger
Traffic committee, at Chicago, to an
nounce round trip rates during 1919
at one and one half times one-way tare
for state and county fairs la Oregon
and WsshliiKton and I cent a mile rate
each way for local and state encamp
ments of the O. A. R. aud United Con
federate Veterans and affiliated or
ganizations. Vive la France, a senior 4 year-old
Jersey ecw owned by Plckard Bros, of
Marion, has broken the world's butter
fat record for Jersey cows of all ages,
and has probably broken the senior
4-year-old record for all breeds,' al
though no official record has yet been
Issued by the American Jersey Cattle
clab. The unofficial record shows
that Vive la France's production of
butterfat will approximate 102S
The port of Astoria commission has
authorised the construction of pier S
at the port dock, with a warehouse
1500 feet long by 160 feet wide, the
estimated cost of the proposed im
provement being approximately $900,
004. The pier will be equipped with
loading cranes for the handling of
import and export traffic, complete
systems of railway tracks and all mod
ern facilities for the loading and dis
charging of vessels.
At a meeting of the Roseburg cham
ber of commerce steps were taken for
issuance of a booklet illustrative of
ths resources of Douglas county. Busi
ness Interests are taking on new life,
and with returning of the men from
the service the situation begins to
assume pre-war activity. Many people
are arriving from eastern points, and
business men are buckling Into the
work of securing locations for home
seekers coming southern Oregon.
J. H. Upton, president of the Oregon
Irrigation congress, called a meeting
of all officers and committees of the
Oregon Irrigation congress to meet in
Portland Tuesday and Wednesday for
the purpose of perfecting plans to car
ry oa a campaign of publicity through
out the state in behalf of the amend
ment to the state constitution, author
izing the state, under well-defined re
strictions, to guarantee for a period of
not over five years the interest on
bonds Issued by drainage and irriga
tion districts.
Until fruit of another crop ripens
soldiers passing through Hood River
will get' no more apples from mem
bers of the canteen committee of ths
Hood River Red Cross chapter; that
Is, when seven boxes of Newtowns,
held in storage, are gone. J. H. Fred
ricy, member of the canteen commit
tee, who has had charge of the dis
tribution of 2500 boxes given out to
service men In the past six months,
is holding the seven boxes as a treat
for a contingent of Oregon men ex
pected this week.
Total returns from all fruits In the
Hood River valley for the season of
191$ will reach $3,000,000, the highest
ever received by growers of the valley.
The Apple Growers' association leads
all local shipping ctncerns, reporting
a gross business in excess of $2,000,
000. Dan Wuille & Co., the bulk of
whose stock of 15C cars was shipped
to England, report returns of $300,000.
The business of the Hood River Fruit
company will reach a similar figure.
I" M
Wfl & 1 il l I
'Chain '
Here's the way
we look at it
Just for a mluutc, look at the tiro ,roiHwltlou from our
statu! !Xint.
We are In the tire business lure, to fttay. Wc can remain
in business only so long as we please our customer..
Consequently, it pays us to handle Ki tires United
States Tires.
They're the tires we sell
They're the tires yon should use.
We have them to meet every need of prlca cr two.
United StatesTires
arc Good Tires
We KNOW United States Tires are GOOD tires. That's why we sell thtm.
The W F. King Company.
C. V. Wilson,
Uiul GuruKo, Inc.. Bend, Or.
embodied la section 442, fcata! Law and ,
Regulation, printed on the reverie of tbi t
form, to-wit :
I 1. That the name and addrvea of the put
' lUher, editor, maoatfinK editor, and buainei
manatfer are:
FubiUher. Editor, Managing Editor, Bub.
' na Maruufer, Ouy La foil rile, Frtnevillc,
j Orefcton.
'i. That the owner are:
1 Guy Lafollt-tte, I'rfneville, Orvin.
I S. That the known bondholder, mrtfa
W, and other security bolder owninie or
i holding 1 per ent or more of ttt amount
of bonds, moitgaifea, or other aecuritU are:
4. That the two pnrajrrapha next above,
eivine the nurmn of the owmnt, stockholder.
' nnd security holdtm, if any. contain not onij
the list of stockholders and erurity holdrrs
; a they appear upon tin (took of the com
1 pany but ultw. in cm1 whre the stockholder
:or security holder appears upon the books of
'the company as trustee or in any other fl
iduciary relation, the name of the pemon or
'corporation for whom such trustee is acting,
is given; also that said two parttirrapha con
tain statements embracing athant's full
knowledfft and belief as to the circumstances
and conditions under which stockholders and
security holders who do not appear upon the
books of the company as trustees, hold stock
and securities in a capacity other than that
of a bona fide owner; and this affiant ha
no reason to believe that any other pt rson,
association, or corporation has any Interest
direct or indirect in the said stock, bonds,
or other securities than as so stated by bizn
Sworn to and Bubscribfl before me
this 14thday of April, 1919.
My commission expires April 2, 121
All owners of chickens are hereby
notified to keep them up. Anyone al
lowing fowls to run at large will be
subject to a lifavy fine.
21tfc U. S. PRICE, Marshal.
"Men are sure
fting wise lo
tobacco quality, ,$
says the tobacconist
"Any kind of plug
used to be good
enough fur most of
them. Nowadays
nearly everybody is
beginning to learn
about the real to
bacco satisfaction
of genuine Gravely
Good taitf!, mallt-r chew,
lonxrr life U whut mk irt
uine (Irnvcly coil lent lo clicw
Ihyn ordinary tobacco.
H hU :
for booklet on ihcmtnf plug.
Peyton Brand
Plug packed in pouch,
hAWl D.H. i
1 n
C i.t-rhter IMamnnd BradVl
I'l.U It) Kel Sad Uoid metalllcV
boiet, sealed with Blue Ribbon. V
Tab d ether. Buy of yonr "
Diamond jihanm Piixs.fctu
yem known ss Best. Stfest Aiwsn Rettsms
OF AUGUST 24, 1912,
Of Crook County Journal published weekly
at Prineville, Oregon for Apr. 1, 1919
Stale of Oreiron, County of Crook, .
Before me, a Notary Public in and for the
State and county aforesaid, pereonully ap
peared Guy I.afollette, who, having been duly
swom according to law, depones and naya
that he is the editor, publisher and owner ol
the Crook County Journal and that the fol
lowing is, to the best of his knowledge and
belief, a true statement of the ownership,
management, etc., of the aforesaid publica
tion for the dal shown In the above caption,
required by the Act of August U, I'M,
I specialize In porcelain, fill
ings and crowns which make
teeth look and fool natural.
I also do fold Inlay, crown and
bridge worn; silver fillings aud
I do no plate work.
My motto: "One think well
The Journal does Modern
Printing on Short Notice
Room 2 Cornett Building
Member of Preparedness League
of American Dentists
R. 8. McOlX'RK
Thoroughly Overhauled
Secondhand Cars
For Sale
40. II. P. TRUCK
Cor. Second and B St. PRINEVILLE, ORB.